Why some ETABS API methodes doesn't work in matlab? - matlab

I try to write a code by MATLAB that use ETABS to analyze a building and design its elements and give me the design results. The code doesn't have any problem but when I wanna use the GetSummaryResult_2 method I face this error "No method 'GetSummaryResult_2' with matching signature found for class 'ETABSv1.cDesignSteel' ". It's maybe caused MATLAB can't support all the API methods, anyway if you know any solution or another method that can give me the design results please help me. it has vital of importance to me, thank you!


simulating the estimatiors in matlab

I have an assignment like this but I do not know where to start( sorry I do not know much about Matlab). I have struggled with the variable C( how can I pass the value into it when its range is unknown?) and these blocks at the bottom as well. I have to do something like Simulink or just coding to achieve it. I have searched on the internet but I do not see anything related to my task. Or maybe I use the wrong keywords to find it. Could you give me some suggestion or links which are relevant to this. Thank you so much!

Presenting Arima results - Use of Stargazer (or other equivalent package)?

I currently have several ARIMA models in R which I'm looking to present formally within a paper.
I'm just wondering if a tool exists that will allow me to illustrate these results, without having to manually extract this data?
Unless I'm mistaken, I understand stargazer does accommodate arima variations, but not the "Arima" code found within the forecast package. When I have tried to use the latter, I have received an error message telling me it is an "unrecognised object type".
Is there anything else that can be done?
Separately, for other types of diagnostic outputs (e.g. Augmented Dickey-Fuller tests, etc), are there other ways kable, etc, can be used to present these results?
Thanks in advance for any help!

What type of K-medoids is implemented in RapidMiner

I would like to know what type of K-medoids is implemented in RapidMiner? Is it PAM or some modification?
And what initialization does it use? Since I get the same results each time I run it.
I cannot find any information about it and I would like to know what I am working with and maybe implement it myself.

Railstutorial #5 Section 3.4 Need of full_title helper. Help needed to understand the benefits

in Chapter 5 Section 3.4 of the rails-3-2.railstutorial it says
Of course, this is essentially a duplicate of the helper in Listing 4.2, but having two independent methods allows us to catch any typos in the base title. This is dubious design, though, and a better (slightly more advanced) approach, which tests the original full_title helper directly, appears in the exercises (Section 5.6).
I did as it said, but i do not understand the mentioned benefit
...having two independent methods allows us to catch any typos in the base title.
The "original" method in application_helper.rb and the test method in spec/support/utilities.rb act exactly the same. So from my point of view it´s a disvantage - there are two places to missspell.
I am new to ruby & rails and having a hard time cause the tutorial covers alot of new stuff, so please bear with me. I would be glad if someone could take some time to help me to understand.
Kind regards,
RSpec is a tool for testing.
So it's kind of check list that it "should" be.
If there is a typo one of two methods, the RSpec test will fail, so that you can notice there is something wrong there.
I hope this helps.

How to use generic classes in Matlab (MIJ package/Miji)

does anyone know how to use generic classes in Matlab using the MIJ package?
every time I tried to use a generic class I get an "Undefined class" error, while other classes gave me no problems. In particular I would like to use an instance of the ComplexRealFloatConverter class from the imglib2 library to get the real values of an FFT.
Thanks to all!
Most likely it's a path problem, i.e. you need to add the path to the package for example with javaaddpath().
For an extensive explanation on how to do that, please read Bringing Java Classes into MATLAB Workspace. The explanation contains how to make entire packages available.