add a map inside map and retrieve it from Firestore - Flutter - flutter

The scenario is, am trying to record a history of the challenges that user have participated in, the history only takes name, date, and isWin information from the challenge which will be showed later on "my Challenges" page for each user.
after a while thinking on how to solve this problem i came up with the logic of adding a map to the user model called challengesHistory, inside this map the information of each challenge that user participated in will be stored as another map inside the big map so it will become something like this:
Map challengeHistory = {
"challenge-1": {"name": "", "date": "", "isWin": ""}
i have added the map to the user model correctly, now my problem is how to add new map each time user clicks on "participate" so it becomes:
Map challengeHistory = {
"challenge-1": {"name": "", "date": "", "isWin": ""}
"challenge-2": {"name": "", "date": "", "isWin": ""}
and each time user participate in a challenge it adds challenge-4 ,5 ,6 ... and so on
code of the button when user clicks on "participate":
'points': loggedInUser.points! + 3,
'challenges': loggedInUser.challenges! + 1,
'challengeMember': FieldValue.arrayUnion([widget._challengeName]),});
so using this code how can i add a new map inside "challengeHistory" map.
my second question is if i want to retrieve an information like the name of the fourth challenge how can i do that.
last thing how to iterate the whole "challengeHistory" map and print each challenge information.
i would be thankful for help.

Try make challengeHistory a List<Map> so you can simply call challengeHistory.add() to add other challenges (Map).
Then you can also call challengeHistory[3]["name"] to get for example the name of the fourth challenge.
You can also loop through each challenge inside of the list:
for(var c in challengeHistory)


Arbitrary HTTP API Call to Enter Cell Value into a MUTL_PICKLIST Column

I am quite new new to Smartsheets and to programming.
I am using Integromat to update various stuff in Smartsheets - 99% operations are done via a nice interface for dummies.
But I have an issue with one column which is MULTI_PICKLIST and which cannot be processed with native dummy-friendly UI.
Basically, I'm adding a new row and one of the columns on the way is the MULTI_PICKLIST one. In order to enter value into this cell, I need to make an arbitrary HTTP API call.
I know row ID, I know column ID. I just need to construct the body of the HTTP request.
The possible picklist value are: John or Maya or Paul. Assume I need to enter "John" into the column.
Attached, you will find my "progress". I obviously, I'm stuck with the BODY part. Can someone give me a little push, please? I think it's gotta be like 5 lines of code.
This is what I have:
A few things...
First, the value that you're using for URL doesn't look quite right. It should be in the following format, where {sheetId} is replaced with the ID of the sheet you're updating:
Second, I don't think you need the key/value that you've specified for Query String -- I'd suggest that you delete this info.
Next, I'm not sure what the other possible values are for Type (based on your screenshot, it looks like a picklist) -- but if JSON is an option, I'd suggest choosing that option instead of Text.
Finally, here's any example of the correct structure/contents for Body to update a MULTI_PICKLIST cell with the value John -- replace the value of the id property (5225480965908356) with your Row ID and replace the value of the columnId property (8436269809198980) with your Column ID:
"id": "5225480965908356",
"cells": [
"columnId": "8436269809198980",
"objectValue": {
"objectType": "MULTI_PICKLIST",
"values": ["John"]
If you want to select multiple values for a MULTI_PICKLIST cell, here's an example that specifies two values for the cell (John and Maya):
"id": "5225480965908356",
"cells": [
"columnId": "8436269809198980",
"objectValue": {
"objectType": "MULTI_PICKLIST",
"values": ["John", "Maya"]
** UPDATE **
My initial answer answer above assumed you wanted to update a cell value in a MULTI-PICKLIST column (b/c you've selected PUT for the Method value in your screenshot -- which is the verb used to update a row). Having re-read your question just now though, it sounds like maybe you want to add a new that correct? If so, then the value for Method should be POST (not PUT), and Body will need to include additional objects within the cells array to specify values of other cells in the new row. The following example request (when used with the verb POST) adds a new row and populates 3 cells in that row, the first of which is a MULTI_PICKLIST cell:
"cells": [
"columnId": "8436269809198980",
"objectValue": {
"objectType": "MULTI_PICKLIST",
"values": ["John"]
"columnId": 6101753539127172,
"value": "test value"
"columnId": 4055216160040836,
"value": 10
More info about the Add Rows request can be found in the Smartsheet API docs: Add Rows.

Firebase how to store/get array of users efficiently

I have a dynamic list/array of users that I want to add to my firebase db. I looked at Setting arrays in Firebase using Firebase console which suggested to store arrays like the following data structure:
uid: {
attendees: {
"Bill Gates": true,
"Larry Page": true,
"James Tamplin": true
However, creating a dictionary and adding them one by one to the user field is inefficient:
let dict: Dictionary<String, Any> = [
"location": "",
"attendees": {
"Bill Gates": true,
"Larry Page": true,
"James Tamplin": true,
If I have 100 attendees, it's inefficient to add them one by one to my dictionary and set each of its value to true. How can I add my data more compactly? When I get back the user dictionary, how can I retrieve each key in attendees?
I am not sure what will be the more efficient way of setting up a list of attendees with true or false indicating if they are joining the program or not. In any way, you will have to set the data of their availability one by one after you're getting it from somewhere else.
I think you can create a dictionary with your attendees and their availability and push the dictionary altogether with a single firebase operation. Once you are done with preparing the dictionary that you want to push you can consider saving the values in your firebase database as follows.

How to pass owner attribute when creating user story using Rally API?

I am trying to pass the owner attribute to create a user story in rally using rally API But I am encountering below error.
"CreateResult": {
"_rallyAPIMajor": "2",
"_rallyAPIMinor": "0",
"Errors": [
"Cannot parse object reference from \"{\"Owner\": {\"_refObjectName\": \"Ron\"}}\""
"Warnings": [
"Ignored JSON element HierarchicalRequirement.PortfolioItem during the processing of this request."
My request payload
"Name": "hello Wrold",
"Description":" 123 test description",
"Workspace": "/workspace/18686460234",
Any thoughts?
In general, when referring to an object property that itself is an object (as in this case with the User object), you pass in the actual value of _ref, not another object. If you have previously been passed the reference to the user as a full blown URI, then you can still pass that in and the SDK will convert it to a _ref.
If you go to the webservice docs ( for your subscription and go down to the User section, you can get the docs to fetch you some examples of users. The _ref will come back something like:
I believe that you can either use that, or just truncate it to the number at the end. So the code will need to be changed so that the Owner line reads:
"Owner" : ""

Need to show how much data (In precentage) filled in mongoDb collection

I am using MongoDB for storing data in my application. I need to show the user how much data they filled using percentage.
For example: I have USER collection. In this collection i have several fields. Once the user enter data in their profile. I need to show how much percentage of data they filled in their profile.
In my application. I am using MongoDb and loopback frame work. I didn't defined any property in models.
How to solve this problem.Please help!!
You can add properties in you user model and define percentage against that or you can define one object property like the below mentioned
Suppose you have a User model and in it is settings property, of type object
Settings object will gave 10 keys. 1 keys is 10% then 10 keys filled is
100%. So just check whether user have filled the desired setting and mark a percentage.
so your model will be like
"name": "Member",
"base": "User",
"properties": {
"email": {
"type": "string"
"settings": {
"type": "object"
and inside your code retrieve the settings object and loop through it to make your percentage
Member.findById(your_id, function(err, usr){
var percentage_completed = 0;
if( usr.settings[pro] != "" ){
I hope this will serve your purpose.

Apigility: How to render embedded objects?

How do I render embedded objects in Apigility? For example, if I have a 'user' object and it composes a 'country' object, should I be rendering the 'country' object as an embedded object? And how should I do this?
I am using the Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\ArraySerializable. My getArrayCopy() method simply returns an array of properties that I want exposed. The array keys are the property names. The array values are the property values. In the case of user->country, the value is an object, not a scalar.
When I return the user object from UserResource->fetch(), here's how it is rendered:
"id": "1",
"firstName": "Joe",
"lastName": "Bloggs",
"status": "Active",
"email": "",
"country": {
"code": "AU",
"name": "Australia"
"settings": "0",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "http://api.mydomain.local/users/1"
Note that 'country' is not in an _embedded field. If it is supposed to be in _embedded, I would have thought that Apigility would automatically do that (since it automatically adds the _links object).
As a related issue, how do I go about returning other rel links, such as back, forward, etc?
The easiest way to get Apigility to render embedded resources is when there is an API/resource associated to the embedded object. What I mean for your example is that you'd have an API resource that has a country entity. In that case, if your getArrayCopy returned the the CountryEntity, Apigility would render it automatically as an embedded resource.
If your getArrayCopy is returning country as an array with code and name, you'll end up with what you saw.
For the other part, the rel links for first, last, prev and next will come from the fetchAll method when you return a Paginator. Your collection extends from this already, but it needs an adapter. The code could look something like this:
public function fetchAll($params)
// Return a \Zend\Db\Select object that will retrieve the
// stuff you want from the database
$select = $this->service->fetchAll($params);
$entityClass = $this->getEntityClass();
$entity = new $entityClass();
$hydrator = new \Zend\Stdlib\ArraySerializable();
$prototype = new \Zend\Db\ResultSet\HydratingResultSet($hydrator, $entity);
$paginator = new \Zend\Paginator\Adapter\DbSelect($select, $this->sql, $prototype);
$collectionClass = $this->getCollectionClass();
return new $collectionClass($paginator);
There are other paginator adapters as well - an ArrayAdapter which will take in an array of however big and then paginate it so you only get the desired number of results. The downside to this if you use it with database results, you'll potentially be retrieving and discarding a lot of results. The DbSelect paginator will modify the $select object to add the limit and order clause automatically so you only retrieve the bits you need. There are also adapters if you're using DbTableGateway, Iterators or even callbacks. You can also implement your own of course.
Hope this helps. If you have more specific needs or clarification, please comment and I'll do my best.
I posted this example on github.
Hope this helps.