postgresql - removing duplicates - amazon-redshift

I have 4 tables that i did a UNION with and the total count is roughly about 13 mils for an service_id field and 790k for a distinct service_id field.
When i did a count using
SELECT COUNT(service_id) as full_count, service_id
FROM temp
GROUP BY service_id
I got service_id 0423 x 2
However, when i did
SELECT COUNT(*) as full_count, COUNT(DISTINCT cust_id) as dist_cust_id
FROM temp
I got the result of
My question is then how do i remove duplicate service_id and keeping 1 and knowing the one i keep is a valid one. Some tables do have a last_update column and some don't which adding to the complexity.
I have tried doing the SELF JOIN of the same table where a.cust_id <> b.cust_id AND a.service_id = b.service_id to identify which service_id has two or more cust_id. Not sure how I can keep the right one.


How to include and exclude ids in once query postgresql

I use PostgreSQL 13.3
I'm trying to think how I can make include/exclude in query at the same time
I have include_system_ids [1,5] and exclude_system_ids [3]
There's one big table - records
system_records table
If a record contains an exclusive identifier, then it should not be included in the final selection. I had some several tries, but I didn't get a necessary result
Awaiting result: record with id 2
Fact result: 1, 2
My variants
select from records r
left join (select record_id from system_records
where system_id in (1,5)
) include_ids on = include_ids
left join (select record_id from system_records
where system_id not in (3)
) exclude_ids on =
Honestly, I don't understand how I can do it((
Is there anyone who can help me
Maybe this query could be a solution (result here)
with x as (select record,string_agg(system_id::varchar,',') as sys_id from records group by record)
select records.*
from records,x
where records.record = x.record
and x.sys_id = '1,5'

Selecting other columns not in count, group by

So I have a table as follows
product_id sender_id timestamp ...other columns...
1 2 1222
1 2 3423
1 2 1231
2 2 890
3 4 234
2 3 234234
I want to get rows where sender_id = 2, but I want to count and group by product_id and sort by timestamp descending. This means I need the following result
product_id sender_id timestamp count ...other columns...
1 2 3423 3
2 2 890 1
I tried the following query:
SELECT product_id, sender_id, timestamp, count(product_id), ...other columns...
FROM table
WHERE sender_id = 2
GROUP BY product_id
But I get the following error Error in query: ERROR: column "table.sender_id" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
Seems like I cannot SELECT columns that are not in the GROUP BY. Another method which I found online was to join
SELECT product_id, sender_id, timestamp, count, ...other columns...
FROM table
SELECT product_id, COUNT(product_id) AS count
FROM table
GROUP BY (product_id)
) table1 ON table.product_id = table1.product_id
WHERE sender_id = 2
GROUP BY product_id
But doing this simply lists all rows without grouping or counting. My guess is that the ON part simply extends table again.
Try grouping using product_id, sender_id
select product_id, sender_id, count(product_id), max(timestamp) maxtm
from t
where sender_id = 2
group by product_id, sender_id
order by maxtm desc
If you want other columns too:
select t.*, t1.product_count
from t
inner join (
select product_id, sender_id, count(product_id) product_count, max(timestamp) maxtm
from t
where sender_id = 2
group by product_id, sender_id
) t1
on t.product_id = t1.product_id and t.sender_id = t1.sender_id and t.timestamp = t1.maxtm
order by t1.maxtm desc
Just do a workout with your data:
CREATE TABLE products (product_id INTEGER,
sender_id INTEGER,
time_stamp INTEGER)
SELECT product_id,sender_id,string_agg(time_stamp::text,','),count(product_id)
FROM products
WHERE sender_id=2
GROUP BY product_id,sender_id
Here you have distinct time_stamp ,so you need to apply some aggregate or just remove that column in select statement.
If you remove time_stamp in select statement then it would be very easy like below :
SELECT product_id,sender_id,count(product_id)
FROM products
WHERE sender_id=2
GROUP BY product_id,sender_id

to write a SQL query which select rows where column value changed from previous row

CREATE TABLE status( id serial NOT NULL,
id integer,
plan smallint,
ime timestamp without time zone
OWNER TO postgres;
Index: data_idx
ON data
USING btree
(time, id);
I have a table like this
id val plan time
1 8300 1 2011-01-01
2 8300 1 2011-01-02
3 8300 2 2011-01-03
4 9600 1 2011-01-04
5 9600 2 2011-01-05
How do I select the rows where sigplan changed from the previous row for that siteId?
In the example above, the query should return the rows
2011-01-03 (sigplan changed from 1 to 2 between 2011-01-01 and 2011-01-03 for 8300),
2011-01-05(sigplan changed from 1 to 2 between 2011-01-04 and 2011-01-05 for 9600).
The table contains lot of data so the query should be optimized.
SELECT siteId, sigplan, MAX(server_time) FROM traffview.status_data
GROUP BY siteId, sigplan
HAVING COUNT(1) > 1 AND MAX(server_time) > 'XXXXX' AND MAX(server_time) < 'XXXXX'
The annoying part is figuring out which is the previous row id with the same siteId. After that it is pretty easy by joining the table with itself.
SELECT t1.* FROM table t1, table t2
WHERE t1.sigplan != t2.sigplan
If the table is moderately (not extremely) large I would consider doing this in application code instead, or by storing the change flag in its own column when writing a new row. A subquery for each row in the table has very poor performance.
This version doesn't have a sub-query, but does assume that you have consecutive IDs.
FROM traffview AS t1, traffview AS t2
t1.siteId = t2.siteId
AND t1.sigplan <> t2.sigplan
AND - = 1
In case you compare with previous rows it is useful to use LAG function which does the job for you:
SELECT sub.*
plan AS curr_plan,
LAG(plan) OVER (PARTITION BY val ORDER BY time) AS prev_plan,
) sub
sub.prev_plan IS NOT NULL AND sub.prev_plan <> sub.curr_plan;

T-SQL End of Month sum

I have a table with some transaction fields, primary id is a CUSTomer field and a TXN_DATE and for two of them, NOM_AMOUNT and GRS_AMOUNT I need an EndOfMonth SUM (no rolling, just EOM, can be 0 if no transaction in the month) for these two amount fields. How can I do it? I need also a 0 reported for months with no transactions..
Thank you!
If you group by the expresion month(txn_date) you can calculate the sum. If you use a temporary table with a join on month you can determine which months have no records and thus report a 0 (or null if you don't use the coalesce fiunction).
This will be your end result, I assume you are able to add the other column you need to sum and adapt for your schema.
select mnt as month
, sum(coalesce(NOM_AMOUNT ,0)) as NOM_AMOUNT_EOM
, sum(coalesce(GRS_AMOUNT ,0)) as GRS_AMOUNT_EOM
from (
select 1 as mnt
union all select 2
union all select 3
union all select 4
union all select 5
union all select 6
union all select 7
union all select 8
union all select 9
union all select 10
union all select 11
union all select 12) as m
left outer join Table1 as t
on m.mnt = month(txn_date)
group by mnt
Here is the initial working sqlfiddle

Retrieving Representative Records for Unique Values of Single Column

For Postgresql 8.x, I have an answers table containing (id, user_id, question_id, choice) where choice is a string value. I need a query that will return a set of records (all columns returned) for all unique choice values. What I'm looking for is a single representative record for each unique choice. I also want to have an aggregate votes column that is a count() of the number of records matching each unique choice accompanying each record. I want to force choice to lowercase for this comparison to be made (HeLLo and Hello should be considered equal). I can't GROUP BY lower(choice) because I want all columns in the result-set. Grouping by all columns causes all records to return, including all duplicates.
1. Closest I've gotten
select lower(choice), count(choice) as votes from answers where question_id = 21 group by lower(choice) order by votes desc;
The issue with this is it will not return all columns.
lower | votes
dancing in the moonlight | 8
pumped up kicks | 7
party rock anthem | 6
sexy and i know it | 5
moves like jagger | 4
2. Trying with all columns
select *, count(choice) as votes from answers where question_id = 21 group by lower(choice) order by votes desc;
Because I am not specifying every column from the SELECT in my GROUP BY, this throws an error telling me to do so.
3. Specifying all columns in the GROUP BY
select *, count(choice) as votes from answers where question_id = 21 group by lower(choice), id, user_id, question_id, choice order by votes desc;
This simply dumps the table with votes column as 1 for all records.
How can I get the vote count and unique representative records from 1., but with all columns from the table returned?
Join grouped results back with primary table, then show only one row for each (question,answer) combination.
similar to this:
WITH top5 AS (
select question_id, lower(choice) as choice, count(*) as votes
from answers
where question_id = 21
group by question_id , lower(choice)
order by count(*) desc
limit 5
SELECT DISTINCT ON(question_id,choice) *
FROM top5
JOIN answers USING(question_id,lower(choice))
ORDER BY question_id, lower(choice),;
Here's what I ended up with:
SELECT answers.*, cc.votes as votes FROM answers join (
select max(id) as id, count(id) as votes
from answers
group by trim(lower(choice))
) cc
on = ORDER BY votes desc, lower(response) asc