How to host our Portfolio in Github pages? - github

I have created the portfolio website using HTML5 and uploaded the respective files in the GitHub with new repository, but I cannot able to view the url link like (it is published at...) shown in YouTube videos.
I searched GitHub pages under the "Code and Automation" tab, still I cannot able to view the URL.
Can somebody please help me where to view my portfolio?

Note: GitHub Pages now uses Actions by default
It means that, instead of configuring a publication source (a branch or docs/ folder), you can add in a .github/workflows (inside your repository) a actions/starter-workflows pages/static.yml in order to publish your static HTML5 pages.


Why do GitHub workflow badges not render on Jekyll GitHub pages?

My GitHub Pages site is built from the master branch, using my The top of my read-me file is directly below.
# :chart_with_upwards_trend: :robot: Wooster Systems :moneybag: :money_with_wings:
This looks just fine in the read-me inside the repository. Image below.
Unfortunately, the workflow status badges don't populate on the Jekyll GitHub Pages site. Specifically, the badges that come directly from GitHub don't show, but the rest do. The ones that don't show are tests, firebase deployment, and pages-build-deployment. A screenshot from the site is below.
I'm not sure why this is happening. My hunch is that it has to do with the fact that my repository is private, but what has me confused is the fact that the coverage badge comes from an SVG file directly in my private repository. This works fine on the site (possibly has to do with "artifacts", though I don't really understand the behavior). If the workflow badges are indeed private, how can I make them display on my site?
The only config file (or file that has anything to do with the GitHub Pages site) is my _config.yml, which has the following contents.
theme: jekyll-theme-cayman
- jemoji
I installed added jemoji to support the emoji shortcode in my title, which works fine.
Any help appreciated.
Private repositories are not publicly visible. For security, any requests to them from an account without the right credentials will get a 404, so you can't guess which repositories exist.
Because the repository isn't available, your workflows and their results aren't public either. If you want a developer on your team to have the build status, invite them to your private repository. If you want your builds to be publicly visible, open source your repository.
It can be because this tags are alterated because of github actions, so they update and change on the Repository, Github pages treats different the information so this tags are nos updating when you are accessing the web page.
Live tags from doesn't work properly on github pages.

Github Pages not showing up
I'm following Github's tutorial to host a Github Page. I creating the repo and set the Github Page to track my main branch and published the Page.
Github says my site should be published at but the site doesn't load. As a side note: Why would Github choose that weird domain name(test-blog-on-qa)?
I've chosen a theme(Jekyll), pushed an empty commit to rebuild but nothing works. This should be very simple so I'm confused as to what could be wrong?
You are using the Github Custom Domain for your site
Have a look at:
That's why is used as the domain name automatically.

Why isn't this static project page showing up on a Jekyll-generated user page on GitHub Pages?

I have a user page generated with Jekyll, it works fine, it even has a 404 custom page. But now I'd like to have a project page that is just plain HTML, CSS and JavaScript (no Node.js nor Jekyll), showing up as I uploaded the content, added a blank file with the name .nojekyll, and created a duplicate branch with the name gh-pages which is the one selected in the settings for GitHub Pages, but when I visit the browser shows a 404 page that is not the custom page for, and the content in the index.html page in project_repo is not shown.
Is it posible to have a configuration to show my project page hosted as a subfolder of the user page, without having to add it as a submodule or subfolder to the user website repository? If so, why isn't my configuration working?
It seems that github pages doesn't publish by default.
I succeeded to publish by doing :
go to repo settings (
in GitHub Pages section, switch source list to master branch and click save.
switch back to gh-pages branch and click save
Project is now published.

Is there a way to remove repository name from github page link?

I created a page for a github repository following these instructions:Getting Started with GitHub Pages. Worked perfectly, the page is already hosted.
But I would like to change the page URL, This is the currently URL:
Is there any way to remove the repository name? (
I've seen the articles to configure a custom domain, but I think that's not the case.
To remove the repository name, you'll need to make it a User Page (or an Organization page). Create a repository named, and commit your content to the master branch. See this help page for more information.

Why isn't my github project going live?

I created a subbranch for gh-pages. I don't know why the page isn't getting created. I'm attaching the screen shot of the bash.
Even at the github page, when I hover over the tick mark, it says that github has successfully created the page.
Link to my github
To make a github pages site, you must follow the naming convention for your repository; in your case
Also, the main html file should be called index.html.
The following is a great resource to get started on github pages: