How can I use that method in devtools? - google-chrome-devtools

Sorry if I ask easy question
The code is from that link:
function(request) {
if (request.response.bodySize > 40*1024) {
'console.log("Large image: " + unescape("' +
escape(request.request.url) + '"))');
When I copy this code to developer tools console, I got error. My aim is catching web pages whose pagesize(transferred size in network section) info is bigger than treshold value.
How can I get thhe value on the photo programmatcally, I am using above code on this purpose.


Using a Chrome extension to insert characters into sites such as Facebook

I have created a chrome extension to allow users to right-click in a textbox, and insert special characters. This works on many sites such as StackOverflow, but does not work on sites such as Facebook. This is because Facebook is not using a standard text box form control. Instead for each line in a text message, it seems to be using a div > div > span > span construct. Is there a way to create a Chrome extension to target page components such as this?
An portion of my Chrome extension code looks like this:
title: "\u038F",
onclick: function(info, tab){
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(, {action: "insertCharacter", character: '\u038F'});
chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse){
var objField = document.activeElement;
if (request.action == "insertCharacter"){
insertAtCursor(objField, request.character);
function insertAtCursor(sField, sValue){
if (sField.selectionStart || sField.selectionStart == '0'){
var nStart = sField.selectionStart;
var nEnd = sField.selectionEnd;
sField.value = sField.value.substring(0, nStart) + sValue + sField.value.substring(nEnd, sField.value.length);
sField.selectionStart = nStart + sValue.length;
sField.selectionEnd = nStart + sValue.length;
else {
sField.value += sValue;
Is there a more general purpose way I can do this to handle various situations on different sites? If not, is there a way to specifically target Facebook as most of the time myself (and likely others) are going to be using my extension on Facebook. (Of course having it work for email sites such as GMail would be a benefit as well).
In case it helps someone else, this is what I modified my code to based on wOxxOm's suggestion:
chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse){
if (request.action == "insertCharacter"){
function insertAtCursor(sValue){
document.execCommand("insertText", false, sValue);
It's much more compact than my original approach and insertText handles the selection aspect automatically.

Protractor - get specific element in a list

I have a list of pages in a table and need to click on the next page.
So, if the browser is currently on page 1, I need to click on page 2.
I am currently getting the elements by "td", going through a for loop (or mapping function) to try and find the current page, and then trying to find the next page. I keep getting memory issues or timeouts the way I'm currently trying to solve it.
Mapping function (memory issues) gist:
For loop (timeout) gist:
The for loop also looks like it has the potential issue of not necessarily resolving the pages in the correct order.
Note: I can't change the html.
Assuming your current page is has the span, something like this should work...
var clickNextPage = function() {
$('td span').getText().then(function(pageNum) {
element(by.cssContainingText('td a', pageNum + 1)).click();
This function should click the href based on the page number you pass in.
var visitPage = function (pageNumber) {
$('a[href="' + pageNumber + '"']).click();
it('should visit page three', function () {

Protractor Determine Screen Size/Resolution

Is there a way to determine the available screen size/resolution using Protractor?
I want to determine how big to make several browsers, and where to place them.
I know you can get/set window size using:
browser.driver.manage().window().setSize(1280, 1024);
But I can't find anything in the docs about available screen size/resolution.
I ended up using browser.executeScript to access the screen object.
browser.executeScript('return {' +
'height: screen.availHeight,' +
'width: screen.availWidth,' +
'top: screen.availTop,' +
'left: screen.availLeft};'
.then(function (result) {
//make calculations

How to Download Facebook Look back Video?

What should Do, If I want to download Facebook Lookback Video
Simple JS Script to get Video URL from Facebook's Look Back
Copy paste this whole code into Chrome Console and press enter.
You can execure this script on any page on Facebook.
It will give you the video URL, open it, view it, download it, do whatever you want to. :P
The video URL will popup in front of you, press Ctrl + C to copy it.
To do so, open Chrome Console, Ctrl + Shift + J, "Console" tab.
Copy paste the whole thing there.
To share it, just open the link and download it by pressing Ctrl + S.
Upload it to YouTube or wherever you want to. Share, enjoy! :)
Keep Sharing this with everyone! :)
var xmlhttp;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else {
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {
ss = xmlhttp.responseText.split('[["params","')[1].split('"],["width","960"]')[0];
var x = ss;
var r = /\\u([\d\w]{4})/gi;
x = x.replace(r, function (match, grp) {return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(grp, 16)); });
x = unescape(x);
prompt("Here's your video URL (HD)! Press Ctrl + C to copy it!", JSON.parse(x).video_data[0].hd_src)
}"GET", "/lookback", true);
You can also get the SD and HD sources directly from the flashvars of the embed used to display the video. In Google Chrome inspect the page for the "content" div you'll find a div with class "swfObject".
Decoding the flasvar, you'll get something similar to:
The two important values here are hd_src and sd_src (i've garbled mine for security purposes):
Load your desired quality (High Definition or Standard Definition) URL into a new browser window, right click on the video and "Save Video As." is the best web place where people can download and watch public videos and photos of top facebook celebrities and others, all in one place.
Just check it.

How Can I Get Line Number in Visual Studio

I want to get line number from Visual Studio. Is it possible ? Thanks
You can use CallerLineNumberAttribute
public void DoProcessing()
TraceMessage("Something happened.");
public void TraceMessage(string message,
[CallerLineNumber] int sourceLineNumber = 0)
Trace.WriteLine("message: " + message);
Trace.WriteLine("source line number: " + sourceLineNumber);
// Sample Output:
// message: Something happened.
// source line number: 31
If you just want to display line numbers in the IDE (as in your screenshot), follow these steps (tested in VS2012):
On the menu bar, choose Tools / Options. Expand the Text Editor node, then select either All Languages or, if you want it for just a specific language, open the node for the language you're using. Then check the Line Numbers checkbox in the Display section.
More info here on MSDN.