How to Create Artifacts feed in Azure DevOps only with dll - nuget

I have found that we can create private Artifact feed in Azure DevOps pipeline by build, Pack and Push task in YAML Pipeline when we have source code.
But now I have access to one third party dll (but not source code) which will be referred by all other .Net solutions.
Can some one help me how can we create Artifact feed only with the dll and with no source code access.

In this scenario, you could create Universal Package instead of Nuget with the dll file.
Both Azure CLI and Azure Pipeline task are supported to publish and download Universal Package.
Azure CLI:
Universal Package task in Azure Pipeline:
Choose the dll file as "Path to file(s) to publish"


Compile and reuse exe in Azure pipelines

In Azure DevOps, can I build a solution using the Visual studio Build task, publish the .exe file to the artifacts (or somewhere else, repo?) and then utilize that .exe file in another pipeline?
If so, to where and how should I publish it and then how do I reference it?
D.J. recommended possible solution, though I am using different approach with Universal Packages:
Once the binary is produced, the pipeline publishes it as Universal
Package to Artifact Feet
Any other pipeline in project or organization can reference the Artifact Feed and utilize
the binary as part of the job
This solution requires more effort, since you have to create the Artifact Feed, but it is possible to use the published artifacts across projects within the organization. This is ideal when project produces libraries for integration. Other projects can reference the feed and use up-to-date libraries as part of their build.
Artifact feeds support Semantic Versioning. You can find more about Artifact Feeds in Azure DevOps here
It only depends on what are your specific requirements.
Yes this is possible. You can use pipeline-artifacts for a start. The artifacts will be associated with the pipline, you'll have a task for publishing at the end of the pipeline that creates the exe-file and downloading at the start of the other pipeline that re-uses that exe.
See this for reference ->

Use Azure Pipline with UiPath to create and deploy nuget packages

How to use azure pipleline for creating nugetpackes and deploying to orchestrator?
The generation of the package is running with the following package:
In the case this is the right way what's the solution to upload them to orchestrator?
Possibility 1: Create nuget feed in azure (one feed for TEST and one
for PROD)
Possibility 2: Deploy packages to orchestrator directly
Though I am not one of the developer for UiPath, as I know, this extension hasn't integrated with our Azure Devops feed. So, your first possibility solution should not suitable in VSTS.
To achieve what you want, I suggest you pack and deploy the packages by using the UiPath Package task directly.
Create the package in build pipeline:
Create a build pipeline, add and configure the UiPath Package task by following the description here. For create the package, please choose Pack as Package action value:
Note: Please keep the default value of Output folder as $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory). It is the path which used to store the artifact, then got by the release pipeline.
Deploy the package to orchestrator in Release pipeline:
Create a Release pipeline, choose the build you executed previously as the source.
Add the same task into the stage, but here please choose Deploy as Package action value:
Then configure your Orchestrator info and the identity Authentication details.

Deploying AzureDevOps Build Artifacts

I have a solution in Azure Devops. This is for Azure function. I am using the build pipeline to generate a artifact. This artifact I need to deploy it through powershell, I am using kudo API to deploy this.
The issue is the format which Azure DevOps generates completely different from msdeploy in visual studio generates. When I deploy the zip file generated from vs it gets deployed correctly. Can I make Azure Devops to generate the Artifact same as visual studio
Adding more information as per comment
I am using Visual Studio Build Task to generate build and Publish task to publish artifact
The generated artifact with zip has a high depth something like "\publish\Content\D_C\a\1\s\src\aadsr\aadsr\obj\Release\net461\PubTmp\Out".
I just want the zip file should have content of Out folder, which I directly want to publish to a function APP

How can I configure a Azure DevOps release Pipeline to use Universal Packages from Azure Artifacts?

How can I configure a Azure DevOps release Pipeline to use Universal Packages from Azure Artifacts?
I can only choose a NuGet or npm package, but Universal Packages do not appear in the list.
How can I configure a Azure DevOps release Pipeline to use Universal Packages from Azure Artifacts?
As we know, the Universal Packages store one or more files together in a single unit that has a name and version. These packages are a lightweight, easy-to-use, and efficient way to transfer around a file or set of files, without the overhead of a traditional package manager with dependency management and other such features.
To use Universal Packages from Azure Artifacts in Azure DevOps release Pipeline, you could add the task Universal package to publish and download it:
After publishing the Universal Packages to the Azure Artifacts, you could use the Universal package task in the release Pipeline to download it from Azure Artifacts.
Check the document Publish and download Universal Packages in Azure Pipelines for some more details.
Hope this helps.

How to build third party references through build task in Azure DevOps build definition

Am working on ASP.Net Web Application and Azure DevOps CI&CD Pipelines through GitHub repository. In my project, I have used some third party references(.dll's) which are running finely in local. But when am trying to build application through build pipeline in Azure DevOps after checking my code into GitHub, then am getting errors in the build task regarding
The type or namespace name 'xxxx' could not be found(are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference)
This is happening due to build task is unable to recognize the third party reference .dll files at the time of building which is in my local path. Can you please suggest me to "How to build the third party references in Build task"
You can have third party references in Azure devOps Artifacts & use Nuget restore to get packages using option "Feed to use" -> "Feed(s) I select here" radio button