Git hub Organization - github

I have a problem in creating a git organization. The problem is, I already created a Git organization, but then a deleted it. When I tried to create an organization with the same name. It says its unavailable.

Citation from Github Docs:
When you delete an organization, all repositories, forks of private
repositories, wikis, issues, pull requests, and Project or
Organization Pages are deleted as well. Your billing will end, and
after 90 days the organization name becomes available for use on a new
user or organization account.
I guess, you should wait for 90 days, or try another name.


GitHub repository as contributor

I created a repository and added a contributor, and this was our mutual work. In my GitHub account it appears as a repository and in his account is does not.
We want that his account will have this exact same repository as shown in my repos.
How can we do it? :)
Each repository is owned by a single individual or organization account. If you store your repository under your personal account, you would be the owner and your colleague can be made a collaborator. In this case, like you mention, the repository would be listed only in your account's repository list. To give equal "credit" to your collaborator, you could do one of the following:
Pin the repository: Your collaborator can pin any repository they contributed to to their profile page. While the repository would still appear under your name, it will be prominently visible on your collaborator's profile.
Create an organization: You could create an organization where both of you are owners. The repository will then appear in neither of your individual profiles, and both your individual accounts can be publicly listed as members of the organization.

Pushing files from one account to other in github

Iam trying to push some changes to other account from another account but it is giving me permission error.I checked the github settings but everything there seems to be right.Can anybody help me with this?
I tried changing my user name and email too still it is giving same error
Some info about the transfer process which might help you
When a repository is transferred between two user accounts, issue assignments are left intact. When you transfer a repository from a user account to an organization, issues assigned to members in the organization remain intact, and all other issue assignees are cleared. Only owners in the organization are allowed to create new issue assignments. When you transfer a repository from an organization to a user account, only issues assigned to the repository's owner are kept, and all other issue assignees are removed.
If the transferred repository contains a GitHub Pages site, then links to the Git repository on the Web and through Git activity are redirected. However, we don't redirect GitHub Pages associated with the repository.
All links to the previous repository location are automatically redirected to the new location. When you use git clone, git fetch, or git push on a transferred repository, these commands will redirect to the new repository location or URL. However, to avoid confusion, I strongly recommend updating any existing local clones to point to the new repository URL. You can do this by using git remote on the command line:
$ git remote set-url origin new_url
Add the collaborator from the initial account (the git account having the repo) and the second account can accept the invitation to be a collaborator
This allows you to change and push the code from different Id also.

Accessing forks in private GitHub repository

I am the owner of a private GitHub repository. Somebody else (student1) forked it a while ago and has done some work on his fork. Now I need somebody else (student2) to pull those changes and work off of them. However, he cannot access student1's fork at all. Trying to git pull provides an error about not being able to find it. Student2 can also not see student1's fork on GitHub's website.
Everybody is added as a collaborator. I can access all forks (I am the original owner of this repository). I tried removing student2 and adding him back but it changed nothing. I tried inviting another friend (let's say student3) and he can fork but also cannot see other forks. In the past, I distinctly recall any users added as collaborators being able to pull from other forks so I am not sure why this isn't working.
All I see is "Find another repository to fork"
You can fork any private repository you can access to your user account or any organization on GitHub Team or GitHub Enterprise in which you have repository creation permissions.
Maybe this is possible through an organization, where you can change member privileges.

Add collaborator to many repositories at once

We have 150+ repositories on our GitHub, for different clients. Now we hired new employee to take care of the managed services process and he requires access to all the repositories. Inviting him as a collaborator to all repositories one by one is going to take plenty of time.
Is there a way to add him to all repositories at once? A command or some trick in GitHub that I do not know.
If those GitHub repositories were all part of the same organisation, that would be easy: see "Inviting users to join your organization"
If not, you can script that with the GitHub API:
list all your repositories
for eeach repo, add your collaborator to it.

Github do not count my commit

This is the story.
I have two computers, one is in my home, another is in my office. Both computers have installed Eclipse and connect to the same project of my github account wtih Egit. I find that when I commit on my home computer, my commit will be recorded and display on my contribution graph. However, when I commit on my office computer, commits will not be recorded.
To solve this problem, I delete projects both on my home computer and office computer, and create new project by cloning corresponding project on with identical steps. Furthermore, I use the same eclipse version, they are the newest Mars. However, the problem still remains, commits on home computer will be recorded, and the other will not.
I searched the Internet and can not find the answer. Is there anybody here can help me out? Thanks in advance!
Problem solved. If someone else meet the similar problem, the following link will be quite useful.
Just add your second machines SSH key (assuming you use them) to your account and you should be set. then clone your existing project from the repo, and start working normally. any changes, just commit/push, and from the other machine you can always pull any updates, vice versa.
Commits will appear on your contributions graph if they meet all of the following conditions:
The commits were made within the past year.
The email address used for the commits is associated with your GitHub account.
The commits were made in a standalone repository, not a fork.
The commits were made:
In the repository's default branch (usually master)
In the gh-pages branch (for repositories with Project Pages sites)
In addition, at least one of the following must be true:
You are a collaborator on the repository or are a member of the organization - that owns the repository.
You have forked the repository.
You have opened a pull request or issue in the repository.
You have starred the repository.
Contributions to private repositories will only appear to users who can access those repositories. Those contributions are not rendered for users who cannot access those repositories.