DropDown menu on value change doesn't work after load scene - unity3d

So the dropdown menu on value change is no longer working after loading to new scene, google for a very long time. Resetting the input, and event system. Still no luck.


Unity UI Resume Game button is unclickable

So i have been trying to create a pause menu for my project, however the resume button is un-clickable (the same i believe for another button on this menu). The event system does not show anything when hovering over this button or attempting to click it.
Screenshot of Event System not showing button object
The button itself is set to interact-able and has the button's image as it's target graphic. The canvas it is also placed on also has the Graphic Ray-caster component attached. I also do not believe that there is any UI object covering the button preventing it from being clicked.Screenshot of Pause Menu UI as seen from scene view to show no blocking objects I am making use of the first person character controller starter asset by unity as well as the new input system.
I am unsure as to what could be causing this, I have also tried locking the cursor of the starter asset inputs.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Tab Key Stops Moving Between Input Fields

For the time being, this is a Material-UI question.
I have a situation where the tab key ceases to move the text cursor between TextFields. At the moment, I have no idea where in my code this is happening, and I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction so I can start looking.
Here’s the setup:
A mouse click causes a Dialog to be displayed. The Dialog has
several TextFields as well as 2 FlatButtons, “cancel & “submit”
At this state, tabbing between fields works as expected.
If I hit the “cancel” button, an event is fired which updates state (including the display of the Dialog) and the Dialog is closed. I can repeat the process from the top with no issues.
If I hit the “submit” button, an event is fired which does some async stuff (using rxjs epics).
On success, the epic fires an event which updates the state (including the display of the Dialog)
If I now try to repeat the process from the top, the tab key does not respond.
I am in the process of migrating to v1, and checked some of the v0.* components – they have the same problem – I don’t recall that being an issue before… Possible conflict between the two versions of the library?
Figured it out. Yes, there is a conflict between the v0.20 and v1.0 of the Dialog component. At least when you have one opening on top of another. Having changed all Dialogs to v1.0, the problem disappeared.
By the way, its not that the tab key wasn't responding - it was responding in the lower Dialog component and not in the top (latest to be created) one. This problem disappeared once the same version was used for both.

ListView item value change when I swip screen..Unity

I am new in unity. I create a project in unity where I bind some items in listview and in one item I use two different images and change on click the item. It's works fine..But when I go to other tab(or browser) and come back to unity then the item will change on it's default state..
Default state of image
Changing state of image
Not sure how you to implement the tabs switch.
An easy way to keep the button status is using PlayerPrefs
// before click other tab
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("BtnStatus", someitem.status);
// after come back
someitem.status = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("BtnStatus", 0);

Unity UI button not reacting to clicks or hovering

I'm using Unity 3D's new UI system to build a pause menu for my game. Currently I'm trying to have my buttons respond to mouse clicks. Some of my hierarchy is as follows:
When I click on one of my buttons in-game nothing happens, this includes a lack of button animation that should occur when hovering. My "Main Canvas" gameobject contains the following components:
I have already ensured that my Image component has "Raycast target" checked and that my Button component has "Interactable" checked.
Could this be because my Canvas' render mode is in screen space (camera)? I need the render mode to be set to this because I have 3D models that are added in front of the UI during gameplay.
Things I have already tried / checked:
Ensured that an EventSystem was present
Checked that another UI element wasn't covering the buttons, preventing a raycast
Ensured that the camera rendering the UI is above my main camera that is attached to the player. The rendering UI camera has a layer of 1 while the player camera has a layer of 0.
Your EventSystem GameObject is missing the Standalone Input Module Script component.
Select your EventSystem->Add Component ->Standalone Input Module. Done!
The gif below decsribes two ways to do that.
If anyone here ever runs into this problem and none of these fixes work, go to Edit > project settings > Input, then in the inspector tab click the little gear icon in the top right corner and click Reset. this should fix all your buttons!
Ensured that EventSystem component is present in the hierarchy. Without EventSystem unity is not able to track any events that's occurring in the particular scene
Try to change short order in canvas. Maybe the button canvas is blocked by another canvas.
If anyone here ever runs into this problem and none of these fixes work:
Chose your button in Hierarchy -> Find "Canvas" in Inspector -> Delete IT(Remove component)!
If you´re using the InputSystemPackage go to Edit > ProjectSettings > Input System Package. And in supported devices make sure there´s a Mouse option, if not, press the + button below and add the mouse device.
If you are pausing the game by setting the timescale to 0, then no input will work if the update mode of the input system is set to process events in Fixed Update, since the fixed update is not run at zero timescale - you can change the update mode in Edit > ProjectSettings > Input System Package.
Input settings screenshot
For me it was because the button was covered by other components in the Canvas. I changged put the button in the very front whithin the campus, and it works now
Please check for the "EventSystem" to be present in Hierarchy to make button working.
refer the attachment for it
I had this same problem in Unity v2020.3.24f1, and after trying all suggestions to no avail I noticed in my case the Graphic Ray-casting was un-checked. Just in case somebody tried everything and is still facing this issue, make sure it is ticked in the canvas element!.
Had a similar issue, my event system already had the Standalone Input Module attached and I apparently followed the warning and replaced it with Input System UI Input Module which broke mouse events. Adding the standalone Input module back isn't enough, the other input module must be disabled or removed. So try using the Standalone Input Module exclusively in your event system.

Unity new UI button click able outside of button area, non clickable over button area

I have created new UI button in empty scene,
Whenever I click on button its not click-able , but when I take cursor slightly above the button area and click, it gets clicked.
I guess Something like offset problem occurring?? Any fix to that?
NOTE I have tried creating new scene same result
,also created new project though Same result.
Did you check the EventSystem gameObject, it displays which UI element you are hovering, and other useful information.
After lot of trial and errors, reinstalling Unity did the job