Is there a way to abandon a diff via arc CLI? - command-line

So far, the only way I found to close diffs is on the web ui. I have a workflow where I need to do this programatically, and would like to use the arc CLI to abandon diffs.
Is this possible? I tried reading through arc -h but didn't find anything related to abandoning diffs.

Found it:
echo '{"transactions": [{"type": "abandon","value": true}], "objectIdentifier": "$REVISION"}' | arc call-conduit --conduit-uri https://$ differential.revision.edit


Perforce auto sync

I work in a large evolving code base and use perforce to manage it. The problem is that I need to update it everyday and it takes a long time to do it. I am looking for ways to automate this process.
I first thought of writing an script and make it a scheduled task. I could not do it since running "p4 sync" gives me "p4 protect" related error. I don't have, and will not get, admin rights to server so I can't add myself to the protect table.
Since I can sync through P4V - perforce UI- I guess there should be a way to achieve this through custom tools or something similar.
Can you guys please provide pointers on how to approach this problem or if there is already a solution for it.
If 'p4 sync' gets a protect error in your script, but not when you use P4V, you most likely have the wrong environment in your script. P4PORT, P4USER, and P4CLIENT need to have the exact same settings in our script as they do in your P4V connection.

Graphical diff for darcs

I don't feel very comfortable seeing the darcs changes in plain text format, so I've been looking for a tool to display a nice side-by-side comparison of the changes.
For the whatsnew I can just use meld, but when I need see the changes already recorded it does not work as easily. I've read that diffuse allows to compare different revisions, but I cannot get it to work.
I've tried
diffuse -r HEAD^1 -r HEAD^2
but it fails (I think that revision naming is specific to git), so does somebody know how to see the latest changes in darcs?
Suggestions for other tool that does the work (and does not require to set up a web server preferably) are welcome.
in fact you should write something like:
darcs diff --diff-command="diffuse %1 %2" myfile.txt
It works with ECMerge (the tool I work on), it should work seamlessly with diffuse. Darcs will call diffuse with temporary files as necessary (to compare the files from the repository). By the way, ECMerge can dig in Darcs configurations with its browser UI.
to diff tags or patches in the repository, use --from-tag= or --from-patch= and --to-tag= or --to-patch= notation. You should be able to do what you want, however note that from-patch means "from before patch" and --to-patch means "up to after patch". it was not really obvious for me...
(to know the last of changes use darcs changes)
I do not know how to integrate with darcs, but KDiff3 is a wonderful graphical diff/merge application available both for linux, macos and windows.

Diff file viewer?

I'm looking for a tool that displays diff files (generated from mercurial, in my case) in some convinient manner. For example, the way bugzilla displays diff patches. Just to be clear, I'm not looking for something that compares/merges files, I already got the diff, just want a convinient way to inspect it.
I couldn't find anything that does that (diff syntax highlighters were the closest thing I got), anyone knows of anything?
Have you tried meld? (it works only in UNIX though..)
I would look into the following Atlassian product 'FishEye'
This allows you a lot of control over your version control system and code views/diffs/code reporting/visualisation etc.
I really like Beyond Compare and Araxis Merge (especially Araxis).
I had the same question -- basically a good syntax highlighter for diff output. I wanted something lightweight and free.
Now I'm using sdif and cdif together.
sdif does the syntax highlighting you want
cdif does word context diffs, so that on a modified line the words that have changed are highlighted differently
As #tomahawk suggested, if you point FishEye at your Hg repository you'll be able to diff between revision of a file, and view a changeset as a diff.
If you want to look at arbitrary patch files, you could buy Atlassian's Crucible, which allows you to create a code review by uploading a patch, which you can then view as a nice diff (and comment on collaboratively, but that is probably not of interest to you). A 5 user Crucible licence costs $10.
(Disclosure: I'm a Crucible developer at Atlassian)

emacs local version control

I am wondering if there is local version control/snapshots for emacs independent of VC?
let me clarify:
every time I save buffer, I would like to be able to keep track of changes of each save in session. I know I can do something similar with backup files, but they are not automated like VC and a somewhat cumbersome.
I have searched Google, but did not find the solution.
Perhaps my query string was not good.
I found this for eclipse, am looking for emacs equivalent:
AFAIK there is no such solution, but you can make some ad hoc one - like creating a local VCS repository and advice the save-buffer command to commit the changes in the repository.
I also came across a section of the manual that might be of interest to you.
I don't know of a way to get Emacs to save buffer snapshots, but keep in mind that it has an infinite undo facility. If you just want a way to get back to earlier versions, that might help you. If you want real version control, then I'd go with Bozhidar Batsov's solution and advice the save-buffer command.

Eclipse: stack or pile for cut & copy & paste?

im just wondering as I couldn't find an answer on google (well, maybe Ive been trying the wrong keywords here >.< )...
A thing I've always dreamt about was a stack/pile cut feature which remembers the - uhm, lets say - 10 last things I've cut out or copied for pasting... Is there such a feature and if so, what is it called?
furthermore - is there a possibility to include your own suggestions for autocompletion? I'm not asking for much, just e.g. a while(true) suggestion instead of or extending the default ones...
Probably this should be migrated to superuser, but Im quite uncertain as this is somehow more programming related...
Thanks ever so much :-)
OK, the first part of the question I could answer myself:
there are templates (Prefs -> Java (or whatever) -> Editor -> Templates) where you can add your custom tags :-) quite fancy this one! (always wanted to type "forever" and get a for(;;) loop)...
so, I did some digging and found that some people refer to that kind of feature as a paste stack...
for windows users clipX will do the trick for general use (as well as in an IDE). for the use in eclipse only the best I could come up with is ViPlugIn which enables a Vim-styled cut, copy & paste feature which gives you some registers where you can store your "pastries" :-)
unfortunately this doesn't come for free (it's 20USD) - will work (AFAIK) without a license but you will be prompted a "missing license" each time you start up eclipse...
The first feature you've meantioned is often called "Multiple Clipboards." I've found two plugins that do the job, but didn't like either. (IIRC neither could interact both ways with the system clipboard.)