VSCode - Make custom user snippets overwriting default suggestion - visual-studio-code

To match my company's coding standards, I'm making custom snippets like so:
// php.json
"If block": {
"prefix": ["if"],
"body": ["if ( ${1:condition} )", "{", "\t$0", "}"],
"description": "if block",
// ...
Then, when I type if + Tab, I have two suggestions:
I'm forced to press enter to actually select the first one, which is my custom made snippet ; the second being PHP's default snippet.
Is there a way to actually ignore PHP's default snippets in case I have the exact same prefix?


Golang VS Code Snippet: Mimic "built-in" `variable.print!` snippet

Context: The Golang VS Code extension has built-in snippets/macros for creating a fmt.PrintX statement from a given variable:
Note how the variable name is filled in for me.
I frequently write methods, and the Golang extension's meth snippet, in my opinion, is slow, since there are 5 (!) tab stops:
So far, I've written a snippet that mimics the meth snippet:
"Struct Method": {
"prefix": ".meth",
"body": [
"func ($1 $2) $3($4) $5 {",
"description": "some description"
And I would like this snippet to mimic the print! macro/snippet, where it fills in the variable name; for the method snippet, instead of filling a variable, it would automatically fill in the method receiver ($1 and $2) with the first letter of the struct name, and the full struct name in the second.
So, if I have the following struct:
type SomeStruct struct {}
and type:
then activate the snippet, it should output:
func (s SomeStruct) .(.) . {
where each . is a tab stop.
Is this sort of snippet possible? If so, how can I write it so it does this?
One thing you can do is to make a snippet in a keybinding that can parse the current line. Put this into your keybindings.json:
"key": "alt+w",
"command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
"args": {
"snippet": "\n\nfunc (${TM_CURRENT_LINE/\\s*type\\s*(.)(.*)\\s* struct\\s*{}/${1:/downcase} $1$2)/} $1($2) $3 {\n\t$4\n}"
// "when": "langId == golang"
The workflow is different than what you mentioned but is also easier - you don't have to type SomeStruct.meth. Just trigger the keybinding at the end of the type SomeStruct struct {} line as in the demo.
If you want to be anywhere in the document and trigger a snippet completion, then the HyperSnips extension may be the way to go.

Variable does not expand in transformation

I am working on a VS code extension for a custom language. This contains a snippet that allows the user to create a function with parameters and start to set up some documentation inside the function. The way I am achieving this is to use variable transforms on the parameter variable (${2}) using some matching tricks to extract each individual parameter and data type. In this simpler example, each parameter name will be on its own line inside a block comment.
"function": {
"prefix": "func",
"body": [
"function ${1:functionName}(${2:params})",
"${2/([^,]+), *|([^,]+$)/\t${BLOCK_COMMENT_START} ${1}${2} ${BLOCK_COMMENT_END}\n/g}",
}, ...
The expected output is this:
function functionName(hello,world)
{ hello }
{ world }
The actual output is this:
function functionName(hello,world)
The issue is that ${BLOCK_COMMENT_START} and _END do not expand inside the transform. I can easily get around this issue by hardcoding the curly braces in the snippet, but I would prefer to find a way where I do not have to do that.
"body": [
"function ${1:functionName}(${2:params})",
"${2/([^,]+), *|([^,]+$)/\t{ ${1}${2} }\n/g}",
Is there a way that I can have a variable expand in the transform?

How to use partial match on vscode-icons

I trying to add custom icons on vscode-icons.
Unfortunately my project file names have not extension naming rule.
They just end with '*Style.tsx' like 'ButtonStyle.tsx' or 'BoxStyle.tsx'
// this not work
"icon": "styled-components",
"format": "png",
"filenamesGlob": ["*Style", "*style"],
"extensionsGlob": ["tsx", "ts"],
"filename": true,
I noticed that vscode-icons not support regex.
Is there any other way without renaming files?

How can I select a part of TM_DIRECTORY variable?

I want to select a part of the TM_DIRECTORY variable on VScode snippet. I mean I want to select Tests\Setup of the d:\Projects\Hakhsin\hakhsin\tests\Setup in code-snippet file. Look at this:
// On snippet file
"PHP Class": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": ["phpClass"],
"body": [
"<?php\n\nnamespace ${TM_DIRECTORY/(?<=(?:[\w:\\]hakhsin\\)).+(?=\\)//};\n\nclass ${TM_FILENAME_BASE} {\n\t$2\n}"
"description": "New PHP Class"
And I want to get this result:
namespace Tests\Setup;
class StorageFactory {
But I get this result:
namespace d:\Projects\Hakhsin\hakhsin\tests\Setup;
class StorageFactory {
It doesn't appear you can use variables inside of other variables in a snippet transform.
You can try this code which is more "dynamic" than yours but not perfect:
The {4} in that is if you have 4 segments in the directory structure before the part you want, like d:\Projects\Hakhsin\hakhsin\tests\Setup The segments are d:\, Projects\, Hakhsin\ and hakhsin\. If that number of segments is known and stable than the snippet I showed works well.
I doubt the number of those segments would vary within a project but might very well between projects - you would just have to change the {x} item for each project if so.
I solved it but it is not dynamic.
namespace ${TM_DIRECTORY/(.*hakhsin\\\\)(.*)/${2:/capitalize}/};
Is there a better way? anything like this:
namespace ${TM_DIRECTORY/(.*${WORKSPACE_NAME}\\\\)(.*)/${2:/capitalize}/};
This is the result:
namespace Tests\Setup;
class StorageFactory {

How to auto capitalize in custom snippet for user input

In my framework we are having a code structure like:
varname => ${VARNAME}
I am trying to use VSCode user snippet to make it working but unable to capitalize given varname!
Tried this exact code but not working!!
Also tried already solved solutions also. But none of them working.
VS Code: How to convert snippet placeholder to uppercase or lowercase?
When using variable transformations like TM_FILENAME, capitalize working.
"Insert_const_variable": {
"prefix": "const",
"body": "${1:varname} -> ${1/(.*)/${1:/upcase}/}",
"description": "Declare const"
expected : const -> CONST
actual : const -> const
Thanks in advance.