WebRTC in server-client setup, REST signaling - rest

I am building a browser multiplayer game. For latency, I want to use WebRTC DataChannel to sync the game state. In my setup, one peer is always the server, which is always reachable (no NAT on server side, maybe on user side).
Most setups recommend using a websocket as the signaling channel. I saw some setups with manual copy-pase signaling, with one peer sending an offer to the other peer, the other peer sending an offer back.
Now, this sounds to me like a REST API - Browser does POST request with a SDP offer to the server, then receives SDP answer from server, both can establish connection. When the connection drops, they do that again. Client can always reach server, since that's on a public IP.
What is the disadvantage of doing it this way vs. establishing a websocket and keeping that open?

in a signaling session the SDP is not the only thing you are sending back and forth. So a short answer to why not to use REST API might be that when you trickle ICE candidates other than SDP there are so many messages going back and forth. I believe the SDP only will not have many problems with REST API but overall websocket is preferable basically even just because of websocket faster.


{Background} Why is WebRTC always using websockets for signaling?

I've been working through a bunch of WebRTC examples, and they all require a custom Websocket server for exchanging the signalling data. OTOH, every WebRTC doc states that you can use anything for signalling, including carrier pidgeons.
So I've been wondering, just out of curiosity: why isn't signalling usually done using a boring old REST API (or similar)? It's not as if the setup process has realtime requirements, for which using Websockets would make sense...
Because you want the setup process to be as quick as possible—usually—and there can be quite a few messages to exchange, especially if you use ICE trickling. Using AJAX you'd have to use repeated polling, which is certainly slower. If that's good enough for you and you see some advantage in doing it that way vs. web sockets, more power to you. But typically you'd want to forward messages to the other peer as soon as you get them, not whenever the other peer happens to poll the server next. And the only practical option to push data from the server to the client are web sockets.
You could use server-sent events for the server-to-client push and AJAX for the client-to-server sending… but why, when web sockets already provide duplex communication?

Raspberry Pi and Windows IoT

I am working on an automation project using Raspberry pi and Windows IoT. Is it possible to broadcast to a web page, similar to Server-Send-Event? I am monitoring certain events and instead of calling server every few seconds for updates, I would like server to send the alert to web page direct. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I think you can use WebSockets. WebSockets are an advanced technology that makes it possible to open an interactive communication session between the user's browser and a server. You can refer to this sample. Or you can use IoTWeb to embed a simple HTTP and WebSocket server into your application.
WebSockets are a great addition to the HTTP protocol suite, but there are numerous situations where they cannot be used.
Some companies have firewalls that will prevent WebSockets from
If you are deploying software in a shared hosting
environment, you may not be permitted to use WebSockets.
If you are
behind a reverse proxy that isn’t configured or the software doesn’t
support pass-through of WebSocket protocol, WebSockets won’t work.
Another option is long polling,the browser does an XHR request and the server simply doesn’t respond until it has something to send. But in this way, if you want to do 2-way communications with the server, you are effectively using 2 sockets. One is tied up hanging/waiting for the long poll response, and the other is sent by the client to send new information to the server. Long polling is also problematic because the client has to be able to handle XHR errors, some of which are tricky to handle or even impossible to handle. You can search more differences and disadvantages from internet.

What are the pitfalls of using Websockets in place of RESTful HTTP?

I am currently working on a project that requires the client requesting a big job and sending it to the server. Then the server divides up the job and responds with an array of urls for the client to make a GET call on and stream back the data. I am the greenhorn on the project and I am currently using Spring websockets to improve efficiency. Instead of the clients constantly pinging the server to see if it has results ready to stream back, the websocket will now just directly contact the client hooray!
Would it be a bad idea to have websockets manage the whole process from end to end? I am using STOMP with Spring websockets, will there still be major issues with ditching REST?
With RESTful HTTP you have a stateless request/response system where the client sends request and server returns the response.
With webSockets you have a stateful (or potentially stateful) message passing system where messages can be sent either way and sending a message has a lower overhead than with a RESTful HTTP request/response.
The two are fairly different structures with different strengths.
The primary advantages of a connected webSocket are:
Two way communication. So, the server can notify the client of anything at any time. So, instead of polling a server on some regular interval to see if there is something new, a client can establish a webSocket and just listen for any messages coming from the server. From the server's point of view, when an event of interest for a client occurs, the server simply sends a message to the client. The server cannot do this with plain HTTP.
Lower overhead per message. If you anticipate a lot of traffic flowing between client and server, then there's a lower overhead per message with a webSocket. This is because the TCP connection is already established and you just have to send a message on an already open socket. With an HTTP REST request, you have to first establish a TCP connection which is several back and forths between client and server. Then, you send HTTP request, receive the response and close the TCP connection. The HTTP request will necessarily include some overhead such as all cookies that are aligned with that server even if those are not relevant to the particular request. HTTP/2 (newest HTTP spec) allows for some additional efficiency in this regard if it is being used by both client and server because a single TCP connection can be used for more than just a single request/response. If you charted all the requests/responses going on at the TCP level just to make an https REST request/response, you'd be surpised how much is going on compared to just sending a message over an already established webSocket.
Higher Scale in some circumstances. With lower overhead per message and no client polling to find out if something is new, this can lead to added scalability (higher number of clients a given server can serve). There are downsides to the webSocket scalability too (see below).
Stateful connections. Without resorting to cookies and session IDs, you can directly store state in your program for a given connection. While a lot of development has been done with stateless connections to solve most problems, sometimes it's just simpler with stateful connections.
The primary advantages of a RESTful HTTP request/response are:
Universal support. It's hard to get more universally supported than HTTP. While webSockets enjoy relatively good support now, there are still some circumstances where webSocket support isn't regularly available.
Compatible with more server environments. There are server environments that don't allow long running server processes (some shared hosting situations). These environments can support HTTP request, but can't support long running webSocket connections.
Higher Scale in some circumstances. The webSocket requirement for a continuously connected TCP socket adds some new scale requirements to the server infrastructure that HTTP requests don't demand. So, this ends up being a tradeoff space. If the advantages of webSockets aren't really needed or being used in a significant way, then HTTP requests might actually scale better. It definitely depends upon the specific usage profile.
For a one-off request/response, a single HTTP request is more efficient than establishing a webSocket, using it and then closing it. This is because opening a webSocket starts with an HTTP request/response and then after both sides have agreed to upgrade to a webSocket connection, the actual webSocket message can be sent.
Stateless. If your job is not made more complicated by having a stateless infrastruture, then a stateless world can make scaling or fail-over much easier (just add or remove server processes behind a load balancer).
Automatically Cacheable. With the right server settings, http responses can be cached by browser or by proxies. There is no such built-in mechanism for requests sent via webSockets.
So, to address the way you asked the question:
What are the pitfalls of using websockets in place of RESTful HTTP?
At large scale (hundreds of thousands of clients), you may have to do some special server work in order to support large numbers of simultaneously connected webSockets.
All possible clients or toolsets don't support webSockets or requests made over them to the same level they support HTTP requests.
Some of the less expensive server environments don't support the long running server processes required to support webSockets.
If it's important to your application to get progress notifications back to the client, you could either use a long running http connection with continuing progress being sent down or you can use a webSocket. The webSocket is likely easier. If you really only need the webSocket for the relatively short duration of this particular activity, then you may find the best overall set of tradeoffs comes by using a webSocket only for the duration of time when you need the ability to push data to the client and then using http requests for the normal request/response activities.
It really depends on your requirements. REST services can be much more transparent and easier to pick up by developer compared to Websockets.
Using Websockets, you remove most of the advantages that RESTful webservices offer, such as the ability to reference a resource via a URI. Really what you should be doing is to figure out what the advantages are of REST and hypermedia, and based on that decide whether those advantages are important to you.
It's of course entirely possible to create a RESTful webservice, and augment it with a a websocket-based API for real-time responses.
But if you are creating a service that only you are going to consume in a controlled environment, the only disadvantage might be that not every client supports websockets, while pretty much any type of environment can do a simple http call.

Delphi Indy TCP Client/Server communication best approach

I have a client and a server application that is communicating just fine, there is a TIdCmdTCPServer in the server and a TIdTCPClient in the client.
The client has to authenticate in the server, the client asks the server for the newest version information and downloads any updates, and other communications. All this communication with TIdTCPClient.SendCmd() and TIdTCPClient.LastCmdResult.Text.Text.
The way it is, the server receives commands and replies, the clients only receives replies, never commands, and I would like to implement a way to make the client receives commands. But as I heard, if the client uses SendCmd it should never be listening for data like ReadLn() as it would interfere with the reply expected in SendCmd.
I thought of making a command to check for commands, for example, the client would send a command like "IsThereCommandForMe" and the server would have a pool of commands to each client and when the client asks, the server send it in the reply, but I think it would not be a good approach as there would be a big delay between the commands being available and the client asking for it. I also thought of making a new connection with new components, for example a TIdCmdTcpClient, but then there would be 2 connections for each client, I don't like that idea as I think it could easily give problems in the communication.
The reason I want this, is that I want to implement a chat functionality in the client, and it should be receiving messages from the server without asking for it all the time, imagine all clients continually asking the server if there is message for them. And I would like to be able to inform the client when there is an update available instead the client being asking if there is any. And with this I could send more commands to the client too.
what are your thoughts about this ? how can I make the server receiving commands from the clients, but also sends them ?
TCP sockets are bidirectional by design. Once the connection between 'client' and 'server' has been established, they are symmetric and data can be sent at any time from any side over the same socket.
It only depends on the protocol (which is just written 'contract' for the communication) which communication model is used. HTTP for example uses a request/reply model. With Telnet for example, both sides can initate data transmissions. (If you take a look at the Indy implementation for Telnet, you will see that it uses a background thread to listen for server data, but it uses the same socket connection in the main thread to send data from client to server).
A "full duplex" protocol which supports both request/response and server push, and also is firewall-friendly, is WebSockets. With WebSockets (a HTTP upgrade), the server can send data to the connected client(s) any time. This would meet your 'chat' requirement.
If you use TIdTCPClient / TIdCmdTCPServer, corporate firewalls might block the communication.

Memcached Client-Server communication

I've been researching memcached, and I'm planning on using that with spymemcached on the client. I'm just curious how client/server communication works between the two. When creating a memcached client object, you can pass in a list of servers, but after the client is created is there any communication between the servers and the client saying that they are still alive and that the client send that particular server information? I've tried looking through the memcached and spymemcached documentation sites, but haven't found anything yet.
Spymemcached does not send any special messages to make sure that the connection is still alive, but you can do this in your application code if necessary by sending no-op messages to each server. You should also note that the TCP layer employs mechanisms such as keep-alive and timeout in order to try to detect dead connections. These parameters however may be different depending on the operating system you are using.