Canvas LMS LTI 1.3 sections from an external tool - sections

I’m looking for a way to update my Canvas LMS integrated external tool (LTI 1.3) with the currently active course sections.
Currently, I'm receiving each user's active sections (name and id) as a custom field defined in the developer key:
Unfortunately, this doesn't provide any data about deleted sections.
What would be the best practice for getting the full list of sections in a course, particularly to discover if a section was deleted, from my external tool’s backend?


Change CKAN API Interface - are there limitations on the API?

I've looked around the site to see if there are any people who have changed the CKAN API interface so that instead of uploading documents and databases, they can directly type onto the site, but I haven't found any use cases.
Currently, we have a page where people upload data sets through excel forms that they've filled out, but we want to make it a bit more user friendly by changing the API so that they can fill out a form on the page rather than downloading the template, filling it out and then uploading it.
Does CKAN have the ability to support this? If so, are there any examples or use cases of websites that have use forms rather than uploads?
This is certainly possible.
I'm not aware of any existing extensions that provide that functionality, but you can check the official list of CKAN extensions if there's anything that fulfills your needs.
If there is no existing extension that suits you then you could write your own, see the extension guide for details on how to do that.
Adding an API function to CKAN's API is possible, but probably not what you want in this case: the web UI usually does not interact with CKAN via the API but via Flask/Pylons controllers. Hence, you would add your add controller which first serves your form and then processes the submitted inputs.
You can take a look at the ckanext-pages extension, which does exactly that (for editing static pages instead of datasets, but your code would be similar).

EPiServer - how to search content in different EPiServer websites?

Greetings EPiServer gurus.
Picture this scenario:
A customer has got two different EPiServer-sites.
One internal and one external website.
The external is using EPiServer Find's REST API for search.
The internal is currently using a simple Search page which is based upon the Lucene indexer.
The customer wants to be able to search both the external and internal site's content INSIDE the internal site. They are not keen on the idea of having to buy another EPiServer Find license to apply on the internal. So basically they want to be able to search the content of the external site while inside of the internal.
What would be the proper approach in order to do this?
Any suggestions appreciated.
This is a tricky one. EPiServer Find support multi site setup but requires them to be hosted in the same solution. EPiServer constructed the indexing job in such way that it clears the entire Find index, this means that if you have the same Find index on two different machines they will erase each others indexes, effectively you'll only have the results from the most recently indexed site.
We've discussed this with EPiServer on changing this pattern to only allow an indexer to erase posts with siteId's available to the solution running the index job. However, no luck so far, instead we rely on hackish solutions :)
So, what you are asking is possible with a bit of coding, reflect the built-in indexer and ensure the ReindexTarget are scoped correctly (the code is easy to understand). When done this indexing job needs to be used on both the internal and external environment and the original job needs to be removed.
There's no need for filtering in your internal environment but in the external environment you'll have to ensure only external results are posted. If your results include anything else than pages you cannot filter on siteId since global items (like files and images) doesn't have any siteId. We've solved this with a url-filter like the one below.
private static FilterBuilder<ISearchContent> SiteFilterBuilder
var filter = SearchClient.Instance.BuildFilter<ISearchContent>();
filter = filter.Or(x => x.SearchHitUrl.Prefix(EPiServer.Web.SiteDefinition.Current.SiteUrl.AbsoluteUri));
return filter;
var query = SearchClient.Instance.UnifiedSearch(Language.Swedish)
.AndInField(x => x.SearchCategories)
.OrFilter(SiteFilterBuilder) // will scope to this site
.TermsFacetFor(x => x.SearchSection)
Off the top of my head, I can see multiple risks involved in adding the public Find index to the internal site - especially if you don't want it two-way (i.e. index the internal site in the same Find index).
One approach could be to add a search endpoint to the public website, which the internal website invokes to do searches.
Basically that endpoint (for example a controller action method) would perform a search using Find (this would happen inside the public web application) and then return the result to the internal website.
Technically, only the public website would use Find - but results would be available to the internal website.

AEM Campaign analytics

We building personalization feature and use AEM targeting engine to deliver personalization content. However, I see that in admin section of the AEM Segmentation, there is any attribute called "Impresssions" which I believe is stats on how many times the customized content was shown to user.
Assuming that, how does AEM get to know the statistics? Is it something AEM takes care of automatically or I have code or configure something explicit. The reason why I ask is, I see the snippet like below in kernal.js file.
if (window.CQ_trackTeasersStats && n.trackingURL) {
h(M, n.trackingURL)
I noticed that n.trackingURL is null in my case.
Any help shall be appreciated. And also should I looking for impression statistics in author env or publish env?
AEM Campaign use a OOTB or custom Impressions service to calculate the Impressions.
There are two option in AEM to calculate the impressions
Yes, This something AEM can take care automatically
for you but it will not give you a correct picture as every instance will be having a separate copy so you have to write some code to collect all values and push it back to all environment.
You also have an option of using your Adobe Sitecatalyst to
calculate an impression which gives you a more accurate count of
impressions. for this sitecatalyst expose their rest service so that
you can update the impressions on run time.
n.trackingURL is null because you have not configured the sitecatalyst account for this environment.
Read docs Or
Implementations instruction:

.NET CMS to manage copy changes

We have web application that renders dynamic content. We want to manage our content copy changes via separate managed system where developer does not get involved in writing copy and just leave place holder and later on copy writer adds copy.
Per my knowledge, any CMS takes control most of front end and leaves developer to just do design and layout level control.
I am looking for some CMS that does not take control page structure but instead it runs as a thin layer before page rendering and replace the place holders with content.
To give an example, simply do localization with a JS on client, I can use that but I guess SEO will an issue since content is replaced with Javascript which most search engine won't execute.
I think what you are looking for is called a headless CMS. That means it is a back-end interface for users to manage their content, but there is no front-end to render it - just APIs to access the content. You can call those APIs from your application.
A few examples I've used or looked at in the past:
There's also a lot of momentum around using Drupal as a headless CMS.

How to show campaign based on data tracked/reported by adobe sitecatalyst?

We are implementing SiteCatalyst on flat HTML files. There is a requirement where we need to show campaigns based on the data that we reported from Analytics. e.g. There is a form having multiple fields. If user have not filled the form/or filled the form, we will track this event and report it to omniture. Now if he presses back button without filling the form completely, we need to show him some campaign/offers. The same will happen when he presses the submit button only the campaign will be different this time. Can this be achieved ? Can we integrate sitecatalyst and campaigning ?
I know that the vice-versa is possible. We can track campaigns and report the campaign id's. But is there any way to display offers based on the analytics data. That too in real time.
Any help would be great !
Thanks in advance.
It sounds like what you are looking for is Adobe Target.
Adobe Target is a tool that allows you to do AB/MV testing, but also target visitors by set rules and criteria.
Very simple example:
"If user came from, show <h1>foo</h1>. If user came from, show <h1>bar</h1>"
There is a level of integration between Adobe Target and Adobe Analytics. However, it is not real-time for data that has already been collected.
For example, if you have logic that pops s.prop10 on page with "foo" then that can be integrated with Adobe Target and you can setup a rule that says something like "If s.prop10 is 'foo' then show '<h1>foo</h1>'".
But, it does not let you make a rule like "if prop10 was 'foo' for this visitor at any point in the time in the past, show '<h1>foo</h1>'". In other words, there is no real-time evaluation of data already collected on Adobe's servers.
But, if you were simply wanting to make rules based off the current visit, you can store information in cookies look at cookies to make rules in Adobe Target easy enough.
Also note that there are no built-in tools or hooks or methods etc.. for the actions you described. For example, there's no way to natively say in Adobe Target (or Adobe Analytics) "If a visitor clicks the back button or does this other action, track that". You need to write your own code to define those actions and trigger relevant tracking code at relevant times. Adobe Analytics (and other tracking tools) can help automate some basic stuff like simple link clicks or form field focusing - IOW direct 1:1 actions, but baking in complex actions like that is not feasible for a tracking tool, because every site and scenario is unique.
I guess the TL;DR here is that there is no magic wand for this sort of thing, not for Adobe or any other analytics/tracking tool; you're going to have to write your own code (be it server-side, client-side, or mix of both) to meet your business needs.
You can use Reporting API exposed by adobe sitecatalyst.
Through the Reporting API, you’re able to access the reports generated for your Form events. If you’re using SiteCatalyst 15, you’ll be able to generate reports based on segments also. Recently the Reporting API was updated and given the ability to perform multi-level breakdowns across reports. For more information on this method, go to the API documentation within the Adobe Developer Connection.
Sample Real time access API:
// Real-Time Report
// Note the inclusion of "source" equals "realtime"
// Make sure you configure Real-Time reports for the report suite
"reportDescription": {
"source": "realtime",
"reportSuiteID": "rsid",
"metrics": [
{ "id": "revenue" }