Does Amazon have an API to access "Customers Also Viewed" for any given product? - amazon-personalize

I've found an API labeled aws-ecomm-customers-who-viewed-x-also-viewed but I can't figure out if it's for any product or only works for products on your own store.
The reason I ask is because, it seems that the Amazon website no longer displays "Customers Also Viewed" for any products at all.

Amazon Personalize trains ML models to provide recommendations based on your data only. These models are private to your AWS environment and do not include data from or any other source outside of what you provide.


What is the best approach to save ecommerce data on blockchain?

I'm setting up a blockchain database using bigchaindb for an ecommerce platform. Although, it's more like a secure backup. My application already runs on a SQL database. The blockchain database saves data in the form of assets and transactions in mongodb. The bigchaindb also provides all it's data via a public API. Later, I also want to query this database.
I tried searching for it, but didn't get a dedicated discussion on database design for e-commerce on blockchain. If you know any such article out there, let me know, it'll be helpful.
As per my personal assertions:
Every information like, the user_profile, order, products, reviews etc can be saved in the form of assets. Moreover, operations like transferring product from the seller to the customer can be saved as transactions. Also, a customer creates a review as an asset, while putting the review on the product will be a transaction.
Of course, I will need to create Key-Pairs as identities for individual users, but I think I shouldn't save it in the blockchain, as it's data is accessible by the public API. So, I can save it in the actual SQL database of the application.
Do you think it's the best way? Any suggestions from your side?
I am not sure you can have a "schema" in a / any blockchain. For your purpose, which I believe is little strange should be enough.

Does the Recommendation service allow enriching an existing model with new data?

We are able to provide an initial training model and ask for recommendations. When asking for recommendations we can provide new usage events. Are these persisted at all into the model? Do they manipulate the model at all?
Is there another way the data is supposed to be updated or do we need to retrain a new model every time we want to enrich the model?
We are trying to use the "Recommendations Solution Template" which deploys a solution to Azure and provides a swagger endpoint for working with the model (
It appears the Cognitive Services API is much richer than this. Can the swagger version's models be updated?
After more experience with this I discovered a few things as of August 21st, 2017:
While not intuitive for the uninitiated, new data requires training a new model for the data to be persisted into the model.
This allows a form of versioning the model, and means when you make new models you can switch recommendations to work how they did before if they don't work as well.
The recommended method appears to be to batch usage data and create new builds of the model on an interval.
The APIs do allow passing in recent usage data to allow recent data to be accounted for at scoring time, it's just not persisted.
The "upload usage events" call in the cognitive services API does not seem to work. Uploading the new usage data via a file does appear to work.
The Recommended Solutions Template vs. The Cognitive Services API
It appears the Recommended Solutions Template is a packaged version of the SAR (Smart Adaptive Recommendations) model inside the Cognitive Services API that is optimized for ease of use.
I'm presuming for other popular recommendation models like FBT the Cognitive Services API should be used as the deployable template only allows one model type.
Additional note on the Preview Status of the API
It seems microsoft is deprecating the datamart as of February and sending people to this preview API instead. Therefore it seem reasonable to presume this Preview is highly likely to move on past preview and not be killed.

Create a chatbot for stock market using IBM Watson

I would like to create stock bot which can have basic conversation and give me stock price in conversation.
To get stock price i am using yahoo finance api.
For basic conversation i am using
IBM watson conversation api
I have also used
IBM NLU (natural language understanding) Api
to verify different company names asked in different manner but i am not getting expected result.
For example if i search
"What is price of INFY?"
then it should give me correct answer and should filtered out as my action should be to pass INFY in yahoo finance api. This should also work if i change format of question asked.
Below is the flow chart setup which i made on node-red panel of bluemix (IBM).
Could you help me to find out exact api's and flow which could help me achieve my goal.
This is a pretty big one, but at least some first impression comments...
Watson Conversation Service is already integrated with NLU component - the intents and entities TAB. The company names could be extracted from the input text with the use of entities and entities synonyms. Drawback here is that the user needs to list all the possible variants of how the company name can look like, but on the other hand, the entities specification can be imported in the Conversation through a csv file.
In general the integration of Watson Conversation service and some 3rd party services needs to be done outside the Conversation service - as it as of now - does not explicitly support calling of 3rd party APIs, so the node.js solution here seems a sound one. What you need to specify is how the integration of WCS and 3rd party services will look like. The general pipeline could look like:
user inputs text to the system
text goes to Watson Conversation Service
the intent and company name is extracted in WCS
WCS sends text output + sets a special variable in the node output field such as "stocks" : "Google" that will tell the node.js component that sits after the conversation service to find out and include stocks market value of Google inside the output text
Now - back to your solution - it might make sense to have also a dedicated NLC service that will be used only to extract the companies name in the system. However I would use this only if it would turn out that e.g. entities in WCS service are not robust enough to capture the companies properly (my feeling here is that for this particular use case the entities with synonyms might work ok).

exporting data from Bluemix Presence Insights

I'm trying to export data from Presence Insights on Bluemix, I followed the following documentation:
however I can't seem to find export button mentioned inside the document.
Data can be exported from the IBM Presence Insights Dashboard if you have data available. There are also REST APIs for exporting data. They are documented in the Floors, Sites, and Zones sections of the API Reference.
There were REST APIs in the product some time ago, but they were found to have limitations that made them less useful in production. In particular, the amount of data that builds up forces the response time on the API to grow beyond what the Bluemix infrastructure allowed. The API requests would timeout. To that end, the APIs were backed out, but it appears the documentation was left. That will be removed shortly.
Presence Insights still understands the value of exporting the data, so a new scheme is under investigation. For example, it would be ideal if the data could be exported under the covers to a production data storage facility, on a regular time frame.
In the interim, an alternative solution would be to use a Subscription to gather the backend enter/exit/dwell/timeout events directly and roll your own solution to store only what you need in whatever facility works for your application.

Querying Amazon

Is is possible to querying Amazon for items. Regarding their prices, discounts, category etc?
If yes then how can we access it and get results on iphone.
Any help would be appreciated.
Possibly you're looking for Amazon Web Services, specifically the Amazon Associates Web Service (A2S)? According to the wiki article you can use it to browse their catalog and retrieve product information etc etc.
You need the Product Advertising API
Use the ItemLookup operation to find the item in question. Depending on what ResponseGroup you choose, you can get just about every piece of information about a product.