How to display dataframe inside an if else statement? - jupyter

I am quite new to programming and currently self studying jupyter notebook for data analytics. I just need to know whether we can execute a data frame object inside and if else statement.
First I read city name from user and check whether the given city is in the data frame. And then filter the dataframe according to the value given by user. If city is not there, print that the city is not here. I need to know is there any method to execute this in a good way. This was my silly try. If someone can help, would be a big help
cityname = input("Input the name of the city to see the data required")
if totaldata['City'].any() == cityname:
totaldataCitywise = totaldata.loc[totaldata['City'] == cityname, :]
print('The city is not in the list')`


Copy Product Price into a Custom Field Object using APEX Trigger in Salesforce

Trying to just copy the Cost_Price__c field of a product into a custom object when it is updated (if possible inserted too) using an APEX trigger.
I'm so close but the error I am getting at the moment is: Illegal assignment from PricebookEntry to String
trigger updateAccount on Account (after update) {
for (Account oAccount : {
//create variable to store product ID
string productId = oAccount.Product__c;
//SQL statement to lookup price of product using productID
PricebookEntry sqlResult = [SELECT Cost_Price__c
FROM PricebookEntry
WHERE Product2Id =: productId];
//save the returned SQL result inside the field of Industry - Illegal assignment from PricebookEntry to String
oAccount.Industry = sqlResult;
Am I right in thinking it's because its returning a collective group of results from the SOQL call? I've tried using the sqlResult[0] which still doesn't seem to work.
The Illegal Assignmnet because you are assigning a whole Object i.e PriceBook Entry to a string type of field i.e Industry on Account.
Please use the following code for assignment.
oAccount.Industry = sqlResult[0].Cost_Price__c;
Please mark the answer if this works for you.

DynamoDB Swift4 complex query

I am trying to make a complex query in swift to get data from DynamoDB.
I am able to get all information by using the userID. However there are times that I may not know the entirety of the userID and need to make a more complex query.
For instance, if I know the first name and the last name, and the user id format is "firstname:lastname:email", I need to be able to query all userID's that include the first and last name, then add a where for another column.
I am very new to dynamo and want to accomplish something like the sql query below.
SQL example:
SELECT * FROM mytable
WHERE column2 LIKE '%OtherInformation%'
AND (column1 LIKE '%lastname%' OR column1 LIKE '%firstname%')
Here is the code I have in swift4 for getting the userID if I know it exaclty, not entirely sure how to modify this for complex queries.
func queryDBForUser(Fname: String, Lname: String) {
let userId = Fname + "." + Lname + ":" + (UIDevice.current.identifierForVendor?.uuidString)!
self.UserId = userId
let objectMapper = AWSDynamoDBObjectMapper.default()
let queryExpression = AWSDynamoDBQueryExpression()
queryExpression.keyConditionExpression = "#userId = :userId"
queryExpression.expressionAttributeNames = ["#userId": "userId",]
queryExpression.expressionAttributeValues = [":userId": userId,]
objectMapper.query(CheckaraUsers.self, expression: queryExpression, completionHandler: {(response: AWSDynamoDBPaginatedOutput? ,error: Error?) -> Void in
if let error = error {
print("Amazon DynamoDB Error: \(error)")
I have also tried many variations along the lines of the following code, with no luck:
queryExpression.keyConditionExpression = "#FirstName = :firstName and #LastName = :lastName,"
queryExpression.expressionAttributeNames = ["#FirstName": "FirstName" , "#LastName": "LastName"]
queryExpression.expressionAttributeValues = [":FirstName": Fname,":LastName": Lname]
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!
You won't be able to do this with a DynamoDB query. When you query a table (or index) in DynamoDB you must always specify the complete primary key. In your case that would mean the full value of "firstname:lastname:email".
You could sort of do this with a DynamoDB scan and a filter expression, but that will look at every item in your table, so it could be slow and expensive. Amazon will charge you for the read capacity necessary to look at every item in the table.
So if you really wanted to, the filter expression for the scan operation would be something like:
"contains (#FirstName, :firstName) and contains (#LastName, : lastName)"
Note that contains looks for an exact substring match, so if you want case insensitive matches (like ILIKE in SQL) it won't work.
If you need to do these types of queries then you need to evaluate whether or not DynamoDB is the right choice for you. DynamoDB is a NoSQL key/value store basically. It trades limited querying functionality for scalability and performance. If you are coming at DynamoDB from a SQL background and are expecting to be able to do freeform queries of anything in your table, you will be disappointed.
Got the query working by adding a secondary index to my DynamoDB table, although this is not what I initially wanted, it still works as now I can query for a value that exists in both columns I needed, without doing a table scan and filtering after.
query code:
queryExpression.indexName = "Index-Name" queryExpression.keyConditionExpression = "#LastName = :LastName and #otherValue = :otherValue"
queryExpression.expressionAttributeNames = ["#LastName": "LastName" , "#otherValue": "otherValue"]
queryExpression.expressionAttributeValues = [":LastName": Lname,":otherValue": self.otherValue!]

Querying in Firebase by child of child

I have a structure of objects in Firebase looking like this:
Geography: true
Oceania: true
correctanswer: "Yaren (de facto)"
languages: "English"
question: "Nauru"
questiontype: "Text"
wronganswer1: "Majuro"
wronganswer2: "Mata-Utu"
wronganswer3: "Suva"
I'm trying to find objects by categories, so for instance I want all objects which has the category set to "Oceania".
I'm using Swift and I can't really seem to grasp the concept of how to query the data.
My query right now looks like this:
ref.queryEqualToValue("", childKey: "categories").queryOrderedByChild("Oceania")
Where ref is the reference to Firebase in that specific path.
However whatever I've tried I keep getting ALL data returned instead of the objects with category Oceania only.
My data is structured like this: baseurl/questions/
As you can see in the object example one question can have multiple categories added, so from what I've understood it's best to have a reference to the categories inside your objects.
I could change my structure to baseurl/questions/oceania/uniqueids/, but then I would get multiple entries covering the same data, but with different uniqueid, because the question would be present under both the categories oceania and geography.
By using the structure baseurl/questions/oceania/ and baseurl/questions/geography I could also just add unique ids under oceania and geography that points to a specific unique id inside baseurl/questions/uniqueids instead, but that would mean I'd have to keep track of a lot of references. Making a relations table so to speak.
I wonder if that's the way to go or? Should I restructure my data? The app isn't in production yet, so it's possible to restructure the data completely with no bigger consequences, other than I'd have to rewrite my code, that pushes data to Firebase.
Let me know, if all of this doesn't make sense and sorry for the wall of text :-)
Adding some additional code to Tim's answer for future reference.
Just use a deep query. The parent object key is not what is queried so it's 'ignored'. It doesn't matter whether it's a key generated by autoId or a dinosaur name - the query is on the child objects and the parent (key) is returned in snapshot.key.
Based on your Firebase structure, this will retrieve each child nodes where Oceania is true, one at a time:
let questionsRef = Firebase(url:"https://baseurl/questions")
.observeEventType(.ChildAdded, withBlock: { snapshot in
Edit: A question came up about loading all of the values at once (.value) instead of one at at time (.childAdded)
let questionsRef = Firebase(url:"https://baseurl/questions")
.observeSingleEventOfType(.Value, withBlock: { snapshot in
Results in (my Firebase structure is a little different but you get the idea) uid_1 did not have Oceania = true so it was omitted from the query
Snap (users) {
"uid_0" = {
categories = {
Oceania = 1;
email = "";
"first_name" = Bill;
"uid_2" = {
categories = {
Oceania = 1;
"first_name" = Peter;
I think this should work:

Google like autosuggest with

I have a Lucene index that stores customers that basically includes a view model (documents fields that are stored and not indexed), an ID (field stored and indexed to permit find and update of document), and a list of terms covered by the google-like search (multiple field instances of name Term). Terms may be field in the view model or not.
This works fine for the actual searching of documents by term. The question is how I can implement auto-suggest, basically get a list of Term (the field, not Lucene Term) values that might be the continuation of the entered value (i.e. "Co" might result in "Colorado", "Coloring Book", etc because those are actual values in at least one Document's Term field.
Theres a lot of way to do this, but if you need a quick and simple way to do it, use a TermEnum.
Just paste this little code sample in a new C# console application and check if it works for you to start from.
RAMDirectory dir = new RAMDirectory();
IndexWriter iw = new IndexWriter(dir, new KeywordAnalyzer(), IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength.UNLIMITED);
Document d = new Document();
Field f = new Field("text", "", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.ANALYZED);
f.SetValue("coloring book");
IndexReader reader = iw.GetReader();
TermEnum terms = reader.Terms(new Term("text", "co"));
int maxSuggestsCpt = 0;
// will print:
// colorado
// coloring book
if (maxSuggestsCpt >= 5)
while (terms.Next() && terms.Term.Text.StartsWith("co"));

Creating optimal query of oracle db using EF

I have an Oracle database where I am storing information about customers.
One of the fields is user number.
My UserNumber column is type of text.
A user sends a number in various formats:
So far I have:
var list = context.UserDetails.Where(x => x.UserNumber == number).ToList();
I can also do this with:
var strippedNumber = ConvertNumberToBasic(number); // this will return me number as 777XXXXXXX
var list = context.UserDetails.Where(x => x.UserNumber.Contains(number)).ToList();
Is there a more optimal way for me to do this?
You really need to ask the customer what they need before you can write any code for this...