How to send email in reactjs - email

So I'm trying to create a forgot password feature and I want to send email to user for verification. The problem is how should I do that? I've tried frontend services like emailJS but that didn't work because you pre-define where the emails are sent. I need it to be sent to the user, not me.
I've also tried backend services like nodemailer but with nodemailer I have to generate a code on the backend, send it to the frontend and on the email. The problem with this is that if someone gets access to anothers email he can click forgot password and get access to the code by looking at request sent to the backend in the chrome's dev tools
So now I'm stuck trying to figure this out. Can anyone help me?


Keycloak is sending HTML code inside password reset link

Yesterday I started noticing that the keycloak emails for required user actions are containing HTML characters inside the URL that is being sent for the required action.
example: /auth/realms/EasyDox/login-actions/action-token?key=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiI
This of course gives me an error on the keycloak page
If I change the characters &#61 to = in the URL, it works fine and I am able to do the password reset.
Note that we are using mailjet to send emails through our custom domain.
I really don't know where the issue is since before yesterday everything was working fine, and I'm kind of lost on what to look for.
If anyone has any suggestions what to try since we have customers that are connected to this keycloak, and some of them can't log in since they forgot their password.
I managed to solve this by moving our mail sending from Mailjet to SendGrid. It had nothing to do with keycloak.

when sending a verify email request from keycloak via sendgrid, the resulting url is wrongly encoded

I have a keycloak (4.4.0-Final) installation.
sendgrid is configured as mail agent (and test mail sending is ok)
I create a new user in keycloak admin console and I pass it the action "verify email"
I get an email with a link to verify my email address, but when I click the link, I get the error "We're sorry...
An error occurred, please login again through your application."
I now have a closer look at the URL and I see 2 times = => http://keycloakurl/.....login-actions/action-token?key=eyJhbGciOiJIUzUx...&client_id=client-...
When I change = to = , the url works.
Does someone know if this is a bug in sendgrid, or a bug in the keycloak templates?
I know you have moved ahead with Mailjet but I would like to share my solution here as it may help others. I noticed this issue only happens if Email Tracking is enabled at SendGrid side. Try after disabling all tracking configurations under Setting -> Tracking screen.
The issue was not keycloak, but sendgrid (ref: We fixed the issue by dropping sendgrid and going to mailjet.

how to send email using mailgun php code

I want to send Email with the help of mailgun using php script. I have already made my account on mailgun site and added my domain and verified my domain. I also have my domain and api key with me .. but how to use these in the php script code
Where to get this vendor/autoload.php I am not able to find it on gihub which is shown in liberary page of mailgun website. I am new to MailGun and I have a hosted site and wanted to use the mailgun for my email sending thru PHP script code, but I am not understanding how to send it. The example code shown in mailgun site tells that start code from vendor/autoload.php and then use mailgun\mailgun and i am not understanding how to get these files and where to copy them. I have already made my account on mailgun site and added and verified my domain and i also have my domain and api key.. but how to use these in the php script code/
Can you please help me how to start and where to get all these files, pleas help? thanks in advance
The vendor/autoload.php can be added by running composer, all info is on the mailgun website

Quickblox, send email to new users to validate email address

I'm new to quickblox MBaas and I would like to send out an email (to verify e-mail address) to a specific user when he signed up. Is there a standard procedure for this or a way to do this in Quickblox. Many thanks for your help.
There is no a way to do this for API users right now.
The cause of this solution is that it's quite hard sometimes for mobile users to verify an email. Just imagine a situation where user doesn't have a ready for use mail client on his device - then there is no a way to verify an email in this situation.
Other cause is that email verification can complicate your onboarding process.
It's possible to send a greetings email. You can setup it in Admin panel, Users module, Settings tab

WCS email sending

I'm trying to generate a mail when my process is complete in WCS, please share some links or info about how to get started.
Like order placing I'm having a functionality for taking back few Merchendise(checking in), after this is complete, I should send an Email to specified id. I am very new to this, tried googling dint find much info.
Please help.
You need to do something like this
To send a email first of all, Enable the email transport for the site in admin console. Configure it by providing the SMTP server details.
Then you can use SendMsgCmd interface to send a email.