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Closed 5 months ago.
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I have activated the apps 'My Work Queue and Assign Work', and when i click on the apps i got the error "Target was not found"
(adding element with duplicate id)
I have activated the ICF nodes and the ODATA services as well as the role assignment. I have succesfully implemented the other applications but only those 2 are not working.
Could anyone help me fix this problem ?
Best regards
This is a coding issue in the frontend application. Create a support incident (Cf. SAP KBA 1296527). The support component should be PP-PEO-SFE according to "My Work Queue" reference page.
In chrome, open your development tool and see in console and network tab is there is any dependent backend service which is required to enable along with them.
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Closed 1 year ago.
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When you go to for example, or any other microsoft docs, and the end of the page there is github feedback - you can open an issue directly on the site or on guthub, as the docs are published on github.
I want to do something like this for my website, where people reading articles can suggest improvements. This is a good way to make a wiki like site. Is there a way to do it?
If you just want a URL for opening a blank issue, all you need is to provide a link to<user-name>/<repo-name>/issues/new.
If you want the issue to have prefilled text, you can use query parameters to generate the URL. This help page describes how this can be done.
The easy way would be to create an issue template on GitHub, and then use the template parameter. As quoted in the linked article:
You can use the template query parameter to specify a template to automatically fill the issue or pull request body. The template query parameter works with templates stored in an ISSUE_TEMPLATE or PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE subdirectory within the root, docs/ or .github/ directory in a repository.
If a repository contains only the default pull request or issue template, any new issues or pull requests will have the default template in the body.
You can also use the other parameters to customize the issue title, text, labels, etc. This project slightly simplifies this task.
Thank you for your answers, but I found this and its everything I wanted. And its easy to use. I will leave the other for the right answer, but if someone wants something more out of the box you can use my finding.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am creating a Swift application that has a multistep signup process. The first step actually creates the user and takes their name, age and gender. The second step is for them to add a profile picture along with a special phrase. I tried to use the Firebase Authentication current user technique but that doesn't seem to be working. It seems that the new user is not being set as the current user. Is there a way to accomplish this or a work around to accomplish the goal. Thanks in advance for any help.
The problem lies in your request of Auth().auth().currentUser. If you are accessing it through the completion handler, that could be causing the problem.
What I would suggest is to take var loggedInUser = FIRAuth.auth()?.currentUser inside of your Next function (or do it when the screen has appeared).
Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 3 days ago.
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I launched an instance in EC2, installed mysql, php and prestashop
Everything is working perfect except that my store is not sending emails after a sing up, user placing an order, etc.
I think I have to install something that allows me to send emails from that instance. Also I checked the spam, and there is nothing in there.
When I go to the backoffice and click the "send email again" button on the orders page, an error appears in a bootstrap alert div, saying that and error ocurred when atteping to send it.
Please help me with this.
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This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to submit my first app for iOS 8 and i am going through the new procedure of Apple's iTunes connect. I have upload my binary, fill all the details and upload all screenshots. Then i press submit for review and I see this screen with 2 option. Whatever I select the "submit" button stays greyed out.
Apple made a HTML coding mistake on this page. Specifically they forgot a quote on one of the tags making the HTML invalid. Using FireFox you can change the HTML and then the submit works. I submitted my app this way just now and it is "Waiting for Review"!
On the Export Compliance Tag they are missing a quote (") after the "section" in a tag. If you add that (") in the Inspector on FireFox (or using similar methods on other browsers to modify the HTML you are looking at) the Export Compliance question will show up and then you can answer it and submit your app.
OR you could just wait till tomorrow and Apple will probably fix their HTML coding mistake.
Removed just one "ng-hide" tag to enable third question about Export Compliance and the button submit appeared.
Finally I got the solution for this.
Last night also I tried to upload the build on App Store. I left the window idle for 2 hours after uploading the build and the button appeared. Seems to be a bug or feature in the new upload system.
Are you trying this through Chrome? Try Safari and you should get three options and the submit button will be available when all three are checked
It's and interface bug by Apple. (Wow, Apple) I cannot reach the page again so I can only give so much detail on how I could get through it and submit: I opened up Chrome inspector on the page to look at the HTML, looked for the "cryptography" string as the mistakenly hidden question is about that. I removed the "ng-hide" class off of some of the tags, and finally the crytography question appeared. (Along with the "Is your app going to be sold in the French App Store?" question for some reason.) I checked no, and the submit button was enabled.
We may have caught Apple in a middle of a deployment. It looks like they added a new question to this page for "Export Compliance". Either way, it looks like they fixed the submit button now.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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Can anybody help me that how can i set PRINT and save as PDF icon(functionality) in TYPO3 pages ? advance..
There are many examples in Google and I think that you should browse them, to find the one the best fits your needs.
In general 'historically' print version was suggested to be build with new PAGE cObject which typeNum is set to 98 (of course that's only suggestion) in general going this clue, you should find many examples and other resources by searching in Google for typo3 typeNum 98.
When you'll create alternative PAGE object (and maybe also use modified template for it) you need also add on your webpage a link which be the same as the current URL but with additional param &type=98, when user will click it TYPO3 will open the alternative version of the page. So you can add to this a JS in header which will also start system's print dialog.
You can also search the extensions repository and find something for placing the print button if you are unfamiliar with TypoScript.
PDF rendering is similar from point of view of the frontend, however most probably you need to use some additional lib, so it will be best to search for ready to use solution from the repo.
In general PDF version could be tricky, therefore from my experience I can say that nowadays it's sometimes better to avoid the PDF icon at all or use linking to some external service. Of course all depends on your needs. Remember that there are many programs which are able to create PDF's so if it is not required maybe it's no worth of its effort.
Finally take a look at the AddThis widget it can be also used for easy adding of icons for printing and online PDF creation, additionally you can also send invitations via e-mail, or even share the link on the hundreds social portals. And what's most important installing this is just like adding view lines of HTML code vie TypoScript.