Restoring NuGet packages from another organization as an upstream feed in Azure DevOps - azure-devops

I have a project within one DevOps organization that has a dependency on a couple of NuGet packages that are hosted in a feed in another organization. Both organizations share the same Azure Active Directory tenant.
Following along with the documentation provided here I created a new view in my source feed called "Shared". On the setup for the view I have "All feeds and people in organizations associated with my Azure Active Directory" checked:
I then promoted both NuGet packages to that view:
In the other organization I have this feed set up to use the Shared view as an upstream source from another organization:
In my projects azure-pipelines Yaml file I have the following section for restoring packages:
And the associated nuget.config file looks like this:
The feed it is using is the one that belongs to the organization the project is in. My assumption based on the documentation is that the restore operation will look for the those 2 packages in the upstream source if they can not be found in the local feed or the public NuGet feed. However I am getting the following error during the restore process when running a build:
For each of these 2 packages I am getting:
No packages exist with this id in source(s): feed-{FeedName}, NuGet
All other packages restore fine. I've tried many variations of my build script and upstream settings to no avail. I'm pretty sure I have everything set up as the documentation has dictated. The docs don't really go into how your pipeline and nuget.config should be set so perhaps I have something incorrect there?

I had a comparable issue in the past with restoring packages. As possible solution, which worked in my case, I could suggest you try explicitly specifying Azure Artifacts Feed Id you're pulling packages from:
vstsFeed: {FEED_ID}


Manually upload symbols to Azure DevOps

We are running an Azure DevOps Server on premise.
We use the git repos and the artifacts nuget feed for our project.
Currently we do our builds (for the nugets) manually without the pipelines and upload the nugets later.
If we would use the pipelines the "Index sources and publish symbols" task would place the symbols to a file share.
So I have two questions:
Is there a way to upload the symbols manually (e.g. via CLI like we can with the nugets)?
Anywhere a documentation how the URL of the file share would look like on an on premise server? All examples I found so far only show
Is there a way to upload the symbols manually (e.g. via CLI like we can with the nugets)?
The answer is yes.
You could use the push both primary and symbol packages at the same time using the below command. Both .nupkg and .snupkg files need to be present in the current folder:
nuget push MyPackage.nupkg -source
And publish to a different symbol repository, or to push a legacy symbol package that doesn't follow the naming convention, use the -Source option:
nuget push MyPackage.symbols.nupkg -source
Please refere the document for some more details:
Publishing a symbol package
Publishing a legacy symbol package
Anywhere a documentation how the URL of the file share would look like
on an on premise server?
You could check the document Index Sources & Publish Symbols task:

Cannot add NuGet feed to Azure Dev Ops artifacts

I have a NuGet feed for another source of packages for my project that I'd like to add to the Azure Dev Ops artifacts section as an upstream source, joining the standard NuGet feed. However, despite what the documentation says (, the only custom option I see is for "custom NPN registry" with a note saying npm is the only package type that supports custom public upstream sources.
I added my feed anyway but it's not findable in Visual Studio's package manager, though I was able to add something from the standard NuGet feed. Is there a setting I'm missing to enable custom NuGet feeds to be added in, or are the docs incorrect here?
I believe you are misreading the documentation.
Custom public upstream sources are only supported with npm registries.
If you want to use a single feed for everything, you'll have to implement a bit of a hacky workaround.
The workaround, as unfortunate as it may be, would be to use a scheduled pipeline to synchronize the external feed with your Azure DevOps feed.

How do I set up Azure Dev Ops to build Dev Express XAF-XPO project?

I want to set up continuous integration and deployment for an XAP Mobile app in Azure Devops.
In order to get CI/CD I need to set up the Azure Pipeline to install the right packages.
There is some information in the docs on Hosting your own NuGet feeds
and Get started with NuGet packages in Azure DevOps
Dev Express explained that they do not currently provide a Nuget feed for XAF, but I can make my own Delegate's DCNugetPackageBuilder
Using DXNugetPackageBuilder to make Nuget packages
As per the instructions I downloaded the .pdb files extracted them to c:\tmp\symbols
I also downloaded DXNugetPackageBuilder and edited buildPackages.bat according to instructions.
Next I ran build.ps1 in elevated Powershell
This created the .nupkg files at C:\tmp\Nuget
By default this uses the files located at
C:\Program Files (x86)\DevExpress 18.1\Components\Bin\Framework
and the .pdb files located at
Using Nuget.Exe and the Credential Provider to push the packages to the feed
The Connect To Feed screen mentions I need to download Nuget.exe and the credential provider
Here are the docs on the Credentials Provider
I unzipped the VSTS CredentialProviders Nuget.Exe is included.
The next step is to follow the instructions given by the "add this feed" section of the Connect To Feed screen.
For example
nuget.exe push -Source "SBDDevExpress" -ApiKey VSTS c:\tmp\Nuget\DevExpress.Data.
I ran into an access denied issue that got solved here
then I was able to push all the packages I wanted.
Set the Nuget Package Source
In VS2017 with my solution open I used Tools -> Nuget Package Manager -> Package Manager Settings
I added package settings with the Azure endpoint set up as a package source.
Errors building
When I run the build pipeline I get errors like
The type or namespace DevExpress could not be found are you missing a directive or assembly reference?
From studying Updater.cs and Module.cs
It seems I am missing the following namespaces from the Nuget feed.
DevExpress suggested I compare the dlls generated in the bin folder with my package feed.
I found several missing files and pushed their packages.
I now have
XafMobile.Module\Properties\licenses.licx(1.0): Error LC0003: Unable to resolve type 'DevExpress.ExpressApp.ModuleBase"
I can see from the source code that ModuleBase is a public class in DevExpress.ExpressApp
I am wondering if this is something to do with reflection.
There is some mention of it at Dev Express support
I tried removing the licence files and syncing the project.
Now the errors show as missing assembly references
Also When I rebuild my solution the license files are missing from the properties folders
I wonder if this helps explain it
Manuel Grunder [DevExpress MVP] and DXNugetPackageBuilder author explained that
When working with nuget.packages you need to reference them via nuget as well
as he explains here
As is explained here
"When working with nuget.packages you need to reference them via nuget as well. Thats the reason why it did not work in the first place."

AppVeyor NuGet Restore failing to connect to private account repo

I am attempting to restore packages that I've uploaded to my AppVeyor account NuGet feed, yet it is failing to connect to the feed during the build.
In my appveyor.yml file I have:-
account_feed: true
And I have confirmed that the account feed mentioned in the logs is the correct URL for my account feed.
I have also opened that feed by connecting to it using Visual Studio and entering my account credentials. When doing that, I have confirmed that the packages I'm trying to restore exist as expected.
However the build fails with this in the logs:- Unable to load the service index for source
The HTTP request to 'GET' has timed out after 100000ms.
NuGet Config files used:
Feeds used:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Service Fabric\packages\
Note: The custom external NuGet feed should be unrelated. I have other packages that successfully restore from there before my build breaks with the private account repo attempt.
Is there something I'm missing that will allow me to connect to my AppVeyor account NuGet repo for the restoring of a package?
Could it have anything to do with the package itself?
AppVeyor has made some changes not allowing you to implicitly include your private account NuGet repository for public code respositories.
As in #ilyaf's answer, the discussion here confirms this, and says the following is the reason.
In previous implementation having this enabled and working for public
project was a vulnerability rather than a feature because on your
account feed you can have NuGet packages from both public and private
projects and anyone submitting PR to public build would have been able
to grab private packages from your account feed. It's fixed now.
So to still get this working, as mentioned in #Feodor Fitsner's comment, you need to configure a new nuget source mentioning your account's NuGet repo.
Here's what you need to do.
Go to the Project in AppVeyor that you're trying to build and select the Settings for that project. On the 'Environments' settings tab, add two new Environment Variables:-
...placing your AppVeyor credentials in the values for each of those.
In your appveyor.yml, add a new NuGet source under the install node.
- nuget sources add -Name MyAccountFeed -Source <feed-url> -UserName %nuget_user% -Password %nuget_password%
...where <feed-url> is your NuGet feed URL.
Note: These two steps are defined in steps 2 and 3 or this doc.
Now, ensure that you have account_feed and project_feed off for your build (otherwise the build will complain that there are duplicate feeds).
Do this by either deleting the following:-
nuget: account_feed:
OR ensure you have
account_feed: false
project_feed: false
Your project should now build correctly, retrieving your NuGet packages from your NuGet account.
This, however, may be a workaround to what AppVeyor were trying to initially block with their change.
Please take a look at this discussion.

How to remove the [warning]To connect to NuGet feeds when restoring NuGet packages

I've got a build running in VSTS which is restoring NuGet packages from both and a custom feed in VSTS. The custom feed is in the solutions NuGet.config as a <packageSource>, along with the user name and password in <packageSourceCredentials>
The build, including the restore, is working Ok, but there is a warning ...
2016-10-12T16:18:57.6589001Z ##[warning]To connect to NuGet feeds
hosted in your Team Services account/TFS project collection with
NuGet 3.1 or below, edit your build definition to specify a path
to a NuGet.config containing the package sources you wish to use.
How can I remove this?
Based on my test, that warning remains even through using higher version of nugget (e.g. 3.3) or do not restore package from VSTS feed. (Hosted build agent has the same result).
You can’t remove it unless you custom a build task to restore package through command line.
I submit a issue here.
The issue has been updated.
I see the issue in the code coming from our transition from depending
on assets coming with the agent to being deployed with the task. You
can get around this for now until we get an official change out by
either (1) choosing to use the Nuget 3.5 version radio button in the
task config or (2) supplying a path to your nuget.config.
So, you can use Nuget 3.5 version or specify nuget.config file.