I'm trying to do the below execution in Spark 3.1.2 / Scala 2.12:
val query = spark.sql(
|MERGE INTO catalog.db.tablename t
|USING tempStream s
|ON t.ID = s.ID
But I'm getting this exception:
Queries with streaming sources must be executed with writeStream.start()
However, the below execution works well:
val query = spark.sql(
|SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tempStream
Can someone please explain why is this happening? Is there some alternative for MERGE INTO in this case?
Could you please suggest alternative way of implementing distinct in spark data frame.
I tried both SQL and spark distinct but since the dataset size (>2 Billion) it fails on the shuffle .
If I increase the node and memory to >250GB, process run for a longe time (more than 7 hours).
val df = spark.read.parquet(out)
val df1 = df.
select($"ID", $"col2", $"suffix",
$"date", $"year", $"codes").distinct()
val df2 = df1.withColumn("codes", expr("transform(codes, (c,s) -> (d,s) )"))
val df3 = spark.sql(
ID, col2, suffix
d.s as seq,
d.c as code,
LATERAL VIEW explode(codes) exploded_table as d
List(col("year"), col("date")): _*).
partitionBy("year", "date").
I need to make some aggregations on streaming data from Kafka and output top 10 rows of result to console every M seconds.
input_df = (
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", brokers)
.option("subscribe", "page_views")
.selectExpr('cast(value as string)')
# info has 2 cols: domain, uid (info = transformation of input_df)
# It's an example of what I want to do (like in simple pyspark)
stat = (
query = (
.option("truncate", "true")
This example without time trigger, but I can make it by myself.
Because of it's not allowed to use countDistinct, I haven't ideas of making my exercise.
I tried to make 2 dfs for each aggregation(df_1 = (domain, view), df_2 = (domain, unique)) and then join df_1 with df_2, but it's also not allowed to have several aggregations. So it's dead end for me.
It will be cool to have decision for it.
Thanks for your attention!
You can make it by flatMapGroupWithState, which is arbitrary state function.Besides,it supports append mode and update mode.
(Spark beginner here) I wrote a Spark job to extract data from an Oracle database and write it to Parquet files. It works, but I am not satisfied with the batching solution I used. Is there a more efficient way?
I need to extract data from queries, not simply tables. I used a straightforward solution: get 1000 IDs (the max that can fit in a WHERE clause in Oracle), and built the query as a string. Then I passed it to Spark and extracted the data to Parquet. This works, but I wonder whether there are better, more efficient/idiomatic ways to do this. For instance, I am doing all the batching myself, whereas Spark was built to split and distribute work.
My code works on a small data set. I will have to scale it up by a factor of 100, and I would like to know the most idiomatic way of doing this.
val query =
|(SELECT tbl.*
|FROM $tableName tbl
|WHERE tbl.id IN (${idList.mkString("'", "','", "'")})
|) $tableName
private def queryToDf(query: String, props: Properties)(implicit spark: SparkSession, appConfig: AppConfig): sql.DataFrame = {
.option("url", appConfig.dbURL)
.option("dbtable", query)
.option("user", appConfig.dbUsername).option("password", appConfig.dbPassword)
.option("fetchsize", appConfig.fetchsize.toString)
.option("driver", appConfig.jdbcDriver)
Using Spark 2.4.0, Scala 2.12, Oracle DB.
This would probably work better if you just let spark do all the work of distributing the data that is loaded and how to process it. Here you are making a filter before loading the data. I haven't worked with a jdbc source before, but I would assume that the query is passed to the jdbc before loading the data for spark.
So the solution is to pass the heavy work of filtering the data to spark, by making the property value of dbtable to the actual table name, and the query to spark:
val query =
|(SELECT tbl.*
|FROM $tableName tbl
|WHERE tbl.id IN (${idList.mkString("'", "','", "'")})
|) $tableName
private def queryToDf(tableName: String, query: String, props: Properties)(implicit spark: SparkSession, appConfig: AppConfig): sql.DataFrame = {
.option("url", appConfig.dbURL)
.option("dbtable", tableName)
.option("user", appConfig.dbUsername).option("password", appConfig.dbPassword)
.option("fetchsize", appConfig.fetchsize.toString)
.option("driver", appConfig.jdbcDriver)
I have not tested this tho, so there may be some mistakes (query could not be a valid for the selectExpr(), but shouldn't be that different).
I am writing a Scala script that reads from a table, transforms data and shows result using Spark. I am using Spark and Scala 2.11.8. There is a dataframe instance I use twice in the script (df2 in the code below.). Since dataframes are calculated when an action is called on them, not when they are declared, I predict that this dataframe to be calculated twice. I thought that persisting this dataframe would improve performance thinking that, it would be calculated once (when persisted), instead of twice, if persisted.
However, script run lasts ~10 seconds longer when I persist compared to when I don't persist. I cannot figure out what the reason for this is. If someone has an idea, it would be much appreciated.
My submission command line is below:
spark-submit --class TestQuery --master yarn --driver-memory 10G --executor-memory 10G --executor-cores 2 --num-executors 4 /home/bcp_data/test/target/TestQuery-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Scala script is below:
val spark = SparkSession
.config("spark.sql.warehouse.dir", "file:/tmp/hsperfdata_hdfs/spark-warehouse/")
val m = spark.sql("select id, startdate, enddate, status from members")
val l = spark.sql("select mid, no, status, potential from log")
val r = spark.sql("select mid, code from records")
val df1 = m.filter(($"status".isin(1,2).and($"startdate" <= one_year_ago)).and((($"enddate" >= one_year_ago)))
val df2 = df1.select($"id", $"code").join(l, "mid").filter(($"status".equalTo(1)).and($"potential".notEqual(9))).select($"no", $"id", $"code")
val df3 = df2.join(r, df2("id").equalTo(r("mid"))).filter($"code".isin("0001","0010","0015","0003","0012","0014","0032","0033")).groupBy($"code").agg(countDistinct($"no"))
val fa = spark.sql("select mid, acode from actions")
val fc = spark.sql("select dcode, fcode from params.codes")
val df5 = fa.join(fc, fa("acode").startsWith(fc("dcode")), "left_outer").select($"mid", $"fcode")
val df6 = df2.join(df5, df2("id").equalTo(df5("mid"))).groupBy($"code", $"fcode")
println("count1: " + df3.count + " count2: " + df6.count)
using caching is the right choice here, but your statement
has no effect because you do not utilize the returned dataframe. Just do
val df2 = df1.select($"id", $"code")
.join(l, "mid")
.select($"no", $"id", $"code")
I am migrating from Impala to SparkSQL, using the following code to read a table:
my_data = sqlContext.read.parquet('hdfs://my_hdfs_path/my_db.db/my_table')
How do I invoke SparkSQL above, so it can return something like:
'select col_A, col_B from my_table'
After creating a Dataframe from parquet file, you have to register it as a temp table to run sql queries on it.
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
val df = sqlContext.read.parquet("src/main/resources/peopleTwo.parquet")
// after registering as a table you will be able to run sql queries
sqlContext.sql("select * from people").collect.foreach(println)
With plain SQL
JSON, ORC, Parquet, and CSV files can be queried without creating the table on Spark DataFrame.
//This Spark 2.x code you can do the same on sqlContext as well
val spark: SparkSession = SparkSession.builder.master("set_the_master").getOrCreate
spark.sql("select col_A, col_B from parquet.`hdfs://my_hdfs_path/my_db.db/my_table`")
Suppose that you have the parquet file ventas4 in HDFS:
In this case, the steps are:
Charge the SQL Context:
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
Read the parquet File:
val ventas=sqlContext.read.parquet("hdfs://localhost:9000/sistgestion/sql/ventas4")
Register a temporal table:
Execute the query (in this line you can use toJSON to pass a JSON format or you can use collect()):
sqlContext.sql("select * from ventas").toJSON.foreach(println(_))
sqlContext.sql("select * from ventas").collect().foreach(println(_))
Use the following code in intellij:
def groupPlaylistIds(): Unit ={
val spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("FollowCount")
val sc = spark.sqlContext
val d = sc.read.format("parquet").load("/Users/CCC/Downloads/pq/file1.parquet")
val d1 = d.select("col1").filter(x => x!='-')
val d2 = d1.filter(col("col1").startsWith("searchcriteria"));
d2.groupBy("col1").count().sort(col("count").desc).show(100, false)