Is it possible to list or delete webhooks? -

I am using webhook integration to sync tasks' update, Unfortunately the baseUrl changed and I need to update the webhooks URL accordingly, Is it possible to do that?

The following GraphQL will list existing webhooks.
This is documented on the developer board: Webhooks Queries
query {
The following is GraphQL to delete specific webhooks by id.
This is documented on the developer board: Delete a webhook
mutation {
delete_webhook(id:12) {
You can then create webhooks via GraphSQL shared on the developer board: Create a webhook
A great tool is the API Playground where you can try all these queries out.
I have not yet found how to update a webhook via GraphQL.


How can I trigger a GitHub Action workflow via an HTTP request using the GitHub REST API?

I am currently having difficulty understanding how to effectively utilize GitHub Actions. I have been seeking information on whether it is possible to trigger a GitHub Action through an HTTP request using the GitHub REST API.
For example, I would like to trigger a GitHub Action from my laptop using curl commands, or even create a script or third-party application that will trigger the actions themselves.
While I have reviewed the official documentation, I have only found information on retrieving information and not on triggering pipelines.
Could you provide guidance on this topic or links to relevant documentation? I would greatly appreciate any help.

Can a workflow badge be retrieved with the GitHub API?

The GitHub API documentation shows an example for retrieving repository workflows.
The response includes a badge_url field for each workflow. For example:
"badge_url": ""
Is it possible to retrieve the badge using the GitHub API? My question arises for a scenario where I'm trying to retrieve the badge for a private repository, and it would be more convenient to use the GitHub API versus alternative approaches.

zapier bullhorn trigger for updated candidate record

How do I create a trigger in zapier that would trigger when a candidate record is updated/created in bullhorn ATS? The polling webhook in zapier only supports basic authentication, but bullhorn uses OAuth 2.0. What would the zap look like with these limitations in mind?
David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
I see that we support Bullhorn CRM and there's a trigger for new candidate. The easiest thing for you is probably to write into and ask that we get an "updated candidate" trigger added.
Separately, if you do want to make a webhook trigger manually, you'll need to get an auth token manually. I'm not familiar with Bullhorn's auth specifically, but usually for OAuth2 this involves the following:
Create an "app" on the site
Manually go through the auth flow w/ Postman or curl and get a token
Include that token (either in the header or as a query param, whatever the docs say) with requests
If you're lucky, there's a "generate testing token" on the app page that will give you a token that just works.

GitHub API v3 get all issues for user

I am currently developing a project using githubs v3 api and I am trying to find a way to get all issues across all repositories a user owns and is watching. How can I do that? The /user/issues and /issues only returns issues that a person is assigned to.
The endpoint you are using is correct:
According to the GitHub API page on issues, you can get all issues a user is subscribed to by including the filter parameter set to subscribed with your request.
You can get all issues a user is subscribed to at

Google Analytics Retrieve Starred Profiles via API

Is it possible to retrieve a list of ga_account_id and ga_profile_id from only the 'starred' profiles by my analytics account programatically?
I've read through the API docs and can't see how this is possible.
You can do this with the Management API . I strongly recommend the account summary's report as its just one request and will return everything you need.
GET /management/accountSummaries