Does the task go to wait queue from the running queue if it's waiting on mutex lock? - operating-system

Does the task go to wait queue from the running queue if it's waiting on mutex lock?
If my task is this :
Will the task go back to wait queue,till lock is acquired or will it be still in the running queue polling/looping?


How to get Spring-Batch completion status when job is launched in Asyncnorous

When Spring-batch jobs are launched in Asyn - How can we get completion status of job if its Successfully completed or failed.

How to handle Rundeck kill job signal

I have a Python script that is being executed via Rundeck. I already have implemented handlers for signal.SIGINT and signal.SIGTERM but when the script is terminated via Rundeck KILL JOB BUTTON it is not catching the signal.
Someone know what KILL BUTTON in Rundeck use under the woods to kills the process?
Example of how I'm catching signals, it works in a standard command line execution:
def sigint_handler(signum, frame):
proc = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
children_procs = proc.children(recursive=True)
for child_proc in children_procs:
if child_proc.is_running():
msg = f'removing: {},
os.kill(, SIGINT)
except OSError as exc:
raise Error('Error removing processes', detail=str(exc))
Adding debug logging level in Rundeck get this:
[wf:7bb0cd58-7dc6-4a55-bb0f-62399533396c] Interrupted: Engine interrupted, stopping engine...
Disconnecting from port 22
[wf:7bb0cd58-7dc6-4a55-bb0f-62399533396c] WillShutdown: Workflow engine shutting down (interrupted? true)
[wf:7bb0cd58-7dc6-4a55-bb0f-62399533396c] OperationFailed: operation failed: java.util.concurrent.CancellationException: Task was cancelled.
SSH command execution error: Interrupted: Connection was interrupted
Caught an exception, leaving main loop due to Socket closed
Failed: Interrupted: Connection was interrupted
[workflow] finishExecuteNodeStep(mario): NodeDispatch: Interrupted: Connection was interrupted
1: Workflow step finished, result: Dispatch failed on 1 nodes: [mario: Interrupted: Connection was interrupted + {dataContext=MultiDataContextImpl(map={ContextView(step:1, node:mario)=BaseDataContext{{exec={exitCode=-1}}}, ContextView(node:mario)=BaseDataContext{{exec={exitCode=-1}}}}, base=null)} ]
[workflow] Finish step: 1,NodeDispatch
[wf:7bb0cd58-7dc6-4a55-bb0f-62399533396c] Complete: Workflow complete: [Step{stepNum=1, label='null'}: CancellationException]
[wf:7bb0cd58-7dc6-4a55-bb0f-62399533396c] Cancellation while running step [1]
[workflow] Finish execution: node-first: [Workflow result: , Node failures: {mario=[]}, status: failed]
[Workflow result: , Node failures: {mario=[]}, status: failed]
Execution failed: 57 in project iLAB: [Workflow result: , Node failures: {mario=[]}, status: failed]
It is just closing the connection?
Rundeck can't manage internal threads in that way (directly), with the kill button you can kill only the Rundeck job, the only way to manage that is by applying all the logic in your script (detect the thread, and depending on some option/behavior kill the thread). That was requested here and here.

Spring Batch Job Stop Using jobOperator

I have Started my job using,jobParameters); and when i try stop job using another request jobOperator.stop(jobExecution.getId()); then get exeption :
JobExecution must be running so that it can be stopped
Set<JobExecution> jobExecutionsSet= jobExplorer.findRunningJobExecutions("processJob");
for (JobExecution jobExecution:jobExecutionsSet) {
System.err.println("job status : "+ jobExecution.getStatus());
if (jobExecution.getStatus()== BatchStatus.STARTED|| jobExecution.getStatus()== BatchStatus.STARTING || jobExecution.getStatus()== BatchStatus.STOPPING){
when print job status always get job status : STOPPING but batch job is running
its web app, first upload some CSV file and start some operation using spring batch and during this execution if user need stop then stop request from another controller method come and try to stop running job
Please help me for stop running job
If you stop a job while it is running (typically in a STARTED state), you should not get this exception. If you have this exception, it means you have stopped your job while it is currently stopping (that is what the STOPPING status means).
jobExplorer.findRunningJobExecutions returns only running executions, so if in the next line right after this one you have a job in STOPPING status, this means the status changed right after calling jobExplorer.findRunningJobExecutions. You need to be aware that this is possible and your controller should handle this case.
When you tell spring batch to stop a job it goes into STOPPING mode. What this means is it will attempt to complete the unit of work chunk it is currently processing but then stop working. Likely what's happening is you are working on a long running task that is not finishing a unit of work (is it hung?) so it can't move from STOPPING to STOPPED.
Doing it twice rightly leads to an Exception because your job is already STOPPING by the time you did it the first time.

Camunda Cockpit and Rest API down but application up/JobExecutor config

We are facing a major incident in our Camunda Orchestrator. When we hit 100 running process instances, Camunda Cockpit takes an eternity and never responds.
We have the same issue when calling /app/engine/.
Few messages are being consumed from RabbitMQ, and then everything stops.
The application however is not down.
I suspect a process engine configuration issue, because of being unable to get the job executor log.
When I set JobExecutorActivate to false, all things go right for Cockpit and queue consumption, but processes stop at the end of the first subprocess.
We have this log loop non stop:
2018/11/17 14:47:33.258 DEBUG ENGINE-14012 Job acquisition thread woke up
2018/11/17 14:47:33.258 DEBUG ENGINE-14022 Acquired 0 jobs for process engine 'default': []
2018/11/17 14:47:33.258 DEBUG ENGINE-14023 Execute jobs for process engine 'default': [8338]
2018/11/17 14:47:33.258 DEBUG ENGINE-14023 Execute jobs for process engine 'default': [8217]
2018/11/17 14:47:33.258 DEBUG ENGINE-14023 Execute jobs for process engine 'default': [8256]
2018/11/17 14:47:33.258 DEBUG ENGINE-14011 Job acquisition thread sleeping for 100 millis
2018/11/17 14:47:33.359 DEBUG ENGINE-14012 Job acquisition thread woke up
And this log too (for queue consumption):
2018/11/17 15:04:19.582 DEBUG Waiting for message from consumer. {"null":null}
2018/11/17 15:04:19.582 DEBUG Retrieving delivery for Consumer#5d05f453: tags=[{amq.ctag-0ivcbc2QL7g-Duyu2Rcbow=queue_response}], channel=Cached Rabbit Channel: AMQChannel(amqp://guest#,4), conn: Proxy#77a5983d Shared Rabbit Connection: SimpleConnection#17a1dd78 [delegate=amqp://guest#, localPort= 49812], acknowledgeMode=AUTO local queue size=0 {"null":null}
Environment :
Spring Boot 2.0.3.RELEASE, Camunda v7.9.0 with PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ
Camunda BPM listen and push to 165 RabbitMQ queue.
Configuration :
# Data source (PostgreSql)
SpringProcessEngineConfiguration :
public SpringProcessEngineConfiguration processEngineConfiguration() throws IOException {
final SpringProcessEngineConfiguration config = new SpringProcessEngineConfiguration();
final Resource[] resources = resourceLoader.getResources(CLASSPATH_ALL_URL_PREFIX + "/processes/*.bpmn");
return config;
Pom dependencies :
I am quite sure that my job executor config is wrong.
Update :
I can start cockpit and make Camunda consume messages by setting JobExecutorActivate to false, but processes are still stopping at the first job executor required step:
Thanks for your help.
First: if your process contains async steps (Jobs) then it will pause. Activating the jobExecutor will just say that camunda should manage how these jobs are worked on. If you disable the executor, your processes will still stop and since no-one will execute them, they remain stopped.
Disabling job-execution is only sensible during testing or when you have multiple nodes and only some of them should do processing.
To your main issue: the job executor works with a threadPool. From what you describe, it is very likely, that all threads in the pool block forever, so they never finish and never return, meaning your system is stuck.
This happened to us a while ago when working with a smtp server, there was an infinite timeout on the connection so the threads kept waiting although the machine was not available.
Since job execution in camunda is highly reliable and well tested per se, I yywould suggest that you double check everything you do in your delegates, if you are lucky (and I am right) you will find the spot where you just wait forever ...

Using ForkJoinPool in Scala

In code:
val executor = new ForkJoinPool()
executor.execute(new Runnable{
def run = println("This task is run asynchronously")
This code prints: This task is run asynchronously
But if I remove Thread.sleep(10000), program doesn't print.
I then learnt that its so because sleep prevents daemon threads in ForkJoinPool from being terminated before they call run method on Runnable object.
So, few questions:
Does it mean threads started by ForkJoinPool are all daemon threads?Any why is it so?
How does sleep help here?
Yes, because you are using the default thread factory and that is how it is configured. You can provide a custom thread factory to it if you wish, and you may configure the threads to be non-daemon.
Sleep helps because it prevents your program from exiting for long enough for the thread pool threads to find your task and execute it.