VSCode SCSS extension with better error checking - visual-studio-code

I recently started writing SCSS in VSCode. VSCode itself along with vscode-scss extension provides relatively good support for SCSS, but an important feature seems missing - error checking.
Though VSCode and vscode-scss can offer suggestions through Intellisense based on scanning, no errors will be prompted if I misspelled a variable, or used a mixin that hadn't been imported yet. Also, no auto refactoring takes place after renaming an SCSS file that has been used by other sources.
Is there any VSCode extension that provides such validations? Or maybe they can be turned on through some options in extension settings?
Note: I do have noticed the scss.showErrors option of vscode-scss, but no errors get prompted in scenarios mentioned above after turning this option on.


Disable competing language servers / code highlighters

I want to add a language server to handle completion / highlighting / etc. for a file.
As a basis for testing stuff I am using an example from Microsoft (https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-extension-samples/tree/main/lsp-sample) and changed it to be active for any File. This language server highlights any word in all capital letters.
When opening a C++ File, I get the highlighting / completion of my language server and the default one for C++ (See image).
I would like to detect if some other extension / build in highlighter is active for a file and deactivate it for this workspace or the current file if it is impossible for the current workspace)
Is there a way to do this in a generic way where I do not have to know which extensions are highlighting code?
If no, is there a way to do this, if I know a set of extensions I want to deactivate?
I finally had enough time to try around a bit more and found that providing your own language for the same extension is enough.
In package.json I added an element in contributes.languages with extensions containing .cpp (since I am using cpp files for testing).
I also copied over some implementation code from an example.
This suppressed the default highlighter and code completion for cpp files. Since i am only implementing a semantic token provider, I can see the default highlighting before my provider takes over. (I think this could be solved by adding a syntax highlighter, but this is already sufficient fo my preliminary testing)
I am not sure, how stable all of this would be as a plugin (I only tested in Extension Development Host mode)
Here an image of the results:

Why is Solidity Vscode Intellisense only working if i explicitly specify an Open Zeppelin contract

I'm struggling severely to configure my Vscode working properly.
I have imported contract of openzeppelin - ERC721.sol
Now I expected its function _mint() be available in intellisense when i start typing it in my contract, but here is what i see if I start typing it and then click Ctrl+Space:
In the same time if i explicitly type the contract name - then i can see intellisense autocompletion:
How can i make it possible to simply get intellisense suggestion of this function once i start typing it?
UPDATE: I provided a bigger code snippet and simplified to minimum for example purposes.
UPDATE: I realised that the autocompletion now in the vscode solidity plugin works in a way that ignores the modules from node_modules. Quick way to test it - I put my contract file into the openzeppelin module folder, next to the ERC721.sol - autocompletion works fine. (suggested by #marko-popovic)
Question remains the same though: Isn't that possible to make it so that I could use autocompletion for modules that are present in node_modules and imported into my contract?
In you case, ERC721 is imported from NPM (using #), while the imported files in the extension demo video are in the same directory as the contract that is importing them.
To enable intellisense, either keep using the NPM import style and prefix the method names with ERC721. (which would be my suggestion), or move the openzepellin code manually into the same folder as your contract.
Finally, you cannot achieve that with the current version of the extension, as it is obviously works properly, but has this limitation with different types of imports. This might be improved in some future version, but if you want to get that feature right now you will either have to move the code manually or maybe look for another extension.

How to make VSCode's python debugger skip stepping into some modules when debugging

In vscode's python (ms-python) extension, is there a way to make the debugger (debugpy) not to step-into functions defined in specific modules. I have found justMyCode but it will skip entering into external modules only (like members of stdlib) while I need to skip my own modules sometimes.
I saw some debug adaptors for some other languages implement skipFiles property. Is there anything similar for python?
Going thru debugpy code I found this undocumented feature which works like a charm: in launch.json's debug configuration add
"rules" : [{"module":"*xxx*", "include":false}]. Make sure the xxx is the full module name like a.b.module
There are more working options. They can be seen here
A word of warning. This feature is undocumented (at least I did not find it anywhere) so use with caution as it might disappear one day. At the other hand, this feature is properly tested as part of the code uni-testing (as you can see from the link)

WebStorm formatting settings - port to another editor

Is there any way to get another editor, like VSCode, to format code ( JavaScript in my case, if it matters ) like the WebStorm IDE formats code by default? I'm not familiar with that IDE, but I'm hoping that it uses a config of some sort that can maybe be exported and imported in another editor. I tried looking for one, but couldn't find anything.
The core problem, if it matters, is that all of our team members use WS to write code and they use the built in formatter, so if I use another one it creates inconsistencies and long commits when editing already written files. As you are probably guessing by now, I would like to use another editor, because I find IDE's bloated and slow.
I don't know if there is a way to import Webstorm formatting rules into VS Code, but I think there is another solution:
I remember in one of the projects i worked on, we used a linter which also auto-formatted code. The advantage is that Webstorm and VSCode can pick pick the linter rules automatically, and then you have same formatting on both.
The downside is that you would need to agree with the team on what does rule will be and then configure them on the linter.

Is there a way to export PhpStorm code style rules as .eslintrc?

I've been using PhpStorm for awhile, for PHP as well as JS. I would love, however, to switch to VSCode since it's lighter, open source and free. But one feature that I cannot quite carry over with extensions is Code Style settings.
PhpStorm has a sweet visual interface in settings that allows you to set up detailed code style rules with live examples right there. ESLint, unfortunately, doesn't have anything similar - it's all text rules (which is a drag and takes forever to set up).
So I'm wondering if there's any way at all to export PhpStorm code style settings as ESLint rules? Or if there's an app that has a similar interface to set up ESLint? Or maybe there's a VScode extension that I am missing that has a similar interface?