Can one call ledger_canister not being a canister? - internet-computer

I need to implement a service that will query IC blocks through ledger. Do I need to create a dapp that implements a canister of its own?


Recommended way to handle REST parameters in Spring cloud function

I really like the way Spring cloud function decouples the business logic from the runtime target (local or cloud) and makes it easy to integrate with serverless providers.
I plan to use SCF with AWS Lambda behind an API gateway to design the backend of a system.
However, I am not completely clear on what is the recommended way to handle REST related parameters such as Query params, headers, path etc. inside the Spring cloud functions.
As per our initial analysis, we could derive two possible approaches:
When enabling “Lambda proxy integration” in API Gateway, Query params and other information are available as Message headers inside the SCF.
We can use “Mapping templates” in API Gateway to map all the required information into a JSON body and deserialize as a POJO to take input directly into the SCF.
This way, the SCF does not need to bother about how the required data is passed to the API.
What is the recommended way to achieve this? Are we missing something that enables to do this in a better way?
I don't think you are missing anything featurewise, except perhaps that it might also be convenient to work with composite functions - e.g. marshal|transform, where marshal is a Function<Message<?>, ?> and transform is the business logic. The marshal function could be generic (and convert to some sort of canonical form), and be provided as an autoconfiguration in a shared library (for instance).

Azure function REST API handling GET POST

I'm following some Azure Function tutorials on creating a REST API, this all seems straight forward. However I'm struggling to understand how I should deal with the different verbs.
Is the recommended practice to create a separate Azure Function for each verb? And then also separate functions for each variation of routing for each verb, so a e.g. a separete function for each of:
products/{productid} (GET)
products (GET, returns list)
products/me (GET returns a list of products belonging to the user making the request)
It seems to me I'm going to end up with a lot of Azure functions here. In the WebAPI approach I would have put all these in a single controller and the attribute routing would have taken care of the rest.
Is there another way to achieve this with Azure function?
You can use Azure Function Proxies to setup routing for HTTP verbs and parameters and then pass the call down to a single function. Creating a function per each verb/parameter combination seems to be an overkill.
Of course, if processing logic is completely different e.g. for GET vs POST, it makes sense to put those into separate functions. So, in the end it's your call, but you have tools for both scenarios.

Aborting asynchronous apex (future call) from trigger? Queuable Interface solution?

I'm currently working on something that involves iterating through a Sales Order and Sales Order Products via a trigger on the Sales Order object. I've created an Apex class that is called from the Sales Order after update trigger. The trigger passes a string (Sales Order Id) to the static method of the class. This future call method queries for Sales Order Products that belong to the Sales Order id, and makes a web service call for each item in the collection. This all works great, however I would like for this process to be more robust and handle errors more intelligently. What I would like to be able to do is abort the whole process when the method encounters something it doesn't like, let's say it identifies a product in the order it doesn't like as an example. The only process I've found that can handle aborting is via the Queueable Interface, and calling the class via System.enqueueJob(). This however doesn't help me as I cannot for the life of me figure out a way to pass any parameters to this class when System.enqueueJob() is invoked, since the class methods are static and the interface forces the process to run from the execute() method, which only takes a Context parameter. Am I going down the wrong road with this? The only other possibility I was thinking of was to just create methods for all of the subprocesses in my class and return from those if they encounter any errors and set a bool flag that can be used to skip processes afterward in the class. Sorry if this doesn't make sense, if so let me know and I'll try to provide more information.
You can pass parameters to a Queueable job in the constructor. i.e.:
System.enqueueJob(new myQueueableClass(salesOrderId));
You need to add a constructor in your Queueable class that will accept the Sales Order Id and store it in a private variable also declared inside the Queueable class, which then can be accessed by the execute() method.

Example of using a service singleton as data source in Angular 2

I need a good example of using a service singleton as data source for my Angular 2 application.
Scenario is as following:
I have an application that is loading prices of some items from the local database (in my case MongoDB).
A few of the components need to use a service which will be the universal source of truth for item prices throughout the application. These prices can be acted upon externally: user can change currency, so they have to be recalculated, or can change the date range for which price averages will be calculated.
So I need to have a singleton service which will load upon app initialization and components need to load prices only after the service data store has been initialized with prices. Also, components need to refresh data(I guess using Observable pattern) when, say, the currency or date range has been changed. Perhaps the best way is to inject the service in the app component, so it gets initialized first?
Is there a recipe or proposed architecture for this kind of app?
I can't call some init function from each component with ngOnInit() because I want data available in multiple components. I need to know in each component when to initialize it with data from Service's data store. I need to know when data is ready.
The way I did it in Angular 1.x is to instantiate the service, and in constructor initialize data, and then when the data is initialized, emit a $rootScope event to tell all components that data is ready.
I can't find a proper recipe to do the same thing in Angular 2.
You need to create a service and define it when bootstrapping your application:
bootstrap(App, [ SingletonService ]);
This way you will have a single instance for the whole application.
If you want to initialize things, you can use it constructor. To notify other elements that use the service, you can use one or several properties of EventEmitter. This way you will be able to emit events when data are there or when something changes. Components could subscribe on these EventEmitters to be notify...

What is the best practice to handle Multitenant security in Breeze?

I'm developing an Azure application using this stack:
(Client) Angular/Breeze
(Server) Web API/Breeze Server/Entity Framework/SQL Server
With every request I want to ensure that the user actually has the authorization to execute that action using server-side code. My question is how to best implement this within the Breeze/Web API context.
Is the best strategy to:
Modify the Web API Controller and try to analyze the contents of the
Breeze request before passing it further down the chain?
Modify the EFContextProvider and add an authorization test to
every method exposed?
Move the security all into the database layer and make sure that a User GUID and Tenant GUID are required parameters for every query and only return relevant data?
Some other solution, or some combination of the above?
If you are using Sql Azure then one option is to use Azure Federation to do exactly that.
In a very simplistic term if you have TenantId in your table which stores data from multiple tenants then before you execute a query like SELECT Col1 FROM Table1, you execute USE FEDERATION... statement to restrict the query results to a particular TenantId only, and you don't need to add WHERE TenantId=#TenantId to your query,
Note that use of Sql Azure Federation comes with lots of strings attached when it comes to Building a DB schema one of the best blog I have found about it is