Helm Variables inside ConfigMap File - kubernetes

So I had a ConfigMap with a json configuration file in it, like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: my-config-map
config.json: |+
"some-url": "{{ .Values.myApp.someUrl }}"
But I've moved to having my config files outside the ConfigMap's yaml, and just referencing them there, like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: my-config-map
config.json: |-
{{ .Files.Get .Values.myApp.configFile | indent 4 }}
But now I want my json to look like the following
"some-url": "{{ .Values.myApp.someUrl }}"
The only thing I tried is what I just showed. I 'm not even sure how to look for this answer.
Is it even possible?

At the time of reading the file, its content is a string. It's not evaluated as template, and therefore you cannot use variables like you do.
However, helm has a function for this purpose specifically called tpl:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: my-config-map
config.json: |-
{{ tpl (.Files.Get .Values.myApp.configFile) $ | indent 4 }}
The tpl function takes a template string and renders it with some context. This is useful when you have template snippets in your values file or like in your case in some files content.


Configmap data is blank

I am creating a ConfigMap using this YAML file:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: "{{ .Values.configmapName}}-config"
app: "{{ .Values.configmapName}}"
{{ (.Files.Glob "configmap/dev/*").AsConfig | indent 2 }}
The ConfigMap gets created but there is no data, the ConfigMap is blank. I have multiple files under a configmap/dev/ directory located at the root level of my Helm chart. I'm expecting to see the data from the files which are under this configmap/dev/ directory.

How do I Reference Service's Property from another Kubernetes Entity?

Is there any option to reference service's property from another entity, Like Config Map or Deployment? To be more specific I want to put service's name in ConfigMap, not by myself, but rather to link it programmatically.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: config-map
namespace: ConfigMap-Namespace
ServiceName: <referenced-service-name>
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: service-name /// that name I want to put in ConfigMap.
namespace: ConfigMap-Namespace
Using plain kubectl, there is no way to dynamically fill in content like this. There are very limited exceptions around injecting values into environment variables in Pods (and PodSpecs inside other objects) but a ConfigMap must contain fixed content.
In this example, the Service object name is fixed, and I'd just embed the same fixed string into the ConfigMap.
If you were using a templating engine like Helm then you could call the same template code to render the Service name in both places. For example:
{{- define "service.name" -}}
{{ .Release.Name }}-service
{{- end -}}
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: {{ include "service.name" . }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
metadata: { ... }
serviceName: {{ include "service.name" . }}

Convert string to YAML map

In values.yaml I have another yaml config encoded to base64. In a template I decode it with
{{ $config := b64dec .Values.config }}
and I need to access it like a map, so what is needed is a kind of analogue of file AsConfig but for string.
You can use Helm's fromYaml function (haven't found any documentation besides this commit)
config.yaml which is encoded with cat config.yaml | base64
xxx: yyy
zzz: qqq
config: eHh4OiB5eXkKenp6OiBxcXEK
{{ $config := (b64dec .Values.config) | fromYaml }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: secret
type: Opaque
test: {{ $config.xxx }}
helm template
/mnt/c/home/chart> helm template .
# Source: chart/templates/secret.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: secret
type: Opaque
test: yyy

Files.Get concatenated string value appears empty after helm template in Kubernetes Configmap

I'm using a configmap with a dynamic filename defined as below. However, after I do helm template the value for the filename is empty:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: krb5-configmap
krb5.conf: |-
{{ .Files.Get (printf "%s//krb5-%s.conf" .Values.kerberosConfigDirectory .Values.environment) | indent 4 }}
kerberosConfigDirectory: kerberos-configs (set in Values.yaml)
Folder structure:
After helm template the data value looks like this:
krb5.conf: |-
I can't figure out why the value for the filename is empty. Note that I'm able to run the helm template command successfully.
You have an extra / and extra indentation in you file. Working example:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: krb5-configmap
krb5.conf: |-
{{ .Files.Get (printf "%s/krb5-%s.conf" .Values.kerberosConfigDirectory .Values.environment) | indent 4 }}

How to create ConfigMap from directory using helm

I have a folder with 3 json files in a postman folder. How can I create a ConfigMap using a Helm yaml template?
kubectl create configmap test-config --from-
The above solution works, but I need this as yaml file as I am using Helm.
Inside a Helm template, you can use the Files.Glob and AsConfig helper functions to achieve this:
{{- (.Files.Glob "postman/**.json").AsConfig | nindent 2 }}
Or, to give a full example of a Helm template:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: test-config
{{- (.Files.Glob "postman/**.json").AsConfig | nindent 2 }}
See the documentation (especially the section on "ConfigMap and secrets utility functions") for more information.