Connection Refused #Work around startup races - server

I have this server, client code in which we run the server as a subprocess in py.test and create a client object and connect it with client.
But I am getting the Connection Refused error, when I am tracing it to open() function wherein the socket is trying to connect to ip and port.
There a comment is mentioned that For Connection refused errors, work around startup races.
What are the different ways, I can fix the startup race issue?


Perforce client error: Connection refused

So I had been successfully running Perforce on a dedicated Ubuntu 20.04 LTS cloud server for many months. I recently however moved to a different house and now I cannot connect to the server anymore through P4Admin and P4V, and neither can the other users. I've been getting this error in P4Admin:
Connect to server failed; check $P4PORT.
TCP connect to failed.
And get this error when connected to the server in Putty as root user:
p4 info
Perforce client error:
Connect to server failed; check $P4PORT.
TCP connect to failed.
connect: Connection refused
Has something gone wrong with the server? Anything I can do to restore the connection? My apologies in advance, I'm not an advanced user and have just been trying whatever the tutorials suggest.

How to solve Connection Timed Out Error for Postgres connection using Airflow

I have a connection timeout when I am running airflow DAGs. It occurs daily when I am running it in the morning. It happens on the same task step everytime when it's on its first attempt.
sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (psycopg2.OperationalError) could not connect to server: Connection timed out
Is the server running on host “” (99.999.999.99) and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 77777?
I checked the database connection and it is connecting fine. My database is not having any downtime.
I copied this error from the logs you can get from the airflow UI. Does anybody know what the cause could be for this error?

psycopg2.OperationalError: could not connect to server: Connection refused - Same code works from one system but not from another

I am trying to connect to redshift and the same code (same host, User, DB name, pwd, port) works from one computer but throws connection refused error from another one . Both the systems first connect to VPN and trying to connect to database. Not sure if any of the config file needs to be updated with IP ? Not sure what could be the reason.
psycopg2.OperationalError: could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is server running on host xxx.xx.xx.xx and accepting TCP/IP connections on port YYYY
"Connection refused" means it couldn't even get ahold of the database to attempt to establish a connection with it. Whatever is going on is happening at the networking level, not within the database. Connection refused: connect

trying to upload file using apache file upload, but getting this error: Connection refused: connect
it was working yesterday, but today it is not working
Either the firewall configuration (by which I mean port forwarding, not access rules) has changed or the server process isn't running.
If this is a locally hosted server. make sure the correct port is forwarded for the correct IPV4, they change often and without much reason.

EC2 Internal Sockets

I'm trying to have two process communicate through a socket connection. One of these is a python app, and the other is a php script.
I've created and tested the client/server combination on my home computer and it functions properly. However, when I deploy onto an EC2 instance (ubuntu 10.10 64bit ami + apache + php) I get an unable to connect to socket error (111 Connection Refused) from the php script. The python app is able to bind to the socket and listen to messages but the php script is unable to send messages.
I've opened the required ports in the amazon security group and I can connect to the port externally using telnet. However if I attempt to connect with telnet from within the server I get the same connection refused error.
How can I solve this issue?
Edit: Both processes are on the same instance
The issue had nothing to do with EC2 explicitly. I was not binding to localhost, but instead binding to my hostname. On a local network that was the same as my localhost ip, however on ec2 it was not. Switching to binding to localhost fixed the issue.