How the deployment strategy works for Multiple Instances of Same Microservice - deployment

Lets say I have 5 Microservices and each microservice has 3 instances each. To deploy these microservices Do we need 15 different servers to deploy each Microservice ???
So In large scale application Let's say i have 100 Microservice and each microservice has 3 instance running in that case i need 300 servers to deploy each microservice's instances??
Please correct me on this

There is nothing like that 1 MicroService Instance = 1 Physical Server.
Microservice means that service only knows about its presense and its own data.
If some other service want to give some task to another service they have to call that service via endpoint for example Http or via bus.
By saying this you can have a one big server and that can have all the services.
If you want all the services belong to one instance or for one customer can be in one server, it is also possible.
In this area, you have to compute how much resource required by each service and its instance and that will be the driving factor in deciding this strategy.


Microservices + RabbitMQ + Kubernetes?

My design has:
1 React based FrontEnd.
1 NodeJS RestAPI split into 2 microservices. (1 manages 3 endpoints about mailing and the other manages all the other functions).
The FrontEnd always talk to the main microservice and when needed the main microservice send tasks to the mailing microservice using a RabittMQ "topic" queue.
There is also a MongoDB database.
This works good in docker in my dev machine altogether.But I want this to be easily scalable, so I would like to use kubernetes.
What would be a good design approach for having 3 frontends, 2 main microservices and 1 mailing microservice? I must use a single cluster in order to get RabbitMQ working? Is there an obvious better alternative than RabbitMQ now that i plan to use kubernetes?
Real world companies use AWS "solved" services or just get an EC2 machine and install everything like i plan to do to save costs while i learn?

How i can share information from my MicroService A's postgers DB to MicroService B

I have created Four micro services. First service only handles registration n login module(A), Seconds service has the Post& Comment Module(B),Third services has Rating & Review Module (C)and ADMIN Module (D).
All micro services has their own database.But Service B is dependent to service A's DB. Service C is dependent to B and A's DB and Service D is also dependent to service A,B,C. I'm using postgres DB for all service A,B,C .
Option 1.
I can use JDBC connection Factory and connect service B to service A DB.But this is not a good practice b'coz if Service A changed their column then we have to change Service B module.
Option 2.
I can create Hot-standby replica of my service A and Service B but the problem here Hot-standby replica is Read Only i can't perform update n delete.
You should design your microservices so they don't need any dependency on other microservices. Otherwise it looks like distributed monolith. No matter if dependency is established on microservice level or any kind of database linking as both your options suggest.
IMHO the clean solution is:
think over again if you really need such granularity
if yes, then for each database, declare all entities needed by particular microservice. Duplicities are not problem - if B module (posts) needs database of users, let it have it's own copy of users table, not link to A module.
connect microservices by reliable messaging system (Kafka) in which an event in one microservice propagates to listeners in other microservices and let them update their data models
There is a lot of redundancy in this model, however it's robust and definitely closer to really distributed system. We successfully use it in our big fintech platform.

Azure Service Fabric Existing Data MIgration

I want to migrate an existing Web Application that connects to SQL Server into a Service Fabric solution. My application already has hundreds of thousands of rows of data in multiple tables. I want to create the application from the beginning and use Stateful Services in Service Fabric. How do I transfer all my existing data into the Reliable Collections that the Stateful Services will use?
You'll need to think about a way to partition your existing data first, so you can divide it across multiple Stateful service replicas.
Next, you must deploy the application and pass the data to the right service service replica. For example, you can create an API for this, or use Remoting calls from within the cluster.
Also think of a backup strategy to deal with cluster failures and human error. Store your backup data away from the cluster.

spring cloud consul service names

I am switching all my service infrastructure from eureka to consul.
In the eureka case I have multiple services with the same name and Eureka handles this via the Application and instance to differentiate.
In the consul case, if I have this naming scheme, does spring cloud generate unique ids under eh covers?
I read where consul will use the id and name synonymously unless you register them under unique ids.
So you can have service 1 as (name=myservice, id=xxx) and service 2 as (name=myservice, id=yyy).
So in that way consul preserves uniqueness. What does spring cloud do under the covers?
Ok, so it appears that the question is not clear.
I know that I can specify uniqueness when I define them but I don't
I have a large microservices-based system in production. We have multiples of each microservices for both redundancy and scaling and we do not specifically set uniqueness on the services.
We don't because Eureka does this for us. Say I have a CustomerAccountService with 5 instances then I when I request customer account service I can see 5 instances. Looking at the Eureka data model, we see one Application and 5 instances of it.
So I am planning on moving to consul and want t preserve a similar mode of operation. Many instances of the same time of service.
What I really want to know is how the spring consul registration works under the covers or do I have to do something special for this.
I do know that COnsul defines a name and an id and that they can be the same or they can be different.
So can I have the name for 5 instances the same and have the id variate? If so, how does that happen in the spring cloud consul version of this.
Any application registered with the same in Consul using Spring Cloud will be grouped together just like Eureka.

How do micro services in Cloud Foundry communicate?

I'm a newbie in Cloud Foundry. In following the reference application provided by Predix (,1473,1600), the application consisted of several modules and each module is implemented as micro service.
My question is, how do these micro services talk to each other? I understand they must be using some sort of REST calls but the problem is:
service registry: Say I have services A, B, C. How do these components 'discover' the REST URLs of other components? As the component URL is only known after the service is pushed to cloud foundry.
How does cloud foundry controls the components dependency during service startup and service shutdown? Say A cannot start until B is started. B needs to be shutdown if A is shutdown.
The ref-app 'application' consists of several 'apps' and Predix 'services'. An app is bound to the service via an entry in the manifest.yml. Thus, it gets the service endpoint and other important configuration information via this binding. When an app is bound to a service, the 'cf env ' command returns the needed info.
There might still be some Service endpoint info in a property file, but that's something that will be refactored out over time.
The individual apps of the ref-app application are put in separate microservices, since they get used as components of other applications. Hence, the microservices approach. If there were startup dependencies across apps, the CI/CD pipeline that pushes the apps to the cloud would need to manage these dependencies. The dependencies in ref-app are simply the obvious ones, read-on.
While it's true that coupling of microservices is not in the design. There are some obvious reasons this might happen. Language and function. If you have a "back-end" microservice written in Java used by a "front-end" UI microservice written in Javascript on NodeJS then these are pushed as two separate apps. Theoretically the UI won't work too well without the back-end, but there is a plan to actually make that happen with some canned JSON. Still there is some logical coupling there.
The nice things you get from microservices is that they might need to scale differently and cloud foundry makes that quite easy with the 'cf scale' command. They might be used by multiple other microservices, hence creating new scale requirements. So, thinking about what needs to scale and also the release cycle of the functionality helps in deciding what comprises a microservice.
As for ordering, for example, the Google Maps api might be required by your application so it could be said that it should be launched first and your application second. But in reality, your application should take in to account that the maps api might be down. Your goal should be that your app behaves well when a dependent microservice is not available.
The 'apps' of the 'application' know about each due to their name and the URL that the cloud gives it. There are actually many copies of the reference app running in various clouds and spaces. They are prefaced with things like Dev or QA or Integration, etc. Could we get the Dev front end talking to the QA back-end microservice, sure, it's just a URL.
In addition to the aforementioned, etcd (which I haven't tried yet), you can also create a CUPS service 'definition'. This is also a set of key/value pairs. Which you can tie to the Space (dev/qa/stage/prod) and bind them via the manifest. This way you get the props from the environment.
If micro-services do need to talk to each other, generally its via REST as you have noticed.However microservice purists may be against such dependencies. That apart, service discovery is enabled by publishing available endpoints on to a service registry - etcd in case of CloudFoundry. Once endpoint is registered, various instances of a given service can register themselves to the registry using a POST operation. Client will need to know only about the published end point and not the individual service instance's end point. This is self-registration. Client will either communicate to a load balancer such as ELB, which looks up service registry or client should be aware of the service registry.
For (2), there should not be such a hard dependency between micro-services as per micro-service definition, if one is designing such a coupled set of services that indicates some imminent issues such as orchestrating and synchronizing. If such dependencies do emerge, you will have rely on service registries, health-checks and circuit-breakers for fall-back.