How to implement a retry logic in pattern match? - scala

This is my function that used to call another api, I want to do a retry when I got some specific exception(TimeoutException, etc) for 3 times, how can do that? Thanks for help!
determinationService.getTax(getRequest, runID) match {
case Success(getResponse) =>"Following response received from determination service:")
case Failure(exception) =>
"AppName:{} RunID:{} Grpc error when calling Determination service: {}",
Array(LoggingConstant.APP_NAME, runID, exception): _*
//do retry here
unit test
val determinationServiceMock = mock[DeterminationService]
doReturn(Failure(new TimeOutException())).when(determinationServiceMock).getTax(any(), any())

Assuming a result type of Unit you could do:
def someDef(retry: Int = 0): Unit = {
determinationService.getTax(getRequest, runID) match {
case Success(getResponse) =>"Following response received from determination service:")
// ...
case Failure(exception) =>
"AppName:{} RunID:{} Grpc error when calling Determination service: {}",
Array(LoggingConstant.APP_NAME, runID, exception): _*
exception match {
case _: TimeoutException if retry < 3 => someDef(retry + 1)
case _ => // ...
Note: your actual code might not be tail-recursive, just this snippet is.


Propagate errors through a chain of Scala futures

Considering a sequence of futures each returning Either[Status, Resp].
How would you propagate error status codes through a for comprehension which is using Future and not Either?
The code bellow does not work, since the parsing exception is not caught by .recover of the last future
The use case is Scala Play ActionRefiners which returns Future[Either[Status, TRequest[A]]].
def parseId(id: String):Future[Int] = {
def getItem(id: Int)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Either[Status, String]] =
Future(Some("dummy res from db " + id)).transformWith {
case Success(opt) => opt match {
case Some(item) => Future.successful(Right(item))
case _ => Future.successful(Left(NotFound))
case Failure(_) => Future.successful(Left(InternalServerError))
(for {
id <- parseId("bad request")
resp <- getItem(id)
} yield resp).recover {
case _:NumberFormatException => Left(BadRequest)
I could move the .recover to parseId, but this makes the for comprehension very ugly - having to treat the Either[Status, id] in the middle
def parseId(id: String):Future[Either[Status, Int]] = {
Future.successful(Right(Integer.parseInt(id))).recover {
case _:NumberFormatException => Left(BadRequest)
Your exception is not caught because you are not throwing it inside the Future: Future.successful is immediately satisfied with the result of the expression you give it, if it throws an exception, it is executed on the current thread.
Try removing the .successful: Future(id.toInt) will do what you want.
Also, I would recommend to get rid of all the Eithers: these are highly overrated/overused, especially in the context of Future (that already wrap their result into Try anyhow), and just make the code more complicated and less readable without offering much benefit.
case class FailureReason(status: Status)
extends Exception(status.toString)
def notFound() = throw FailureReason(NotFound)
def internalError() = throw FailureReason(InternalError)
def badRequest() = throw FailureReason(BadRequest)
def parseId(id: String):Future[Int] = Future(id.toInt)
def getItem(id: Int): Future[String] = Future(Some("dummy"))
.map { _.getOrElse(notFound) }
.recover { _ => internalError }
// this is the same as your for-comprehension, just looking less ugly imo :)
parseId("foo").flatMap(getItem).recover {
case _: NumberFormatException => badRequest()
// if you still want `Either` in the end for some reason:
.map(Right.apply[Status, String])
.recover {
case _: NumberFormatException => Left(BadRequest) // no need for the first recover above if you do this
case FailureReason(status) => Left(status)

Handling errors as a Future[Result] in ReactiveMongo 16.6

How can I output mongoDB errors in a Result with ReactiveMongo (16.6)? I've spent virtually the whole day looking through samples but have not been able to achieve this as of yet. The error section of the documentation returns a Future[Unit] rather than a Future[Result]. And every other example/sample that I can find either is outdated or does not do this; example_1, example2
Here is what I would like to do:
def updateById(collName: String, id: BSONObjectID) = authAction.async(parse.json) { implicit request: Request[JsValue] =>
val oWriteJso = request.body.asOpt[JsObject]
lazy val qJso = Json.obj("_id" -> id)
val res =
wJso => mongoRepo.update(collName)(qJso, wJso)().recoverWith {
case WriteResult.Code(11000) => Future.successful(BadRequest("it went bad"))
case _ => Future.successful(BadRequest("also bad"))
Of course with the function signature as recoverWith[U >: T](pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, Future[U]])(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Future[U] this code above will return an error as it needs to return a Future[WriteResult]. But how then would I be able to put any error messages, codes, etc (from mongoDB) into a Result?
The documentation indicates how to recover a Future[WriteResult]:
.recover {
case WriteResult.Code(11000) =>
// if the result is defined with the error code 11000 (duplicate error)
println("Match the code 11000")
case WriteResult.Message("Must match this exact message") =>
println("Match the error message")
// ...
Thanks to Future combinators (not specific to ReactiveMongo), it can be used whatever is the type of the successful value to be lifted inside the Future.
def foo[T](future: Future[WriteResult], recoveredValue: => T)(success: WriteResult => T): Future[T] = {
case WriteResult.Code(11000) =>
// if the result is defined with the error code 11000 (duplicate error)
case WriteResult.Message("Must match this exact message") =>

Try Failure is not catching exceptions

In the code below I have two Play for Scala functions, the first one catches an exception (this works fine) and in the second one I'm trying to rewrite it using Try.
I have two problems with Try: (1) when the number is negative the method doesn't fail, (2) I need to wrap all the responses with Future.successful.
How to fix this code?
class Test extends Controller {
def test1 = Action.async { request =>
val future = isPositive(-1) { result =>
Ok("OK, it's positive")
.recover {
case e => Ok(e.getMessage)
def isPositive(i: Int) = Future {
if (i<0)
throw new Exception ( "Number is negative" )
def test2 = Action.async { request =>
isPositiveWithTry(-1) match {
case Success(s) => Future.successful(Ok("OK, it's positive (Try succeded)"))
case Failure(f) => Future.successful(Ok(f.getMessage + " (Try failed)"))
def isPositiveWithTry(i: Int) : Try[Future[Int]] = Try {
In isPositive method exceptions are already caught by Future
def isPositive(i: Int) = Future {
if (i<0)
throw new Exception ( "Number is negative" )
In the below code
def isPositiveWithTry(i: Int) : Try[Future[Int]] = Try {
isPositive already catches all expections and Try is always a success.
So, when i is negative. Exception raised are handled by future and try gets a success value, resultant Try is a success. So you get successful Try with a failed Future inside.
Understanding using Grenade example
Assume throwing the exception as blowing up a Grenade.
Assume Future and Try as two layers. When grenade is blasted inside the double layer of Try[Future] i.e Try is around Future and grenade is gone off in the Future.
Now Future withstands the blast and becomes a failed value. As Future already took the damage caused by the damage of exception(grenade). Try will be a success but the value inside the Try is a failed future value. That failed future value is nothing but the exception raised.
Try is redundant when you are using Future
You can refactor your code to below one
Get rid of isPositiveWithTry. This method is not needed.
def isPositive(i: Int) = Future {
if (i<0)
throw new Exception ( "Number is negative" )
def test2 = Action.async { request =>
isPositive(-1).flatMap { _ =>
Future.successful(Ok("OK, it's positive (Try succeded)"))
}.recoverWith {
case f: Throwable => Future.successful(Ok(f.getMessage + " (Try failed)"))
Again test2 can also be written as
def test2 = Action.async { request =>
isPositive(-1).map { _ =>
Ok("OK, it's positive (Try succeded)")
}.recover {
case f: Throwable => Ok(f.getMessage + " (Try failed)")
In case isPositive returns Try
def isPositive(i: Int) = Try {
if (i<0)
throw new Exception ( "Number is negative" )
Now test2 will look like
def test2 = Action.async { request =>
isPositive(-1) match {
case Success(s) => Future.successful(Ok("OK, it's positive (Try succeded)"))
case Failure(f) => Future.successful(Ok(f.getMessage + " (Try failed)"))
Couple points:
1) You need to rewrite your isPositive such that it does not surround itself via a Future. The Future is catching the exception.
def isPositive(i: Int) ={
if (i<0)
throw new Exception ( "Number is negative" )
2) If you have a Try and you want a Future, then you can use the method on the companion object of Future, Future.fromTry. That will take a Try and turn it into the correct state of a Future.

Understanding Spray's detach directive

I'm trying to understand Spray's detach directive and whether there's any difference between using detach and using the onComplete directive. What I want to achieve is "one thread per request" where by thread I mean JVM thread ( which should be an OS thread).
So, what the difference between A and B ?
Method A:
// assume controller.divide(a,b) returns Future[Int]
val route =
path("divide" / IntNumber / IntNumber) { (a, b) =>
onComplete(controller.divide(a, b)) {
case Success(value) => complete(s"The result was $value")
case Failure(ex) => complete(InternalServerError, s"An error occurred: ${ex.getMessage}")
Method B:
// assume controller.divide(a,b) returns Int
val route = {
path("divide" / IntNumber / IntNumber) { (a,b) =>
detach(global) {
Try { controller.divide(a,b) } match {
case Success(value) => complete(s"The result was $value")
case Failure(ex) => complete(InternalServerError, s"An error occurred: ${ex.getMessage}")
} }
Cheers !
The point of detach is that you don't need your method to return a Future - that's really it.
The idea is to run items you know won't throw exceptions compactly, but without needing to block the handler thread. You should rewrite Method B as:
detach(global) {
complete(s"The result was ${controller.divide(a, b)}")
In the spray-routing world, the Failure case would be handled by an outer handleExceptions directive.
See Spray's `detach` Directive where the accepted answer explains very well, what
detach does and
how it uncouples from the route executing actor.

Handling errors in ReactiveMongo

I am working on a simple RESTful web service using Play Framework 2.1.5 and ReactiveMongo 0.9 using ReactiveMongo Play plugin. It has been a long time since I used Play Framework for the last time. I am trying to insert a document using:
def create = Action(parse.json) { request =>
Async {
val coll = db.collection[JSONCollection](...)
val obj = Json.obj(
"username" -> ...,
users.insert(obj).map { err => err match {
case e if !e.ok => InternalServerError(Json.obj("result" -> 0, "error" -> e.message))
case _ => Ok(Json.obj("result" -> 1))
I have expected that once the query execution fails (e.g. due to the duplicate value in an index), I will handle it without any problem. But it is working differently - in case of failure a DatabaseException is thrown instead of satisfying the Promise[LastError] with an appropriate value. What am I missing please?
When an exception happens in a future any calls to map will be ignored and the exception will be passed along the chain of futures.
Explicitly handling the exceptions in a chain of Futures can be done with recover and recoverWith. You can read more about it in the overview of futures in the scala-lang docs:
Try this code-
def insert(coll: BSONCollection, doc: BSONDocument): Future[Unit] = {
val p = Promise[Unit]
val f = coll.insert(doc)
f onComplete {
case Failure(e) => p failure (e)
case Success(lastError) => {
p success ({})
I hope this simplifies your need...
def create = Action (parse.json) { request =>
Async {
val coll = db.collection[JSONCollection](...)
val obj = Json.obj ("username" -> ...)
users.insert(obj).map {
case ins if ins.ok => OK (...)
case ins => InternalServerError (...)
} recover {
case dex: DatabaseException =>
case e: Throwable =>
log.error (..)
InternalServerError (...)