Bullets Default color is always white - libreoffice

I am suffering from this annoying problem in Libreoffice impress.
Whenever I create a new Text box and choose Toggle unordered list
The color of the bullets is always white.
I can change that from the option (more bullets)
But its annoying having to change that every single time.
Bullets within textboxes that are defined by the master slide work fine.
But I need some extra Text Boxes (not controlled by master slides) every now and then.
Any Help?


Create a 'Group Box' in Word Userform

"Group Box", for lack of a better word: I want areas in my user form which are visually different from others, with a different background colour and a frame around them, such as is possible to create using Frame controls. However, I want none of the events of Frame controls and none of their interaction with other controls in the form.
More particular, I want to be able to tab through all text, list, combo and check boxes, regardless of their location in 'Group Boxes', in fact also regardless of the possible location of their 'Group Box' within another 'Group Box'. Most of my controls have On Enter, On Exit, On Change and On Key even procedures attached to them which may re-direct the focus to any control on the form. Doing so under the constant interference of Frame controls with their events and rules - many of them not working correctly, none of them properly explained anywhere - is a gargantuan task. The easy way would be to have the visual design capabilities only, without the "intelligence" which assumes control in a way not compatible with my own plans.
Perhaps the one feature of frames which makes them unfit for my purposes is that they act as forms within the form, meaning they appoint an ActiveControl when activated which they refuse to release when another control takes the focus outside their own frame. It is inconvenient to prevent a first control's On Enter procedure from running when any control in a frame receives the focus (different for first and subsequent times), but it's a much bigger task to deal with the selected control's On Exit event which won't fire until the form is closed, meaning it is missed when the control optically loses the focus and a nuisance when it technically does.
Is there a control that fits my needs in MS Word? Or can the Frame control be stripped of its events in some way? Could I place a Text Box, for example, in front of a Frame control without it also being "within" it?
For MS Word use a label with a background color.
For MS Access use the rectangle Object behind the controls.
First make the form background a grey color. Then add subforms(ms access) and rectangles to segment the controls.
The end effect is it looking like a paneled interface.
You can use a Frame control. Place the other controls first, then place the Frame control, and move it to the back. This should look visually identical to having the controls in the Frame.

Delphi XE7 IDE moves/resizes controls slightly when form is opened

On opening a standard VCL form from our application, several controls are moved or resized slightly. e.g. a few pixels shorter or a few pixels to the left. Saving the form obviously commits these changes. Anyone know what causes this and how I can stop it?
Our application was developed in Delphi 7 and I think this issue has started since we recently moved it to XE7. Having made various code changes to various forms we've started noticing that controls had moved/sized a bit and thought they were mistakes. But today I've noticed that it happens when the form is opened. The form was previously saved in XE7 (it's not just the first open of a D7 form).
The controls seem to be mostly losing a couple of pixels off the Height, Width or Left property. I've not seen any of these values increasing, only decreasing. Not all controls on the form, just a few. The problem isn't limited to a single form. The Form.Scaled property is false.
Is something getting rounded/recalculated? There are 2 developers working on the application - could a problem be caused by developing on different resolutions or something?
Thanks a lot for any ideas =)
EDIT! Viewing a diff of the changes that were applied, I think poss all of the controls adjusted have non-default anchor settings. e.g. a button moved 2 pixels left is anchored [akTop, akRight]. It's on a panel that is anchored [akLeft, akTop]. Another control that lost 2 pixels from Width and Height is anchored [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]. I have just reverted the changes, changed the anchoring by editing the dfm and opened the form again: The control that moved previously didn't move. I'm certain it is related to anchoring.
EDIT2! Easy to repeat! It is related to the anchor of the control and the BorderStyle of it's parent control (TPanel). Add a form with a TPanel and add a TLabel within the panel. Set the TLabel to anchor [akTop, akRight]. Set the TPanel to have no bevel, CTRL3d=False, BorderStyle=bsSingle and BorderWidth=1. Note the Left property of the TLabel. Save the form. Open it again. Look at the TLabel's Left property. It has moved 2 pixels left. Keep on opening, saving and closing the form and watch the label move from right to left. Here's a pic of my example form

Making top and bottom vertical alignment coexist on the same page - MS Word 2010

I'm writing the last page of a report, where there are three short chapters: Conclusions, Acknowledgments and References. Now everything is top aligned, as per default. However, I'd like the last two chapters to be bottom aligned, without having to press Enter repeatedly to create myself the white space. I experimented with the Page Layout dialog and inserted a section break after the Conclusions, but the bottom alignment starts from the following page.
Is it even achievable what I have in mind? And if so, how?
At http://i.stack.imgur.com/GIr3Q.png there's the end results I'm trying to obtain. I created "artificially" the blank space between "dui." and "Acknowledgments" by pressing Enter four times.
you can
hijack the footnote functionality (ugly but effective) and play with the footnote styles
insert a text box and position it absolutely (that's what a textbox should be used for) in Word2010 look in Insert ribbon, Text section, Text Icon

How to use customized tool bar in tiny mce?

I'm using tiny mce in one of my projects and client do not want to use the Horizontal tool bar of tiny mce. He wants a centralized custom tool bar from where user can control all the properties like text color, type of text, size, back grounds and every thing that is needed to do while designing a web page using templates. I configured the mce instance with out its default tool bar and controlled the properties from the customized tool bar. And the properties are applied to the tiny mce instance as a whole. But now, the requirement has come up that, the text editing should be in MS office style.That means, if user has placed cursor at one place and changes color, nothing will be affected, but if he starts typing from the cursor position the text should have the color which was set recently. I tried to use the external tool bar option. But, my work area and customized tool bar are at different z index levels. So, positioning the tool bar fails. If I append the tool bar to my customized tool bar, it is not click-able. So, how to invoke tiny mce's core functionality using customized tool bar?
Or, Kindly suggest, should I change editor ? Then, which one should I go for ?
As per the suggestion, I'm writing the function save the property styles and insert the span at caret position. But I'm facing some problems and could not do it after spending whole day. I could add span at caret position by using following code.
marker = ed.selection.getBookmark();
tinyMCE.execCommand('mceInsertContent',false,'<span id="mytitle"></span>');
But still, I failed to type inside the new span. Also, I could not figure out how to set styles to this span.
If your aim is to have your tinymce behave like MS Office you should write an own plugin which will take care of this.
I suggest if a user has placed the cursor at one place and changes color you save this color as a setting to your tinymce instance like: ed.color = 'choosencolor';
When the user start typing now you can insert a span on the first keystroke and set the color as css class or style property to this span.


Two questions regarding yui autocomplete:
Is there a way to make yui autocomplete mouse selection and keyboard up/down selection create only one selection at any time ?
Also is there any way to update the text in the autocomplete textbox with the selection done with keyboard up/down arrow only ie force the selection to appear in the textbox above if user selects in with up/down arrow keys ?
Note that in the following link I see deep blue for keyboard up/down arrow and light blue for mouse selection. (Remove the underscore before http in your browser url)
Case #1: _http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/examples/autocomplete/ac_basic_array.html
However in the following link(case #2) this is not the case. I see only one selection (dark blue) at one point of time.
Case #2: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/examples/autocomplete/ac_basic_xhr.html
If I use the mouse and/or key up/down, there is still only one selection dark blue always.
My application is behaving as in case #1 but I would like it to behave as in case 2 above, with only one selection at any time and in addition update the text when user moves with the keyboard up/down arrow keys.
How can I make this happen? Both the above examples are using YUI autocomplete, but I can't see the difference between the two to make my app follow example 2.
In summary I want this to behave as google suggest does in www.google.com
var myConfigs = {typeAhead:true, autoHighlight:false, prehighlightClassName:""},
myAutoComp = new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete("myInput","myContainer", myDataSource, myConfigs);
By the way, prehighlightClassName is disabled by default so you really shouldn't need to specify it in the configs.