hygraph and next.js component not showing up on import [duplicate] - import

This question already has answers here:
NextJS getStaticProps() never called
(5 answers)
Next.js, getStaticProps not working with component but does with page
(1 answer)
Closed 5 months ago.
When I try to import into a next.js page the container div is the only thing showing up, am I importing or exporting incorrectly? If I use the Component as a page itself, everything displays correctly but I cant add a page wide container for the blogposts
import { GraphQLClient } from 'graphql-request';
export async function getStaticProps() {
const hygraph = new GraphQLClient(
const { blogposts } = await hygraph.request(
blogposts {
return {
props: {
export default ({ blogposts }) =>
blogposts?.map(({ slug, title, content }) =>
<div class="card blog-post" style={{width: "auto"}}>
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title text-center">{title}</h5>
<p class="card-text">{content.text}</p>
From what I understand I am correctly importing the above component by naming it in the page import but obviously I am missing something or doing something incorrectly
import NewsConst from "../components/newscmp"
export default function News() {
return (
<div className='container-fluid abt-cnt news-cnt'>
<NewsConst />


Next JS 13 data send from client component to server side component but show Not found

JS 13 and inside my ReadMoreButton client component i push my article data using useRouter hook of NEXT.
Not i can not use useRouter hook inside NEXT.JS server component so here i fetch searchParams and fetch that data.
here problem is before rendering i am checking if searchParams are defined or not not if i check in development everything work fine it render data but in production mode it show page not found error even if data is correctly send.
when i run next build it give me following output Output
and i am running side in production mode using next start and it show page not found when i do /article?serchParamsData.
You can check my whole code here : https://github.com/ssiwach8888/Next.JS-News-App
i also deploy production build on Vercel but it also show same error.
I am using NEXT.JS 13 with typescript
# ReadMoreButton.tsx "First Control goes here."
"use client";
type Props = {
article: NewsData;
import { useRouter } from "next/navigation";
//For navigate to SSC
const ReadMoreButton = ({ article }: Props) => {
const router = useRouter();
const handleClick = () => {
const queryString = Object.entries(article)
.map(([key, value]) => `${key}=${value}`)
const url = `/article?${queryString}`;
return (
className="bg-orange-400 h-10 rounded-b-lg dark:text-gray-900 hover:bg-orange-500"
Read More
export default ReadMoreButton;
# Article.tsx "Then we navigate to this page."
type Props = {
searchParams?: NewsData;
import { notFound } from "next/navigation";
import LiveTimestamp from "../Components/LiveTimestamp";
import Link from "next/link";
const ArticlePage = ({ searchParams }: Props) => {
if (
(searchParams && Object.entries(searchParams).length === 0) ||
) {
return notFound();
const article: NewsData = searchParams;
return (
<article className="mt-6">
<section className="flex flex-col lg:flex-row pb-24 px-0 lg:px-10">
src={article.image === "null" ? "/no-image.jpeg" : article.image}
className="h-50 max-w-md mx-auto md:max-w-lg lg:max-w-xl object-contain rounded-lg shadow-md"
<div className="px-8">
<Link legacyBehavior href={article.url || ""}>
<a target="_blank">
<h1 className="headerTitle hover:underline cursor-pointer px-0 pb-2">
<div className="flex divide-x-2 space-x-4">
<h2 className="font-bold">
By: {article.author !== "null" ? article.author : "Unknown"}
<h2 className="font-bold pl-4">Source: {article.source}</h2>
<p className="pl-4">
article.published_at === "null" ? "" : article.published_at
<p className="pt-4 text-lg">{article.description}</p>
export default ArticlePage;
You just need to put the article page in [bracket] to make it dynamic so next js can fetch all pages otherwise it would display blank----
change article folder to [article]
more reference https://nextjs.org/docs/routing/dynamic-routes

Adding a wp: featured image to loop when using a headless CMS via the Wordpress API and Vue.js

Would like to know how to implement the Wordpress Featured Image to multiple vue.js/nuxt.js based headless-CMS approaches using the Wordpress restful API.
Initially, I followed this immensely helpful tutorial headless-cms with nuxt and created a headless CMS via the wordpress api, and of course applied it to my use-case (here is a link to a live version nuxt-headless-cms-webapp. Unfortunately, I have been unable to figure out how to include a post's featured image as it is not covered in this particular tutorial. I then did a bit of research and ended up piecing together another project (vue.js), in which I was able to implement featured images. That being said I would like guidance with regard to implementing my working code in terms of the wp-featured image, to the original tutorial's project (as nuxt provides better routing and SEO options from my understanding. Thank you in advanced for any help!
First, here is the axios http request syntax found in the original tutorial (nuxt) project's index.js:
const siteURL = "https://indvillage.com"
export const state = () => ({
posts: [],
tags: []
export const mutations = {
updatePosts: (state, posts) => {
state.posts = posts
updateTags: (state, tags) => {
state.tags = tags
export const actions = {
async getPosts({ state, commit, dispatch }) {
if (state.posts.length) return
try {
let posts = await fetch(
).then(res => res.json())
posts = posts
.filter(el => el.status === "publish")
.map(({ id, slug, title, excerpt, date, tags, content }) => ({
commit("updatePosts", posts)
} catch (err) {
async getMedia({ state, commit }) {
if (state.media.length) return
try {
let media= await fetch(
).then(res => res.json())
commit("updatePosts", media)
} catch (err) {
async getTags({ state, commit }) {
if (state.tags.length) return
let allTags = state.posts.reduce((acc, item) => {
return acc.concat(item.tags)
}, [])
allTags = allTags.join()
try {
let tags = await fetch(
).then(res => res.json())
tags = tags.map(({ id, name }) => ({
commit("updateTags", tags)
} catch (err) {
Next, we have the index.vue page where the above logic is implemented.
<div class="posts">
<div class="post" v-for="post in sortedPosts" :key="post.id">
<a :href="`blog/${post.slug}`">{{ post.title.rendered }}</a>
<small>{{ post.date | dateformat }}</small>
<div v-html="post.excerpt.rendered"></div>
<a :href="`blog/${post.slug}`" class="readmore slide">Read more ⟶</a>
<h2 class="tags-title">Tags</h2>
<div class="tags-list">
v-for="tag in tags"
:class="[tag.id === selectedTag ? activeClass : '']"
<a>{{ tag.name }}</a>
<span v-if="tag.id === selectedTag">✕</span>
import AppMasthead from "#/components/AppMasthead.vue";
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
selectedTag: null,
activeClass: "active"
computed: {
posts() {
return this.$store.state.posts;
_embed = true;
tags() {
return this.$store.state.tags;
sortedPosts() {
if (!this.selectedTag) return this.posts;
return this.posts.filter(el => el.tags.includes(this.selectedTag));
created() {
methods: {
updateTag(tag) {
if (!this.selectedTag) {
this.selectedTag = tag.id;
} else {
this.selectedTag = null;
Here is a link to my project with working wordpress featured images! https://indvillage.netlify.app/
And here is the logic associated with the axious http request I used.
The question is how, do I include my logic in terms of the wp featured image to the initial nuxt tutorial without breaking things:
export default {
data() {
return {
postsUrl: "https://indvillage.com/wp-json/wp/v2/posts",
queryOptions: {
per_page: 6,
page: 1,
_embed: true
posts: []
methods: {
// Get recent posts from wp
getRecentMessages() {
.get(this.postsUrl, { params: this.queryOptions })
.then(response => {
this.posts = response.data;
console.log("Posts retrieved!");
//document.getElementById("test").id = "testing";
.catch(error => {
getPostDate(date) {
return moment(date).format("111");
mounted() {
Next, here is the App.vue template that displays the parsed information:
<template id="app">
<div class="row container">
<!-- looping through and displaying the array bound posts in HTML -->
<div class="col s4 m4" v-for="(post, index) in posts" :key="index" :id="'post'+index">
<div class="card" id="test">
<div class="card-image">
<!-- rendering the post's wp:featuredmedia in the image portion of the html/css card -->
<!-- rendering the post.excerpt to the html/css card container -->
<div class="card-content" v-html="post.excerpt.rendered"></div>
<div class="card-action">
<!-- rendering the post title to the action portion of the html/css card -->
{{ post.title.rendered }}
Please let me know if anyone has any suggestions with regard to implementing wp:featuredmedia to the code derived from the first project/tutorial (nuxt.js)
Thanks again! Feel free to email with further questions

vue-chartjs and custom legend using generateLegend()

The generateLegend() wrapper does call the legendCallback defined in my Vue code but I'm lost to how to render the custom HTML in vue-chartjs. What do I do with htmlLegend as described in the vue-chartjs api docs like here.
Here is the line chart component I'm trying to render with a custom HTML object.
import { Line, mixins } from 'vue-chartjs'
const { reactiveProp } = mixins
export default {
extends: Line,
mixins: [reactiveProp],
props: ['chartData','options'],
data: () => ({
htmlLegend: null
mounted () {
this.renderChart(this.chartData, this.options);
this.htmlLegend = this.generateLegend();
Here is my vue template
<div class="col-8">
<line-chart :chart-data="datacollection" :options="chartOptions"></line-chart>
Well, htmlLegend holds the markup of the generated legend... so you can just put it into your tag via v-html
<div class="col-8">
<div class="your-legend" v-html="htmlLegend" />
<line-chart :chart-data="datacollection" :options="chartOptions"></line-chart>
mounted() {
this.renderChart( this.chartData , this.options );
var legend = this.generateLegend();
this.$emit('sendLegend', legend)
and then in the vue file add a new div to show the legend and also listen to the event to get the legend data
<div class="line-legend" v-html="chartLegend"></div>
<line-chart #sendLegend="setLegend" :chart-data="datacollection" :options="chartOptions"></line-chart>
and also add this to the data
chartLegend: null,
and you also need a method
setLegend (html) {
this.chartLegend = html

React|Rest API: Storing form data into an object on the REST API

I've set up a react web application that's currently listing all "Employees" from a mongodb.
I'm now trying to "add" employees to the database through a react frontend form.
I've managed to pass the data from the form to the application but I'm unsure of the process I need to go through to actually get that data solidified into an object and stored in the api.
Please excuse my code, it's disgusting as this is my first week learning react(honestly with little js knowledge, that's another story) and I've just patched together like 20 tutorials....
Here's my Form class:
class Form extends React.Component {
state = {
fullname: '',
change = e => {
[e.target.name]: e.target.value
onSubmit = e => {
fullname: ''
render() {
return <div>
<input name="fullname" placeholder="Full Name" value={this.state.fullname} onChange={e => this.change(e)} />
<button onClick={e => this.onSubmit(e)}>Submit</button>
and my Listing(?) class:
class EmployeeList extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {employee: []};
this.EmployeeList = this.EmployeeList.bind(this)
this.componentDidMount = this.componentDidMount.bind(this)
componentDidMount() {
EmployeeList() {
return data.json();
}).then( json => {
employee: json
onSubmit = fields => {
console.log('app component got: ', fields)
render() {
//return a mapped array of employees
const employees = this.state.employee.map((item, i) => {
return <div className="row">
<span className="col-sm-6">{item.fullname}</span>
<span className="col-sm-2" id={item.action1}></span>
<span className="col-sm-2" id={item.action2}></span>
<span className="col-sm-2" id={item.action3}></span>
return <div>
<Form onSubmit={fields => this.onSubmit(fields)}/>
<div className="container">
<div className="row">
<div className="col-sm-6 bg-warning"><h3>Full Name</h3></div>
<div className="col-sm-2 bg-success"><h3>Action 1</h3></div>
<div className="col-sm-2 bg-success"><h3>Action 2</h3></div>
<div className="col-sm-2 bg-success"><h3>Action 3</h3></div>
<div id="layout-content" className="layout-content-wrapper">
<div className="panel-list">{ employees }</div>
I've managed to pass the data to the listing app evident by
onSubmit = fields => {
console.log('app component got: ', fields)
But how can I go about making a post request to store this data I send into an object on the db? And then also reload the page so that the new list of all employee's is shown?
Thanks so much for your time!
You can use fetch API to make POST request as well. Second parameter is the config object wherein you can pass the required request configurations.
fetch('url', {
method: 'post',
body: JSON.stringify({
name: fields.fullname
.then(response) {
.then( json => {
employee: json
Additional Request Configs which can be used :
url - URL of the request
headers - associated Headers object
referrer - referrer of the request
mode - cors, no-cors, same-origin
credentials - should cookies go with the request? omit, same-origin
redirect - follow, error, manual
integrity - subresource integrity value
cache - cache mode (default, reload, no-cache)

react-router > redirect does not work

I have searched on the internet for this topic and I have found many different answer but they just do not work.
I want to make a real redirect with react-router to the '/' path from code. The browserHistory.push('/') code only changes the url in the web browser but the view is not refreshed by browser. I need to hit a refresh manually to see the requested content.
'window.location = 'http://web.example.com:8080/myapp/'' works perfectly but i do not want to hardcode the full uri in my javascript code.
Could you please provide me a working solution?
I use react ^15.1.0 and react-router ^2.4.1.
My full example:
export default class Logout extends React.Component {
handleLogoutClick() {
console.info('Logging off...');
doRedirect() {
//window.location = 'http://web.example.com:8080/myapp/';
render() {
return (
<div style={style.text}>
<h3>Are you sure that you want to log off?</h3>
<Button bsStyle="primary" onClick={this.handleLogoutClick.bind(this)}>Yes</Button>
You can use router.push() instead of using the history. To do so, you can use the context or the withRouter HoC, which is better than using the context directly:
import { withRouter } from 'react-router';
class Logout extends React.Component {
handleLogoutClick() {
console.info('Logging off...');
doRedirect() {
this.props.router.push('/') // use the router's push to redirect
render() {
return (
<div style={style.text}>
<h3>Are you sure that you want to log off?</h3>
<Button bsStyle="primary" onClick={this.handleLogoutClick.bind(this)}>Yes</Button>
export default withRouter(Logout); // wrap with the withRouter HoC to inject router to the props, instead of using context
import { createHashHistory } from 'history';
import { useRouterHistory } from 'react-router';
const appHistory = useRouterHistory(createHashHistory)({
queryKey: false
export default appHistory;
Then you can use appHistory from everywhere in your app.
import appHistory from './AppHistory';
<Router history={appHistory} onUpdate={() => window.scrollTo(0, 0)}>
import React from 'react';
import appHistory from '../../AppHistory';
import auth from '../auth/Auth';
import Button from "react-bootstrap/lib/Button";
export default class Logout extends React.Component {
handleLogoutClick() {
doRedirect() {
render() {
return (
<div style={style.text}>
<h3>Are you sure that you want to log off?</h3>
<Button bsStyle="primary" onClick={this.handleLogoutClick.bind(this)}>Yes</Button>
this topic helped me a lot:
Programmatically navigate using react router