PySide 6 snake_case does not autocomplete everything - autocomplete

I would like to use the snake_case feature from pyside6. I have the code working but I'd like to have my IDE autocomplete the methods as snake_case as well.
I found this post discussing the issue, and the answer linking to this QT page explaining the feature and how to use it. Following that I executed pyside6-genpyi all --feature snake_case true_property which resolved a lot of the methods, but not all. For example, set_window_title or button.set_text are not recognised by the IDE, while set_central_widget and set_fixed_size do get resolved.
How can I get my IDE to recognise all the Qt methods as snake_case?


VS Code formatting plugins

Is there a way in VS Code to format code according to the style that a person prefers? I guess there might be a plugin for this sort of thing but I've not found that.
For example, I prefer 'K&R' coding style while a colleague prefers 'Whitesmiths' style. When we share code or functions it would be nice to autoformat code into the style that each prefers.
This does not seem like it should be so difficult for a plugin to do except that coding style also has to parse the language of the code, so Whitesmiths PowerShell is going to be different from Whitesmiths on Perl I would imagine.
Are there any plugins like this (or internal functionality in VS Code - it's a very comprehensive tool without installing any plugins of course!) that people use regularly like this?
In contrast to its name, "JIndent" (commercial) is a tool I've been using for the exact purpose you're asking about.

How do TextMate grammars and themes work with VSCode?

VSCode is built on top of MonacoEditor which doesn't support Textmate grammars and themes. But somehow VSCode made it possible. I am curious how VSCode is able to do this.
I am asking because I am making a code editor (based on Monaco) with TextMate grammar and theme support. But I am unable to understand how I can achieve it.
Though there are packages like monaco-textmate to make TextMate grammars work with Monaco, syntax highlighting is still not working properly.
TextMate grammars depend on a particular regex implementation / library called Oniguruma, which is implemented in C. Monaco however is designed to run in the browser, and the JavaScript regex engine available there is not compatible with Oniguruma. All of this is explained in detail in the "Why doesn't the editor support TextMate grammars?" section of Monaco's FAQ. It also mentions the possibiliy of perhaps eventually compiling Oniguruma to WebAssembly to work around this.
VSCode itself uses vscode-textmate for its TMLanguage handling, which has the Oniguruma library as a native dependency. VSCode can have native dependencies because it doesn't run in a browser environment.
According to monaco-textmate's readme, it is actually heavily based on vscode-textmate:
99% of the code in this repository is extracted straight from vscode-textmate
And it does use the WASM approach mentioned earlier:
monaco-textmate relies on onigasm package to provide oniguruma regex engine in browsers. onigasm itself relies on WebAssembly.
As to why syntax highlighting doesn't always work as expected with monaco-textmate... I have no idea, I expect this is simply a bug in the implementation. Perhaps wait for a response from the maintainer, the issue you linked is fairly new.
At least conceptually there shouldn't be a reason why it couldn't achieve the same syntax highlighting VSCode does, since it uses the same regex flavour.

CSS autocomplete in Eclipse

I have already gone through several similar questions on SO and elsewhere; none of them provides an answer, not a working one anyway.
When I type <div class="..., why doesn't Eclipse provide me the autocomplete list of available CSS classes in the project? AutoComplete works in PHP code without a problem.
Solutions I have tried:
Trying CTRL + SPACE shortcut.
Checking Code Assist options in Preferences.
Installing Aptana plug-in.
I'm using Eclipse Luna (PDT).
I do not believe that what you are looking for, is supported. I see where you are coming from, however the official documentation does not seem to offer what you want to achieve.

Can CodeRush plugins target languages other than C# or VB?

I am trying to write a CodeRush plugin that works similar to the XML Doc Comment Painter.
My plugin, which uses a TileVisual adornment, works fine for decorating comments in C# files, but does not work for comments in F# files.
How can I specify that my plugin should be enabled for F# files?
Have you checked this thread? One of the guys there suggests that
CodeRush is working in F# editor. At least some code assistance and
code templates. But code templates are not defined yet (you have to
create your own).
If you need help with your own plugin, I think you should better contact Devexpress support.
F# language is not supported at the moment, unfortunately. So, you can not enable the plug-in for this language.

Groovy eclipse plugin, strikethroughs everywhere

I just tried the Groovy-Eclipse plugin , and everything is working fine, except the syntax highlighting is behaving really strange.
Basically, it sees to think pretty much everything is deprecated. I get strike-troughs everywhere.
For example, toURL is striked through when using
I see this with loads of methods, including eachLine , getText and many many more. These methods aren't deprecated, what is going on?
I'm running Eclipse 4.2, 2.7.0.xx-20120703-1400-e42-RELEASE and Groovy 2.0
These methods are deprecated because they moved to other classes and your plugin is not aware of that. There're many methods deprecated:
You can look up the deprecated API's for the new main version of Groovy here.
You can read about the similar question here:
An answer from the STS/Groovy-Eclipse side of things.
This is fixed in the latest 2.7.1 snapshot.
Earlier versions of Groovy-Eclipse were not aware of StringGroovyMethod,
but this has been fixed.