Scully install fails with Puppeteer renderer - scully

Following Scully install directions:
ng add #scullyio/init
for a basic Angular 14 application and getting:
TypeError: entry.message.split is not a function
at MapSubscriber.project (...\node_modules\#angular-devkit\core\src\logger\indent.js:35:58)
at MapSubscriber._next (...\node_modules\#angular-devkit\core\node_modules\rxjs\internal\operators\map.js:49:35)
at (...\node_modules\#angular-devkit\core\node_modules\rxjs\internal\Subscriber.js:66:18)
at (...\node_modules\#angular-devkit\core\node_modules\rxjs\internal\Subject.js:60:25)
at IndentLogger.log (...\node_modules\#angular-devkit\core\src\logger\logger.js:83:23)
at IndentLogger.error (...\node_modules\#angular-devkit\core\src\logger\logger.js:98:21)
at ...\node_modules\#scullyio\init\src\ng-add\index.js:89:24
at MergeMapSubscriber.project (...\node_modules\#angular-devkit\schematics\src\rules\call.js:75:24)
at MergeMapSubscriber._tryNext (...\node_modules\#angular-devkit\schematics\node_modules\rxjs\internal\operators\mergeMap.js:67:27)
at MergeMapSubscriber._next (...\node_modules\#angular-devkit\schematics\node_modules\rxjs\internal\operators\mergeMap.js:57:18)
node # 16.17.0
npm # 8.19.1
And Angular project has all dependencies up to date as of posting.
Not sure what I can be doing wrong with a single ng command, but can anyone help me resolve this error? There's a GitHub issue from June with this exact error that just states to update Angular and npm. This was my first attempt to use Scully, and I'm not filled with confidence.


TYPO3 Upgrade Wizard Fails on DatabaseRowsUpdateWizard

i updated a project from TYPO3 7.6 to ^8 by following the official guide. latest steps were the composer update. i removed extensions/packages not compatible with ^8 and updated the ones available for ^8. im able to reach the install tool, the TYPO3 admin backend and the frontend (with errors).
so i ended up at the step were i should use the upgrade wizards provided by the install tool. i completed a few wizards without any issues but then faces a pretty one - first i tried to run DatabaseRowsUpdateWizard within the install tool but that failed with a memory error - i tried the cli approach with
php -d memory_limit=-1 vendor/bin/typo3cms upgrade:wizard DatabaseRowsUpdateWizard
the processing worked but it ended up with following error:
[ Helhum\Typo3Console\Mvc\Cli\FailedSubProcessCommandException ]
#1485130941: Executing command "upgrade:subprocess" failed (exit code: "1")
thrown in file vendor/helhum/typo3-console/Classes/Install/Upgrade/UpgradeHandling.php
in line 284
the command initially failed is:
'/usr/bin/php7.2' 'vendor/bin/typo3cms' 'upgrade:subprocess' '--command' 'executeWizard' '--arguments' 'a:3:{i:0;s:24:"DatabaseRowsUpdateWizard";i:1;a:0:{}i:2;b:0;}'
and here is the subprocess exception:
[ Sub-process exception: TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Exception\InvalidPathException ]
#1320286857: File ../disclaimer_de.html is not valid (".." and "//" is not allowed in path).
thrown in file typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Resource/Driver/AbstractHierarchicalFilesystemDriver.php
in line 71
im pretty much lost and dont know were to start to get this fixed - help is much appreciated
Issues like these usually stem from broken URLs in RTE fields as can be seen in the error output:
File ../disclaimer_de.html is not valid (".." and "//" is not allowed in path)
In this case you should manually prepare the database and run SQL statements which replace the broken/obsolete ../ prefix from all affected records. An example query:
UPDATE tt_content
SET bodytext = REPLACE(bodytext, 'href="../', 'href="')
WHERE bodytext LIKE '%href="../';
Notice that this query is very basic and can destroy your data, so make sure you run some SELECT statements first to make sure nothing breaks. Also keep a backup of your database at hand.
Sometime, custom or TER extension also have RTE such as tt_news where you might come across same issue. To fix that, you just need to run the same query with the according table.

webdriver-manager update failed to download chrome driver and update-config.json

When I clean webdriver-manager and update, it is unable to download chrome driver and update-config.json. Later on when I start protractor it is complaining couldn't find update-config.json.
"scripts": {
"webdrivermanager:update": "node node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager update --versions.standalone=3.4.0 --ignore_ssl",
"webdrivermanager:clean": "node node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager clean",
"install": "npm run webdrivermanager:clean && npm run webdrivermanager:update"
seleniumServerJar: '../../node_modules/protractor/node_modules/webdriver-manager/selenium/selenium-server-standalone-3.4.0.jar',
multiCapabilities: [
{browserName: 'chrome'}
//specify if any other browser
directConnect: true,
Now when I do npm install, I can not see chrome driver and
update-config.json at
webdriver-manager update log
> node node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager update --versions.standalon
e=3.4.0 --ignore_ssl
[09:58:34] I/http_utils - ignoring SSL certificate
(node:10944) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (reje
ction id: 1): TypeError: Cannot read property 'ListBucketResult' of undefined
[09:58:34] I/downloader - curl -o C:\..\..\node_mo
[09:58:35] I/downloader - curl -o C:\..\..\node_mo
[09:58:36] I/update - geckodriver: unzipping
In my log also chrome driver is not downloading anymore. For this reason I can not start my protractor as update-config.json is not available. Any idea would be great. Thanks
During a previous update call, the xml response was cancelled before the file could be created. There are two options (features to fix this are not complete yet):
delete the chrome-response.xml and then call update again
wait an hour and make an update request again. The last modified time will invalidate that file and it will make a request and will replace the chrome-response.xml.
On my end, if my webdriver-manager instance was closed.
I am required to delete npm and npm-cache folders from roaming and reinstall protractor again.
Right after installing protractor, webdriver-manager update needs to be executed immediately.
If an error appears, make sure to run node.js cmd as an admin.
With these steps, I was able to download drivers properly.
That was very weird. I did everything nothing helped. Actual reason was my organization blocked the chrome driver api site. chrome-response.xml is the main clue that is showing access denied message so, I came to know actual reason.
I requested to #cnishina to thrown an actual error message if chrome driver website is not reached.

undefined function TYPO3\CMS\IndexedSearch\mb_strcut()

I'm trying to create a webpage using TYPO3 8.7, but when i go to Localhost/index.php it says "Oops an error has occured".
The only way i can see my webpage, is through the TYPO3 backend login apperently.
This is the error that it logs in the backend of TYPO3:
Core: Exception handler (WEB): Uncaught TYPO3 Exception: Call to undefined >function TYPO3\CMS\IndexedSearch\mb_strcut() | Error thrown in file >/var/www/html/typo3_src-8.7.0/typo3/sysext/indexed_search/Classes/Indexer.php in >line 1314. Requested URL: Localhost/index.php
And my line 1314 is this:
$bodyDescription = mb_strcut($bodyDescription, 0, $maxL, 'utf-8');
I'm very new to this. So far i've been able to sort all bugs with the help from these forums and others, but unfortunately I can't find any solution to this one.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Let me know if i need to provide some additionel information.
This error means that mbstring php extension is not enabled. You should install it, if you have Ubuntu you should execute
sudo apt-get install php-mbstring
Read more about installation of this PHP extension here

DocPad plugin: odd errors when testing, hangs when including in project

I'm trying to write a DocPad plugin to import MongoDB docs into the DocPad database for use in a static website. The source code is at and it's based on
When I run cake test, I get this output:
cake compile
cake install
npm install (for app)
npm install (for test)
npm install (for docpad tests)
coffee compile
npm test
> docpad-plugin-mongodb#2.0.0 test c:\Users\IBM_ADMIN\docpad-plugin-mongodb
> npm run prepare_test_db && node ./out/mongodb.test.js
> docpad-plugin-mongodb#2.0.0 prepare_test_db c:\Users\IBM_ADMIN\docpad-plugin-mongodb
> mongo test/prepare_database.mongo.js
MongoDB shell version: 2.6.5
connecting to: test
connecting to: docpad_plugin_mongodb_test
mongodb > create
notice: If everyone who saw this message donated $1/week, maintaining DocPad would become sustainable:
error: An error occured:
Error: Didn't place the skeleton as the desired structure already exists
at c:\Users\IBM_ADMIN\docpad-plugin-mongodb\node_modules\docpad\out\lib\docpad.js:4107:17
at Object.cb [as oncomplete] (fs.js:168:19)
error: To report the above error, follow the guide at:
mongodb > create OK
mongodb > load plugin mongodb
mongodb > load plugin mongodb OK
mongodb > generate
mongodb > generate > action
warning: You have multiple files being written to c:\Users\IBM_ADMIN\docpad-plugin-mongodb\test\out\testData\1.json, they are:
- testData/1.json:c7
- testData/1.json:c5
Rename one of them to avoid an over-write
FAILURE: 2/3 tests ran successfully; 0 failed, 1 incomplete, 0 errors
npm ERR! Test failed. See above for more details.
npm ERR! not ok code 0
throw err;
Error: Process exited with error status code
at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (c:\Users\IBM_ADMIN\docpad-plugin-mongodb\Cakefile:88:15)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:98:17)
at maybeClose (child_process.js:756:16)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:823:5)
And, when I include the module in my project, it just hangs after this:
$ docpad run
info: Welcome to DocPad v6.69.1 (local installation: c:\Users\IBM_ADMIN\watson-developer-cloud\node_modules\docpad
notice: If everyone who saw this message donated $1/week, maintaining DocPad would become sustainable: http://docp
info: Contribute:
info: Plugins: eco, mongodb
info: Environment: development
info: DocPad listening to on directory c:\Users\IBM_ADMIN\watson-developer-cloud\out
(And if I visit localhost:9778, it just hangs and never loads a page)
It seems like it only displays logs from plugins after the first pass is complete, so I started adding throw statements to see what it was doing. It seems that it imports things from mongo successfully, and it creates the document, but when the plugin calls document.action 'load', (err) ->, that callback is never fired.
Can anyone provide some guidance on what I'm messing up and how to get things working smoothly?
Fixed it. The TaskGroup library (apparently) once had a .once('complete', callback) event that no longer works. Switching it to .done(callback) (and fixing a couple of other small bugs) got me working now.
It still gives me the "Error: Didn't place the skeleton as the desired structure already exists" but the tests all pass now, so I'll call it a win.

Derby app created using 'derby new test' not working

I've installed derbyjs using npm install -g derby and then created a test app using derby new test.
Then i started the app using node server.js and I got the following output:
info - started
Starting cluster with 1 workers in undefined mode
`kill -s SIGUSR2 7161` to force cluster reload
Go to: http://localhost:3000/
info - started
So I tried to request http://localhost:3000/, but the site does not finish loading and I get the following exception:
Error: Model mutation performed after bundling for clientId: 79f4a9f3-25fc-438d-b9f4-a450dccf9566
at Model.errorOnCommit [as _commit] (/web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/node_modules/racer/lib/bundle/bundle.Model.js:64:9)
at /web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/node_modules/racer/lib/txns/txns.Model.js:120:15
at next (/web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/node_modules/racer/lib/middleware.js:7:26)
at /web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/node_modules/racer/lib/txns/txns.Model.js:107:16
at next (/web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/node_modules/racer/lib/middleware.js:7:26)
at /web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/node_modules/racer/lib/txns/txns.Model.js:101:16
at next (/web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/node_modules/racer/lib/middleware.js:7:26)
at /web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/node_modules/racer/lib/txns/txns.Model.js:92:16
at next (/web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/node_modules/racer/lib/middleware.js:7:26)
at (/web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/node_modules/racer/lib/middleware.js:10:12)
throw arguments[1]; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: Cannot write after end
at Gzip.write (zlib.js:311:31)
at ServerResponse.res.write (/web/derby/test/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/middleware/compress.js:82:18)
at Object.View._render (/web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/lib/View.server.js:337:9)
at /web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/lib/View.server.js:276:10
at Array.2 (/web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/lib/View.server.js:300:5)
at Object.Promise.resolve (/web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/node_modules/racer/lib/util/Promise.js:21:19)
at /web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/lib/View.server.js:136:17
at /web/derby/test/node_modules/derby/lib/files.js:224:7
at Object.oncomplete (fs.js:308:15)
at process._makeCallback (node.js:248:20)
I have absolutely no idea how I can get it running... Is it a bug, or am I doing something wrong?
I've created a bug report on the derby repository: