Output list of files to log - powershell

I'm writing a script where I'm trying to output the results from a Get-ChildItem command to a log file. The script below is simplified to show the issue I'm having. For example, the WriteLog function is used several times in the actual Script. The file listing is not the only thing to be added to the log file.
The snippet below writes a long run-on line of all full filenames to the log.
$FilePath = "G:\Folder"
$LogPathName = "G:\Folder\TestLog.log"
Function WriteLog {
Param ([string]$LogString)
$Stamp = Get-Date
$LogMessage = "$Stamp - $LogString"
Add-Content $LogPathName -value $LogMessage
$FileList = Get-ChildItem –Path $FilePath -include ('*.csv', '*.xlsx')
writelog $FileList
I want each filename to begin on a new line--like a list. How can I do this?

Leaving your function WriteLog as is, the workaround is to iterate over each element of the array returned by Get-ChildItem so that the function appends to the file line-by-line:
foreach($item in $FileList) {
WriteLog $item
However a more elegant way of approaching this would be to leverage ValueFromPipeline, then you could simply pipe Get-ChildItem into your function and let the process block handle each element. You can also add a -PassThru switch to it in case you also want the same object be returned as output for later manipulation. And lastly, it may be worth adding a new -Path parameter to make it reusable.
function Write-Log {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory)]
[object] $InputObject,
[string] $Path,
[switch] $PassThru
begin { $sb = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() }
process {
$sb = $sb.AppendLine("$(Get-Date) - $InputObject")
if($PassThru.IsPresent) { $InputObject }
end { Add-Content $Path -Value $sb.ToString() -NoNewline }
$FileList = Get-ChildItem -Path .\* -Include '*.csv', '*.xlsx' |
Write-Log -Path "G:\Folder\TestLog.log" -PassThru


Why recurse is not working in if statement?

I'm trying to write script which will copy content of files with .txt extension to one. Script is working but -recurse is not. (It dosn't copy files which are in sub folders) and I don't know why is that. This is how my script looks like:
function UnifyConfigs {
param (
$destination = "C:\temp\all.txt",
foreach ($config in $files) {
If((Get-ChildItem $config -Recurse).LastWriteTime -gt (Get-Item $destination).LastWriteTime)
Clear-Content -path $destination
Set-Content -path $destination -value (Get-Content $config)
else {
And yes: I have tried it with -force :-)
First up, you need to move the Get-ChildItem -Recurse call to where you resolve the input string to actual files in the filesystem:
foreach ($config in Get-ChildItem $files -Recurse) {
if($config.LastWriteTime -gt (Get-Item $destination).LastWriteTime)
Clear-Content -path $destination
Set-Content -path $destination -value (Get-Content $config)
else {
If you just want to test that any of the input files are newer than the destination file and then overwrite the contents of the destination with all of the other txt files, that actually becomes a tad simpler - we can discard the outer loop completely:
# Discover all the files
$configFiles = Get-ChildItem $files -Recurse
# use `-gt` and the destination timestamp to "filter" all the config file timestamps
# if _any_ of them are newer that $destination, then the condition is true
if(#($configFiles.LastWriteTime) -gt (Get-Item $destination).LastWriteTime){
# pipe every file to Get-Content, and then overwrite $destination with the whole thing
$configFiles |Get-Content |Set-Content -Path $destination -Force
I'd also recommend refactoring the parameter names to better reflect what the expected input is ("C:\path\to*files" is a string representing a "path", it is not "files"):
function Update-UnifiedConfig {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string]$DestinationPath = "C:\temp\all.txt",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$destinationLastModified = (Get-Item -LiteralPath $DestinationPath).LastWriteTime
$configFiles = Get-ChildItem $files -Recurse
if(#($configFiles.LastWriteTime) -gt $destinationLastModified){
$configFiles |Get-Content |Set-Content -LiteralPath $DestinationPath -Force
The reason I'm using -LiteralPath in most places above is because $DestinationPath is just that, -Path on the other hand will treat wildcards as expandable which is only appropriate for the $Path parameter value in this function

Powershell - Trouble passing Validateset parameters into ForEach-Object, getting prompt

So I'm new to PowerShell, and I'm trying to get this function to work.
I have 2 ValidateSet arrays with 3 parameters. These parameters are supposed to change the file path and copy them over from one server to another. For some reason, I keep getting the command prompt for the parameters instead of them passing through. I'm guessing it's an issue with the ForEach-Object, but I'm at a loss. It IS, however, working for the $ArchivePath. I'm new, so please be gentle... TIA
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet("One", "Two", "Three")]
,[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet("Devl", "Test", "Prod")]
,[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string]$FilenameFilter = '.csv'
,[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
function ExitWithCode { param($exitcode) $host.SetShouldExit($exitcode); exit $exitcode }
$exitcode = 0
try {
# Get a list of files on the host server.
$files = Get-ChildItem -File -Path "\\ServerName\d\Extract\$Phase\FileTransfer\$Channel\Outbound"
# Destination directory.
$LocalPath = "\\ServerName\d\Extract\$Phase\FileTransfer\$Channel\Outbound" #for testing
# Set up folder name for Archive server. Formated as YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS YYYYMMDD --> Var_Date, 'T' --> Var_Constant & HHMMSS --> Var_Time
$Var_Date = get-date -UFormat "%Y-%m-%d"
$Var_Constant = 'T'
$Var_Time = get-date -UFormat "%H-%M-%S"
$Var_Fulldate = $Var_Date + $Var_Constant + $Var_Time
$ArchivePath = $env:USERPROFILE + "\Desktop\$Channel\$Var_Fulldate" #For testing
New-Item -Type Directory -Path $ArchivePath
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $ArchivePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { $ArchivePath = $Env:TEMP }
#Look for files in Outbound directory and remove
Get-ChildItem -File -Path $LocalPath | ForEach-Object { Copy-Item $_.FullName } #Using copy instead of remove for test
$FileCount = 0
Write-Output Try2 #for testing
pause #for testing
foreach ($file in $files) {
if ((-not $file.IsDirectory) -and ($File.FullName -match $FilenameFilter)) {
$localfilename = $LocalPath + $file.Name
if (Test-Path $localfilename) { Copy-Item $localfilename }
try {
Copy-Item -Path $(Join-Path -Path $LocalPath -ChildPath $file.Name) -Destination $ArchivePath
#Remove files from outbound since they've been archived
#Remove-Item -Path $file.FullName
"Retrieved file $file"
catch {
Write-Output Try13 #for testing
$exitcode = 13
"failed to retrieve $file"
finally {
catch {
Write-Output Try3
$exitcode = 14
finally {
Write-Output Try4
if ($CreateTrigger -and ($exitcode -eq 0) -and ($FileCount -gt 0)) {
New-Item -Path "$LocalPath\Trigger_File.trg" -ItemType File | Out-Null
#ExitWithCode $exitcode # take out for testing
The output:
PS C:\Users\me> \\Server\blah\USERS\me\My Documents\Folder\Get-FileName_t4.ps1
cmdlet Get-FileName_t4.ps1 at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
Channel[0]: Three
Phase[0]: Devl
Directory: C:\Users\me\Desktop\Three
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d----- 11/22/2019 12:17 PM 2019-11-22T12-17-23
Press Enter to continue...:
Retrieved file File1_20191122080912.csv
Retrieved file File2_20191122080922.csv
Retrieved file File3_20191122080925.csv
Retrieved file File4_20191122080932.csv
Retrieved file File5_20191122080933.csv
Retrieved file File6_20191122080933.csv
You are getting prompted because you're not passing in those parameters but Mandatory=$true is set on the arguments you are getting prompted for. Since your session is interactive, it asks you to input the correct values. If you don't want to get prompted, provide the mandatory arguments:
"\\Server\blah\USERS\me\My Documents\Folder\Get-FileName_t4.ps1" -Channel Three -Phase Dev1
A couple of other things I noticed:
You don't need to provide Mandatory=$false, as Mandatory is $false by default
Setting an alias of Phase for the -Phase argument is also redundant

Execute app install if test-path equals false

I'm working on a script to test if a file exists in a target directory, and if false, execute an application installation.
The goal is to test if the file exists and if it does, abort with a log as to why. If the file does not exist, then the application installer should be executed.
I first tried creating a dummy file using New-Item to create both the directory and the dummy file.
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "C:\temp"
New-Item -Path "C:\temp\vistaupdated.txt" -ItemType "file" -Value "Updated"
# Test if computer is updated
$file = Get-Content "C:\temp\vistaupdated.txt"
$containsWord = $file | %{$_ -match "Updated"}
if ($containsWord -contains $false) { ###start running the install stuff
However, this errors out if the file does not exist with an Object-NotFound. I then decided to switch tactics and use Test-Path:
$file = Test-Path -Path "C:\temp\vistaupdated.txt"
if ($file -eq $false) { ###start running the install stuff
In this case, I believe $file would evaluate to False and as a result execute the installation. On execution all I get is a return of the script's path:
PS C:\users\me\desktop> $filetest = Test-Path -Path "C:\temp\vistaupdated.txt"
PS C:\users\me\desktop> $filetest
PS C:\users\me\desktop> C:\Users\me\Desktop\vistaupdate.ps1
The above reference to the PS1 file doesn't execute. It's only what's returned if I run the script through ISE as administrator. If I do the same with the console, then the output is blank without any action taken.
# Test if computer is updated
$file = Test-Path -Path "C:\temp\vistaupdated.txt"
if ($file -eq $False) {
#package repository
$VistaInsPath = "\\apps\shared\me\vista\6.16.0"
#package installation command
$VistaInsEXE = "VistaClient."
#package installation parameters
$VistaInsParam = "/s /v/qn"
$logFile = "\\apps\shared\me\vista\6.16.0\log\vista_install.log"
#timestamp for logging
function Get-TimeStamp {
return "[{0:MM/dd/yy} {0:HH:mm:ss}]" -f (Get-Date)
#main function
function Vista-Install {
$errFlag = $false
try {
$cmdLine = "$VistaInsPath$VistaInsEXE"
Start-Process -FilePath $cmdLine -ArgumentList $VistaInsParam -Wait
} catch {
$(Get-TimeStamp) + "[" + $env:COMPUTERNAME +"]" + "[" + $env:USERNAME +"]" + "Error has occurred: " + $_.Exception.Message | Out-File $logFile -Append
$errFlag = $true
#if no error, notify success
if (-not $errFlag) {
$(Get-TimeStamp) + "[" + $env:COMPUTERNAME +"]" + "[" + $env:USERNAME +"]" + "Completed Successfully" | Out-File $logFile -Append
# Place dummy file to tag computer as updated
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "C:\temp"
New-Item -Path "C:\temp\vistaupdated.txt" -ItemType "file" -Value "Updated"
} else {
$(Get-TimeStamp) + "[" + $env:COMPUTERNAME +"]" + "[" + $env:USERNAME +"]" + "Computer Already Updated. Aborting" | Out-File $logFile -Append
If Test-Path is False, then the installer should kick off in the first if statement. Instead the script spits back the path of the script itself and exits.
As #lit already pointed out in the comments to your question, you never invoke the function Vista-Install, so it's rather unsurprising that your code doesn't actually do anything. And you shouldn't define functions (or your $Vista* and $LogFile variables) in a nested scope anyway. The code in the else branch won't be able to find Get-TimeStamp or $LogFile with what you currently have.
Allow me to suggest some improvements:
Your logging code has a lot of redundant information. Instead of defining a function just for generating the timestamp, make a function that takes the log message as a parameter and otherwise completely encapsulates the logging.
$cmdLine = "$VistaInsPath$VistaInsEXE" will combine directory path and filename without a path separator, resulting in an incorrect path. Either put a backslash between the variables:
$cmdLine = "$VistaInsPath\$VistaInsEXE
or (better) use the Join-Path cmdlet, as #Theo suggested:
$cmdLine = Join-Path $VistaInsPath $VistaInsEXE
Put Test-Path directly in the if condition. There's no need to assign the result to a variable first.
The variable $errFlag is pointless. Just put the log statement after Start-Process. If an exception is thrown the code will go to the catch block without reaching that statement.
I assume you want the file vistaupdated.txt created only if the installation didn't throw an error, so that code should go in the try block too.
New-Item outputs an object for the item. You may want to suppress that.
The function Vista-Install doesn't make much sense either, as it would only install one specific program. Since it has very little code to begin with I would just drop it and put the code directly in the "then" branch. But if you wanted it to be a function you should name and parametrize it properly: pass program and arguments as parameters (preferably named after the parameters of Start-Process, so you can simply splat the $PSBoundParameters variable) and use a name conforming to the naming conventions:
function Install-Program {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=1)]
[string]$ArgumentList = #()
try {
Start-Process #PSBoundParameters
} catch {
Install-Program -FilePath (Join-Path $VistaInsPath $VistaInsEXE) -ArgumentList $VistaInsParam
Simplified code:
$VistaInsPath = '\\apps\shared\me\vista\6.16.0'
$VistaInsEXE = 'VistaClient.'
$VistaInsParam = '/s', '/v', '/qn'
$logFile = '\\apps\shared\me\vista\6.16.0\log\vista_install.log'
function Write-Log {
[string]$Message = ''
"[{0:MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss}]`t[{1}\{2}]`t{3}" -f (Get-Date), $env:COMPUTERNAME, $env:USERNAME, $Message |
Out-File $script:LogFile -Append
if (-not (Test-Path -Path 'C:\temp\vistaupdated.txt')) {
$cmdLine = Join-Path $VistaInsPath $VistaInsEXE
try {
Start-Process -FilePath $cmdLine -ArgumentList $VistaInsParam -Wait
New-Item -Path 'C:\temp' -Type Directory -Force | Out-Null
New-Item -Path 'C:\temp\vistaupdated.txt' -Type File -Value 'Updated' | Out-Null
Write-Log 'Completed successfully.'
} catch {
Write-Log ('Error has occurred: {0}' -f $_.Exception.Message)
} else {
Write-Log 'Computer already updated. Aborting.'
Arguments could be made for flipping "then" and "else" branch to avoid a negated condition:
if (Test-Path -Path 'C:\temp\vistaupdated.txt') {
Write-Log 'Computer already updated. Aborting.'
} else {
$cmdLine = ...
or exiting from the script directly if the file exists in order to avoid an else branch entirely:
if (Test-Path -Path 'C:\temp\vistaupdated.txt') {
Write-Log 'Computer already updated. Aborting.'
$cmdLine = ...

Replace command in powershell is deleting the whole content

I am new to powershell. I create a powershell script which need to search a string in the path provided in parameters and replace that string. But actually it is replacing entire file content with new string.
I am using Powershell in Windows 10 OS.
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Path", Position=0,HelpMessage='Data folder Path')]
[string] $Path,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='Input the string to be replaced')]
[string] $Input,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Input the new string that need to be replaced')]
[string] $Replace
$a = Test-Path $Path
IF ($a -eq $True) {Write-Host "Path Exists"} ELSE {Write-Host "Path Doesnot exits"}
$configFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -include *.pro, *.rux -recurse
$Append = join-path -path $path \*
$b = test-path $Append -include *.pro, *.rux
If($b -eq $True) {
foreach ($file in $configFiles)
(Get-Content $file.PSPath) |
Foreach-Object { $_ -replace [regex]::Escape($Input), $Replace } |
Set-Content $file.PSPath
$wshell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell
$wshell.Popup("Operation Completed",0,"Done",0x0)
As best I can read this without directly reproducing it, this is where it goes wrong:
(get-content $file.pspath) gets the entire content of the file, not its name.
Your "foreach" then regexes every line in the file, and finally "set-content" replaces the contents of the file, not its path.
If you want to change the name of a file, you are looking for Rename-Item, not Set-Content. If you want the name of a file $file.Name will do, you don't need Get-Content, which will ... get its content :)
This should be a working solution.
HelpMessage='Data folder Path')]
HelpMessage='Input the string to be replaced')]
HelpMessage='Input the new string that need to be replaced')]
If (!(Test-Path $Path)) {
Write-Host 'Path does not exist'
Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Include *.pro,*.rux -Recurse |
? { $_.Name -like "*$StringToReplace*" } |
% { Rename-Item $_ $($ReplacementString+$_.Extension) }
(New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell).Popup("Operation Completed",0,"Done",0x0)

Adding a recurse + silentlycontinue to trashbin delete

I've encountered a problem with my script, whenever I do a trashbin deletion and the map location has a folder within a folder that has an file that has to be deleted, it will not work.
The problem is that I need to add a recurse and -erroraction silently continue. But I dont know how I can do that since the methods for moving files to trash bin are quite hard in my opinion.
Could you guys help me out?
My code:
## Top of the script
[ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})]
## Variables
$maxAge = (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-$minutes)
$files = Get-ChildItem $maplocation -Recurse
$time = get-date
$fortrashbin = $maplocation + '\' + $file
foreach ($file in $files)
if ($file.lastwritetime -lt $maxage)
switch ($consequence)
write-verbose "File Found $file" -verbose
remove-item $file.fullname -recurse -erroraction silentlycontinue
write-verbose "Deleting $file" -verbose
"trashbin" {
write-verbose "File Found $file" -verbose
write-verbose "moving $file to trashbin" -verbose
Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.VisualBasic
I think you don't have to iterate over each file if you delete a folder. Instead, you can use the DeleteDirectory method:
if (Test-Path -Path $maplocation -PathType Container)
# delete directory
# delete folder
Please also consider to replace your $consequence parameter with a [switch] like:
[ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})]
Now you can invoke your script without any parameters to delete the location to trashbin or with the -Direct switch to permanently remove it.