Revert Pull Request in Github - github

I merged a pull request accidentally in github but it needs some changes how can I revert the pull request in github to add those changes that I want.
Thank you.

Open the Pull Request page:
Click on "Closed"
Select your PR
Click on "revert"

The best thing to do would be to simply make a new PR with the changes you want to make, as no matter what you do, the "bad" PR will always be a part of the git history. That being said, follow Vertexwhan's answer if you really want to revert the merge, but keep in mind that you will not be able to re-merge the same branch later on.

I had the same problem, revert pushed commit results in new commits that remove your code.
Then, you can't merge again the PR, these commits are already in master history so PR can't be merged again after revertion.
The solution I found and which doesn't force history :
On master, on your local repo :
git revert -m 1 <merged PR commit-hash>
The -m 1 : "specifies the parent number (starting from 1) of the mainline and allows revert to reverse the change relative to the specified parent." Keep master history clear.
Next, you can create a new branch from master like : unrevert-<my-branch>.
On this new branch you can use git cherry-pich to restore reverted commits : git cherry-pick <commit-hash>.
Then, you can merge your unrevert-<my-branch> on your PR branch.
After it, you can reopen your PR and your commits are again mergable on master. You can continue to work on your branch like nothing happens.
That doesn't need to detach HEAD which can be complicated to deal with


New Pull Request when a previous one is pending Merge

I made some changes to several files of the project on a new branch (let's call it branch_a), I commited them, created the Pull Request, and it was recently reviewed and approved. It's still pending Merge on the master branch.
Now, someone asked for another change. It's a small supplemental change in 1 of the files edited in the first Pull Request.
What's the best way of doing this? Should I ask for the first Pull request to be merged and then create a new branch (branch_b), make my change and create a new Pull Request, ask for review and merge again?
Or is there a "cleaner" way, when the first Pull Request is somehow merged with the second one and we don't have to make 2 different merges?
If another change requested is a part of the same feature as in ‘branch_a’, then you can simply make change in the same branch, your PR request will show up those changes, but PR approval will be required again.
If another change requested is outside the scope of feature ‘branch_a’ and it is just a file is same between two changes, then you can create a new branch out of master say ‘branch_b’, complete your changes and raise PR for the same. After ‘branch_a’ is merged into master, you can rebase your second branch ‘branch_b’ to include updated master codebase into branch_b, (or vice-versa if branch_b is merged first).
This is especially useful if the order of merge is not decided in advance.
Below are the steps, for rebase, here ‘feature_branch’ is the name of your branch for which you want to perform rebase:
git checkout master
git pull origin master
git checkout feature_branch
git rebase master
Here you might get some conflicts(if there are any) multiple times as per number of commits in your feature_branch. You can resolve the conflicts manually and proceed with further process of rebase with below command:
git rebase --continue
At any point if you think that things are not going well and you would like to cancel rebase process, then execute below command:
git rebase --abort
Finally when all conflicts are resolved and you get message as successfully merged, then execute below command to push changes to origin:
git push --force origin feature_branch
for more information on rebase process follow link:
Branch off the first pull request branch, edit, add, commit, push, and ask for a second PR merging to the first branch. When the first branch is merged the second PR will be reconfigured automatically (by GitHub) to be merged into the main branch.

Update branch with rebase instead of merge

Is there any way to replace merge with rebase at GitHub PRs? I looked through protected branches settings but didn't find such option.
GitHub now (Feb. 2022) supports this:
More ways to keep your pull request branch up-to-date
The Update branch button on the pull request page lets you update your pull request's branch with the latest changes from the base branch.
This is useful for verifying your changes are compatible with the current version of the base branch before you merge.
Update your pull request branch by rebasing:
When your pull request's branch is out of date with the base branch, you now have the option to update it by rebasing on the latest version of the base branch.
Rebasing applies the changes from your branch onto the latest version of the base branch, resulting in a branch with a linear history since no merge commit is created.
To update by rebasing, click the drop down menu next to the Update Branch button, click Update with rebase, and then click Rebase branch.
Previously, Update branch performed a traditional merge that always resulted in a merge commit in your pull request branch. This option is still available, but now you have the choice.
Note: Because rebasing rewrites the history of the branch, if you are working with the branch locally, you will need to fetch it and do a hard reset to ensure your local branch matches the branch on
Learn more about keeping your pull request in sync with the base branch.
I doubt github supports this, as you should never rebase a public branch. From the official git docs:
Rebasing (or any other form of rewriting) a branch that others have based work on is a bad idea: anyone downstream of it is forced to manually fix their history. This section explains how to do the fix from the downstream’s point of view. The real fix, however, would be to avoid rebasing the upstream in the first place.
The easiest solution would be to simply use a merge. If you don't like that for any reason, you could create a new branch from main, apply the desired changes (e.g. by using git cherry-pick, or git diff in conjunction with patch), and then delete the old branch and create a new PR. If you really want to use rebase, you can do so locally and force-push the branch, but again, that's a really bad idea as it falsifies history and breaks the branch for everybody else.

How to revert a pull request commit on GitHub

I am trying to revert my latest commit on GitHub. All the information I have looked through says that there should be a revert button in the pull request but I do not see it, and cannot find it.
Is there anyway to do this on GitHub? Or could I do it terminal with a few rebase commands?
Assuming this pull request merge is a commit merge (what I would expect), then you may try the following from the Git bash:
git checkout your_branch
git revert <hash of merge commit> -m 1
git push origin your_branch
This solution assumes that you want to revert back to the branch into which the pull request merge was made. If you want to follow the incoming branch, then use -m 2 instead.
To find the SHA-1 hash of the merge commit, you may use git log, and then copy over the hash from the first commit, which should appear at the top.
Note that nuking the merge commit and then doing a force push is generally a bad idea here. The reason it is bad is because your branch is published on GitHub. This means that rewriting the history of that branch could cause problems for anyone besides you who happens to be sharing this branch.
In android studio click version control tab in the bottom. Then click log
Then your all the commits will be visible. Then right click on relvent commit and revert it.
Then commit changes and push again.
Get the hash of the commit in which you want to revert back. Then do:
git checkout 54722c31619b0662b379923d0be4b8f8f1f125c9
The long number you are seeing is the hash of that particular commit in which you want to revert back.
Then force push into the branch you want to revert back.
git push origin <your_branch_name> --force
I hope this helps. Happy coding :)

Reseting branch for GitHub pull request

For one open source project, I opened pull request with commits in my branch. This PR stayed untouched for a few months.
Then, I did rebasing in that branch (because in the meantime it got conflict with master) and I messed something up so pull request got hundreds of commits from tens of contributors, and they are all added as "participants" to PR by GitHub. (I am not sure why GitHub is showing changes when those commits are from master, already merged)
I reverted rebasing in my local branch with git reset and it looks good, but I am wondering can I safely push that branch to origin? Will git push --force do the trick? If I do it, will those other commits be unaffected? What about participants to PR?
Note that this open source project is not mine, and that nobody else worked on my branch.
Will git push --force do the trick?
Yes, it will update/replace the PR commit history by your local one, and update the participants.
If you want to test it, you can push it to a new branch and create a PR from that new branch to see if the end-result PR looks OK.
And then delete that new PR, and force push to your original branch.

GitHub fork a repo from previous commit

I've found a repository on GitHub I would like to fork - but not the current version.
I want to fork the repo as it was quite a few commits back - is this possible? The repo has not marked any releases, so I'm not sure how to do this. I could obviously copy the code as it was in that commit, but I would prefer to fork, as then I get the link back to the original repo.
You can only fork the current repository.
You can reset the forked repository's master branch to an earlier commit though, making it look like as if you had forked it at that point.
See: How can I rollback a github repository to a specific commit?
If you reset every branch, it effectively resets your repository to an earlier state of the original repository (with exception of branch-independent data, like configuration, hooks etc which are not reset). Since it's possible that not all branches contain the commit from the master branch, you might need to look up commits by date for each branch, to reset them to the last commit before the commit from which you want to fork.
I was also unable to do this using github, but Sourcetree handled it perfectly.
Switched to the desired branch.
Found the commit that I wanted as the head of my new branch and right clicked.
Selected "branch."
My commit was already selected.
Name this new branch, create, and push.
Can also be done by selecting the "branch" button.
You then select the commit that you want as your new head, give it a name, and create it.