Hashicorp Vault dynamic database credentials support in Micronaut? - hashicorp-vault

I plan to add HashiCorp support for dynamic database credentials for our micronaut applications. I noticed that micronaut-discovery-client may support this. In its configuration I found that key value backend is supported but there is no sign of support for dynamic database credentials. Can anyone share any info about this topic from experience?
Any help will be much appreciated.


Connecting to Snowflake from Databricks through SSO

We are currently planning to use Databricks as compute platform and Snowflake as our DWH system. We have planned to use SSO-based login for both, with our corporate ADFS as the IdP and we are still in the planning phase.
Wanted to check if having SSO enabled at Snowflake will restrict our ability to run jobs on Databricks that interacts with Snowflake for reading/writing data. If yes, what are our alternatives for better login security?
If this set-up is actually possible, can someone please point to any documentation talking about connecting to Snowflake from Databricks through SSO. Didn't really find anything on the topic. The document below mentions that MFA, SSO or any browser based login won't work with Snowflake's Spark connector, not sure if that's relevant to this use case.
For Spark connector use OAuth for authentication.
It can be configured with Microsoft Azure AD, see here

Vault for Kafka distributed connectors

I am using a JBoss based vault to secure sensitive data such as the database credentials.
I use a Java based HTTP REST client to create distributed Kafka connectors but ended up with a security concern such that a request for the connector's "config" exposes the sensitive credentials in the response.
I referred this official documentation but could not get much help in the context of JBoss vault.
Any pointers or references that directly addresses this specific problem is very much appreciated.
Any references to alternate open source (and free to use) Vault based solutions would also be of great help.
You'd have to write code that implements the ConfigProvider interface of the Connect API, mentioned there.
You can browse Kafka source code on Github to see the existing File one, but that KIP (which references Hashicorp Vault) and the source files are the only such documentation for now.
Connect doesn't use JBoss, either, so you'd have to find a way around that

Production Environment for Spring Cloud Config using Git/Vault

Spring Boot - 2.0.0.M3
Spring cloud - Finchley.M1
I want to know if someone is using Spring Cloud config server with both vault and git support in a production setup using Database storage backend.
I have evaluated Spring cloud config using vault and contemplating whether to go for Oracle JCE to encrypt username/pwd or Vault and seek suggestions on the same. we are working on Springboot/microservices.
Following are my findings -
Vault will introduce an additional layer and thus will introduce additional usecases of security, auditing while communicating with Vault.
Spring cloud Config actuator endpoints are broken for the milestone release at this point for generation of encrypted values and /encrypt /decrypt may not work if we go for Oracle JCE support so we generate encrypted values through stable versions.
We do not wish to use consul server and are trying to use Cassandra as Storage backend.
I used Vault Authentication backend using AppRole and generated a Token (different from root token as it's unsafe to use the same) with read permissions. However, Spring Cloud config at the moment support only Token based authentication from client side. That means we first generate token from Vault and then pass it as commandline/env variable.
Some additional points of concern are expiry of token (though we can have non-expiry token not sure about pros/cons), restarts, safety issues, instantiating new microservices. There is no provision of dynamic tokens/authentication at cloud config side.
For milestone release i found that the client side encryption/decryption is not working as of now using recommended inclusion of RSA jar. Here is the ticket i opened.
These are some of my observations, please share your thoughts if there is any case study/whitepaper that address spring cloud config vault usecases, setup and challenges for production micro-services environment.
Thanks for reaching out to me. One think I would state is that the App Role backend utilizes two distinct tokens, and indeed spring-cloud-config-vault does indeed support this functionality, see: http://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-vault/single/spring-cloud-vault.html#_approle_authentication. I leverage vault in the same way I leverage config server, as per the documentation. I don't encrypt any values in my config, I just don't put them there. I put the secret values in vault and let it serve config. As long as keys don't collide, you don't have to mess with anything, otherwise you may need adjust the priority so vault wins, again see the documentation that I pointed to above. I wouldn't mess with encryption/decryption in spring-cloud-config personally. Because you have to check the keys into SCM or distribute them to your teams for local development, you lose the value of having these keys IMO.
Thanks Spring Cloud vault does support but not Spring cloud config with Vault. Only way seems to be passing X-Config-token from Microservice to Config Server. We are bit skeptical with this part of generating tokens manually or through script. Especially with containerization and when new MS instances will be spawn. Not sure about this approach especially in production setup.

How does hashicorp Vault work for securing DB credentials?

I'm looking into vault for securing DB credentials used by various web applications. I've looked over a few Youtube videos, slide shares and even downloaded Vault to experiment with. I can't quite wrap my head around it.How does Vault protect credentials for something like a web application which uses a token to authenticate to Vault with? I'm assuming the Apache process would have to own the vault token (user token, not root token) so it can access secrets for the applications it's running. This would, it seems, expose any secrets the Apache process would have access to in the event of an application compromise. I don't see a big win here so I must be missing a lot.
In a nutshell, Vault supports authentication backends which then allow you to generate tokens. Tokens should be seen as temporary access and are not the same as a key.
In particular, Vault supports authentication with many different systems to generate dynamic secrets and credentials as needed. This is well documented here
In terms of security, the idea is to have a authentication backend as the primary, and the token being generated as a consequence. You are correct in saying hard coding tokens is a security risk. Once generated on the fly, they should have strict permissions and short TTLs. Vault makes this easy as you can define the scope of the token with an ACL.

How to provision a AWS EC2 server through REST API in C#?

I have referred the AWS EC2 server provision document.
1. Im unable to create the signature from Access key and secret key.
what is the API (needed parameters, headers) to generate a signature? and how to provision a server ? can any one explain me please?
would you consider finding this out from the Getting Started with AWS SDK for .NET:
It looks pretty straightforward and in my humble opinion it is a good practice not to reinvent any activities related to security (such as authentication or authorization) and use the recommended framework/SDK.
Regarding launching an instance, please refer to the guide in this page: