How do anti-CSRF tokens work in SPA-API communications? - csrf

Recently I'm studying some basics of Web security and there is something I couldn't understand.
How do anti-CSRF tokens work in SPA-API communications?
As far as I understand, anti-CSRF is used in SPA-API communications as followings;
The browser sends a login request to the API.
The API servers generates a token and sends it back to the browser.
The browser stores it, and when the browser makes the next request, token with be sent together.
The API can make sure that the request came from the genuine front-end because it contains the token.
A question pops up in my mind--how can it prevent CSRF?
If the token is stored in cookie, it will automatically be sent to API whenever a request happens, like usual session cookies. And even if it's stored in other storage(like session storage or local storage), it can be accessed using JavaScript.
So once users are attracted to the attacker's site, anti-CSRF tokens are completely useless.
On the top of that, I can't understand what's the difference between anti-CSRF token and usual cookies used in authentication/authorization……
Maybe I've made a terrible misunderstanding about how anti-CSRF tokes work. Please put a finger on what's wrong about it.

One of the most common CSRF vulnerabilities exists when an attacker can submit a request to an endpoint using an authenticated user's cookies. If you're not using cookies (i.e., to authenticate a user's request) or some other automatic authentication technique (like HTTP Basic Authentication), then there's generally no need for CSRF tokens.
Example #1:
Let's say you're using a REST API that depends on an access token or bearer token for authentication. This token is usually submitted in the HTTP Authorization header (not a cookie). In this case, as long as authentication isn't automatic (e.g., using a cookie), then there's no need for a CSRF token.
Example #2:
In this case, let's say the browser does send a session cookie to a web service/API to authenticate the request. Then, yes, you would be vulnerable to CSRF if anti-CSRF controls aren't implemented. One way to prevent this is to provide an anti-CSRF token to the browser when the SPA is loaded. The browser can then send that token with the request to the endpoint. The web service will then have to validate that token when the request is received.
There are a number of ways that this validation can occur. This could be done using double-submit cookies, a cookie-to-header token, cryptographic techniques, or even a shared database.
Using Anti-CSRF Tokens:
Anti-CSRF tokens generally should not be stored in cookies. As stated in the OWASP CSRF Prevention Cheat Sheet:
A CSRF token can be included in the <meta> tag. All subsequent calls
in the page can extract the CSRF token from this <meta> tag. It can
also be stored in a JavaScript variable or anywhere on the DOM.
However, it is not recommended to store it in cookies or browser local
For example, an anti-CSRF token might get embedded in the page as:
<meta name="csrf-token" content="{{ csrf_token() }}">
Where the csrf_token() calls some server-side function that embeds the token in the tag.
It can then be read in JavaScript using:
let csrf_token = document.querySelector("meta[name='csrf-token']").getAttribute("content");
And then transmitted to the server when an API request is made (e.g., in a X-CSRF-Token header in a POST request). In addition, the token should be unique to the session.
However, even if a token were to be stored in a cookie, the cookie could be set with the HttpOnly header. This prevents the cookie from being read by JavaScript. This is more so useful in mitigating cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.
Additional Info:
This StackExchange Security question includes a lot of good info on using CSRF protection in REST APIs.
Other good resources about CSRF in general:


CSRF Tokens vs Session Cookies

As far as I know, we define CSRF as security vulnerabilities that make the user perform a user-specific action without the user's consent by using various scripts by a malicious attacker. For example, our malicious attacker convinced the user to enter the website where the following code is running to change the user's email address.
<form action="" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="email" value="">
In such a case, if the website does not have CSRF protection, the user's email address will be changed without the user's consent as a result of an action taken by the user. My question is, "What separates the CSRF token from a session cookie?" How can the session cookie be accessed but not the CSRF token while the malicious attacker is making the user change? After all, since this is done from the user's browser, shouldn't the CSRF token be accessible as well?
A session cookie should be HttpOnly and is then not accessible via Javascript, but it is automatically included in every request to the domain from which it was issued.
To make the web page safe, it must obtain an CSRF token prior to the making the POST request. This token is valid only in combination with ("is bound to") the session cookie and is obtained
either when the browser loads the <form> by navigating to and this contains an <input type="hidden" name="X-CSRF-Token" value="..."/>
or by making a GET request with the Javascript command fetch("") and reading the CSRF token from the response. This token must then be included in a subsequent POST request
fetch("", {
method: "POST",
headers: {"Content-Type": "x-www-form-urlencoded"},
body: ""
The web page can use either option to include the CSRF token when it makes an email change request.
But neither option is possible for the attacker: In the first option, the browser has already navigated to the web page and the attacker's page is no longer involved at all.
In the second option, the attacker's page can make the fetch request, but will not be able to read the response, because this is a cross-origin (CORS) request: It is made by Javascript from the attacker's web page but goes to the different origin Then, since the response contains no Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, the fetch request is rejected with a "TypeError: Failed to fetch" and the attacker is not able to read the CSRF token.
Importantly, if the attacker tried to obtain a CSRF token prior to the attack (by making a request to with their own browser), they might get one, but it would not be bound to the victim's session cookie, so it would be worthless.
To summarize: The session cookie1 cannot be accessed via Javascript, neither by an attacker nor by the legitimate web page, but will be sent by the browser regardless. The CSRF token can be obtained only by the legitimate web page, by virtue of the CORS protocol. Only by combining both do you ensure that
the email change request comes from the user's browser (otherwise it would lack the session cookie) and
the user's browser is currently visiting the legitimate web page (otherwise the CORS protocol would prevent the CSRF token from being obtained).
The CSRF protection mechanism therefore relies on CORS.
1 This mechanism works even if the cookie in question is not a session cookie, see Should CSRF protection token be giving before authenticating?

How do I store a JWT safely in the front end [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Where to store JWT in browser? How to protect against CSRF?
(7 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
For the purpose of securing REST API using JWT, according to some materials (like this guide and this question), the JWT can be stored in either localStorage or Cookies. Based on my understanding:
localStorage is subjected to XSS and generally it's not recommended to store any sensitive information in it.
With Cookies we can apply the flag "httpOnly" which mitigates the risk of XSS. However if we are to read the JWT from Cookies on backend, we then are subjected to CSRF.
So based on the above premise - it will be best if we store JWT in Cookies. On every request to server, the JWT will be read from Cookies and added in the Authorization header using Bearer scheme. The server can then verify the JWT in the request header (as opposed to reading it from the cookies).
Is my understanding correct? If so, does the above approach have any security concern? Or actually we can just get away with using localStorage in the first place?
I like the XSRF Double Submit Cookies method which mentioned in the article that #pkid169 said, but there is one thing that article doesn't tell you. You are still not protected against XSS because what the attacker can do is inject script that reads your CSRF cookie (which is not HttpOnly) and then make a request to one of your API endpoints using this CSRF token with JWT cookie being sent automatically.
So in reality you are still susceptible to XSS, it's just that attacker can't steal you JWT token for later use, but he can still make requests on your users behalf using XSS.
Whether you store your JWT in a localStorage or you store your XSRF-token in not http-only cookie, both can be grabbed easily by XSS. Even your JWT in HttpOnly cookie can be grabbed by an advanced XSS attack.
So in addition of the Double Submit Cookies method, you must always follow best practices against XSS including escaping contents. This means removing any executable code that would cause the browser to do something you don’t want it to. Typically this means removing // <![CDATA[ tags and HTML attributes that cause JavaScript to be evaluated.
A timely post from Stormpath has pretty much elaborated my points and answered my question.
Store the JWT in cookies, then either pass the JWT in the Authorization header on every request like I've mentioned, or as the article suggests, rely on the backend to prevent CSRF (e.g. using xsrfToken in case of Angular).
Do not store your token in LocalStorage or SessionStorage, because such token can be read from javascript and therefore it is vulnarable to XSS attack.
Do not store your token in Cookie. Cookie (with HttpOnly flag) is a better option - it's XSS prone, but it's vulnarable to CSRF attack
Instead, on login, you can deliver two tokens: access token and refresh token. Access token should be stored in Javascript memory and Refresh token should be stored in HttpOnly Cookie. Refresh token is used only and only for creating new access tokens - nothing more.
When user opens new tab, or on site refresh, you need to perform request to create new access token, based on refresh token which is stored in Cookie.
I also strongly recommend to read this article:
To help prevent CSRF attacks that take advantage of existing cookies, you can set your cookie with the SameSite directive. Set it to lax or strict.
This is still a draft and as of 2019 is not fully supported by all current browsers, but depending on the sensitivity of your data and/or your control over the browsers your users use, it may be a viable option. Setting the directive with SameSite=lax will allow "top-level navigations which use a 'safe'...HTTP method."

Does a single token protect against csrf in a RESTful API?

Consider I'm creating a RESTful API (like Twitter API) and I need only a single key token to access the endpoint GET /messages.
The token needs to be sent via header access_token for example.
If I don't pass the token I'll get an 4xx error.
In the RESTful API scenario, is this all needed to protect against CSRF attacks? I mean, in RESTful APIs I'm not using Cookies to manager a user session, since the idea here is to not be a session (Stateless is one of the principles of REST).
Am I forgetting something or is this correct? I don't see why I would need a anti CSRF token besides my access token.
Thanks in advance!
Short answer: if your access_token is not a cookie, yes, it's enough to protect you against CSRF.
Long answer:
A CSRF attack can only happen when HTTP client automatically sends some authentication data(usually cookies) to server. The key point is attacker do not need to know the Cookie, it's is automatically sent if web user accesses 2 sites(your site and the attacker's site) using the same browser.
To anti CSRF, server sends to client a private token that browser does not automatically send it to server(so it's must not be a cookie). The developer has to write code to attach the token to each subsequent request.
CSRF is an issue for using Cookie by Web browser, if you are developing restful API that is not used by web browser, usually, you do not need to care about CSRF
#Bart Firstly CSRF attacks are usually from a trusted user. Which means that the client has successfully authenticated himself by maybe passing a valid token in case of a rest API. The attack could be by passing let's say a javascript which can change the state of a resource. So just having a single key token won't really help to avoid CSRF attacks.
Please refer to below URL for more reference on CSRF :-
Most of the frameworks like Spring have inbuilt support for CSRF.

JWT authentication & refresh token implementation

I am developing a REST application with its own authentication and authorization mechanism. I want to use JSON Web Tokens for authentication. Is the following a valid and safe implementation?
A REST API will be developed to accept username and password and do the authentication. The HTTP method to be used is POST so that there is no caching. Also, there will be SSL for security at the time of transit
At the time of authentication, two JWTs will be created - access token and refresh token. Refresh token will have longer validity. Both the tokens will be written in cookies, so that they are sent in every subsequent requests
On every REST API call, the tokens will be retrieved from the HTTP header. If the access token is not expired, check the privileges of the user and allow access accordingly. If the access token is expired but the refresh token is valid, recreate new access token and refresh token with new expiry dates (do all necessary checks to ensure that the user rights to authenticate are not revoked) and sent back through Cookies
Provide a logout REST API that will reset the cookie and hence subsequent API calls will be rejected until login is done.
My understanding of refresh token here is:
Due to the presence of refresh token, we can keep shorter validity period for access token and check frequently (at the expiry of access token) that the user is still authorized to login.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
A REST API will be developed to accept username and password and do
the authentication. The HTTP method to be used is POST so that there
is no caching. Also, there will be SSL for security at the time of
This is the way most do it, so you're good here.
At the time of authentication, two JWTs will be created - access token
and refresh token. Refresh token will have longer validity. Both the
tokens will be written in cookies so that they are sent in every
subsequent requests
Storing the tokens in cookies I not dangerous in itself, but if you somehow get you JWT module on your server to read them from there you vulnerable to CSRF attacks where any webpage can trigger a users browser to send a form + you sites cookie to your server unless you use CSRF tokens. So generally they are stored in localStorage and "manually" added to request headers every time.
On every REST API call, the tokens will be retrieved from the HTTP
header. If the access token is not expired, check the privileges of
the user and allow access accordingly. If the access token is expired
but the refresh token is valid, recreate new access token and refresh
token with new expiry dates (do all necessary checks to ensure that
the user rights to authenticate are not revoked) and sent back through
Apart from the cookie dangers, it seems safe.
Provide a logout REST API that will reset the cookie and hence
subsequent API calls will be rejected until login is done.
You don't even need to make an API call, you can simply just purge the cookies or the localStorage object and make sure your client doesn't break on missing tokens.
The standard for the express-jwt module expects the tokens to be in its own "Authorization: Bearer [Token]" header, which I would strongly recommend over cookies. The localStorage API is available all the way back to IE8 so you should be good.
First, it's important to know the difference between XSS and CSRF attacks since they're often believed to be the same thing.
XSS is when users get unsafe JS running on your domain in other users browsers when that happens neither JWT in localStorage or sessions and JWT in cookies are safe. With httpOnly flag on cookies, you can't directly access them, but the browser will still send them with AJAX requests to your server. If this happens you generally out of luck. To prevent this, make sure to escape all user input if it's sent to the browser.
If you load 3rd party JS with script tags or iframes this might compromise localStorage unless you are careful, but I haven't worked enough with this to help you here.
CSRF is only when other domains are trying to send normal HTML forms to your server by getting the browser to send cookies automatically. Frameworks prevent this by inserting unique random strings as hidden fields and checking them again when it's submitted. JWT's in localStorage is safe from this since each domain gets its own separate localStorage area.
But ultimately all this depends on if your service will be using one single domain, in which case httpOnly cookies will be plenty secure and easier to set up, but if you wanna spread your service out on multiple domains like + or add a native app you're forced to store you're JWTs in localStorage or some other native storage area.
Hope this helps!
I asked this question two years back and also accepted the answer. However, based on my experience and study in the last two years, I'd like to answer this just in case someone stumbles on this thread with the same question.
The approach mentioned in the question is similar to the "Resource Owner Password Credentials" grant type of OAuth 2.0. However, I think it is better to use the "Authorization Code Grant" type instead and Cookie to store the tokens instead of browser localStorage or sessionStorage. I have detailed my reasons, implementation points, security considerations and references in this StackOverlow answer.
Like OP I been using resource owner password grant.
I learned so much from Saptarshi Basu's other answer in a different post I think anyone looking into OAuth Code Flow should take a look at it, it has outlined a very solid approach to auth SPA and resource servers. It primarily relies on your backend(resource server) to handle authentication with the auth provider as a private client.
However, I will just add that people looking at implementing authentication with SPA should also consider OAuth Code Flow with PKCE. The main goal of PKCE is to allow public client such as SPA to authenticate directly with auth provider. All PKCE adds, is that when a SPA app initiates authentication, a hashed value is sent to the auth provider when the user is authenticated. And after user authenticate with the authorization provider, it redirects the user back to SPA with that hashed value as well as authorization code. Now, for the next part where the SPA calls auth provider to exchange code for tokens, instead of providing client secret, it has to provide the key that was originally used to create the hashed value. This mechanism guarantees the code cannot be used by someone who intercepted the code, and the SPA doesnt need to store a client secret like a server-side app does.
Now the only thing I'm not certain at this point is which is technically more secure, server-side authentication using standard Code Flow without PKCE or SPA authenticating directly using PKCE? Most resources I could find online currently describes and recommends the latter . However I feel that letting a private server side client handle authentication (as Saptarshi Basu described) might still be more secure. I would love to hear his opinion on this as well.
My understanding of refresh token here is:
Due to the presence of refresh token, we can keep shorter validity period for access token and check frequently (at the expiry of access token) that the user is still authorized to login.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
Assuming you're talking about using JWT as Bearer-token in OAuth (and I would strongly advice to follow the OAuth 2.0 protocol), that's right.
With an additional auth-time (timestamp of authentication) claim in your JWT, you could even drop the second token and sent your access- as a refresh-token (the auth-server could then issue a new access-token if token is valid & auth-time within allowed range)... but sure, it's also good to follow the standard ;)
Anyway, there are certain additional aspects (that tend to get difficult or are even against the fundamental ideas of JWT) you should consider before using JWTs as refresh-token, as this basically means you introduce long-living JWT:
do you need to have something like forced user logout/ token revocation by subject (e.g. if user got identified as fraudulent)?
do you need to have something like revocation of a specific token (e.g. if a user looses a device)?
Dependent on your use-case you should consider all the possible implications, long-living tokens have as they usually require you to introduce some kind of state on your server-side (e.g. to allow revocation/ blacklisting). Keep in mind the beauty and security of the JWT concept lies within JWTs being short-lived.

JWT stored in cookie - security concerns

I'm building SPA app with server side rendering, using JWT-based authentication.
Current implementation is:
JWT token is issued and transferred to client after successful username and password verification
token is then stored in cookie (not HttpOnly) - the purpose of that is to avoid the need to login again after full refresh or closing page
logging out deleted cookie with token
Authorization header is attached to every API request if token exists
full SSL traffic
I can't store token in LocalStorage because of server side rendering, also the there is no HttpOnly because I need to access cookie in order to construct Authorization header.
What are the possibilities of stealing the token in such architecture?
One major risk is that any single cross-site scripting vulnerability in your application could be used to steal the token from the cookie, because it's not httpOnly (while I understand why that is the case). XSS in a javascript-heavy application like an SPA is very common and hard to avoid.
Also you're saying the token is kept in the cookie so that after closing the browser, the user is still logged in. On the one hand, that's bad practice, a user closing the browser probably expects being logged out. On the other hand, this means the cookie is persisted to disk, so it is much easier for an attacker to steal it from the client.
Another thing that comes to mind is cross-site request forgery (CSRF), but if I understand correctly, authentication is actually based on the Authorize header, where the token is copied in each request. If that's the case, CSRF is not an issue for you (but it would be, if sending the token in the cookie was enough).
So at the very least, I think you should
not use a persisted cookie for the token
try to minimize the chance of XSS (eg. by automatically scanning your code, but that will never be 100%, also by carefully choosing secure by default technologies)
make sure auhentication is based on the Authorize header and not the cookie
Still mainly because of the XSS risk, I would probably not recommend doing it this way in a security-critical application.