GetX Controller - Wait for firebase RTDB stream to be populated - flutter

I am new to GetX and want to get some concepts right. This is my process to get the groups that a current user is in using Firebase Realtime Database:
Create an AuthController to get current user id (works perfectly)
class AuthController extends GetxController {
FirebaseAuth auth = FirebaseAuth.instance;
Rx<User?> firebaseUser = Rx<User?>(FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser);
User? get user => firebaseUser.value;
void onInit() {
} ```
Create a UserController to get ids of groups that the user has (working partially)
class FrediUserController extends GetxController {
Rx<List<String>> groupIdList = Rx<List<String>>([]);
List<String> get groupIds => groupIdList.value;
void onInit() {
User? user = Get.find<AuthController>().user;
if (user != null) {
String uid = user.uid;
print(groupIds); //prints [] when it should be populated
Create a GroupsController to get the groups from those ids (not working) --> Dependant on UserController to have been populated with the id's.
class FrediGroupController extends GetxController {
Rx<List<FrediUserGroup>> groupList = Rx<List<FrediUserGroup>>([]);
List<FrediUserGroup> get groups => groupList.value;
void bindStream() {}
void onInit() {
final c = Get.find<FrediUserController>();
List<String> groupIds = c.groupIds;
print(groupIds); //prints [], when it should have ids
groupList.bindStream(DatabaseManager().groupsStream(groupIds)); //won't load anything without id's
Get.put is called sequentially in the main.dart file:
Inside my HomePage() Stateful Widget, if I call the UserController, the data loads correctly:
builder: (controller) {
List<String> groups = controller.groupIds;
print(groups); //PRINTS the list of correct ids. THE DATA LOADS.
return Expanded(
child: ListView.builder(
shrinkWrap: true,
itemCount: groups.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return Text('${groups[index]}',
style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white));
},),); },),
It is as if the stream takes some time to populate, but the UserController doesn't wait for it and initializes the controller as empty at first, but after some time it populates (not in time to pass the data to the GroupController.
How can I fix this? I have tried async but not with much luck.
Behaviour I would Like:
Streams may/may not be ready, so it can initialize as empty or not.
HOWEVER, if the stream arrives, everything should be updted, including the initialization of controllers that depend on UserController like GroupController.
Consequently, the UI is rebuilt with new values.

There are two things that you can add:
Future Builder to show some loading screen while it fetch data from RTDB
ever function
class AuthController extends GetxController {
late Rx<User?> firebaseuser;
void onReady() {
firebaseuser = Rx<User?>(FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser);
ever(firebaseuser, _setInitialScreen);
_setInitialScreen(User? user) {
if (user != null) {
//User Logged IN
} else {
//User Logged out

You only take the user once, in the method onInit. You are not getting user changes. To get every change you would have to use "ever" function. For example, "firebaseUser.value" is like a photography of the firebaseUser observable in the moment.
If I can make a sugestion, don't mistake controllers with providers. Think Firebase as a provider and the controller as a mid point between the UI and the provider. You can listen to Firebase Streams at the controller to update UI and make calls from the UI change parameters in your Firebase provider. Separate your concerns into two distinct classes and you'll, potentially, have a better design.
Use of "ever" function example:
ever(firebaseUser, (user) {
// do something
"Ever" assigned function runs whenever the observable emits a new value


how can I get the other controller's variable inside one controller in flutter using getx

This is an issue related to the getx in flutter.
I have 2 controllers. ContractsController and NotificationController.
In ContractsController I have put the value into observer variable by calling the Api request.
What I want now is to get that variable's data in another controller - NotificationController.
How to get that value using getx functions?
class ContractsController extends GetxController {
ExpiringContractRepository _expiringContractRepository;
final expiringContracts = <ExpiringContract>[].obs; // This is the value what I want in another controller
ContractsController() {
_expiringContractRepository = new ExpiringContractRepository();
Future<void> onInit() async {
await refreshContracts();
Future refreshContracts({bool showMessage}) async {
await getExpiringContracts();
if (showMessage == true) {
Get.showSnackbar(Ui.SuccessSnackBar(message: "List of expiring contracts refreshed successfully".tr));
Future getExpiringContracts() async {
try {
expiringContracts.value = await _expiringContractRepository.getAll(); // put the value from the api
} catch (e) {
Get.showSnackbar(Ui.ErrorSnackBar(message: e.toString()));
The expiringContracts is updated successfully with data after the api request.
Now, I want to get that value in NotificationController
class NotificationsController extends GetxController {
final notifications = <Notification>[].obs;
ContractsController contractsController;
NotificationsController() {
void onInit() async {
contractsController = Get.find<ContractsController>();
print(contractsController.expiringContracts); // This shows an empty list ?????
A couple solutions come to mind:
pass the expiringContracts list as a constructor argument to NotificationsController if you only need this done once at instantiation, or
use a GetX worker to update NotificationsController every time expiringContracts is updated
The first solution isn't related to GetX, rather it's just async coordination between ContractsController and NotificationsController, so lets focus on the 2nd solution: GetX Workers.
In NotificationsController, create a method that will receive expiringContracts.
Something like:
class NotificationsController extends GetxController {
void refreshContracts(List<ExpiringContract> contracts) {
// do something
Please note: none of this code is tested. I'm writing this purely in StackOverflow, so consider this pseudo-code.
In ContractsController we'll supply the above callback method as a constructor arg:
In ContractsController, something like:
class ContractsController {
final expiringContracts = <ExpiringContract>[].obs
final Function(List<ExpiringContract>) refreshContractsCallback;
void onInit() {
refreshContracts(); // do your stuff after super.onInit
ever(expiringContracts, refreshContractsCallback);
// ↑ contracts → refreshContractsCallback(contracts)
// when expiringContracts updates, run callback with them
Here the GetX ever worker takes the observable as first argument, and a function as 2nd argument. That function must take an argument of type that matches the observed variable, i.e. List<ExpiringContract>, hence the Type of refreshContractsCallback was defined as Function(List<ExpiringContract>).
Now whenever the observable expiringContracts is updated in ContractsController, refreshContractsCallback(contracts) will be called, which supplies the list of expiring contracts to NotificationsController via refreshContracts.
Finally, when instantiating the two controllers inside the build() method of your route/page:
NotificationsController nx = Get.put(NotificationsController());
ContractsController cx = Get.put(ContractsController(nx.refreshContracts));
Timeline of Events
NotificationsController gets created as nx.
nx.onInit() runs, slow call of refreshContracts() starts
ContractsController gets created, with nx.refreshContracts callback
your page paints
nx has no contracts data at this point, so you'll prob. need a FutureBuilder or an Obx/ GetX + StatelessWidget that'll rebuild when data eventually arrives
when refreshContracts() finishes, ever worker runs, sending contracts to nx
nx.refreshContracts(contracts) is run, doing something with contracts
async/await was removed from nx.onInit
ever worker will run when refreshContract finishes
There were some powerful approaches in GetX. I solved this issue with Get.put and Get.find
Here is the code that I added.
class ContractsController extends GetxController {
ExpiringContractRepository _expiringContractRepository;
final expiringContracts = <ExpiringContract>[].obs; // This is the value what I want in another controller
ContractsController() {
_expiringContractRepository = new ExpiringContractRepository();
Future<void> onInit() async {
await refreshContracts();
Future refreshContracts({bool showMessage}) async {
await getExpiringContracts();
if (showMessage == true) {
Get.showSnackbar(Ui.SuccessSnackBar(message: "List of expiring contracts refreshed successfully".tr));
Future getExpiringContracts() async {
try {
expiringContracts.value = await _expiringContractRepository.getAll(); // put the value from the API
// ******************************** //
Get.put(ContractsController()); // Added here
} catch (e) {
Get.showSnackbar(Ui.ErrorSnackBar(message: e.toString()));
class NotificationsController extends GetxController {
final notifications = <Notification>[].obs;
ContractsController contractsController;
NotificationsController() {
void onInit() async {
// ******************************** //
contractsController = Get.find<ContractsController>(); // Added here.
print(contractsController.expiringContracts); // This shows the updated value
Finally, I have found that GetX is simple but powerful for state management in flutter.

How to use Provider in a particular view/screen

I am using the Flutter provider package to manage all the states and separate the business logic from the UI part, and have all the API call present in the provider class that I need to call every time the user moves to that page.
But the issue is I don't want to hold the data even when the user moves to another screen that is the case when I declare provider in main.dart.
class _HomeScreenAppState extends State<HomeScreenApp> {
bool _isLoading;
int counter = 0;
String seller, user;
void initState() {
_isLoading = true;
void didChangeDependencies() {
Future<void> _fetchHomedetails() async {
await Provider.of<HomeDetailProvider>(context, listen: false)
I have used ChangeNotifierProvider(create:(context) =>HomeProvider(),
builder:(context) => HomeScreen()
But if there is any dialog (bottomsheet, alertdialog) which is using HomeProvider, the dialog cannot access the HomeProvider data present on its parent widget.

Flutter: Async function in Getx Controller takes no effect when initialized

2021/06/11 After hours of debugging yesterday, I confirmed that the problem is caused by aws amplify configuration: _configureAmplify(). Because the location of the amplify server was set wrong, so _configureAmplify() takes several seconds to work... and therefore, the readPost() function did not work on initialization, as it must run after _configureAmplify()...
2021/06/10I made changes to my code according to S. M. JAHANGIR's advice, and updated the question. The issue still presists. The value of posts is not updated when called in initialization and the data only shows up after reload. (if I commented out the _controller.readPost() in UI, the value of posts is always empty.
I have this page that loads information from aws amplify with getx implemented. However, I found out the readPost() async funtion in getx controller dart file is not reading from database, when the controller instance is initialized. I have to add a _controller.readPost() in UI file to make it work. And the data only shows up after a reload of that UI page...
Getx Controller dart file:
class ReadPostController extends GetxController {
var isLoading = true.obs;
var posts = <Posty>[].obs;
void onInit() {
await readPost();
// print('show post return value: $posts');
void _configureAmplify() {
final provider = ModelProvider();
final dataStorePlugin = AmplifyDataStore(modelProvider: provider);
AmplifyStorageS3 storage = new AmplifyStorageS3();
AmplifyAuthCognito auth = new AmplifyAuthCognito();
AmplifyAPI apiRest = AmplifyAPI();
// Amplify.addPlugin(dataStorePlugin);
Amplify..addPlugins([dataStorePlugin, storage, auth, apiRest]);
print('Amplify configured');
// read all posts from databases
Future readPost() async {
try {
var result = await Amplify.DataStore.query(Posty.classType);
print('finish loading request');
result = result.sublist(1);
// print(the value of posts is $posts');
} finally {
void onClose() {
// called just before the Controller is deleted from memory
And in the UI part:
class TabBody extends StatelessWidget {
TabBody({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
final ReadPostController _controller = Get.put(ReadPostController());
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
_controller.readPost();//if commented out, is empty
return Container(
child: Obx(
() => Text('showing:${_controller.posts[1].title}'),
In my understanding, the readPost() function should be called when the ReadPost_controller is initiallized. And the UI will update when the posts = <Posty>[].obs changes. Guys, what am I doing wrong here?
First, when you are calling readPost on onInit you are not awaiting. So change it to:
onInit() async{
await readPost();
Secondly, posts is a RxList so you need to use the assignAll method to update it.
Therefore, in your readPost method, instead of posts.value = reault you need to use posts.assignAll(result)
Calling from the UI works because readPost every time the build method is called by the Flutter framework and actually the UI shows the data from every previous call.
I think try with GetBuilder instead of Obx.
builder: (value) => Text('showing:${value.posts[1].title}'),
and also use update(). in readPost() method.

how to make more than one asynchronous calls when open a page using Riverpod?

when the user of my app open the Home page, I need to make two asynchronous calls to the server
first, I need to get current user data.
and then based on the current user data, I need fetch his favorite restaurants.
I have two separate methods to get those data from server
class MyAPI {
Future<User> getUserData() async {}
Future<List<Restaurant>> getUserData() async {}
then how do I construct those 2 asynchronous methods in my HomePage using Riverpod?
show circular loading indicator
make those 2 asynchronous calls
hide circular loading indicator and load lisView
I know about FutureProvider from Riverpod, but FutureProvider is only for one asynchronous service right?
do I need to somehow combine those two into a single method first and then use FutureBuilder? or is it another way that more common to use? I am not sure
how to solve this issue. sorry I am a beginner in Flutter
This look like a use case of a stateNotifier:
first in your data model define a UserData class :
class UserData{
final User user;
final List<Restaurant> restaurants;
UserData(this.user, this.restaurants)
next define a state and it's associated stateNotifierProvider :
final userDataProvider = StateNotifierProvider<UserDataNotifier, AsyncValue<UserData>>((ref) => UserDataNotifier());
class UserDataNotifier extends StateNotifier<AsyncValue<UserData>> {
UserDataNotifier() : super(AsyncValue.loading()){
final _api = MyAPI();
void init() async {
state = AsyncValue.loading();
try {
final user = await _api.getUser;
final List<Restaurant> restaurants = await _api.getFavoriteRestaurant(user);
state =,restaurants));
} catch (e) {
state = AsyncValue.error(e);
finally in you UI use a consumer :
Consumer(builder: (context, watch, child) {
return watch(userDataProvider).when(
loading: ()=> CircularProgressIndicator(),
error: (error,_) =>
Center(child: Text(error.toString())),
data: (data) => Center(child: Text(data.toString())));

How to retain data while using ScopedModel in Flutter?

I am using ScopedModel to fetch some data from a Firebase database.
I am fetching a list of events.
I fetch the events from the endpoint inside the Model;
I store the events into a List<Event> inside the model;
I use that list to build my ListView.
mixin EventModel on Model {
List<Event> _events = [];
Future<http.Response> fetchEvents() async {
http.Response response = await http.get(//Url);
final List<Event> fetchedEvents = [];
... // decode response data into fetchedEvents
// Add the loaded data to my List
_events = fetchedEvents;
So, when opening the EventsPage the first thing I do is to fetch the data in initState().
class _EventPageState extends State<EventPage> {
void initState() {
After fetching the network data, my List inside my app has the network data so I can use it to build my ListView.
Widget _buildListView(MainModel model) {
return Center(
child: ListView.builder(
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
return ItemEventBig([index], index);
My problem is that, if I navigate to another page and then come back to EventsPage, initState() will be called again, so fetchEvents. Making the app reload all the events list again.
I would like to retain the downloaded data while my app is alive, so If the user go and come back to EventsPage the data will not be lost.
I was used to do it in Android using ViewModel, how to do it in Flutter?
I want to keep using ScopedModel to do my State Management in Flutter.
Possible Solution
I thought that a solution would be to store the events in a List<Event> as I am doing. Then, when calling fetchEvents() I could first check if my List<Event> is not null if so, I don't need to call it again because data was already loaded.
This seems a bad solution for me, especially when I have multiple pages fetching the data. Suppose I load the first one, when I go to the second one it will assume the data was already loaded because List<Event> is non null and it will not load again.
See Flutter Documentation -
class _EventPageState extends State<EventPage>
with AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin<EventPage> {
void initState() {
// TODO: implement wantKeepAlive
bool get wantKeepAlive => true;