Magento Log main.INFO: Broken reference: - magento2

I know this is a common problem and there is a workaround for this error but it didn't helped me.
I uploaded 1column.xml in app/design/frontend/Mgs/claue/Magento_Theme/page_layout with this content:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<container name="sidebar.additional" label="Sidebar Additional" htmlTag="div">
<referenceBlock name="" remove="true"/>
<referenceBlock name="sale.reorder.sidebar" remove="true"/>
<referenceBlock name="wishlist_sidebar" remove="true" />
<referenceBlock name="custom.sidebar.content" remove="true" />
but this was not the solution because after that update you can't see the very important blocks like: compare etc
the error LOG says:
main.INFO: Broken reference: the '' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.additional', because the latter doesn't exist [] []
main.INFO: Broken reference: the 'sale.reorder.sidebar' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.additional', because the latter doesn't exist [] []
main.INFO: Broken reference: the 'wishlist_sidebar' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.additional', because the latter doesn't exist [] []
main.INFO: Broken reference: the 'custom.sidebar.content' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.additional', because the latter doesn't exist [] []
main.INFO: Broken reference: the 'catalog.product.related.sidebar' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.main', because the latter doesn't exist [] []
main.INFO: Broken reference: the '' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.main', because the latter doesn't exist [] []
main.INFO: Broken reference: the 'product.brand.img.sidebar' element cannot be added as child to 'sidebar.main', because the latter doesn't exist [] []
So I tried to change my 1column.xml to:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<container name="sidebar.additional" label="Sidebar Additional" htmlTag="div">
<container name="sidebar.main" label="Sidebar Main" htmlTag="div">
This looks like all blocks stays where the should and the errors are also gone. Do you think this is the correct solution?
Now I have also this errors:
main.INFO: Broken reference: the 'skip_gallery_before' tries to reorder itself towards '', but their parents are different: 'skip_gallery_before.wrapper' and '' respectively. [] []
main.INFO: Broken reference: the 'skip_gallery_after' tries to reorder itself towards '', but their parents are different: 'skip_gallery_after.wrapper' and '' respectively. [] []
main.INFO: Broken reference: the '' tries to reorder itself towards 'view.addto.wishlist', but their parents are different: '' and '' respectively. [] []
main.INFO: Broken reference: the 'page.main.title' tries to reorder itself towards 'breadcrumbs', but their parents are different: '' and 'page.main.title' respectively. [] []
So what should I do here?
My Theme developer is not answering so I have to try a fix by myself...


Mybatis Generator's bug: configuration items should be ordered?

If I put "<commentGenerator>" after "<jdbcConnection>", MBG proposed an error that context content should match: blablabla...
But when I put "<commentGenerator>" before "<jdbcConnection>", everything is ok. Here I have something to complain to the official website that if the order of these items is need, why you do not tell us! What an important thing! You r kidding the freshmen. Maybe it is some where I do not know, but this is a key point to build the MBG's configuration file successfully, why not put this NOTE on the top of the tutorial or somewhere eye-catching?
<generatorConfiguration >
<classPathEntry location="D:\mariadb-java-client-1.1.7.jar" />
<context id="db" >
<property name="suppressAllComments" value="true" />
<property name="suppressDate" value="true" />
<jdbcConnection driverClass="org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver"
<javaTypeResolver >
<property name="forceBigDecimals" value="false" />
<!-- Model Class -->
<javaModelGenerator targetPackage="org.infrastructure.model" targetProject="infrastructure\src\main\java">
<property name="enableSubPackages" value="false" />
<property name="trimStrings" value="true" />
<!-- XML Files -->
<sqlMapGenerator targetPackage="sqlMap" targetProject="infrastructure\src\main\config">
<property name="enableSubPackages" value="false" />
<!-- DAO -->
<javaClientGenerator type="XMLMAPPER" targetPackage="org.infrastructure.dao" targetProject="infrastructure\src\main\java">
<property name="enableSubPackages" value="false" />
<!-- Tables -->
<table tableName="user" domainObjectName="User" ></table>
First of all, in your xml configuration file, it doesn't contains a valid root element, which always should be like <!DOCTYPE .../>. About how to add a correct root element of mybatis generator configuration file, please see example from MyBatis GeneratorXML Configuration File Reference.
If you correctly specified root element such as following:
<!DOCTYPE generatorConfiguration PUBLIC
"-// MyBatis Generator Configuration 1.0//EN"
This root element contains a typical DTD declaration located at This is the definition of the order of these items is need. And we are going to see what it looks like.
From line 47 of this document type definition, it defines element named context. The content is as following:
The context element is used to describe a context for generating files, and the source tables.
<!ELEMENT context (property*, plugin*, commentGenerator?, jdbcConnection, javaTypeResolver?,javaModelGenerator, sqlMapGenerator?, javaClientGenerator?, table+)>
Which obviously defined the order of the element in context, that is:
property*, plugin*, commentGenerator?, jdbcConnection,
javaTypeResolver?,javaModelGenerator, sqlMapGenerator?,
javaClientGenerator?, table+
In this element, all children must occurs as following rules:
+ for specifying that there must be one or more occurrences of the item — the effective content of each occurrence may be different;
* for specifying that any number (zero or more) of occurrences is allowed — the item is optional and the effective content of each occurrence may be different;
? for specifying that there must not be more than one occurrence — the item is optional;
If there is no quantifier, the specified item must occur exactly one time at the specified position in the content of the element.
After we understanding its real meaning, why you could not change the order of commentGenerator and jdbcConnection should be clear.
Maybe you want to know how to make the element out of order, question How to define DTD without strict element order could be useful.
Wish it helpful.

Accessing DOM element with namespace in Freemarker template

I have the following XML
<wmi xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" OrderShipmentNotification.xsd">
<shipmentHeader dateTimeCreated="2016-02-29T13:03:42Z" requestNumber="2574445351883" />
<shipmentDetails actualShipmentDateTime="2016-02-29T12:18:54Z" carrierCode="XX" carrierMethodCode="XX-01">
<shipmentPackDetails trackingNumber="9361289672090007124848" trackingURL="">
<shipmentPackLineDetails requestLineNumber="1" partnerItemID="FXT-CC-LB" itemQtyShipped="1" />
I am getting error in Freemarker template when I am trying to access.
If I delete the namespaces from the document it is working fine. I deleted the following content from the XML
xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" OrderShipmentNotification.xsd"
I did some investigation. The is a ftl directive. But it is still not clear how this will solve the problem. Please let me know how I can access the attributes.
Start the template with
<#ftl ns_prefixes={"D":""}>
This sets the namespace as the default (D stands for default). Note that if you will also use XPath queries, there you will have to write out the D: before the element names (this is an XPath restriction).
This is documented here:

XPath: what's the different between "begin with one slash" and "begin with 2 slashes"?

I read some Xpath code, some begin with "/xxxx", some begin with "//xxxx". What're their differences? Do they have different behavior just in "Select" or different also in other behaviors?
I didn't find corresponding explanations on this site, any hints?
Beginning an XPath with one slash will retrieve the root of the document, so that /xxxx will match only the <xxxx> element that is the root of the XML.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xxxx> <!-- this one will match -->
<xxxx /> <!-- this one won't -->
Whereas //xxxx will match all <xxxx> elements anywhere in the document.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xxxx> <!-- this one will match -->
<xxxx /> <!-- this one will match as well -->
<xxxx /> <!-- and also this one -->

JAXB binding XBRL element does not work

I am trying to generate localised XBRL classes with JAXB in Eclipse, but I have been getting an error:
[ERROR] Property "Title" is already defined. Use <jaxb:property> to resolve this conflict.
line 145 of
[ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
line 151 of
As the error suggests, an element and an attribute name conflicts. These are lines 145 and 151:
<element ref="xl:title" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<attribute ref="xlink:title" use="optional" />
So I'd need to rename either (or both). This is what I've been trying to do - bind the element title to titleElement:
<jxb:bindings version="1.0"
<jxb:bindings node="//element[#ref='xl:title']">
<jxb:property ref="xl:titleElement"/>
This produces the following error, plus the original "title already defined" errors:
[ERROR] XPath evaluation of "//element[#ref='xl:title']" results in empty target node
line 6 of titleElementAttributeFixer.xjb
Suggestions to get it working?
EDIT: as helderdarocha suggested, my expression was wrong. I am new to XML and XPath, and it was a bit confusing since the element does not have the "xs:" namespace typed excplicitly. After I fixed that error, I got another one:
[ERROR] XPath evaluation of "//xs:element[#ref='xl:title']" results in too many (3) target nodes
As all the "ref" attributes need to be updated, I put the tag "multiple='true'" in the binding. Now I am getting the following error, and cannot figure out how to solve it:
[ERROR] cvc-complex-type.3.2.2: Attribute 'ref' is not allowed to appear in element 'jxb:property'.
Ideas for this? I do want to bind the contents in the attribute 'ref' for the element in question to another name.
I solved the problem after all by applying these SO questions:
JAXB fails to generate Java classes for XBRL
JAXB XJC Two declarations cause a collision. Customized binding cannot be honored
So after I solved the original problem, I had additional problems with objectfactory collisions, which I fixed as well. This is how my working bindings.xjb looks in general:
<bindings xmlns=""
<bindings schemaLocation=""
<property name="xlTitle"/>
<bindings schemaLocation="<local_dimension_file_D002>.xsd"
<factoryMethod name="AcceleratedDepreciationD002"/>
...many more objectfactory collisions solved...
I hope this helps other XBRL/XML/JAXB newcomers to get started.
Your XPath expression is incorrect. Your bindings XML declares an xs prefix to qualify all XML Schema elements, but your XPath expression tries to find an element element from no-namespace since it's not qualified.
You should use:
<jxb:bindings node="//xs:element[#ref='xl:title']">
<jxb:property ref="xl:titleElement"/>

XDT Transform: InsertBefore - Locator Condition is ignored

I have a web.config file in which I need to either insert the <configSections /> element or manipulate children of that node if it already exists.
If it already exists I don't want to insert it again (obviously, as it is only allowed to exist once).
Normally, that would not be a problem, however:
If this element is in a configuration file, it must be the first child element of the element.
Source: MSDN.
So if I use xdt:Transform="InsertIfMissing" the <configSections /> element will always be inserted after any existing child elements (and there are always some), violating the above restriction of it having to be the first child element of <configuration />
I attempted to make this work in the following way:
xdt:Locator="Condition(not(.))" />
Which works perfect, if the <configSections /> element doesn't already exist. However, the condition I've specified seems to be ignored.
In fact, I've tried a few conditions like:
Condition(/configuration[configSections] = false())
Condition(/configuration/configSections = false())
Finally, out of desperation, I tried:
Condition(true() = false())
It still inserted the <configSections /> element.
It is important to note that I'm trying to include this in a NuGet package, so I will be unable to use a custom transform (like the one AppHarbor uses).
Is there any other clever way to get my element in the right place only if it doesn't yet exist?
To test this out, use AppHarbors config transform tester. Replace the Web.config with the following:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<section name="initialSection" />
And Web.Debug.config with the following:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<configuration xmlns:xdt="">
xdt:Locator="Condition(true() = false())" />
<section name="mySection" xdt:Transform="Insert" />
The result will show two <configSections /> elements, the one containing "mySection" being the first, as specified in the InsertBefore Transform.
Why was the Locator Condition not taken into account?
So after facing the same issue, I came up with a solution. It's not pretty nor elegant, but it works. (At least on my machine)
I just split the logic into 3 different statements. First, I add an empty configSections at the correct position (first). Then I insert the new config to the last configSections, which would be the new one if it is the only one, or a previously existing one otherwise.
Lastly I remove any empty configSections elemnt which might exist. I'm using RemoveAll for no good reason, you should probably use Remove.
The overall code looks like so:
<configSections xdt:Transform="InsertBefore(/configuration/*[1])" />
<configSections xdt:Locator="XPath(/configuration/configSections[last()])">
<section name="initialSection" xdt:Locator="Match(name)" xdt:Transform="InsertIfMissing" />
<configSections xdt:Transform="RemoveAll" xdt:Locator="Condition(count(*)=0)" />
The question which still remains unanswered is why Locator conditions are not taken into account for InsertBefore. Or why I can't handle an empty match set for InsertBefore, because that would allowed me to do fun things such as
//configuration/*[position()=1 and not(local-name()='configSections')]
Which to be honest is a much clearer way of doing what I want to achieve.