Images not saving in Custom Folder in Gallery in iOS swift - swift

I am trying to save my images in custom folder in iPhone gallery but instead of saving original image it saves only white blank image on real device. but when I run same code on simulator its working fine.
the code I am trying is :
import Photos
class CustomPhotoAlbum: NSObject {
static let albumName = "App Name" // here put your album name
static let sharedInstance = CustomPhotoAlbum()
var assetCollection: PHAssetCollection!
private var collection: PHFetchResult<PHAssetCollection>!
override init() {
if let assetCollection = fetchAssetCollectionForAlbum() {
self.assetCollection = assetCollection
if PHPhotoLibrary.authorizationStatus() != PHAuthorizationStatus.authorized {
PHPhotoLibrary.requestAuthorization({ (status: PHAuthorizationStatus) -> Void in
if PHPhotoLibrary.authorizationStatus() == PHAuthorizationStatus.authorized {
} else {
func requestAuthorizationHandler(status: PHAuthorizationStatus) {
if PHPhotoLibrary.authorizationStatus() == PHAuthorizationStatus.authorized {
// ideally this ensures the creation of the photo album even if authorization wasn't prompted till after init was done
print("trying again to create the album")
} else {
print("should really prompt the user to let them know it's failed")
func createAlbum() {
PHAssetCollectionChangeRequest.creationRequestForAssetCollection(withTitle: CustomPhotoAlbum.albumName) // create an asset collection with the album name
}) { success, error in
if success {
self.assetCollection = self.fetchAssetCollectionForAlbum()
} else {
print("error \(error)")
func fetchAssetCollectionForAlbum() -> PHAssetCollection? {
var firstObject: PHAssetCollection?
let fetchOptions = PHFetchOptions()
fetchOptions.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "title = %#", CustomPhotoAlbum.albumName)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.collection = PHAssetCollection.fetchAssetCollections(with: .album, subtype: .any, options: fetchOptions)
if let _: AnyObject = self.collection.firstObject {
firstObject = self.collection.firstObject
if firstObject != nil {
return firstObject
} else {
return nil
func save(image: UIImage) {
if assetCollection == nil {
return // if there was an error upstream, skip the save
let assetChangeRequest = PHAssetChangeRequest.creationRequestForAsset(from: image)
let assetPlaceHolder = assetChangeRequest.placeholderForCreatedAsset
let albumChangeRequest = PHAssetCollectionChangeRequest(for: self.assetCollection)
let enumeration: NSArray = [assetPlaceHolder!]
}, completionHandler: nil)
and when I use this code to save the image is:
func saveImage() {
let snapShot:UIView = backgroundImage.snapshotView(afterScreenUpdates: true)!
snapShot.drawHierarchy(in: backgroundImage.bounds, afterScreenUpdates: true)
let image:UIImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()! image)
self.view.snapshotView(afterScreenUpdates: true)
Also I add permissions in my info.plist.
but the code is running fine on simulator but not on real device. On real device its also log an error in console:
"Error returned from daemon: Error Code=7
"(null)"" 2022-08-30 17:25:21.043516+0500 App Name[19316:1400881]
[PAAccessLogger] Failed to log access with error: access=<PATCCAccess
0x28247e5b0> accessor:<<PAApplication 0x2809d98b0
identifierType:auditToken identifier:{pid:19316, version:56046}>>
identifier:08A3A297-406E-45A2-8D0D-4C443A3F2835 kind:intervalEnd
timestampAdjustment:0 tccService:kTCCServicePhotos, error=Error
Domain=PAErrorDomain Code=10 "Possibly incomplete access interval
automatically ended by daemon"
I am using Xcode 13.3, Almost same question here asked, I tried every answer but nothing helped.
can someone please help me to fix this issue Thanks.


MacOS take a Screenshot with AVFoundation

I have Swift code:
func makeSceenshot() {
// Set up the inputs
var displayCount: UInt32 = 0;
var result = CGGetActiveDisplayList(0, nil, &displayCount)
if (result != CGError.success) {
print("error when try to get displays: \(result)")
let allocated = Int(displayCount)
let activeDisplays = UnsafeMutablePointer<CGDirectDisplayID>.allocate(capacity: allocated)
result = CGGetActiveDisplayList(displayCount, activeDisplays, &displayCount)
if (result != CGError.success) {
print("error whe try get displays list: \(result)")
for i in 1...displayCount {
// Set up the input
let display: CGDirectDisplayID = activeDisplays[Int(i-1)]
guard let input = AVCaptureScreenInput(displayID: display) else {
print("error AVCaptureScreenInput")
input.minFrameDuration = CMTimeMake(value: 1, timescale: Int32(FPS))
let session = AVCaptureSession()
if session.canAddInput(input) {
print("Input added")
} else {
print("Input error")
// Set up the output
let output = AVCapturePhotoOutput()
let screenshotSettings = AVCapturePhotoSettings()
if session.canAddOutput(output) {
print("Output added")
} else {
print("Output error")
output.capturePhoto(with: screenshotSettings, delegate: self)
And delegate:
extension ViewController: AVCapturePhotoCaptureDelegate {
func photoOutput(_ output: AVCapturePhotoOutput, didFinishProcessingPhoto photo: AVCapturePhoto, error: Error?) {
if (error != nil) {
print("\(String(describing: error?.localizedDescription)) debug: \(error.debugDescription)")
guard let imageData = photo.cgImageRepresentation() else {
let unixTimestamp = CreateTimeStamp()
let path = folderName + "\(unixTimestamp)" + ".jpg"
let fileUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: path, isDirectory: true)
let bitmapRep = NSBitmapImageRep(cgImage: imageData.takeUnretainedValue())
let jpegData = bitmapRep.representation(using: NSBitmapImageRep.FileType.jpeg, properties: [:])!
do {
try jpegData.write(to: fileUrl, options: .atomic)
catch {print("error: \(error)")}
func CreateTimeStamp() -> Int32
return Int32(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)
And i have a problem: When i click on the Button, i need to make screenshots from all of Mac's displays. But when i click on the button, i get this message in Logs:
Optional("The operation could not be completed") debug: Optional(Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11800 "The operation could not be completed" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The operation could not be completed, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An unknown error occurred (-11800)})
But this function
is working if i launch it from viewDidLoad() but it doesn't launch from button action
Any ideas?
You can use:
let id = CGMainDisplayID()
let image = CGDisplayCreateImage(id)
Then, an alert will pop up asking the user to give your App screen recording permission. When the user adds your App to the list in the Security and Privacy Settings, CGDisplayCreateImage will capture all windows and the whole screen.

Cannot share with UICloudSharingController; vanishes with "uploading" message

while presenting the UICloudSharingController on top of a view, it presents the screen and when I select the messages option to send a message to a person whom I want to share with, it gives a spinning wheel with "uploading" message and vanishes - attached.
However when I go to cloudkit dashboard the root record has been shared. But I cannot share it with specific person. Is it because it has shared global? How can I fix it?
self.shareInfraRecord(zoneID: appDelegate.privateContactZoneID, completion: { (status) in
if ( status == false) {
func shareInfraRecord(zoneID: CKRecordZone.ID, completion: #escaping(Bool) -> Void) {
if let rootRecord = self.rootRecord {
if self.rootRecord?.share == nil {
let sharingController = UICloudSharingController { (controller, preparationHandler: #escaping (CKShare?, CKContainer?, Error?) -> Void) in
let shareID = CKRecord.ID(recordName: UUID().uuidString, zoneID: zoneID)
var share = CKShare(rootRecord: rootRecord, shareID: shareID)
share[CKShare.SystemFieldKey.title] = Cloud.ShareInfrastructure.ContactShareTitleKey as CKRecordValue?
share[CKShare.SystemFieldKey.shareType] = Cloud.ShareInfrastructure.ContactShareTypeKey as CKRecordValue?
let modifyRecZoneOp = CKModifyRecordsOperation(recordsToSave:[rootRecord, share], recordIDsToDelete: nil)
modifyRecZoneOp.modifyRecordsCompletionBlock = { (records, recordID, error) in
if error != nil {
if let ckerror = error as? CKError {
if let serverVersion = ckerror.serverRecord as? CKShare {
share = serverVersion
preparationHandler(share, self.defaultContainer, error)
sharingController.availablePermissions = [.allowReadOnly, .allowPrivate]
sharingController.delegate = self
sharingController.popoverPresentationController?.sourceView = self.view
self.present(sharingController, animated:true, completion:nil)
} else {
let shareRecordID = rootRecord.share!.recordID
let fetchRecordsOp = CKFetchRecordsOperation(recordIDs: [shareRecordID])
fetchRecordsOp.fetchRecordsCompletionBlock = { recordsByRecordID, error in
guard error == nil, let share = recordsByRecordID?[shareRecordID] as? CKShare else {
if let ckerror = error as? CKError {
self.aErrorHandler.handleCkError(ckerror: ckerror)
//self.saveToCloudKitStatus(recordName: myRecordName, success: false)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let sharingController = UICloudSharingController(share: share, container: self.defaultContainer!)
This might be a bit late but I was running into this issue too, while using NSPersistentCloudKitContainer and it seems the issue was just making sure that my iCloud container name in the Capabilities section of the settings matched my app bundle name ie

Getting an error when implementing drop support for my Mac application

I'm trying to get the URL of a web page when it's dragged into my application view. I'm using the code below as the DropDelegate.
func performDrop(info: DropInfo) -> Bool {
guard let itemProvider = info.itemProviders(for: ["public.url"]).first else {
return false
guard itemProvider.canLoadObject(ofClass: URL.self) else {
return false
_ = itemProvider.loadObject(ofClass: URL.self) {url, _ in
if let url = url {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
do {
try = url.absoluteString
} catch {
return true
The error I'm getting is:
Could not instantiate class NSURL. Error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4864 "*** -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _initForReadingFromData:error:throwLegacyExceptions:]: incomprehensible archive
I'm not sure what's going on and how to fix this. Any ideas?
Here is working solution. Tested with Xcode 12 / macOS 10.15.5
_ = itemProvider.loadDataRepresentation(forTypeIdentifier: "public.url") {url, _ in
if let data = data,
let path = String(bytes: data, encoding: .utf8),
let url = URL(string: path) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
do {
try = url.absoluteString
} catch {

Read and write permission for user selected folder in Mac OS app?

I am developing MAC OS app which have functionality to create file on the behalf of your. First user select folder for storing file (One time at start of app) and then user can select type and name of the file user want to create on selected folder (Folder selected on start of the app) using apple script. I am able to create file when i add below temporary-exception in entitlement file but its not able to app apple review team but works in sandboxing.
Guideline 2.4.5(i) - Performance
We've determined that one or more temporary entitlement exceptions requested for this app are not appropriate and will not be granted:
I found :
Enabling App Sandbox - Allows apps to write executable files.
Enabling User-Selected File Access - Xcode provides a pop-up menu, in the Summary tab of the target editor, with choices to enable read-only or read/write access to files and folders that the user explicitly selects. When you enable user-selected file access, you gain programmatic access to files and folders that the user opens using an NSOpenPanel object, and files the user saves using an NSSavePanel object.
Using below code for creating file :
let str = "Super long string here"
let filename = getDocumentsDirectory().appendingPathComponent("/xyz/output.txt")
do {
try str.write(to: filename, atomically: true, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)
} catch {
// failed to write file – bad permissions, bad filename, missing permissions, or more likely it can't be converted to the encoding
Also tried adding in entitlement file for an NSOpenPanel object :
Is there any way to get pass apple review team to approve Mac App with read and write permission to user selected folder ?
Here is my Answer
How to do implement and persist Read and write permission of user selected folder in Mac OS app?
GitHub Example Project link
First :
Add user-selected and permissions in entitlement file :
Then i created class for all bookmark related function required for storeing, loading ... etc bookmarks app.
import Foundation
import Cocoa
var bookmarks = [URL: Data]()
func openFolderSelection() -> URL?
let openPanel = NSOpenPanel()
openPanel.allowsMultipleSelection = false
openPanel.canChooseDirectories = true
openPanel.canCreateDirectories = true
openPanel.canChooseFiles = false
{ (result) -> Void in
if result.rawValue == NSApplication.ModalResponse.OK.rawValue
let url = openPanel.url
storeFolderInBookmark(url: url!)
return openPanel.url
func saveBookmarksData()
let path = getBookmarkPath()
NSKeyedArchiver.archiveRootObject(bookmarks, toFile: path)
func storeFolderInBookmark(url: URL)
let data = try url.bookmarkData(options: NSURL.BookmarkCreationOptions.withSecurityScope, includingResourceValuesForKeys: nil, relativeTo: nil)
bookmarks[url] = data
Swift.print ("Error storing bookmarks")
func getBookmarkPath() -> String
var url = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)[0] as URL
url = url.appendingPathComponent("Bookmarks.dict")
return url.path
func loadBookmarks()
let path = getBookmarkPath()
bookmarks = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObject(withFile: path) as! [URL: Data]
for bookmark in bookmarks
func restoreBookmark(_ bookmark: (key: URL, value: Data))
let restoredUrl: URL?
var isStale = false
Swift.print ("Restoring \(bookmark.key)")
restoredUrl = try URL.init(resolvingBookmarkData: bookmark.value, options: NSURL.BookmarkResolutionOptions.withSecurityScope, relativeTo: nil, bookmarkDataIsStale: &isStale)
Swift.print ("Error restoring bookmarks")
restoredUrl = nil
if let url = restoredUrl
if isStale
Swift.print ("URL is stale")
if !url.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource()
Swift.print ("Couldn't access: \(url.path)")
Then open folder selection using NSOpenPanel so the user can select which folders to give you access to. The NSOpenPanel must be stored as a bookmark and saved to disk. Then your app will have the same level of access as it did when the user selected the folder.
To open NSOpenPanel :
let selectedURL = openFolderSelection()
and to load existing bookmark after app close :
Thats it.
I Hope it will help someone.
Add user-selected and permissions in entitlement file :
Then open folder selection using NSOpenPanel so the user can select which folders to give you access to. The NSOpenPanel must be stored as a bookmark and saved to disk. Then your app will have the same level of access as it did when the user selected the folder.
Since 'unarchiveObject(withFile:)' was deprecated in macOS 10.14, created a new answer in case someone has a similar question.
So after setting this in plist,
Create a BookMark class like below:
import Foundation
#objcMembers final class BookMarks: NSObject, NSSecureCoding {
struct Keys {
static let data = "data"
var data: [URL:Data] = [URL: Data]()
static var supportsSecureCoding: Bool = true
required init?(coder: NSCoder) { = coder.decodeObject(of: [NSDictionary.self, NSData.self, NSURL.self], forKey: as? [URL: Data] ?? [:]
required init(data: [URL: Data]) { = data
func encode(with coder: NSCoder) {
coder.encode(data, forKey:
func store(url: URL) {
do {
let bookmark = try url.bookmarkData(options: NSURL.BookmarkCreationOptions.withSecurityScope, includingResourceValuesForKeys: nil, relativeTo: nil)
data[url] = bookmark
} catch {
print("Error storing bookmarks")
func dump() {
let path = Self.path()
do {
try NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: self, requiringSecureCoding: true).write(to: path)
} catch {
print("Error dumping bookmarks")
static func path() -> URL {
var url = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)[0] as URL
url = url.appendingPathComponent("Bookmarks.dict")
return url
static func restore() -> BookMarks? {
let path = Self.path()
let nsdata = NSData(contentsOf: path)
guard nsdata != nil else { return nil }
do {
let bookmarks = try NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchivedObject(ofClass: Self.self, from: nsdata! as Data)
for bookmark in bookmarks?.data ?? [:] {
return bookmarks
} catch {
// print(error.localizedDescription)
print("Error loading bookmarks")
return nil
static func restore(_ bookmark: (key: URL, value: Data)) {
let restoredUrl: URL?
var isStale = false
print("Restoring \(bookmark.key)")
do {
restoredUrl = try URL.init(resolvingBookmarkData: bookmark.value, options: NSURL.BookmarkResolutionOptions.withSecurityScope, relativeTo: nil, bookmarkDataIsStale: &isStale)
} catch {
print("Error restoring bookmarks")
restoredUrl = nil
if let url = restoredUrl {
if isStale {
print("URL is stale")
} else {
if !url.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() {
print("Couldn't access: \(url.path)")
Then using it:
let bookmarks = BookMarks.restore() ?? BookMarks(data: [:])
adding someUrl)
Swift 5 with Xcode 14.2 - Jan-2023 :- below code works fine in my macOS app:
Keep below code in a class and follow instructions given after the code:
private static let BOOKMARK_KEY = "bookmark"
// Check permission is granted or not
public static func isPermissionGranted() -> Bool {
if let data = BOOKMARK_KEY) {
var bookmarkDataIsStale: ObjCBool = false
do {
let url = try (NSURL(resolvingBookmarkData: data, options: [.withoutUI, .withSecurityScope], relativeTo: nil, bookmarkDataIsStale: &bookmarkDataIsStale) as URL)
if bookmarkDataIsStale.boolValue {
NSLog("WARNING stale security bookmark")
return false
return url.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource()
} catch {
return false
return false
} // isPermissionGranted
static func selectFolder(folderPicked: () -> Void) {
let folderChooserPoint = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0)
let folderChooserSize = CGSize(width: 450, height: 400)
let folderChooserRectangle = CGRect(origin: folderChooserPoint, size: folderChooserSize)
let folderPicker = NSOpenPanel(contentRect: folderChooserRectangle, styleMask: .utilityWindow, backing: .buffered, defer: true)
let homePath = "/Users/\(NSUserName())"
folderPicker.directoryURL = NSURL.fileURL(withPath: homePath, isDirectory: true)
folderPicker.canChooseDirectories = true
folderPicker.canChooseFiles = false
folderPicker.allowsMultipleSelection = false
folderPicker.canDownloadUbiquitousContents = false
folderPicker.canResolveUbiquitousConflicts = false
folderPicker.begin { response in
if response == .OK {
let url = folderPicker.urls
// Save Url Bookmark
if let mUrl = folderPicker.url {
storeFolderInBookmark(url: mUrl)
private static func storeFolderInBookmark(url: URL) { // mark 1
do {
let data = try url.bookmarkData(options: NSURL.BookmarkCreationOptions.withSecurityScope, includingResourceValuesForKeys: nil, relativeTo: nil)
UserDefaults.standard.set(data, forKey: BOOKMARK_KEY)
} catch {
NSLog("Error storing bookmarks")
How to Use:
isPermissionGranted() - this function is to check user has granted directory permission or not. If it returns true then use directory/file operation read/write. If it returns false then use call selectFolder() function
selectFolder() - if isPermissionGranted() returns false then call this function to take permission from user. user will just need to click on as home directory will choose automatically.
storeFolderInBookmark() - Just keep it in the code you don't need to modify it, it will save url as bookmark for future use
Hope this will help & save lots of time. Thanks.
I found the best and working answer here - reusing security scoped bookmark
Super simple, easy to understand and does the job pretty well.
The solution was :-
var userDefault = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
var folderPath: NSURL? {
didSet {
do {
let bookmark = try folderPath?.bookmarkDataWithOptions(.SecurityScopeAllowOnlyReadAccess, includingResourceValuesForKeys: nil, relativeToURL: nil)
userDefault.setObject(bookmark, forKey: "bookmark")
} catch let error as NSError {
print("Set Bookmark Fails: \(error.description)")
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(aNotification: NSNotification) {
if let bookmarkData = userDefault.objectForKey("bookmark") as? NSData {
do {
let url = try NSURL.init(byResolvingBookmarkData: bookmarkData, options: .WithoutUI, relativeToURL: nil, bookmarkDataIsStale: nil)
} catch let error as NSError {
print("Bookmark Access Fails: \(error.description)")
Updated to Swift 5 (Thanks Jay!)
var folderPath: URL? {
didSet {
do {
let bookmark = try folderPath?.bookmarkData(options: .securityScopeAllowOnlyReadAccess, includingResourceValuesForKeys: nil, relativeTo: nil)
UserDefaults.standard.set(bookmark, forKey: "bookmark")
} catch let error as NSError {
print("Set Bookmark Fails: \(error.description)")
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification) {
if let bookmarkData = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "bookmark") as? Data {
do {
var bookmarkIsStale = false
let url = try URL.init(resolvingBookmarkData: bookmarkData as Data, options: .withSecurityScope, relativeTo: nil, bookmarkDataIsStale: &bookmarkIsStale)
} catch let error as NSError {
print("Bookmark Access Fails: \(error.description)")

WKWebView Screenshots

I am trying to capture the image that the webview is displaying to the user, so I can some color analysis of the web page. When I try to get the image from it's parent, I am basically getting a white box, even though the page has rendered:
func makeImageSnapshot()-> (NSImage)
let imgSize = self.view.bounds.size
let bir = self.viewbitmapImageRepForCachingDisplayInRect(self.webView!.view.bounds)
bir.size = imgSize
self.webView.cacheDisplayInRect(self.view.bounds, toBitmapImageRep:bir)
let image = NSImage(size:imgSize)
self.image = image
return image
func saveSnapshot()
let imgRep = self.image!.representations[0]
let data = imgRep.representationUsingType(NSBitmapImageFileType.NSPNGFileType, properties: nil)
data.writeToFile("/tmp/file.png", atomically: false)
It looks to me like I can't get access to the properties of the actual view (in this case the bounds) inside of the webView. When I try to access it, the compiler barfs:
/Users/josh/Canary/MacOsCanary/canary/canary/Modules/Overview/Overview.swift:55:37: '(NSView!, stringForToolTip: NSToolTipTag, point: NSPoint, userData: UnsafePointer<()>) -> String!' does not have a member named 'bounds'
My guess is that this is happening due to the extensions approach used by OS X and iOS. Any ideas, or should I just go back to using the legacy WebView?
I realise the question was for Mac OS X, but I found this page whilst searching for an iOS solution. My answer below doesn't work on Mac OS X as the drawViewHierarchyInRect() API call is currently iOS only, but I put it here for reference for other iOS searchers.
This Stackoverflow answer solved it for me on iOS 8 with a WKWebView. That answer's sample code is in Objective-C but the Swift equivalent to go in a UIView sub-class or extension would be along the lines of the code below. The code ignores the return value of drawViewHierarchyInRect(), but you may want to pay attention to it.
func imageSnapshot() -> UIImage
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(self.bounds.size, true, 0);
self.drawViewHierarchyInRect(self.bounds, afterScreenUpdates: true);
let snapshotImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
return snapshotImage;
Swift 3
extension WKWebView {
func screenshot() -> UIImage? {
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(self.bounds.size, true, 0);
self.drawHierarchy(in: self.bounds, afterScreenUpdates: true);
let snapshotImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
return snapshotImage;
Note: This solution only works on iOS.
Found myself in the same boat today but found a solution (by using private APIs).
If you're not targeting the App Store and generally are not afraid of using private APIs, here's a way to capture screenshots of WKWebView's on OS X:
You will need to have access to a target writeable place - the snapshotURL ie.., such as the desktop, so we provide a handler for that:
func registerSnaphotsURL(_ sender: NSMenuItem, handler: #escaping (URL) -> Void) {
var targetURL : URL
// 1st around authenticate and cache sandbox data if needed
if isSandboxed, desktopData == nil {
targetURL =
UserSettings.SnapshotsURL.value.count == 0
? getDesktopDirectory()
: URL.init(fileURLWithPath: UserSettings.SnapshotsURL.value, isDirectory: true)
let openPanel = NSOpenPanel()
openPanel.message = "Authorize access to "
openPanel.prompt = "Authorize"
openPanel.canChooseFiles = false
openPanel.canChooseDirectories = true
openPanel.canCreateDirectories = true
openPanel.directoryURL = targetURL
openPanel.begin() { (result) -> Void in
if (result == .OK) {
targetURL = openPanel.url!
// Since we do not have data, clear any bookmark
if self.storeBookmark(url: targetURL, options: self.rwOptions) {
self.desktopData = self.bookmarks[targetURL]
UserSettings.SnapshotsURL.value = targetURL.absoluteString
if !self.saveBookmarks() {
print("Yoink, unable to save snapshot bookmark")
self.desktopData = self.bookmarks[targetURL]
targetURL =
UserSettings.SnapshotsURL.value.count == 0
? getDesktopDirectory()
: URL.init(fileURLWithPath: UserSettings.SnapshotsURL.value, isDirectory: true)
we wanted to allow single (view controller) and all current views (app delegate) so two actions in their respective files, both making use of the register handler.
App Delegate
#objc #IBAction func snapshotAllPress(_ sender: NSMenuItem) {
registerSnaphotsURL(sender) { (snapshotURL) in
// If we have a return object just call them, else notify all
if let wvc : WebViewController = sender.representedObject as? WebViewController {
sender.representedObject = snapshotURL
sender.representedObject = snapshotURL
let notif = Notification(name: Notification.Name(rawValue: "SnapshotAll"), object: sender)
View Controller
func viewDidLoad() {
selector: #selector(WebViewController.snapshotAll(_:)),
name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "SnapshotAll"),
object: nil)
#objc func snapshotAll(_ note: Notification) {
snapshot(note.object as! NSMenuItem)
view singleton action
#objc #IBAction func snapshotPress(_ sender: NSMenuItem) {
guard let url = webView.url, url != webView.homeURL else { return }
guard let snapshotURL = sender.representedObject as? URL else {
// Dispatch to app delegate to handle a singleton
sender.representedObject = self
sender.representedObject = snapshotURL
the webView interaction to capture an image
#objc func snapshot(_ sender: NSMenuItem) {
guard let url = webView.url, url != webView.homeURL else { return }
guard var snapshotURL = sender.representedObject as? URL else { return }
// URL has only destination, so add name and extension
let filename = String(format: "%# Shapshot at %#",
(url.lastPathComponent as NSString).deletingPathExtension,
snapshotURL = snapshotURL.appendingPathExtension("png")
webView.takeSnapshot(with: nil) { image, error in
if let image = image {
self.webImageView.image = image
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.processSnapshotImage(image, to: snapshotURL)
self.userAlertMessage("Failed taking snapshot", info: error?.localizedDescription)
self.webImageView.image = nil
and the capture to the targeted area
func processSnapshotImage(_ image: NSImage, to snapshotURL: URL) {
guard let tiffData = image.tiffRepresentation else { NSSound(named: "Sosumi")?.play(); return }
let bitmapImageRep = NSBitmapImageRep(data: tiffData)
try bitmapImageRep?.representation(using: .png, properties: [:])?.write(to: snapshotURL)
if let asset = NSDataAsset(name:"Grab") {
do {
// Use NSDataAsset's data property to access the audio file stored in Sound.
let player = try AVAudioPlayer(, fileTypeHint:"caf")
// Play the above sound file.
} catch {
print("no sound for you")
if snapshotURL.hideFileExtensionInPath(), let name = snapshotURL.lastPathComponent.removingPercentEncoding {
print("snapshot => \(name)")
} catch let error {
appDelegate.userAlertMessage("Snapshot failed", info: error.localizedDescription)