Compilling GodotGooglePlayBilling 1.1.2 for Google billing library Version 4 for Godot - in-app-billing

From what I have been able to investigate I need version 1.1.2 of the GodotGooglePlayBilling.1.1.2.release.aar file to be able to use version 4 of the google payments library, but in the official GitHub version there is only GodotGooglePlayBilling.1.0.1.release.aar.
How can I compile this version?

The answer might be found here:


Which version of Ag-Grid started supporting suppressRowVirtualisation?

I'm on Enterprise 17.1.1. suppressRowVirtualisation isn't supported. From the documentation, I tell which version started supporting this.
The "suppressRowVirtualization" feature was introduced in version 17.0.0 of ag-Grid

How to download an older version of anylogic?

I need to download an older version of AnyLogic 8.7.7 to test a model on that version, however all links, that I found didnt work for me. I use a community version, so if anyone has a link, please provide it here.
I need a clone of this link:
but I need a community version instead.
This link works fine here:
As you know, simply replace the version numbers from the active version on their website

Unable to create next version number sequence in App Store

I have a similar issue to others with version numbers in the App Store being unable to upload but don't see a solution for mine.
I created version 1.21, which is a published app. I now realize that the format is supposed to be 1.2.1
Then I tried to create version 1.3 but it says the 1.21 is higher.
How can I get back on the 1.x version numbering format?
Thanks in advance,
1.21 is obvisously higher than 1.3.
I think your only option would be version number 1.22 or higher.

Where can I download the latest beta of PlayFramework 2.6 so that I can use it with Scala 2.12?

Where can I download the latest beta of PlayFramework 2.6 so that I can use it with Scala 2.12? Is one available? All the links from documentation, e.g. seem to lead to dead-ends when I actually try to download. If it is not available, should the documentation not at least state that? Why no branches or tags corresponding to 2.6 in Github? Why is there a migration guide for 2.6 if it cant' yet be downloaded?
You can try building the framework from source.
The github master branch should contain the latest developments.
Be careful though, it may be unusable.

is filtergrid available in gxt version 2.2.3?

I am using gxt version 2.2.3. i wanted to use filtergrid available on examples demo is it available in 2.2.3 version?
Yes, the same applies for 2.2.x releases. Check out the corresponding example of filter grid in version 2.
The (legacy) showcase for Ext-GWT 2.x.
The official API docs on