Separate the telegram bot program data for other users - server

I've created a telegram bot, with that users can create and edit some documents and files. When I tried to test it by sending messages from different accounts, I realized that it was just editing the same file. For example, when user_1 creates a file and then user_2 does the same, the file is simply replaced. This problem is solvable by getting user_id and creating different folders on a server for different users.
But I can't find solution for the second problem. The problem with objects, variables and other things inside the program. This stuff is also common for all.
I have already thought about creating multiple copies of the bot, and, for example, when bot_1 works with user_1 and user_2 sends a message to the bot, bot_2 will be created to process its requests. However, this solution looks like a crutch to me.
Is there any elegant way to solve my problem? How it is being solved in other bots?


Does the IMAP protocol have a 2 step deletion process for folders in the same way it does for email messages? (2nd step being purge/expunge)

I'm trying to troubleshoot some very strange issue with different email clients and IMAP scripts giving me different folders. Folders that have been "deleted" from the account are still visible in Outlook + Thunderbird, but gone from other clients/scripts. This includes when I set up an entirely new profile in Outlook/Thunderbird.
In order to progress at all, I need to get an answer to the fundamental question:
IMAP has 2 steps to delete email messages (not folders):
Delete the message
Purge/expunge it
I want to know: does the IMAP protocol (or certain implementations) also have anything similar for IMAP folders?
I've scoured the web, but can't find anything about this for folders. But I can't understand the inconsistencies I'm seeing with my scripting (in multiple languages) and various email clients.
Note that the folders in question here are not any of the special folders that exist for all users by default (or that MUA clients auto-create). These are just user-created folders with various non-special names.

Automatically make changes to a github file

I’ve Made an app whith a whitelist, the withelist is on a github repo ( with just one file that is the withelist ), Each time that a user that downloads my app want to be allowed to use the app has to send me a message for be inserted in the white list. Right now this process is really slow and I want to speed it up but I’m trying to figure out how. I’m sesrching a way for
Let the users send me a message
Read the message ( with a bot or something that automate this process )
Make the bot add the user to the whitelist
I’m having some troubles to find a ‘free’ way for do it. The first ideas that came in my mind were to do it with a discord server or a Telegram group, but i didn’t find something for make the bot able to commit changes to a github file. Another problem would be that this messages are readable by all the users becouse are sent in a discord/telegram group and I want to keep them private. There is some simpler ways for do something like this?

Attempting to Create a User Login for Clojure / Korma / PostgreSQL site

I am completely stuck on where to start with getting a log-in area for a Clojure site I am building (for fun).
I've looked at several resources, which I'll post below, mercilessly copy/pasted code, and the closest I can get is one of two situations:
The login page takes the login but says that the login failed, though, as far as I can tell, the login matches.
Or I get this error: No method in multimethod '->sql' for dispatch value: null
I'm not sure how to interpret the above error: is this specifying that I need a multi-method or is it specifying that I need to check for null? The null requirement makes no sense at all. I'm not really asking but if anyone wants to give an explanation, that is great.
I tested the output by comparing the results-to-select queries from raw non-hashed data, I've went through 5 variations on this theme, using everything from page-to-page calls to creating new defpartials, multi-methods, defn, etc.
Sources I have used (unfortunately, I can't list all of them being a first-time poster):
This one uses Clojure -> Korma -> PostgreSQL, but the code doesn't seem to work for multiple users?
This one shows how to use Noir and PostgreSQL (Yes, I am using Noir):
The 4Clojure site, but that one uses CongoMongo:
The Heroku Twitter clone, but no mention of how to create logins for one person, much less several.
I also bought Programming Clojure from O'Reilly Press, but once again, nothing about how to create a log-in area.
FIRST EDIT: I was asked to create a github repository of a stand-alone site. This includes a working "Account Creation" area that is found in the welcome.clj file and only a form of the Login area in login.clj.
I was attempting to get some of the same errors working as I had last night and also attempting to get this working before I uploaded the files. I don't have any reasonable starting points yet, thus there is no beginning implementation as of yet. I'm seriously embarrassed at the solutions I've been coming up with, thus I don't want to post them. I get conceptually what I should do, but for some reason, I can't seem to translate this. This is my first github account: my background is Python, Scheme a'la SICP, and some Python + PostgreSQL marketing program I built.
SECOND EDIT: Ack! I can't seem to get the thing to work at all... Yeah, I spent well over 20 minutes (hours) on this one, so I have just have to admit that I don't yet have the requisite knowledge to accomplish this, no matter how many sources I look to. I committed the updated files and all the odd things I tried, including all the variations on login box to running raw SQL. The closest I can come is getting it so that I don't get any errors, but no evidence at all that someone is logged in. Thanks so much for the help and suggestions. I'll most certainly return to this later.
There are a couple of issues that I see. First, in datapass.clj, you're creating an entity with no content. I'm not sure how Korma handles that. It's trying to thread results as inputs to other functions, so I could see how nil gets introduced there.
Secondly, you'll need something to handle the login post. (defpage ...) only handles GET requests by default. You'll need a separate defpage to handle the post. Something along these lines:
(defpage [:post "/login"] {:keys [user-name pwd]}
(if-let [user (db/find-user user)]
(if (noir.util.crypt/compare pwd (:password user))
(noir.session/put! :some-key some-value)
(noir.response/redirect "/success"))
noir.response/redirect "/failed-to-login"))
(noir.response/redirect "/failed-to-login"))
session/put! is how you put data into the session. The default is to use an in-memory store. You'll need to add Ring middleware to use persistent sessions (look at Session Stores).
Also, as luck would have, someone just posted an authentication app for Noir... you may want to take a look:

Email to rss on server

for my group at the university I'd like to set up a server-sided email-to-rss service.
It should work like that, that different people can send emails to a certain address (nothing proprietary like gmail but a certain imap or pop server) which will the be translated into an rss feed. One main and important feature has to be that one can see the sender of the email in the feed. Furthermore it would be nice (to take the load off the server) if the emails get translated to a feed only once a day or so.
Does anyone has some input on this subject? Are there any scripts/services which will allow that?
Thanks a bunch.
Instead of "reinventing the wheel", you could use a mailing list that supports RSS. Your people can then write the mails to the mailing list and you can then use the mailing list's RSS feed however you intend to.
This should help you find a solution:
Pick a programming language you're familiar with, then use either an imap library to fetch the E-mails (through cron, every hour or something like that), or if you have access to procmail on your mail server, launch your script as an email arrives (this shouldn't be too much work to handle for a server, unless you're talking a vast amount of E-mail).
The script would just insert the E-mails into a database, before extracting them and outputting the RSS-feed directly from that (this shouldn't be more than a handful of lines of code).
There's a couple of providers that does this for you, although it seems that the most popular ones have disappeared. Advanced Email2RSS seems to be an option, although I have no idea how good they are or if it'll even solve your issue.

Bulk message sending with publish/subscribe model

We are trying to implement a notification module. It allows website internal users to send message to each other. A key feature is that it allows business users to send bulk messages to the users. We are talking about millions of users here.
Currently it is planned to be a publish/subscribe model. Once login, system shall retrieve the relevant messages for the user from a database table. The logic gets more and more complicated when each users are allow to delete and reply to the message he/she received.
Pubsubhub seems to be more server to server. XMPP seems to be too complicated for this scenario.
Anything I miss out? Can I make it simpler? Any existing library to build on? I'm open to any suggestions.
It sounds like a database is actually all you need here. You didn't mention any need for real-time notification. If this is a web application and the user is logging in, a simple relationship between users and messages may be all you need to provide the ability to send any message to one (or millions) of users. Your relationship table can include flags for read and deleted.
One option would be to use something like Joomla.
Its open source, and they've solved all the problems you are trying to solve. Alternatively if you have to build it, what language are we talking about here?
Are you seriously saying you have millions of 'internal' employees? Sounds like you might need an email server!
Seriously though, please tell us more..