Mentions up down arrow not working after draftjs custom key binding - draftjs

When I use "draft-js" custom key binding, the up and down button of its mentions plugin on suggestion popup stopped working.
As per documentation, I have tried to return getDefaultKeyBinding(event) in case if my custom condition is not met, but it is not working.

The issue and its resolution is nicely explained in Answer.
Credits to : draft-js-plugins/


Can I change "OK" button style in Select Dialog to emphasized?

anyone know if sapui5 provide solution/function to change button style in select dialog? I've checked the SAPUI5 sdk but there is none for this solution.
If you are OK with using "private" properties then you can use _oOkButton property of SelectDialog or else you can use _getOkButton function which also is kind of "private" and returns ok button instance.
Just use the instance of the Select Dialog and get all buttons using the following methods. Select Dialog is a dialog only, you can use the methods of sap.m.Dialog
Let say you have the instance of the dialog as oSlectDialog then
oSlectDialog.getButtons() - will return all the Buttons in the footer. You can use loop them and give custom class accordingly.
var oBtns = oSlectDialog.getButtons()
for(var b in oBtns) {
var oBtn = oBtns[b];//You can check for button instance, if you want to add custom class differently.
You can also use the sap.m.Dialog methods like oSlectDialog.getBeginButton(), oSlectDialog.getEndButton().
Since UI5 1.62.0, the primary action OK (later renamed to Select) is automatically emphasized if the theme is sap_fiori_3.
If it's not urgent, I'd suggest to avoid relying on private methods/ properties, but update to the latest UI5 version and themes.
Update: and since 1.70 (commit:1f421b0), the button is automatically emphasized in other supported themes too, such as sap_belize, sap_belize_plus
Related Github issue:

How to inhibit multiselect with SWFUpload

SWFU.selectFile() doesn't work anymore due to changes in security model.
User click on the movie opens the dialog but I need to inhibit multi-select.
I have tried the following options to no avail:
It is not evident to me from the documentation which option inhibits multi-select. Can anyone advise?
Found it in the source code, searching for "button". The default is
and there is a value defined

TinyMCE inside Durandal widget - callback after routing transition?

I'm trying to use TinyMCE in a widget but it fails. I think the problem is that view is still hidden when "viewAttached" is fired. It seems that TinyMCE has a bug/feature (read last paragraph) and can't be displayed when the target (textarea) is hidden (or inside a hidden div).
I got it working by doing the job in a setTimeout but it's crappy.
Is there a callback that I could attached to which is fired after the view is unhided (after the transition is completed)?
I found one solution:
Explicitly subscribe to the "isNavigating" observable of the router and add TinyMCE when "isNavigating" value becomes false.
Still : this has the effect of flickering - you see the textarea and then it is replaced by TinyMCE... but this is not a Durandal problem IMO.
Edit 1
Finally, I think the the best solution (for now... follow the link below for the thread on the subject) is to do a setTimeout(xyz(), 0) - I have seen a lot of people using this technique and it prevents the flickering.!topic/durandaljs/5NpSwMBnrew
Durandal does have a callbacks when you're using composition - you just put a function on to your viewModel with the correct name. In your case, you would use viewAttached:
Here's the docs:

mousedown event on options in select with jquery .on

I was reading the documentation of the .on event handler of jQuery and I started playing around with it.
I have a simple <select> element with the multiple attribute set to true.
However, I want the user to be able to select multiple items without having to press the ctrl or shift key(s)
According to the .on documentation, if you specify a selector it will automatically add those event handlers to any new items added inside that container that match the selector specified.
So in my case, I could for example decide to replace the <option> elements available in the listbox, but I still want to have the same functionality for those options without having to rebind those events etc.
One might think that the following snippet should do the trick (atleast, I did):
$('#dropdownlist').on('mousedown', 'option', function(e){
$(this).prop('selected', $(this).prop('selected') ? false : true);
return false;
So when a users clicks on an option in that listbox, the default action will be cancelled and depending wether the item is already selected or not, it will invert that selection.
I have created a small fiddle demonstrating this behaviour: fiddle
In that fiddle, the first dropdownlist is behaving as expected, but the functionality is lost when replacing the items. This only works in FF & Chrome.
The second dropdownlist is how I thought it should've been (event handling wise), but that doesn't seem to work besides in Chrome -.-
The functionality is kept when replacing items, because the console will still log '2' when clicking on an item after replacing them.
Can someone explain me why this is happening? Am I doing something wrong?
Please point me in the right direction!
~ Dirk
IE doesn't respect the mousedown event on the option tag itself. You've got to use the OnChange event of the select tag, which is not what you (nor I) want. I was trying to do the exact same thing as you and was stopped at every attempt. I finally gave up and made it a list of checkboxes because I can get the same behavior out of mine that you are trying to do here.
You can see this question for some options, but I never did get it to work the way you are describing.

ICEFaces: values for the "icon" attribute

I'm writing a menu bar made up of icons.
The easiest way, in my opinion, is relying on the icon attribute of the ace:menuItem component.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find, neither in the showcase nor in the documentation, a complete list of the built-in values allowed for that attribute (i.e. ui-icon, ui-icon-contact etc.).
Where could I find it? In case there isn't such a list, how could I work it out?
You can check the source of the page, then open theme.css
Have a look at: