I am calling payment API of payfort "https://sbcheckout.payfort.com/FortAPI/paymentPage". I pass all required parameters, but it gives me a response like:
"response_code": "00006",
"response_message": "Technical problem",
"fort_id": null,
"token": "914856uVZh0pnLDaRAXcVh2d8249912125834310800645126115901083"
Hello I have checked your error and it appears that you may not have written one of these correctly
Merchant Identifier
Access Code
SHA Request Phrase
SHA Response Phrase
you must ensure that you are also calling the testing/sandbox API URL
I'm trying to make an API call with the folowing URL
and the response is :
"error": {
"message": "(#100) Current combination of data breakdown columns (action_type, platform_position) is invalid ",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 100,
the reason is in "breakdown" value = "platform_position"
but the problem is that I need exactly that breakdown :(
when I do an API call and change "breakdown" in URL to something else, for example to "publisher_platform":
it is OK and responds with data.
I don't know why it happens because I'm not specifying any "action_type" breakdown but it tells that I am :(
What I've tried:
I tried to remove all the parameters from that URL one by one but it still returns an error
The main questions are: why the API call for "breakdown" value = "platform_position" fails and how to make it work.
PS: you can use FB API testing tool to test requests to FB api.
I'm using API version v8.0
You will need both publisher and position:
I am following the OpenAPI 1.0 authorization guide here (https://open.shopee.com/documents?module=63&type=2&id=53). I did the shop authorization and it successfully returning the code and shop_ID in the redirect URL.
Next I was trying the API request authentication to get shop info. The signature base string I created was this:
https://partner.uat.shopeemobile.com/api/v1/shop/get|{"partner_id": XXXXXX, "shopid": XXXXXXXXX, "timestamp": XXXXXXXXXX}
I combined this signature base string with the test key that I got from creating an app to produce the hex output. This output is placed on the Authorization header in my POST request along with these parameters in the body: partner_id, shopid, and timestamp. The result I got was always this:
{"request_id":"595b9b4bdb0b056392f8a44834dd06e7","msg":"partner_id is invalid, should be an integer between 0 and 4294967295","error":"error_param"}
I also tried this POST request without any header, but the result is always the same. Where is the mistake?
In this error you should be use partner_id of integer, not string.
I'm trying to build a gRPC client for Google's Firestore API in Elixir.
Before starting to write some code , I thought that it would be wise to first start with BloomRPC in order to debug the issue.
As base url, I'm using https://firestore.googleapis.com where I pinned the rot certificate.
As auth I'm using an access_token obtained using oauth with the following 2 scopes: "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform https://www.googleapis.com/auth/datastore"
being passed as a Authorization header:
"Authorization": "Bearer 29ya.a0AfH6SMBDYZPsVgQv0PMqyGRXypc3DfWF_2jbvAJKMquTaryCvxEB7X1Rbprfk1Ebrwid2bXbcR3Aw-d1Tytlo_lThkyqRDRIbnSz5-nQ3xWklkmjyFMAuQtFCoz01hk3vbgBwd2gdbFNNWiOU_8NqPC_vElyz2-cQ34"
And I get back:
"error": "3 INVALID_ARGUMENT: Missing required project ID."
So clearly I should be passing the project ID somehow but I can't find it anywhere in the docs. Anybody any clues?
I just figured out what I was doing wrong.
Basically the Bearer token I was using is correct (obtained via the OAuth Playground).
The trick was to specify the PROJECT_ID in the parent parameter of the request:
"parent": "projects/[project-id]/databases/(default)/documents",
"page_size": 10
I should have just read the docs properly :)
I am trying to fetch GoToWebinar details via the
Get Webinars method
listed on the GoToWebinar API reference.
I'm passing the below body:
But in response, I get the below error:
"errorId": "26a9b9a8-3a92-45b0-acdd-7ac3c3f485ac",
"requestId": null,
"timeStamp": 1587960550357,
"reason": "invalid.data",
"errorCode": "invalid.data",
**"description": "Required DateTime parameter 'fromTime' is not present",**
"incident": "5801952841989547523",
"details": null
The API reference guide does not specify any request structure, just mentions what is needed to be sent, and I have built my logic on the same. Yet I am unable to get a proper response.
Can anybody help me in understanding what the expected request should be?
Since this is a GET HTTP call you can not add these parameters to the Body. I mean you can but it won't be sent along with the call (only with POST/PUT). So you should add the two fields you provided to the Query Parameters instead.
"details": "Missing value for required attribute EMP_ID. Expected a number, but instead, got: undefined",
"message": "The server could not fulfill this request (POST /employee/create) due to a problem with the parameters that were sent. See the details for more info. The following additional tip will not be shown in production: Tip: Check your client-side code to make sure that the request data it sends matches the expectations of the corresponding attribues in your model. Also check that your client-side code sends data for every required attribute."