AppAuth for android - hide logout screen - appauth

I have an Android app developed in JAVA. For this app I am using the IdentityServer4 and AppAuth library implementation (found here: . Everything works fine, but one annoying thing left.
Can anyone help me with hide logout screen from identity server?
Example redirects logout to the one sent by server, what doesn't need to be displayed.
I really don't want to show it to end user.


Is it possible to for an Ionic(5) Capacitor(3) application to complete an Open ID (Auth0) flow?

I am struggling to utlise the angular-auth-oidc-client to add OIDC workflows into my Ionic app (android), although I feel the issues are more Capacitor so not sure that the library is the issue. There are numerous (old) posts on Google of people who have had similar problems, so I'm trying to ascertain the current state of play. I can:
By utilising a custom android scheme in my AndroidManifest, and an 'appUrlOpen' listener in app.component my OIDC login page loads in the Chrome browser on the device, and then returns to the Ionic app and opens the correct app page. Unfortunately because I've opened the login in Chrome it hangs around in the background with the username and password populated. I've no handle to it to close it, and the Capacitor plugins don't help me here.
Alternatively, I can add my ID Provider domain into 'AllowNavigation' in capacitor.config.json. This opens my login page in the app's webview, begins the redirect on successful login but fails (hangs) because Capacitor is not loaded when it attempts Window.Capacitor.triggerevent calls.
This is probably classed as a poor question, and I appreciate that it is light on code, but I'm interested in whether anyone has actually managed to do this successfully, as there are so many dead ends on google and github of people who've given up!
Yes it is possible to complete an Open ID Flow on ionic with capacitor.
You need a capacitor plugin to do so, ionic provides an own payed plugin (, other alternatives exist.
angular-auth-oidc-client out of the box works only on browser, not on iOS or Android. It seems that some adoption can be made, see

How to get data from Cordova's in-App Browser

I'm working on authentication for an Ionic 4 app. I'm using the in app browser plugin to login. After successful login an access token is sent back to the client. I can't figure out how to get the token from the In-App Browser to the app.
You can use an event listener such as :
this.browser.on('loadstart').subscribe(event => { this.checkForToken(event); })
Where checkForToken can look at your "event.url" and parse the token to be stored to localStorage or some other method to be used to login with once the in-app browser is closed.
Using events to listen for load start and stop was an awesome idea. I was, however, facing another issue. Google doesn't allow sign in using the In-App Browser and I really needed that. After asking around and looking at similar past issues I came across a Cordova plugin called BrowserTab. This was awesome as it's an instance/Custom Tab from chrome so it worked fine with google sign in. Another problem came up. You can't inject Javascript into BrowserTab and there was no way to programmatically close it once done. I looked around some more and that's when Deeplinks came to mind. I used the Deeplinks plugin and passed my access token as a parameter. When the user logs in, the BrowserTab redirects to a Custom URL scheme link for my app with the access token in the URL. Now it works perfectly. I've read somewhere that IOS is getting rid of Custom URL Scheme links. Luckily, it still has support for Universal App Links

What's the correct way to authorize PhoneGap application to the Facebook?

I spent a while already to fix annoying issue with Facebook in PhoneGap app. And still a lot of things goes wrong with that. The thing is that I use and Facebook plugin.
This is how my Facebook console looks now:
I suggest that localhost might be a reason of the issue. However, I got it into Facebook_Helper.js:
Everytime I try to sign in with FB account, I get the same error at the child window:
So what I've got is that app is authorized at this moment indeed, because there's a menu button at the navbar that allows me to navigate through FB profile:
The first issue lies in that the child window never gets closed automatically once user submitted Sign In form. And the second one is that I can't get the access token to the app directly. I know I'm doing something wrong, but I spend more than a week on that and nothing was clarified.
Honestly, I've no idea why it's not working. I saw a lot of apps written in PhoneGap that use the same authorization too, and they work as it should. Will be appreciate if you take a look into that and, maybe, advice something.
First, I don't see iOS or Android in your developer.facebook screenshot.
Second, you should implement native facebook integration if you are developing an app, if I understand correctly from your code, you are trying to handle only web browser version of authentication. Native integration is both the suggested way by facebook and platforms and better experience for end users. If users have facebook app installed, authenticating over fb app is more secure after all..
You can use a cordova plugin for facebook integration, here is one of the plugins (I am one of the authors): cordova-facebook plugin

oAuth2 Issue in Salesforce PhoneGap iPhone Application (Remote Access Application Authorization Issue)

I have created an iPhone application using PhoneGap. I have followed code from this tutorial:
Building PhoneGap Mobile Applications Powered by
I have logged in successfully and got struck in this screen:
I am unable to move to other screens to access data. Here is the url that got generated after successful login:
Do I need to add cosumer key to this url? Here is my callbackurl:
What would be the problem? Did I miss anything?
So is a stub URL for callbacks - and that is the screen you are seeing there, and the access_token variable is your session ID for the user. So the OAuth flow is working correctly.
In the code, you might check to see if:
Is getting set correctly. If so it looks like:
sfw.login( setupHomeView );
Is what should tell it to move from that page to the next UI page.
You might also check out the Mobile SDK:
It also includes PhoneGap and has a great OAuth wrapper built in.

Twitter Callback Issue Using Titanium OAuth Client for Android

I'm using the following Titanium OAuth Client for a Share with Twitter feature in our Android app:
The client works till the PIN Code screen. Then, if I have a callback URL defined in my Twitter App settings, it will redirect the user to that URL.. which I don't want. I read elsewhere that to disable the callback, to set oauth_callback=oob, which also is undesirable as it closes the Twitter screen after the PIN Code screen without having done anything.
Can someone help me understand what's the point of callback in Twitter oAUTH for mobile application, and how to make it work with my Titanium Andoid mobile app? I am about to pull my hair out.
Redirect url can come in handy if you say want to promote your app or want the user who logs in to twitter via your app.
e.g for say angry birds, if you login to twitter then the redirect url can be say the angry birds twitter page.
you can prevent the closing of the web view by simply removing the call that destroys authorize UI from your oauth_adapter file.
not sure if this helps you. just let me know the comments if it does or not.