How to allow anyone to submit issue for a private repo? - github

I have a private repo. I have users using the app. I'd like for them to be able to report bugs using GitHub. I've read the GitHub documentation and I just don't get if it would be possible to automatically close issues on Public repo once the corresponding issue is closed in Private repo.
I guess that the workflow should be something like:
user creates issue in Public repo
I recreate the issue in Private repo and I add a comment to Public repo that issue has also been created in Private repo
once the issue is resolved in Private repo I need to manually close the corresponding ticket in Public repo (I would add as much details as I'm allowed)
Is this the only way to do it? Is there some way to automatically create new issue in Private repo once there is issue in Public repo?

3 Step Process :
Go to your private repo and click on settings
Then Click on Invite Collaborator
Click Add people
Input username or email who want to be invited
Click Select a collaborator above


Remove public repository from my GitHub account

In my GitHub account I am seeing two public repository along with my private repository. I am not sure how these public repository came up in my account. Now I want to delete them from my account but as I am not seeing the Settings options on the repository page.
Following is the landing page of my account.
When I search for all types of repository, at that time it is not showing those two public repositories.
can you click into the repositories and hit settings on the far right? scroll down and in the "danger zone" you should be able to delete it, if it is yours, among other options.

If you add a collaborator to a github public repo can they delete or damage anything?

We are setting up a open source project which we would like to allow freelancers to develop alongside us without damaging anything.
In general can the collaborators make changes to repositories without admins being able to check the changes over before code is merged into master.
What is the best method to use to prevent the repository from user damage whilst working with a large number of public freelance developers / users?
What you can do is you can give them read-only permission. They can fork to their own account and start working on that code. Then after finishing a feature they can create a pull request to merge it back to the main repo.
For a Personal account on Github, there are two types of 'roles' - Owner and Collaborator.
For a full list of who can do what - see here:
To answer your question - "No - A collaborator cannot delete a repository"

How to submit website feedback to GitHub?

I want to make a page on my website containing the information form for the bug they faced while using the website and web application.
Then I want to show those feedback to my private GitHub repository, so that I can keep track of all the bugs and work on fixing them.
Is there any GitHub API for this purpose?
Using the GitHub API (like suggested in the other answer) is a possible solution, but requires you to implement the UI by yourself, call the API with proper authentication etc. etc.
If you want a simpler solution with less work for you, you could point your users directly from your website to your GitHub issue tracker.
Unfortunately, GitHub doesn't support private repositories with public issues. Their official solution for this problem is to
create a second (public) repo and use this just to host the public issues.
If changing your hosting provider is an option for you, you could migrate your project to Bitbucket.
They offer unlimited private repos for free if you have max. five users, and it's possible to have a private repo with a public issue tracker.
Quote from the last link:
Users with administrative rights on a repository can set a Bitbucket
Cloud issue tracker as private or public. When your tracker is
public, anyone can view, create, and comment on issues it contains.
This includes people who land on the website but who do not have a
Bitbucket account. The system asks these users to verify they are
people with a CAPTCHA.
You can set your Bitbucket repository, wiki,
and issue tracker as private or public, independently of each other.
For example, you can hide your code from the world by setting your
repository as private, but let people see your documentation and
issues by marking your wiki and issue tracker as public. Or you could
set your repository and wiki as public but keep your issue tracker
private. You can change any of these settings from private to public,
or public to private, at any time.
GitHub does have an API and one if its end-points is for creating bugs:
Well, this worked like a charm for me. In my scenario, I was working in phalcon framework and I used this API to submit issue to a private GitHub repository.
Authentication is pretty simple in this API .

Only few of my GitHub organizations are shown in my public GitHub profile

I have created four organizations, but when a non-logged in user access my profile, he/she can see only one of them. Why?
Is there any difference between GitHub organizations? How to make other organizations public and how to make them appear in my GitHub profile.
As in case of GitHub accounts, all organizations are public (but may have private repositories). But, even being part of such public organization doesn't automatically mean, that your presence is public.
In fact, it isn't. By default, GitHub assumes, that you may don't want to share with others the fact, that you're part of this or that GitHub organization. And that is why, by default organization icon does not appear in your public profile.
To change this, go to organization page and click on People in the right top box or navigate directly to:[orgname]/people
Find yourself on the list of organization's members, click Private in the fifth column and change that to Public. Changes are reflected immediately.
Menu, that appears after clicking Private or Public, describes which state means what.

Submitting issues to a public GitHub project anonymously

It looks like it is not possible to submit issues (ie bug reports and feature requests) to a public GitHub repository without logging-in to GitHub first.
Does anyone know of any way to enable or circumvent this?
Edit: I'm looking to activate this on a specific repository that I control. I'm not looking for a way to comment anonymously on other public repos.