T-SQL select 1 where '{' < 'a' why does this return a result, it should be empty - tsql

T-SQL select 1 where '{' < 'a' why does this return a result, it should be empty
The brace characters have an ASCII value greater then 'a'. I expected an empty result just like if I did:
select 1 where 'b' < 'a'

As I mention in the comments, the ordering of characters isn't based on the ASCII values of the characters (123 for { and 97 for a), but the collation.
I don't know what collation you are using, but in the collation you are using a left brace ({) has a lower value than the characters a. So, perhaps you are using Latin1_General_CI_AI:
SELECT 1 WHERE '{' < 'a' COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI;
If you were to be using a binary collation, such as Latin1_General_BIN, then you would not get a result:
SELECT 1 WHERE '{' < 'a' COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN;
Even the orders of letters can be different. Take the following:
SELECT 1 WHERE 'B' < 'a' COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS;
SELECT 1 WHERE 'B' < 'a' COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN;
Note that the first statement does not return a result, but the latter does. This is because in Latin1_General_CS_AS letters are ordered alphabetically and then uppercase and lowercase, AaBbCc...YyZz. For a binary collation they are uppercase, lowercase and then alphabetically, ABC..YZabc...yz.
IF you want to see the ordering of the letters, you could do something like this for Latin based collations:
Tally AS (
FROM N N1, N N2, N N3, N N4)
FROM Tally T
CROSS APPLY(VALUES(CHAR(T.I) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI))V(C) --Replace collation as needed


Convert comma separated id to comma separated string in postgresql

I have comma separated column which represents the ids of emergency type like:
ID | Name
1 | 1,2,3
2 | 1,2
3 | 1
I want to make query to get name of the this value field.
1 - Ambulance
2 - Fire
3 - Police
1 - Ambulance, Fire, Police
2 - Ambulance, Fire
3 - Ambulance
I just need to write select statement in postgresql to display string values instead of integer values in comma separated.
Comma separated values is bad database design practice, though postgre is so feature rich, that you can handle this task easily.
-- just simulate tables
with t1(ID, Name) as(
select 1 ,'1,2,3' union all
select 2 ,'1,2' union all
select 3 ,'1'
t2(id, name) as(
select 1, 'Ambulance' union all
select 2, 'Fire' union all
select 3, 'Police'
-- here is actual query
select s1.id, string_agg(t2.name, ',') from
( select id, unnest(string_to_array(Name, ','))::INT as name_id from t1 ) s1
join t2
on s1.name_id = t2.id
group by s1.id
Though, if you can, change your approach. Right database design means easy queries and better performance.
To get the values for each of the ids is a simple query: select * from ;. Once you have the values you will have to parse the strings with a delimiter of ','. then you would have to assign the parsed sting values to the appropriate job titles, and remake the list. Are you writing this in a specific language?
or you could just assign the sorted value to something like 1,2,3 is equal to "some string", 1,2 is equal to "some other string", etc.
Assuming you have a table with the ids and values for Ambulance, Police and Fire, then you can use something like the following.
CREATE TABLE public.test1
id integer NOT NULL,
commastring character varying,
INSERT INTO public.test1
VALUES (1, '1,2,3'), (2, '1,2'), (3, '1');
CREATE TABLE public.test2
id integer NOT NULL,
description character varying,
INSERT INTO public.test2
VALUES (1, 'Ambulance'), (2, 'Fire'), (3, 'Police');
with descs as
(with splits as
(SELECT id, split_part(commastring, ',', 1) as col2,
split_part(commastring, ',', 2) as col3, split_part(commastring, ',', 3) as col4 from test1)
select splits.id, t21.description as d1, t22.description as d2, t23.description as d3
from splits
inner join test2 t21 on t21.id::character varying = splits.col2
left join test2 t22 on t22.id::character varying = splits.col3
left join test2 t23 on t23.id::character varying = splits.col4)
THEN CONCAT_WS(',', d1,d2) ELSE d1 END END FROM descs
By way of explanation, I give the create table and insert commands, so that you (and others) can follow the logic. It would help enormously, if you were to do this in your questions, as it saves everyone time and avoids misunderstandings.
My inner CTE then splits the string using split_part. The syntax here is quite simple, field, separator and desired column within the field to be split (so in this case we need one, two and three). I then join the split columns to test2. Note two things here: the first join is an inner join, as there will always be at least one column in the split (I am assuming!!!), whereas the other two are left joins; secondly, the split of a character varying field in turn produces character varying splits, so I have to cast the int id to character varying for the join to work. Doing the cast this way round (i.e. id to character varying rather than character varying to id) means I don't have to bother about nulls. Finally depending on the number of nulls present, I concatenate the results with the given separator. Again I am assuming d1 will always have a value.

Create multiple incrementing columns using with recursive in postgresql

I'm trying to create a table with the following columns:
I want to use a with recursive table to do this. The following code however is giving the following error:
'ERROR: column "b" does not exist'
WITH recursive numbers AS
SELECT 1,2,4 AS a, b, c
SELECT a+1, b+1, c+1
FROM Numbers
WHERE a + 1 <= 10
SELECT * FROM numbers;
I'm stuck because when I just include one column this works perfectly. Why is there an error for multiple columns?
This appears to be a simple syntax issue: You are aliasing the columns incorrectly. (SELECT 1,2,4 AS a, b, c) is incorrect. Your attempt has 5 columns: 1,2,a,b,c
Break it down to just: Select 1,2,4 as a,b,c and you see the error but Select 1 a,2 b,4 c works fine.
b is unknown in the base select because it is being interpreted as a field name; yet no table exists having that field. Additionally the union would fail as you have 5 fields in the base and 3 in the recursive union.
DEMO: http://rextester.com/IUWJ67486
One can define the columns outside the select making it easier to manage or change names.
WITH recursive numbers (a,b,c) AS
SELECT 1,2,4
SELECT a+1, b+1, c+1
FROM Numbers
WHERE a + 1 <= 10
SELECT * FROM numbers;
or this approach which aliases the fields internally so the 1st select column's names would be used. (a,b,c) vs somereallylongalias... in union query. It should be noted that not only the name of the column originates from the 1st query in the unioned sets; but also the datatype for the column; which, must match between the two queries.
WITH recursive numbers AS
SELECT 1 as a ,2 as b,4 as c
SELECT a+1 someReallyLongAlias
, b+1 someReallyLongAliasAgain
, c+1 someReallyLongAliasYetAgain
FROM Numbers
SELECT * FROM numbers;
Lastly, If you truly want to stop at 5 then the where clause should be WHERE a < 5. The image depicts this whereas the query does not; so not sure what your end game is here.

Split a string in characters SQL

How can I split a string in characters and add a new line after each character in PostgreSQL
For example
num desc
1 Hello
2 Bye
num desc
1 H
2 B
select num, regexp_split_to_table(descr,'')
from the_table
order by num;
SQLFiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!15/13c00/4
The order of the characters is however not guaranteed and achieving that is a bit complicated.
Building on Erwin's answer regarding this problem:
select case
when row_number() over (partition by id order by rn) = 1 then id
else null
end as id_display,
from (
select *,
generate_subscripts(ch_arr, 1) AS rn
from (
select id,
regexp_split_to_array(descr,'') as ch_arr
from data
) t1
) t2
order by id, rn;
If you just want a single string for each id, where the characters are separated by a newline, you can use this:
select id,
array_to_string(regexp_split_to_array(descr,''), chr(10))
from data
order by id

Array of possible values in postgresql?

I have the following data:
letter number
A 1
A 2
B 3
B 4
C 5
C 6
How can I write a select statement in Postgres to select this data into a table with an array of all possible numbers for each letter??
letter number array
A {1,2}
B {3,4}
C {5,6}
select letter, array_agg(number) as numbers
from the_table
group by letter;
See also the manual: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/functions-aggregate.html
If your Postgres version doesn't have "array_agg" function, you can try like this:
select letter,
select number
from the_table t2
where t2.letter = t1.letter
order by number
) as numbers
from the_table t1
group by letter;

Word frequencies from strings in Postgres?

Is it possible to identify distinct words and a count for each, from fields containing text strings in Postgres?
Something like this?
SELECT some_pk,
regexp_split_to_table(some_column, '\s') as word
FROM some_table
Getting the distinct words is easy then:
SELECT regexp_split_to_table(some_column, '\s') as word
FROM some_table
) t
or getting the count for each word:
SELECT word, count(*)
SELECT regexp_split_to_table(some_column, '\s') as word
FROM some_table
) t
You could also use the PostgreSQL text-searching functionality for this, for example:
SELECT * FROM ts_stat('SELECT to_tsvector(''hello dere hello hello ridiculous'')');
will yield:
word | ndoc | nentry
ridicul | 1 | 1
hello | 1 | 3
dere | 1 | 1
(3 rows)
(PostgreSQL applies language-dependent stemming and stop-word removal, which could be what you want, or maybe not. Stop-word removal and stemming can be disabled by using the simple instead of the english dictionary, see below.)
The nested SELECT statement can be any select statement that yields a tsvector column, so you could substitute a function that applies the to_tsvector function to any number of text fields, and concatenates them into a single tsvector, over any subset of your documents, for example:
SELECT * FROM ts_stat('SELECT to_tsvector(''english'',title) || to_tsvector(''english'',body) from my_documents id < 500') ORDER BY nentry DESC;
Would yield a matrix of total word counts taken from the title and body fields of the first 500 documents, sorted by descending number of occurrences. For each word, you'll also get the number of documents it occurs in (the ndoc column).
See the documentation for more details: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/textsearch.html
Should be split by a space ' ' or other delimit symbol between words; not by an 's', unless intended to do so, e.g., treating 'myWordshere' as 'myWord' and 'here'.
SELECT word, count(*)
SELECT regexp_split_to_table(some_column, ' ') as word
FROM some_table
) t