I need a list of users with the logonhours set to denied. I found another question (68558481) that partially got me there but I seem to be doing something wrong when trying to loop through my group.
$userToFind = Get-ADGroupMember -identity "AD group" | Sort-Object samAccountName | Select SamAccountName
# try and find the user also gathering its LogonHours property
Foreach ($username in $userToFind){
$user = Get-ADUser -Filter "SamAccountName -eq '$username'" -Properties LogonHours -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($user) {
# test if the property has been set. If not set, the user is allowed to login anytime of the week
if ($null -ne $user.LogonHours -and #($user.LogonHours).Count) {
# initialize a variable
$loginAllowed = $false
# loop through the 21 bytes and exit the loop if we found a non-zero byte
foreach ($byte in $user.LogonHours) {
if ($byte -ne 0) {
$loginAllowed = $true # set the flag to $true
break # and exit the loop
if (!$loginAllowed) {
"User $username - Login disabled"
else {
Write-Warning "User $username does not exist.."
My results for this is all users do not exist. Where am I going wrong?
The main issue is that $userToFind is an object or array of objects which's property is SamAccountName, so when you use it in your filter "SamAccountName -eq '$username'", the result is the stringification of each object:
$username = [pscustomobject]#{
samAccountName = 'someuser'
"SamAccountName -eq '$username'" # => SamAccountName -eq '#{samAccountName=someuser}'
What you want to do instead is get the value of each object, a string or array of strings in this case:
$username = [pscustomobject]#{
samAccountName = 'someuser'
} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty samAccountName
"SamAccountName -eq '$username'" # => SamAccountName -eq 'someuser'
You can also use member-access enumeration instead of Select-Object, so in your code it would be:
$userToFind = (Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "AD group" | Sort-Object samAccountName).SamAccountName
As for the current code, you could make an improvement by only searching for users member of the group which's logonHours attribute is populated. That way, there is no need to check if the user has the attribute set and no need to check if the user was found or not.
# get the DN of the group
$group = (Get-ADGroup -Identity "AD group").DistinguishedName
$param = #{
LDAPFilter = "(&(memberof=$group)(logonhours=*))"
Properties = "logonHours"
# enumerate all users members of this group which's attribute `LogonHours` is set
foreach($user in Get-ADUser #param) {
$loginAllowed = $false
foreach($byte in $user.LogonHours) {
if ($byte -ne 0) {
$loginAllowed = $true
if (-not $loginAllowed) {
"User {0} - Login disabled" -f $user.SamAccountName
I can get the user accounts in the group with the following script. But I want to get both computer object and user object in some groups. how can I do it?
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter "Name -like 'TST*'"
ForEach ($Group in $Groups) {
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $group |
Get-ADUser -Properties samaccountname,mail,AccountExpires,manager,employeeid,employeetype |
Select-Object samaccountname,mail,employeeid,employeetype,#{l="expiration_date";e={ accountExpiresToString($_.AccountExpires)}},#{n=”Manager Name”;e={(Get-ADuser -identity $_.Manager -properties displayname).DisplayName}} |
Export-CSV -Path "C:tmp\$($group.Name).csv" -NoTypeInformation
Just test for the objectclass and deal with accordingly. Use a custom object to construct the output.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter "Name -like 'TST*'"
$groups | ForEach-Object {
$Results = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $_ | ForEach-Object {
# For each objectclass you must output the same properties else
# the custom PS object will not construct across object types
# I find this the best way to make it obvious what your code is doing:
If ($_.objectclass -eq 'user') {
$ObjDetails = Get-ADUser -Identity $_ -Properties mail,AccountExpires,manager,employeeid,employeetype
$Mail = $ObjDetails.mail
$EmployeeID = $ObjDetails.employeeid
$EmployeeType = $ObjDetails.employeetype
# Unless you're SURE all these fields are populated correctly use Try...Catch or test for the field before assigning
Try {
$ManagerName = (Get-ADuser -identity $ObjDetails.Manager -properties displayname -ErrorAction Stop).DisplayName
Catch {
$ManagerName = 'Not found'
# Not in a User object, but you must define empty fields
$DNSHostName = ''
If ($_.objectclass -eq 'computer') {
$ObjDetails = Get-ADComputer -Identity $_ -Properties DNSHostName
# These fields are not in a Computer object but you must define them
$Mail = ''
$EmployeeID = ''
$EmployeeType = ''
$ManagerName = ''
# This field unique to computer object
$DNSHostName = $ObjDetails.DNSHostName
SamAccountName = $ObjDetails.SamAccountName
Mail = $Mail
EmployeeID = $EmployeeID
EmployeeType = $EmployeeType
ManagerName = $ManagerName
DNSHostName = $DNSHostName
# You can then display/export results object
$Results # | Export-CSV -Path "C:\tmp\$($group.Name).csv" -NoTypeInformation
My goal is to dump a CSV of our AD groups, their members, and whether those member objects are enabled, but I'm running into a strange (probably self-inflicted) issue, wherein a Foreach-Object loop is behaving unexpectedly.
The output almost works. It dumps a CSV file. The file has rows for each group, populated with the correct group-related data, and the right number of rows, following the number of group members. However, group member properties on those rows is repeated, showing the same user data over and over for each groupmember result, apparently following the properties of the last returned object from Get-ADGroupMember.
To try to diagnose the issue, I added the line Write-Host $GroupMember.Name -ForegroundColor Gray. This is how I knew the entries in the CSV were the last-returned results for each group. Confusingly, the console correctly echoes each group member's display name.
I'm assuming there's some kind of logic error at work here, but I have had no luck finding it. Any help would be appreciated!
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
# CONFIG ========================================
# Plant Number OU to scan. Used in $CSV and in Get-ADComputer's search base.
$PlantNumber = "1234"
# FQDN of DC you want to query against. Used by the Get-AD* commands.
$ServerName = "server.com"
# Output directory for the CSV. Default is [Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop"). Used in $CSV. NOTE: If setting up as an automated task, change this to a more sensible place!
$OutputDir = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop")
# CSV Output string. Default is "$OutputDir\$PlantNumber"+"-ComputersByOS_"+"$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd).csv" (+'s used due to underscores in name)
$CSV = "$OutputDir\$PlantNumber"+"GroupMembers_"+"$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd).csv"
# Create empty array for storing collated results
$collectionTable = #()
# Get AD groups, return limited properties
Get-AdGroup -filter * -Property Name, SamAccountName, Description, GroupScope -SearchBase "OU=Security Groups,OU=$PlantNumber,OU=Plants,DC=SERVER,DC=COM" -server $ServerName | Select SamAccountName, Description, GroupScope | Foreach-Object {
Write-Host "Querying" $_.SamAccountName "..."
#Initialize $collectionRow, providing the columns we want to collate
$collectionRow = "" | Select GroupName, GroupScope, GroupDesc, MemberObjectClass, MemberName, MemberDisplayName, Enabled
# Populate Group-level collectionRow properties
$collectionRow.GroupName = $_.SamAccountName
$collectionRow.GroupDesc = $_.Description
$collectionRow.GroupScope = $_.GroupScope
# Process group members
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity ($collectionRow.GroupName) -Server $ServerName -Recursive | ForEach-Object {
$GroupMember = $_
# Echo member name to console
Write-Host $GroupMember.Name -ForegroundColor Gray
$collectionRow.MemberName = $GroupMember.SamAccountName
$collectionRow.MemberDisplayName = $GroupMember.name
$collectionRow.MemberObjectClass = $GroupMember.ObjectClass
# If the member object is a user, collect some additional data
If ($collectionRow.MemberObjectClass -eq "user") {
Try {
$collectionRow.Enabled = (Get-ADUser $GroupMember.SamAccountName -Property Enabled -ErrorAction Stop).Enabled
If ($collectionRow.Enabled -eq "TRUE") {$collectionTable += $collectionRow}
Catch {
$collectionRow.Enabled = "ERROR"
$collectionTable += $collectionRow
Write-Host "`n"
# Attempt to save results to CSV. If an error occurs, alert the user and try again.
$ExportSuccess = 'false'
while ($ExportSuccess -eq 'false') {
# Export results to $CSV
$collectionTable| Export-csv $CSV -NoTypeInformation -ErrorAction Stop
# If the above command is successful, the rest of the Try section will execute. If not, Catch is triggered instead.
$ExportSuccess = 'true'
Write-Host "`nProcessing complete. Results output to"$CSV
Write-Host "Error writing to"$CSV"!" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Read-Host -Prompt "Ensure the file is not open, then press any key to try again"
There are many things from your code you need to fix, I'll just point out the most important ones:
Don't use #() and +=
You keep using 'True' and 'False' which are strings, PowerShell booleans are $true and $false.
There is also too much redundant code. Also ForEach-Object is slow, if your groups have many members and since you're using -Recursive it's better to use a fast loop instead.
$PlantNumber = "1234"
$ServerName = "server.com"
$OutputDir = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop")
$fileName = "${PlantNumber}GroupMembers_$(Get-Date -f yyyy-MM-dd).csv"
$CSV = Join-Path $OutputDir -ChildPath $fileName
# $collectionTable = #() => Don't do this to collect results, ever
$adGroupParams = #{
# Name and SAM are default, no need to add them
Properties = 'Description', 'GroupScope'
SearchBase = "OU=Security Groups,OU=$PlantNumber,OU=Plants,DC=SERVER,DC=COM"
Server = $ServerName
Filter = '*'
# Get AD groups, return limited properties
$collectionTable = foreach($group in Get-AdGroup #adGroupParams)
Write-Host "Querying $($group.samAccountName)..."
foreach($member in Get-ADGroupMember $group -Server $ServerName -Recursive)
# if this member is 'user' the Enabled property
# will be a bool ($true / $false) else it will be $null
$enabled = if($member.ObjectClass -eq 'User')
(Get-ADUser $member).Enabled
GroupName = $group.SamAccountName
GroupDesc = $group.Description
GroupScope = $group.GroupScope
MemberName = $member.SamAccountName
MemberDisplayName = $member.Name
MemberObjectClass = $member.ObjectClass
Enabled = $enabled
as i understand, you need to export list of groups with members to a csv file and know if member accounts are enabled or not, if this what you want, you can check the below code
$output = #()
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$ServerName = "server.com"
$PlantNumber = "1234"
$OutputDir = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop")
$CSV = "$OutputDir\$PlantNumber"+"GroupMembers_"+"$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd).csv"
$groups = Get-AdGroup -filter * -Property Description -SearchBase "OU=Security Groups,OU=$PlantNumber,OU=Plants,DC=SERVER,DC=COM" -server $ServerName
foreach ($group in $groups){
$members = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $group.SamAccountName -Recursive
foreach ($member in $members){
$output += [pscustomobject]#{
GroupName = $group.SamAccountName
GroupDesc = $group.Description
GroupScope = $group.GroupScope
MemberName = $member.samaccountname
MemberDisplayName = $member.Name
MemberObjectClass = $member.ObjectClass
Enabled = $(Get-ADUser -Identity $member.samaccountname).enabled
$output | Export-Csv $CSV -NoTypeInformation
I am explicitly NOT refering your code. I'd just like to show how I would approach this task. I hope it'll help you anyway.
$Server = 'Server01.contoso.com'
$SearchBase = 'OU=BaseOU,DC=contoso,DC=com'
$CSVOutputPath = '... CSV path '
$ADGroupList = Get-ADGroup -Filter * -Properties Description -SearchBase $SearchBase -Server $Server
$ADUserList = Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties Description -SearchBase $SearchBase -Server $Server
$Result =
foreach ($ADGroup in $ADGroupList) {
$ADGroupMemberList = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $ADGroup.sAMAccountName -Recursive
foreach ($ADGroupmember in $ADGroupMemberList) {
$ADUser = $ADUserList | Where-Object -Property sAMAccountName -EQ -Value $ADGroupmember.sAMAccountName
ADGroupName = $ADGroup.Name
ADGroupDescription = $ADGroup.Description
ADGroupMemberName = $ADUser.Name
ADGroupMemberSamAccountName = $ADUser.sAMAccountName
ADGroupMemberDescription = $ADUser.Description
ADGroupMemberStatus = if ($ADUser.Enabled) { 'enabled' }else { 'diabled' }
$Result |
Export-Csv -Path $CSVOutputPath -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ',' -Encoding utf8
It'll output only the a few properties but I hope you get the idea.
BTW: The properties DistinguishedName, Enabled, GivenName, Name, ObjectClass, ObjectGUID, SamAccountName, SID, Surname, UserPrincipalName are included in the default return set of Get-ADUser and the properties DistinguishedName, GroupCategory, GroupScope, Name, ObjectClass, ObjectGUID, SamAccountName, SID are included in the default return set of Get-ADGroup. You don't need to query them explicitly with the parameter -Properties.
How can I enable or disable an AD user account from a csv based on an entry. If the status for both say Active, only one account gets enabled instead of both. Same for the disabled status
CSV file:
What I have so far:
Import-CSV -Path c:\folder\adaccounts.csv
ForEach ($User in $Users)
IF ($User.Status -contains "Disabled")
Get-ADUser -Identity $user.samaccountname | Disable-ADAccount
elseif ($User.Status -contains "Active")
Get-ADUser -Identity $user.samaccountname | Enable-ADAccount
At the top of your script you are importing the CSV but it doesn't look like you have assigned it to a variable for your foreach loop
if you assign it to the $Users variable like below, the rest of the script should then go through your CSV as expected.
$Users = Import-Csv -Path c:\folder\adaccounts.csv
-Contains is an operator to test if something can be found in an array of things, not for testing if a string is equal or not to another string.
I would revise your code like this:
Import-CSV -Path 'c:\folder\adaccounts.csv' | ForEach-Object {
# test if a user with that SamAccountName can be found
$user = Get-ADUser -Filter "SamAccountName -eq '$($_.Samaccountname)'" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($user) {
# set Enabled if Status is not 'Disabled'
$user | Set-ADUser -Enabled ($_.Status -ne 'Disabled')
else {
Write-Warning "User $($_.Samaccountname) does not exist"
I'm trying to combine the output of two functions with the output of the default Get-ADUser-cmdlet. I'm interested in when an account was created, if it's locked and what it's name is. I also want to know when the user logged on for the last time (using multiple DC's) and if the account is being used as a shared mailbox.
I've written two custom functions Get-ADUserLastLogon and isSharedMailbox, both functions use the Write-Output function to output their output. In case of Get-ADUserLastLogon this will be Lastlogon: time and in case of isSharedMailbox this will be shared: yes/no. I'm also using a standard Get-ADUser call in a foreach loop
Now, the default output of Get-ADUser is:
SAMAccountName LockedOut Created
-------------- --------- -------
ACC False 23-10-2015 8:20:20
Output of the custom functions is as following:
Lastlogon : 1-1-1601 1:00:00
Shared: yes
What I would like is to combine the LastLogon and Shared 'headers' to be combined into the Get-ADUser. So the output would become:
SAMAccountName LockedOut Created LastLogon Shared
Code of current code, where the accounts get imported from an Excel sheet:
foreach($username in $usernameWithTld){
if ($username -eq $NULL){
$usernameWithoutTld = $username.split('\')
Get-ADUser $usernameWithoutTld[1] -Properties LockedOut, SamAccountName,
Created -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object SAMAccountName, LockedOut,
Get-ADUserLastLogon -UserName $usernameWithoutTld[1]
# Shared mailbox?
isSharedMailbox -mailboxname $usernameWithoutTld[1]
Function code:
function isSharedMailbox([string]$mailboxname){
$isObject = Get-ADUser -Filter {name -eq $mailboxname} -SearchBase "..." | Select-Object DistinguishedName,Name
if ($isObject -match "DistinguishedName"){
$output = "Shared: no"
Write-Output $output
} else {
$output = "Shared: No"
Write-Output $output
function Get-ADUserLastLogon([string]$userName){
$dcs = Get-ADDomainController -Filter {Name -like "*"}
$time = 0
foreach($dc in $dcs)
$hostname = $dc.HostName
$user = Get-ADUser $userName | Get-ADObject -Properties lastLogon
if($user.LastLogon -gt $time)
$time = $user.LastLogon
$dt = [DateTime]::FromFileTime($time)
Write-Output "LastLogon : $dt"
I'm sure there are lots of improvements that can be made, I'm still learning how to write (proper) PowerShell. I hope someone can answer my question.
You could use a Calculated Property in your Select-Object. Have a look at example 4 for the MSDN page.
In your case this would be:
Get-ADUser $usernameWithoutTld[1] -Properties LockedOut, SamAccountName, Created -ErrorAction Stop | `
Select-Object SAMAccountName, LockedOut, Created, #{Name='LastLogon';Expression={Get-ADUserLastLogon -UserName $usernameWithoutTld[1]}}, #{Name='IsSharedMailbox';Expression={isSharedMailbox -mailboxname $usernameWithoutTld[1]}}
Or even better, you can use the object(s) that Get-ADUser puts in the pipeline to in turn call your functions for that specific object, and can be useful in case your query returns multiple results:
Get-ADUser $usernameWithoutTld[1] -Properties LockedOut, SamAccountName, Created -ErrorAction Stop | `
Select-Object SAMAccountName, LockedOut, Created, #{Name='LastLogon';Expression={Get-ADUserLastLogon -UserName $_.sAMAccountName}}, #{Name='IsSharedMailbox';Expression={isSharedMailbox -mailboxname $_.sAMAccountName}}
One way to do this is to get your functions to return the values you are interested in, store them in variables, and combine everything together afterwards into a PSObject containing the properties you are interested.
The benefits of storing as an object are many. For example, you can use Select-Object, Sort-Object etc in the pipeline, or Export-CSV and other Cmdlets that expect InputObject
foreach($username in $usernameWithTld){
if ($username -eq $NULL){
$usernameWithoutTld = $username.split('\')
$adDetails = Get-ADUser $usernameWithoutTld[1] -Properties LockedOut, SamAccountName,
Created -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object SAMAccountName, LockedOut,
$lastlogin = Get-ADUserLastLogon -UserName $usernameWithoutTld[1]
# Shared mailbox?
$isshared = isSharedMailbox -mailboxname $usernameWithoutTld[1]
# putting together the PSobject
[array]$myResults += New-Object psobject -Property #{
SAMAccountName = $adDetails.SAMAccountName
LockedOut = $adDetails.LockedOut
Created = $adDetails.Created
LastLogon = $lastlogin
Shared = $shared # true/false or yes/no, depending on function
#Shared = if($shared){"yes"}else{"no"} # yes/no, based on true/false from function
function isSharedMailbox([string]$mailboxname){
$isObject = Get-ADUser -Filter {name -eq $mailboxname} -SearchBase "..." | Select-Object DistinguishedName,Name
return ($isObject -match "DistinguishedName") # returns true/false
<# if you prefer to keep yes/no
if ($isObject -match "DistinguishedName"){
return "Yes" # no in original code
} else {
return "No"
function Get-ADUserLastLogon([string]$userName){
$dcs = Get-ADDomainController -Filter {Name -like "*"}
$time = 0
foreach($dc in $dcs)
$hostname = $dc.HostName
$user = Get-ADUser $userName | Get-ADObject -Properties lastLogon
if($user.LastLogon -gt $time)
$time = $user.LastLogon
$dt = [DateTime]::FromFileTime($time)
return $dt
#Write-Output "LastLogon : $dt"
You can store the result of the functions in global variables and finally concatenate them is one way.
Else you can use return the output from the function and use the value later or like : $value= functionname then $value will hold the return value of the function and later you can combine the results.
function isSharedMailbox([string]$mailboxname){
$isObject = Get-ADUser -Filter {name -eq $mailboxname} -SearchBase "..." | Select-Object DistinguishedName,Name
if ($isObject -match "DistinguishedName"){
$output = "Shared: no"
$Global:result1= $output
} else {
$output = "Shared: No"
$Global:result1= $output
function Get-ADUserLastLogon([string]$userName){
$dcs = Get-ADDomainController -Filter {Name -like "*"}
$time = 0
foreach($dc in $dcs)
$hostname = $dc.HostName
$user = Get-ADUser $userName | Get-ADObject -Properties lastLogon
if($user.LastLogon -gt $time)
$time = $user.LastLogon
$dt = [DateTime]::FromFileTime($time)
$Global:result2= "LastLogon : $dt"
## Calling the function . Change the placeholders accordingly
Get-ADUserLastLogon -UserName $usernameWithoutTld[1]
isSharedMailbox -mailboxname $usernameWithoutTld[1]
$FinalResult = "result1" + "result2"
Hope it helps you better understanding.
I've created a form to create new AD Accounts. Part of the script determines which groups the new user will be added to based on their role (Doctor, Nurse, Admin or Other) which is captured in the following code in the form of a drop down pick box:
Write-Host "Based on this information" $FFN "has been added to the following Active Directory Groups:"
$ADGroup01 = Get-ADGroup "_XA_App_XenApp" |select -expandproperty name -first 1
Write-Host $ADGroup01
$ADGroup02 = Get-ADGroup "Web Proxy Users" |select -expandproperty name -first 1
Write-Host $ADGroup02
if($RadioButton1.Checked -eq $true)
$ADGroup03 = Get-ADGroup "allrot" |select -expandproperty name -first 1
Write-Host $ADGroup03
$ADGroup03 = Get-ADGroup "alltpo" |select -expandproperty name -first 1
Write-Host $ADGroup03
if ($Role -eq "Doctor" -Or $Role -eq "Nurse")
$ADGroup04 = Get-ADGroup "PACS Web Access" |select -expandproperty name -first 1
Write-Host $ADGroup04
if ($Role -eq "Doctor")
$ADGroup05 = Get-ADGroup "CH-MFD" |select -expandproperty name -first 1
Write-Host $ADGroup05
$ADGroup06 = Get-ADGroup "ED-MFP" |select -expandproperty name -first 1
Write-Host $ADGroup06
$ADGroup07 = Get-ADGroup "SU-MFD" |select -expandproperty name -first 1
Write-Host $ADGroup07
Further on in the script this piece of code is called during the actual account creation process:
Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $UN -memberof $ADGroup01, $ADGroup02, $ADGroup03, $ADGroup04, $ADGroup05, $ADGroup06, $ADGroup07
The issue I'm facing is that if the user selects Nurse, Admin or Other I get the following error:
"Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'MemberO
f'. The argument is null, empty, or an element of the argument collection conta
ins a null value. Supply a collection that does not contain any null values and
then try the command again."
I know this is because there are no values being captured in the last $ADGroup[x] and short of creating a bunch of if statements to check if each $ADGroup contains data I'm wondering if there is a more elegant solution.
As always, thank you for taking the time review and happy to provide more information if required.
UPDATE - As per #Martin's advice I've implemented the following code into my script
$UN = "zooz"
$Role = "Nurse"
$Department = "Surgical"
If ($Role -eq "Doctor" -and $Department -eq "Surgical")
$ADGroups = #(
"PACS Web Access"
If ($Role -eq "Nurse" -and $Department -eq "Surgical")
$ADGroups = #(
"Web Proxy Users"
for ($i=0; $i -lt $ADGroups.length; $i++) {
Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $UN -memberof $adgroups[$i]
Make an object $adgroups and add your desired groups to it.
$adgroups = #()
At the end use a foreach Loop:
$adgroups | Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $UN or (weather or not the cmdlet likes pipelined Input)
$adgroups | % { Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $UN -memberof $_ }