Apache echart showing y1 axis without configure - echarts

am implemented apache e-chart on my angular project.Am configured both X and Y axis.
When i change grid left value to -10 or 0 it will show the Y1 axis like below.
Do we have any options for hide or remove the highlighted Y1 axis.
Expecting a better solution.
Thanks in advance.

am missed to add position on the yAxis confguration
issue resolved.


Bubble charts Vaadin: how can i set the axes origin on coordinates 0,0

Now vaadin set X axis on min vertical value(bottom) and Y axis on min horizontal value (left), but i will like set axes on middle
I'm afraid that axis are always in left and bottom of the plot area.
One thing you can do is set the min at negative, or leave it automatic, and add a plotline with value 0 for both axes. That way you can visualize the chart's quadrants.
If you're using java API you can use addPlotLine method in xAxis or yAxis classes. You can check the java tab in the boxplot demo

MATLAB how to turn off the yaxis created by 'yyaxis' command?

How to turn off (totally) a yaxis in a Matlab figure?
Google only tell me how to create an extra yaxis.
Appreciate any help.
Use the axis handle to modify either y axis.
hax.YAxis(1).Visible='off'; % Removes left axis
hax.YAxis(2).Visible='off'; % Removes right axis

Set y axis max value with Matlab

I'm trying to draw plots with Matlab and the problem is that i want to fix the maximum value of y-axis to 8 . To help you understand me, look at this first example :
you can see that the maximum y value is 8. but when i try to draw this graph :
its maximum y value is 6 . i want to fix it for all examples to 8.
how can i do it?
here's my code for now :
fig = figure(1);
ylabel('Acceleration(g unit)','FontSize',12,'FontWeight','bold','Color','b')
thank you very much
Use ylim if you just want to modify the y axis.
Therefore, do this once your plot is already open:
ylim([0 8]);
This overrides the auto-scaling of the axes so that y always spans between 0 to 8.
In general, #eigenchris mentioned to use axis, which allows you to change the dynamic range of what is viewable in a plot for both the x and y axes. However, since you only want to change how the y-axis is visualized, one call to ylim is enough.

JasperReports (iReport) Chart Define X Axis Tickcount

Find a screen from my report attached.
It is an AreaChart with a category dataset in a multiple axis chart.
The Y Axis is well formed.
The X Axis is not.
The X Axis is based on a Timestamp field.
Can I configure the TickCount in iReport?
The X Axis has to be exploded like Y axis.
I´m working with actual iReport and don´t have permission to use Java.
thx and Best regards
Sometimes, un-checking and re-checking the tick-mark buttons in the chart's properties window will work..

CorePlot 0.9: alternatives to isFloatingAxis property

This states that the isFloatingAxis property has been removed from at least version 0.9.
Does anyone know how to float the x axis without this property? In other words, if I want the origin of the graph to be (0,6000) lets say, how can I maintain the x axis inside the plot range, while the y axis is NOT set to:
y.orthogonalCoordinateDecimal = CPTDecimalFromInt(0);
I was able to figure this out by looking in the CPTTestApp example from the CorePlot_0.9 folder. I looked in the class files and found this in Controller.m:
x.axisConstraints = [CPTConstraints constraintWithUpperOffset:132];
For now, this is holding my x axis in the same spot so I can change the orthogonalCoordinateDecimal to 6000 or whatever without the x axis and labels disappearing.
This code should help you. It sets the x-axis to range from 0-6000, and makes visible only that part on plot:
axisSet.xAxis.visibleRange =[CPTPlotRange plotRangeWithLocation:CPTDecimalFromInt(0) length:CPTDecimalFromInt(6000)];
axisSet.xAxis.gridLinesRange = axisSet.xAxis.visibleRange;