How can I set the vscode extension custom icon in activity bar to the first? - visual-studio-code

I added one icon to the activity bar, and it works well.
I need to put it at the top of the activity bar (at the top for Resource Management), how can I reach the requirement?
Now the code like this: Is there any option can change the order?
"viewsContainers": {
"activitybar": [
"id": "thingio_sidebar",
"title": "ThingIO Options",
"icon": "media/dep.svg"


How can one hightlight a word after a specific token?

I'm trying to make a VSC extension to hightlight a custom language and I face a problem: I need to hightlight a variable identifier in a specific way only if it's right after an opening paren (it's a lisp like).
So far, I've tried multiple variations of this (in my .tmLanguage.json, under the repository field):
"builtins": {
"patterns": [
"begin": "\\(([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_\\?:']*)",
"beginCaptures": {
"1": { "name": "" }
"name": ""
"name": "keyword.operator.ark",
"match": "(\\+|\\-|\\*|/|<|>|<=|>=|!=|=|#)"
I know for sure that in the beginCaptures, the "0" is refering to everything, thus "1" must be the thing I matched, but using the scope inspector, I can see it's doesn't work for (hello "test"). The string is colored correctly but hello has the scope of a variable, not of a builtin.
If anyone knows a way around please let me know

Custom button is not showing in the VS code editor title menu bar

In an extension I want to add a button to display in the VS code editor title menu bar when it opens a synapse XML document.In order to that, I added the following command in commands of package.json file,
"command": "",
"title": "Show Diagram",
"category": "Webview",
"icon": {
"light": "./resources/images/icons/design-view.svg",
"dark": "./resources/images/icons/design-view-inverse.svg"
and in the package.json file I added the following editor/title,
"menus": {
"editor/title": [
"when": "resourceLangId == SynapseXml",
"command": "",
"group": "navigation"
But when I run the extension and opens a synapse XML document, it will not showing the button in the editor title menu bar.
Further I followed following documentation also,
How can I display the button in VS code editor title menu bar?
I added your command and menu entry to an extension I'm making and the button appears where it should (all be it without an image in my screenshot as I don't have the icon). In my screenshot it is the empty space on the left of the ying-yang button - the tooltip is visible though on mouse over. I just removed the "where" test so I would guess that resourceLangId is not what you think it is or maybe the icons path is wrong so it looks like it isn't there as in my screenshot
For anyone still having the same issue:
In my case, using the correct context name field (editorLangId) to match the language ID in the when clause of the command fixed the issue.
"menus": {
"editor/title": [
"when": "editorLangId == SynapseXml",
"command": "",
"group": "navigation"

Vscode API - Custom View Container Not Showing

I am currently writing a vs-code FTP type extension, which requires me to use the "TreeView". I have found this link:
Which guides you through adding a tree view to the sidebar. However I am having trouble getting this off the ground, Step one on the above mentioned guide already does not seem to add the icon to my vscode sidebar? Thus holding from making any progress...
Obviously I am misunderstanding something! I am rather new to TypeScript and have trouble following others code on this subject. Please could anyone just help me getting the first step working?
This is my package.json contributes:
"contributes": {
"commands": [
"command": "extension.helloWorld",
"title": "Hello World"
"viewsContainers": {
"activitybar": [
"id": "live-workspace",
"title": "Live-Workspace",
"icon": "./src/Treeview/laptop.svg"
From what I understand this should place a "functionless" icon on the sidebar? Am I understanding this wrong? Is there more to be done to achieve this? Thanks!
A view container will only show up if it contains at least one view. It works for me once I also add the following to the contributes section:
"views": {
"live-workspace": [
"id": "exampleView",
"name": "Example View"

Within a VSCode extension is it possible to have a panel that switches between a webview and tree view

i want to add a new explorer panel into vscode. I want it to display either a treeView or a webView depending on if the user has connected to my backend application. I can see something similar in the base of vscode in the folder view. When no folder is open this view is shown
and when you have a folder open it looks like
For anyone else who finds this question, the behaviour seen in the file explorer is achievable through a Welcome Message.
A view's welcome message will show when the tree for that view is empty.
Welcome Message
Normal tree view
In your package.json, declare:
The view
The view welcome message
The command which the welcome message button should execute
"contributes": {
"commands": [
"command": "myExtension.myCommand",
"title": "My Custom Command"
"views": {
"explorer": [
"id": "myCustomView",
"name": "My Custom View",
"contextualTitle": "My Custom View"
"viewsWelcome": [
"view": "myCustomView",
"contents": "Welcome to my custom view! [learn more](\n[Get Started](command:myExtension.myCommand)"
In your extension.ts
Define the button command
Hook up the view to the view provider
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { CustomViewProvider } from './CustomViewProvider';
export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
// Add the custom view
const customViewProvider = new CustomViewProvider();
vscode.window.registerTreeDataProvider('myCustomView', customViewProvider);
// Add the command
let myCustomCommand = vscode.commands.registerCommand('myExtension.myCommand', () => {
vscode.window.showInformationMessage('This is my custom command!');
export function deactivate() { }
In CustomViewProvider.ts, define when your view is empty or not.
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
export class CustomViewProvider implements vscode.TreeDataProvider<vscode.TreeItem> {
getTreeItem(element: vscode.TreeItem): vscode.TreeItem {
return element;
getChildren(element?: vscode.TreeItem): Thenable<vscode.TreeItem[]> {
// NOTE:
// When TRUE, the welcome message will show
// When FALSE, the welcome message will NOT show
var showEmptyView = true;
if (showEmptyView) {
return Promise.resolve([]);
return Promise.resolve([
new vscode.TreeItem('This view is not empty!')
As of VS Code 1.25, views may only contain tree views. Support for showing a webview in the side bar is tracked by
If all you need is a button or simple prompt, you can use a tree view with a single node in the first case

Chrome Extension - Duplication of the event listener?

I've got a problem with my extension for Chrome. It supposed to show a small overlay popup window (created in jQuery) with search results from google based on your text selection. Basically you should be able to highlight a text on any page, right click on it (context menu), click on "Search for 'selected keyword'" and a small window pops up in the same tab as an overlay with all search results from google or different search engine.
The problem
Now the extension works really well and without problems, HOWEVER after extensive using of this extension (let's say 1 hour) when I'll highlight another keyword and search for it, extension REMEMBERS last keyword and shows wrong search results. Then again, when I'll highlight another keywords it rememebrs the keyword I've just highlighted but previously didn't get the results for it. It's like a chaining process and I'm always one keyword behind.
My thoughts
I think that the cause of this problem might be event listeners, because when this problem occurs I've got a log from console.log(chrome.extension.onRequest.hasListeners()); which says true. It means that there are 2 or more event listeners attached and they shouldn't as I'm removing them by chrome.extension.onRequest.removeListener(listener1);
Maybe it happens when the actual web page is still loading and I'm highlighting keyword, clicking on context menu and extension can't load yet but somehow event listeners firing... I really can't fully replicate this problem... and what causes this problem.
Manifest File
"name": "Search Accelerator",
"version": "1.0",
"manifest_version": 2,
"description": "Search Accelerator extension",
"icons": {
"16": "icon19.png",
"48": "icon48.png",
"128": "icon128.png"
"background": {
"scripts": ["content_script.js"]
"minimum_chrome_version": "18",
"permissions": [
Content Script
chrome.contextMenus.create({ "title": 'Search for "%s"',
"contexts":['selection'], "onclick": getClickHandler() });
function getClickHandler() { return function(info, tab) {
chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener(function listener1 (request, sender, sendResponse) {
var url = "" + info.selectionText;
console.log(url); var keywordObj = {keyword: url};
if (request.keywordRequest == "Yes") {
chrome.extension.onRequest.removeListener(listener1); } );
chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, { file: "jquery.js" }, function() {
chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, { file: "popup.js" });
}); }; };
Popup js
chrome.extension.sendRequest({keywordRequest: "Yes"}, function(response) {
$(document).ready(function() {
if($("#e14_accelerator")) {
var rkeyword = response.keyword;
$("body").append("<div id=\"e14_accelerator\" style=\"position: fixed;top: 30px;right: -330px;z-index: 999999; \"><iframe style=\"border:5px solid #c9c9c9;-webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 15px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);\" src=\""+ rkeyword +"\" width=\"328\" height=\"240\"></iframe></div>");
$(document).click(function() {
$("#e14_accelerator").click(function() {
return false;
Error messages that appear when this problem occur:
Error during tabs.executeScript: Cannot access contents of url "chrome-devtools://devtools/devtools.html?docked=true&dockSide=bottom&toolbarColor=rgba(230,230,230,1)&textColor=rgba(0,0,0,1)". Extension manifest must request permission to access this host. sendRequest:21
chromeHidden.handleResponse sendRequest:21
Error during tabs.executeScript: Cannot access contents of url "chrome-devtools://devtools/devtools.html?docked=true&dockSide=bottom&toolbarColor=rgba(230,230,230,1)&textColor=rgba(0,0,0,1)". Extension manifest must request permission to access this host. sendRequest:21