visual studio code maximize button doesn't work windows11 - visual-studio-code

i cant resize window using maximize icon

It is a reported issue, see Maximize/restore button is not responsive when Window Controls Overlay is enabled.
You can try disabling this setting (although it is disabled by default in Stable v1.71) to see if it helps:
Window > Experimental > Window Controls Overlay: Enabled

I am using windows 11 as well, and I just recently updated my vs code to the latest version.
I will use pictures to explain my solution
1. Go to settings
2. Search for overlay in the settings page
3. Uncheck the checkbox below and restart vs-code

have you tried the F11 button? or the combination of CTRL + k -> Z


How can I change the docking of devtools in VS Code?

VS Code was docking devtools pane within the window before. Now, It opens a new window that increases back and forth. Is there any way to dock it back? I tried a few settings they did not work. Also, there is no dock icon as in Chrome.
This started with vscode v1.74 and is an electron bug. See The developer tools become a floating window.
There is a fix reported there. Disable the setting
Windows > Experimental > Windows Control Overlay: Enabled
You will be prompted to restart vscode and then opening the Dev Tools will be docked as before. Apparently, the Electron bug has been fixed.
In the devtools panel, click the vertically-aligned three dots at the top right. That will open up a context menu. You will see a "Dock side" entry with different icons signifying option values for that setting. You probably accidentally clicked the one that makes it pop the devtools out into its own window. Select whichever option you actually want there.

Tab key is not working in visual studio code

Tab key is not working for abbreviation in visual studio code.I have tried lot.How can I fix the problem?I am frustrated.Thinking of using Bracket instead of visual studio code.
In my case
Using (Ctrl + M) return Tab button to its normal working status.
I think you may be asking about this setting:
// Insert snippets when their prefix matches. Works best when
'quickSuggestions' aren't enabled.
"editor.tabCompletion": true,
That is set to false by default, change it to true.
Don't change any keyboard shortcut or something else. You should change the language mod right bottom on the editor. It was selected javascript by default. You should change with Javascript React after that this changes all emmets suggestions is working.
For Visual Studio code version 1.33, go to File > Preferences > Settings Search for tabcompletion and by default it is off, select on, that is it, you are done.
Pressing Ctrl+M did not disable the mode for me, however the right side of the bar along the bottom of vs-code shows Tab Moves Focus as enabled, which you can click to disable.

Is it possible to have the Integrated terminal *always* on the right?

When you open VS Code, the terminal defaults to opening on the bottom. You can click on the icon to move it to the right. I'm wondering if there's a way to set opening on the right as the default.
Yes - introduced in v1.20 there is the setting workbench.panel.defaultLocation with the option of "bottom" or "right".

Eclipse in Ubuntu starting without any window visible (only menu bar)

I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 and Eclipse Kepler. Since yesterday I've been experiencing a strange issue: when I open up Eclipse, all that I'm seeing is the menu bar on the upper Ubuntu bar. No code editor, window whatsoever.
In order to see a window I go to Window -> New window, but this is just a workaround. It starts up a new window with no preferences set, no last edited files etc. Moreover it shows that I have 2 Eclipse windows opened, while I can only see 1.
Any ideas on how to fix that?
I agree with Gorka, it looks like it was related with window size.
Here my solution (worked for me on Ubuntu 14.04):
1) Switch to Eclipse so that menu header is visible (you can use Alt+Tab or click on Eclipse icon in the list of applications)
2) Press Ctrl+Super+ArrowUp (Super=Windows button usually between Ctrl and Alt)
This combination maximizes active window, so it restores Eclipse to full screen.
Go to Window -> Show Toolbar. That should fix your issue.
Edit: Also try Window -> Close All Perspectives. Now, Window -> Open Perspective -> Other... and select Java (default).
I had exactly the same problem, the only solution I could find was to download the newest Eclipse version from instead of from the Ubuntu repository.
I had the same issue and I've found out what was happening:
The problem was that the size of the eclipse window had been reduced to the minimum, see my desktop in and notice the small vertical line in the top-left corner. This small line is the eclipse window, so just go with the cursor and make the it bigger.
I had exactly the same problem happening on only one workspace I had setup within Eclipse. I pressed some keyboard shortcut to make it happen but didn't know what that shortcut was (fat fingers meant I pressed a key I didn't mean to) and now can't reverse it! All other workspaces loaded up fine.
Managed to resolve it by Clicking on Window -> New Window!
I was having the same issue and got to fix it by just maximizing the windows (window button + up arrow key).. lol
stupid, but worked.

Cannot see my code on the debug windows

Hi I used the Eclipse for creating a project. I don't know what I did that make my code didn't show on the debug windows. How to solve this problem?
It is because the console log window is on top of the editor. Resize it to be shorter.
You could also just reset your perspective to the default layout. Use Window > Reset Perspective... menu item.