pyspark - insert generated primary key in dataframe - pyspark

I have a dataframe and for each row, I want to insert this row in postgres databases and returning the generated primary key in this dataframe. I don't find a good way to do this.
I'm trying with rdd but it doesn't works (pg8000 get inserted id into dataframe)
I think it is possible with this process :
loop on dataframe.collect() in order to process the sql insert
make a sql select for a second dataframe
join the first dataframe with the second
But I think this is not optimized.
Do you have any idea ?
I'm using pyspark in aws glue job. Thanks.

The only things that you can optimized are the data inserting and connectivity.
As you mentioned that you have totally two operations, one is the data inserting and another one is to collect the data inserted. Based on my understanding, either spark jdbc or python connector like psycopg2 will not return the primary key of the data that you inserted. Therefore, you need to do it separately.
Back to your question:
You don't need to use the for loop to do the inserting or .collect() to convert back to python object. You can use spark-postgresql jdbc to do it directly with dataframe:
.option('driver', 'org.postgresql.Driver')\
.option('url', url)\
.option('dbtable', table_name)\
.option('user', user)\
.option('password', password)\


Hive Partition Table with Date Datatype via Spark

I have a scenario and would like to get an expert opinion on it.
I have to load a Hive table in partitions from a relational DB via spark (python). I cannot create the hive table as I am not sure how many columns there are in the source and they might change in the future, so I have to fetch data by using; select * from tablename.
However, I am sure of the partition column and know that will not change. This column is of "date" datatype in the source db.
I am using SaveAsTable with partitionBy options and I am able to properly create folders as per the partition column. The hive table is also getting created.
The issue I am facing is that since the partition column is of "date" data type and the same is not supported in hive for partitions. Due to this I am unable to read data via hive or impala queries as it says date is not supported as partitioned column.
Please note that I cannot typecast the column at the time of issuing the select statement as I have to do a select * from tablename, and not select a,b,cast(c) as varchar from table.

How to upsert/Delete the DB2 source table data using Pyspark/SQL/DataFrames SPARK RDD's?

I'm trying to run the upsert/delete some of the values in DB2 database source table, which is a existing table on DB2. Is it possible using Pyspark/Spark SQL/Dataframes.
There is no direct way for update/delete in relational database using Pyspark job, but there are workarounds.
(1) You can create a identical empty table (secondary table) in relational database and insert data into secondary table using pyspark job, and write a DML trigger that would perform desired DML operation on your primary table.
(2) You can create a dataframe (eg. a) in spark that would be copy of your existing relational table and merge existing table dataframe with current dataframe(eg. b) and create a new dataframe(eg. c) that would be having latest changes. Now truncate the relational database table and reload with spark latest changes dataframe(c).
These is just a workaround and not a optimal solution for huge amount of data.

Batch Insert from Dataframe to DB ignoring failed row in Pyspark

I am trying to insert spark DF to Postgres using JDBC write. The postgres table has a unique constraint on one of the columns, when the df to be inserted violates the constraint entire batch is rejected and spark session closes giving an error duplicate key value violates unique constraint which is correct as the data is duplicate (already exists in the database)
What is needed that the data rows which do not violate the constraint be inserted and the failed row be ignored, without failing the entire batch.
The code used is:
mode = "Append"
url = "jdbc:postgresql://IP/DB name"
properties = {"user": "username", "password": "password"}
.jdbc(url=url, table="table name", mode=mode, properties=properties)
How can I do this?
Unfortunately, there is no out of the box solution by Spark. There is a number of possible solutions I see:
Implement business logic of conflict resolution in PostgreSQL database as part of the forEachPartition function. For example, catch the exception of the constraint violation then report to the log.
Drop the constraint on PostgreSQL database, use autogenerated PK means enable to store duplicated rows in the database. Deduplication logic may be further implemented as a part of each SQL query or running deduplication on a daily/hourly basis. You can see example here.
In case there is no other system or process writing to PostgreSQL table except your Spark job it is possible to do filter using the join operation to remove all existing rows from Spark Dataframe before spark.write something like this
I hope my ideas would be helpful.
That is not possible if you have a unique constraint on the target. There is no UPSert mode currently with these techniques. You need to design around this aspect.

How to insert rows into cassandra if they don't exist using spark- cassandra driver?

I want to write to cassandra from a data frame and I want to exclude the rows if a particular row is already existing (i.e Primary key- though upserts happen I don't want to change the other columns) using spark-cassandra connector. Is there a way we can do that?
You can use the ifNotExists WriteConf option which was introduced in this pr.
It works like so:
val writeConf = WriteConf(ifNotExists = true)
rdd.saveToCassandra(keyspaceName, tableName, writeConf = writeConf)
You can do
sparkConf.set("spark.cassandra.output.ifNotExists", "true")
With this config
if partition key and clustering column are same as row which exists in cassandra: write will be ignored
else write will be performed
Srinu, this all boils down to "read before write" no matter whether you are using Spark or not.
But there is IF NOT EXISTS clause:
If the column exists, it is updated. The row is created if none
exists. Use IF NOT EXISTS to perform the insertion only if the row
does not already exist. Using IF NOT EXISTS incurs a performance hit
associated with using Paxos internally. For information about Paxos,
see Cassandra 2.1 documentation or Cassandra 2.0 documentation.

Spark Streaming : Write to PSQL Table from Kafka

What is the correct way to write DStream data from Kafka using Spark-Streaming to an SQL table like Postgres?
For ex. I would have this,
val directKafkaStream = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[..]
Using forEachRDD, I will map the data to a case class. And, do something like
SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = id_from_kafka_rdd;
And, then with the result from this, I will do some other comparisons and decide whether to update the Postgres table with data from Kafka. In effect, I might have to do operations like INSERT, UPDATE etc on the Postgres table.
What is the correct way to do this? Spark SQL, DataFrames or the JDBC connector method? I am a beginner to Spark.
Thanks in advance.