What is diffrence between loose API and Strong APIs in Teamcenter SOA programming? - teamcenter

Teamcenter provides 2 OOTB API sets, loose and strong. what is the difference between these two? When should we use loose API and when strong ones?

We actually have 3. Loose, Strong and RAC. RAC is explicitly for rich client customization. So if you are to call an SOA that you have authored in BMIDE in the rich client java code, you would do so by adding the RAC jars as dependency. In addition to that, you could have another application or a client that can talk to Teamcenter but may not be as dependent. Depending on that, you would choose either Loose or Strong jars. Loose and Strong represent the extent to which your custom application depends on Teamcenter.
In Teamcenter, you have different types of objects right - Dataset, Item, ItemRevision etc. With Strong jars, you would have corresponding Java classes Dataset, Item, ItemRevision etc and the attributes that are defined on the BOs in BMIDE are available in the form of getter/setters on the corresponding classes in Java like ItemRevision.get_date_released().
With Loose jars however, you would have a single class called ModelObject and any type of BO instance in code is represented by the class ModelObject and a query for property could be done via a get API like ModelObject.getPropertyObject("date_released");
So as you are seeing, Strong jars introduce tight coupling compared to Loose jars and which one to use depends on your usecase.


Why annotation based libraries are not so popular in Scala?

When I write Java code, I found annotation based libraries are very popular, e.g. hibernate, Jackson, Gson, Spring-MVC. But in Scala, most of the popular libraries are not providing annotations, or provided but recommend non-annotation approaches, e.g. squerly, slick, argonaut, unfiltered, etc.
Sometimes, I found the annotations are easier to read and maintain, but why people are not so interested in them?
One reason is that annotations often have to be used at declaration-site. Hence, you have to "pollute" your domain models with code not relevant to your business logic. Solutions based on macros or type classes on the other hand are usually applied on use-site. This allows higher reusability of your domain models.
E.g., what if you need different serialization logic for different tasks? With annotations you have usually no other choice than implementing an additional representation of your model with modified annotations. With type classes (probably automatically derived through macros), you have to just implement another instance and inject it accordingly to your needs.
Macros and implicits can often be used as a substitute for annotations and have the benefit of being statically checked.

OCM or Nodes in JCR?

We are developing a CMS based on JCR/Sling/JSP/Felix/etc.
What I found so far is using Nodes are very straight forward and flexible. But my concern is over time it could become too hard to maintain and manage.
So, is it wise to invest in using a OCM? Would it be just an extra layer of complexity? What's the real benefit in OCM if there's any? Or it's better for us to stick to Nodes instead?
And lastly, is Jackrabbit OCM the best option for us if we are to go down that path?
Thank you.
In my personal experience I can say it severly depends on your situation if OCM is a useful tool for your project or not.
The real problem in using OCM (in my personal experience) is when the definition of a class used in existing persisted data (as objects) in the repository has changed. For example: you found it necessary to change some members and methods of a class to match with functionality changes. By this I mean that the class definition of the persisted data object in the repository no longer matches the definition of actual class. When a persisted data is saved to the jcr repository it is usually saved in a format that java understands in terms of serialization. Which means that when something changes to the definition of the used class, the saved data in the repository can no longer be correctly interpreted by java. This issue tends to lead to complex deployment where you need to convert old persisted data objects to the new definition and save them again in the repository to make sure you can still use "old" but still required persisted data.
What does work (in my opinion) is using a framework that allows to map nodes and node properties to java objects directly (for example by using annotations) and the other way around (persist a java object to the repository as a JCR node where the java member fields are actual node properties). This way you stick to the data representation of jcr (nodes with properties) and can still map them to the members of a java class.
I've used a framework like this in a cms called AEM (of Adobe) before, although I must mention this is in a OSGI context (but the prinicipe still stands). The used framework basically allowed maximum flexibility and persists the java object as a JCR node and the other way around. Because it mapped directly to the jcr definition, code changes in the class and members ment just changing annotations, and old persisted data was still usuable without much effort.

Use cases of Scala collection forwarders and proxies

Scala's collection library contains the forwarders IterableForwarder, TraversableForwarder, SeqForwarder and proxies like IterableProxy, MapProxy, SeqProxy, SetProxy, TraversableProxy, etc. Forwarders and proxies both delegate collection methods to an underlying collection object. The main difference between these two are that forwarders don't forward calls that would create new collection objects of the same kind.
In which cases would I prefer one of these types over the other? Why and when are forwarders useful? And if they are useful why are there no MapForwarder and SetForwarder?
I assume proxies are most often used if one wants to build a wrapper for a collection with additional methods or to pimp the standard collections.
I think this answer provides some context about Proxy in general (and your assumption about wrapper and pimping would be correct).
As far as I can tell the subtypes of Proxy are more targeted to end users. When using Proxy the proxy object and the self object will be equal for all intent and purposes. I think that's actually the main difference. Don't use Proxy if that assumption does not hold.
The Forwarder traits only seems to be used to support ListBuffer and may be more appropriate if one needs to roll out their own collection class built on top of the CanBuildFrom infrastructure. So I would say it's more targeted to library writers where the library is based on the 2.8 collection design.

Can an API in SOAP/WSDL be kept backwards compatible easily?

When using an IPC library, it is important that it provides the possibility that both client and server can communicate even when their version of the API differs. As I'm considering using SOAP for our client/server application, I wonder whether a SOAP/WSDL solution can deal with API changes well.
For example:
Adding parameters to existing functions
Adding variables to existing structs that are used in existing functions
Removing functions
Removing parameters from existing functions
Removing variables from existing structs that are used in existing functions
Changing the type of a parameter used in an existing function
Changing the order of parameters in an existing function
Changing the order of composite parts in an existing struct
Renaming existing functions
Renaming parameters
Note: by "struct" I mean a composite type
As far as I know there is not such stuff as per the SOAP/WSDL standard. But tools exists to cope with such issues. For instance, in Glassfish you can specify XSL stylesheet to transform the request/response of a web service. Other solution such as Oracle SOA suite offer much more elaborated tools to manage versioning of web service and integration of component together. Message can be routed automatically to different version of a web service and/or transformed. You will need to check what your target infrastructure offers.
XML and XSD is more flexible regarding evolution of the schema than types and serialization in object-oriented languages. Some stuff can be made backward compatible by simply declaring them as optional, e.g.
Adding parameters to existing functions - if a parameter is optional, you get a null value if the client doesn't send it
Adding variables to existing structure that are used in existing functions - if the value is optional, you get null if the client doesn't provide it
Removing functions - no magic here
Removing parameters from existing functions - parameters sent by the client will be superfluous according to the new definition and will be omitted
Removing variables from existing structure that are used in existing functions - I don't know in this case
Changing the type of a parameter used in an existing function - that depends on the change. For a simple type the serialization/deserialization may still work, e.g. String to int.
Note that I'm not 100% sure of the list. But a few tests can show you what works and what doesn't. The point is that XML is sent over the wire, so it gives some flexibility.
It doesn't. You'll have to manage that manually somehow. Typically by creating a new interface as you introduce major/breaking changes.
More generally speaking, this is an architectural problem, rather than a technical one. Once an interface is published, you really need to think about how to handle changes.

Sending persisted JDO instances over GWT-RPC

I've just started learning Google Web Toolkit and finished writing the Stock Watcher tutorial app.
Is my thinking correct that if one wants to persist a business object (like a Stock) using JDO and send it back and forth to/from the client over RPC then one has to create two separate classes for that object: One with the JDO annotations for persisting it on the server and another which is serialisable and used over RPC?
I notice the Stock Watcher has separate classes and I can theorise why:
Otherwise the gwt compiler would try
to generate javascript for everything
the persisted class referenced like
JDO and com.google.blah.users.User, etc
Also there may be logic on the server-side
class which doesn't apply to the client
and vice-versa.
I just want to make sure I'm understanding this correctly. I don't want to have to create two versions of all my business object classes which I want to use over RPC if I don't have to.
The short answer is: you don't need to create duplicate classes.
I recommend that you take a look from the following google groups discussion on the gwt-contributors list:
Here is an interesting excerpt:
If this is all you're interested in, I
described a way to make GAE and
GWT-RPC work together "out of the
box". Just declare your entities as:
#PersistenceCapable(identityType =
IdentityType.APPLICATION, detachable
= "false") public class MyPojo implements Serializable { }
and everything will work, but you'll
have to manually deal with
re-attachment when sending objects
from the client back to the server.
You can use this option, and you will not need a mirror (DTO) class.
You can also try gilead (former hibernate4gwt), which takes care of some details within the problems of serializing enhanced objects.
Your assessment is correct. JDO replaces instances of Collections with their own implementations, in order to sniff when the object graph changes, I suppose. These implementations are not known by the GWT compiler, so it will not be able to serialize them. This happens often for classes that are composed of otherwise GWT compliant types, but with JDO annotations, especially if some of the object properties are Collections.
For a detailed explanation and a workaround, check out this pretty influential essay on the topic: http://timepedia.blogspot.com/2009/04/google-appengine-and-gwt-now-marriage.html
I finally found a solution. Don't change your object at all, but for the listing do it this way:
List<YourCustomObject> secureList=(List<YourCustomObject>)pm.newQuery(query).execute();
return new ArrayList<YourCustomObject>(secureList);
The actual problem is not in Serializing the Object... the problem is to Serialize the Collection class which is implemented by Google and is not allowed to Serialize out.
You do not have to create two versions of the domain model.
Here are two tips:
Use a String encoded key, not the Appengine Key class.
pojo = pm.detachCopy(pojo)
...will remove all the JDO enhancements.
You don't have to create separate instances at all, in fact you're better off not doing it. Your JDO objects should be plain POJOs anyway, and should never contain business logic. That's for your business layer, not your persistent objects themselves.
All you need to do is include the source for the annotations you are using and GWT should compile your class just fine. Also, you want to avoid using libraries that GWT can't compile (like things that use reflection, etc.), but in all the projects I've done this has never been a problem.
I think that a better format to send objects through GWT is through JSON. In this case from the server a JSON string would be sent which would then have to be parsed in the client. The advantage is that the final Javascript which is rendered in the browser has a smaller size. thus causing the page to load faster.
Secondly to send objects through GWT, the objects should be serializable. This may not be the case for all objects
Thirdly GWT has inbuilt functions to handle JSON... so no issues on the client end